FFC·7ti (JI ·42) FOR: Amendment to this License Extension of this License ·, Renewal of this License , Correspondence concerning this appJlcatio~ Other (Specify) 1. THIS REPORT WAS TRANSMITTED BY AMERICAN jEWIS.il CONFERENC.il Ll1TTER OF 12/12/44. SEE: 1. AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE ....... Report OF THE INTERIM COMMITTEE AND THE COMMISSION ON RESCUE r-_ ' COMMISSION ON PALESTINE COMMISSION ON POST-WAR TO THE DELEGATES OF THE American Jewish Conference NOVEMBER 1; 1944 .:·,-":-_ CONTENTS PAGE Interim Committee INTERIM COMMITTEE 3 COMMISSION ON RESCUE 11 I COMMISSION ON PALESTINE 61 COMMISSION ON POST-WAR 89 Membership of the Committee 5 Duties of the Ii;uerifil Corrimittee 6 Executive Agencies 6 Public Relations and Publications 8 Finances _.. .·.· 8 Convening ofthe SecondSession 8 Personnel . 8 THE AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE Adherence of Organizations .. 8 521FIFTHAVENUB,NEWYORK17,~. Y. Agreement with.the Wor(d Jewish .. Cpilgressc · · · ·· · ·• 9. Printed in the United States of America Necrology 9 THE PARISH PRESS, INC. Conclusion . 10 .....0 .1 .• 1. ··F. INTERIM COMMITTEE Report of the Interim Committee OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE HE AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE was democratically organized in Co-Chairmen T1943 as a body representative of American Jewry "to. consider and recommend action on problems relating to the rights and status of Jews DR. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN HENRY MONSKY DR. STEPHEN S. WISE in the post-war world" and "upon all matters looking to the implementa• MAURICE BISGYER LOUIS LIPSKY tion of the rights of the Jewish people with respect to Palestine," and to N:\O~H CHERTOFF JULIUS LIVINGSTON "elect a delegation to carry out the program of the American Jewish Con­ SIGMUND \\'. DAVID DR. SAMUEL MARGOSHES J. DAVID DELMAN RABBI IRVING MILLER ference in cooperation with the duly accredited representatives of Jews RABBI WILLIAM DRAZJN DR. SAMUEL NIRENSTEIN throughout the world." The agenda was later broadened to include. the . RABBI MAURICE N. EISEXDRATH HARRY A. PINE problem of the rescue of European Jewry. MRS.MOSES P. EPSTEIN MRS. DAVID DE SOLA POOL PROF. HYMAN J. ETTLINGER ADOLPH ROSENBERG When the delegates to the first session concluded theit deliberations RABBI SIMON FEDER8USCH DVORAH ROTHBARD in New York on September 2nd, 1943, they postponed the election of.a . PROF. HA YIM FINEMAN HON. MORRIS ROTHENBERG delegation, but voted to establish an Interim Committee to implement their · J_ GEORGE FREDMAN SAMUEL ROTHSTEIN DAXIEL FRISCH ISIDOR SACK resolutions and decisions; · - · - LEON GELI:.MAN BENJAMIN· ·SAMUELS The Interim Committee was organized itiunediately Upon. recess of the - FRANK GOLDMAN LOUIS SEGAL first session, its membership consisting of the nominees of the varim1s DR. SOLOMON GOLDMAN HON. CARL SHERMAN MRS. S.UlUEL GOLDSTEIN HERMAN SHULMAN groupings ih the Conference, in accordance with the Resohition-on Organ- RABBI ROBERT GORDIS DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER ization adopted by the delegates and providing that: --- HA YIM GREENBERG HON. MEIER STEINBRINK MRS. SAMUEL \\'. HALPRIN HERMANN STERN "The Interim Committee shall be selected on the saine proportion;tl MRS. HUGO HARTMANN ROBERT SZOLD basis as now prevails among the groupings in the Conference ill). the 'key DR. JAMES G. HELLER DR. JOSEPH TENENBAUM of tert' or.major fraction thereof, and that a nilmber of members at ·1arge, - HERMAN HOFFMAN MRS. MAURICE TURNER EDGAR J. KAUFMANN MRS. JOSEPH M. WELT not in excess of, eight, shall be chosen by the Interim ·coriimitiee for CHARLES P. KRAMER DAVID WERTHEIM addition to its membership." -· . ._ . • ' - . -. - SID~EY G. KUSWORM MRS. STEPHEN S. WISE Later, on October 17th, the Interirii Committee establislied Com" HON. LOUIS E. LEVINTHAL BARUCH ZUCKERMAN thre~ missions "to carry out the mandates of the Conference witli. respect to rescue, post,war: reconstruction, and Palestine.'.'- · The Interim Committee herewith submits a report of. its own activities ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITI"EE J and tlie activities of its three. Commissions, ,descriptive of the work that Chairman -has been carried on up to Ncivember 1st, 1.944. - Lams LIPSKY Membership of . the Committee MAURICE BJSGYER CHARLES P. KRAMER SAMUEL CAPLAN SIDNEY G. KUSWORM Th~_membership of the Committee at the outset included the following: RABBI MAURICE N. EISENDRATH RABBI IRVING MILLER Maurice Bisgyer, David Blumberg, GedaHah Bublick, Sigmund W. MRS. MOSES P. EPSTEIN SAMUEL ROTHSTEIN JANE EVANS MAX J. SCHNEIDER David, J. David Delman, Rabbi William· Drazin, Rabbi Maurice -N; J.GEORGE FREDMAN HERMAN SCHULMAN Eisendrath, Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Prof. Hyman· J. Ettlinger, Rabbi LEON GELLMAN DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER WILLIAM GERBER Simon Federbusch, Prof. Hayim Fineman, J. George Fredman, Danier MEYER W. WEISGAL HA YIM GREENBERG -Frisch, Frank Goldman, Mrs. Maurice L.. Goldman, Dr, Solomon Gold-_. DAVID WERTHEIM .. man,_Mrs. Sam4eLGoldst~in, .Mrs• SlllI!l!e! W .. Jlalprin, Pr.Jam~s:._Q.' ___ •. Heller; Herman Hoffman, Edgar J. Kaufmann, Charles P. Ki'ariier, Sidney' G. Kusworm, Hon. Louis E. Levintha~ .Dr. Louis.M. Levitsky, Louis_ Lipsky, Julius Livingston, Rabbi Irving Miller, Louis J. Moss, Dr. Samuel 5 6 AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE INTEl\IM COMMITTEE 7 Nirenstein, Harry A. Pine, Dvorah Rothbard, Hon. Morris Rothenberg, on Post-War and the Commission on Palestine. ·The resolution creating Isidor Sack, Louis Segal, Dr. Simon Segal, Hon. Carl Sherman, Rabbi these bodies 'authorized them "to utilize the service and seek the cciopera•. Joseph S. Shubow, Herman Shulman, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, Hermann tion of existing agencies in their respective fields.'' This policy, w?ich had Stern, Robert Szold, Mrs. Maurice Turner, David Wertheim, Mrs. Stephen been indicated in the Conference Resolution establishing the Intenm Com­ S. \X'ise, Baruch Zuckerman and the three co-chairmen. mittee (quoted above) has been pursued by the Interim Committee from · The Resolution on Organization provided for not less than three co­ its inception. The Committee recognized that a number of organizations chairmen and accordingly, Dr. Israel Goldstein, Henry Monsky and Dr. were engaged in activities in the three areas of the Conference's· scope. Stephen S. Wise were elected. Manifestly, it was intended that the Conference should stimulate. and In addition, the Interim Committee later co-opted for membership coordinate their activities. It has been the policy of the Interim Committee Naomi Chertolf, Hayim Greenberg, Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, Mrs. David to avoid establishing duplicating apparatuses. Where no agency existed de Sola Pool, Adolph Rosenberg and Justice Meier Steinbrink. Two places for the implementation of the Conference program, the Interim Com­ were reserved for representatives of unaffiliated organizations, in the event mittee considered it necessary to establish one. Thus, in the fields of rescue of their future participation. and post-war reconstruction, where no over-all agency existed, the Interim A number of changes in the Interim Committee occurred during the Committee, through its Commissions, assumed the initiative in _making year: Benpmm Samuels replaced Mr. Blumberg because of the latter's representations to governments. It was deemed, moreover, the duty of illness; Leon Gellman served as an alternate for Mr. Bublick because of organizations affiliated with the Conference in the interests of a "program his illness; Mrs. Archibald Silverman succeeded Rabbi Shubow who of common action" to· submit data and information to the Conference. and: entered the army; and Rabbi Robert Gordis, Samuel Rothstein, Mrs. to abide by the principle that representations .in. these fields shall· be made Joseph M. Welt and Benjamin Winter succeeded Dr. Lev.itsky, Mr. Moss, in the name of the Conference. · Mrs. Goldman, and Dr. Segal, respectively. Later, Dr. Samuel Margoshes In the implementation -. of_ the Palestine .·Resolution, the Nnericari . served as an alternate for Mrs. Silverman when she was overseas and Dr. Zionist Emergency Council, representing the principal Zionist bodies, was Joseph Tenenbaum succeeded Mr. \Vinter (deceased.) · engaged in day-to-day political and pµblic. relations activities and,. accord'· ingly, the Palestine Commission did not seek to duplicate this work. The · Duties of the Interim Committee task of the Palestine Commission was to cooperate with this agency and to The Resolution. on Organization adopted by the Conference vested in make such representations in its ·own name as the Conference .. considered the Interim Committee the following duties and functions: .advisable from time to time. · . _· . _ · , ._ · . · . "L To implement the resolutions and decisions adopted by the . The Commissions consisted of nominees of th_e· iiroupings, iii addition Amencan Jewish Conference at its session of August 29th to September tci a . number of persons co-opted by. the·. Coinniissions because. of .their.: 2nd, ~943, and in so doing shall cooperate with other organizations and special qualificati?ns. The ,Commissions have· repo~ted _regularly t? mee~­ agencies, so far as such cooperation may be deemed &sirable. ings of the Intenm Committee for approval and d_uectmn, •and ."".~th this "2. To reconvene the Conference at such time as it may deem neces­ report there are transmitted· reviews by each of the· three _Coffi1Il1ss10ns of sary and e~pedient, but in any event, not later than twelve months follow­ their activities and interests during the past year; · _ . · _· - . · . mg the adiournment of the present session thereof." In May, 1944, an Administrative Committ_e~ was
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