Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford College Catalogues Registrar 1930 Wofford College Catalogue, 1929-1930 Wofford College. Office of the Registrar Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/catalogues Recommended Citation Wofford College. Office of the Registrar, "Wofford College Catalogue, 1929-1930" (1930). College Catalogues. Paper 52. http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/catalogues/52 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Registrar at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in College Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Off R COLLEGL" L I fL.\ I t N WOFFORD COLLEGE Seventy- Sixth Year Catalogue 1929-1930 Announcements 1930-1931 VVOFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE 3 ~,_ ......... _.. _ _....... ......... ..... -....... _.. _ ,_,._._,_ ..... _ 930 93 l-JA_N_U_A-!----J -UL-Y-- ll --J-A-NU-A-~-y ---~-U-LY-­ Board of Trustees l SM T WT .i' S S?>JTWT.FS SMTWTJ'S SMT WTJ'S 1 2 3 4 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 2 B. HART Moss ( 1903), President.... ..... -................... rangeburg, S. C. 6 6 7 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 4 5 a 1 8 9 10 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 --1-1--112 18 14 161 161 17 118 -··LS 1·-1H J51 J6 117S IJ ' 119 11··· 1--J! 1-13··1-1 14 J5 116 117 -·12 1-JS 1-··14 115 116 117· 118f lU:v. }AMES VY. KILGO, D. D. ( 1906) ...... Upper S. C. Conference 19 20 21 22 23 1\4 26 20121 2"2 23 24 26 26 18 10 20 21 22 28 24 19 20 21 22 28 24t5 1 :!5 26 27 1281 29 30 SI !6 27 28 29 SO II - THOMAS \iV. CARROLL (1925)-......................- .... -..........Charle ston, S. C. 26 :::R~A:~J -- 27 :~~::~ ....... 1 FEBRUARY AUGUST H. B. CARLISLE (1907)-........................... -..... -............... .Spartanburg, S. C. 1 W. F. STACKHOUSE (1910) ............- ..- ................................ -... Marion, S. C. -2 -a • 6 6 7 ~ -3 , 5 6 7 ~ , ~ ..,~,..,....,~.,...I J"'~,...11,.,.12-=5 .,..J-:":~1-=1! 2 ···-. -5 -e -1 ~ 9 10 1112 13 H lG 10 1112 JS14 J6 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 !1 9 10 ll 12 ts If 15 REv. D. M. McLEOD, D. D. (1910) ............, _..... ....... S. C. Conference 116 J718 19 20 21 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 2s u 26 26 t7 28 t6 1118 19 20 21 n 232426Wn28 - 24 2626 n •20M _____ uuu26n28 n lU:v. W. C. KIRKLAND, D. D. ( 1912) ........................S . C. Conference 3 1 A. M. CHREITZBERG (1914) ....... ___ .................. - .. partanburg, S. C. 1• MARCH ·- ~EPTEMBE: .... ·· : ~~; ;.~: - ~ I- ~ ~~s ~~·:E-~ ~E~I~ ]OHN A. LAW (1914) ................................... -.................... partanburg, S. C. .Z, ..S .. ,,.. 5 .. ii -71 ~ -71 l1~ 1 1~ 1 1; !;,lg 8 9 10 11 12 JS 14 7 8 91011 IJ lU:v. GEORGE C. LEo ARD (1914) ......... -.... Upper . C. Conference I9 10 11 1J2 IS 14 15 14 JGJ 6 17 JS 19 20 15 16 J7,1 J8 10 20 21 13 14 15 J6 J71818 t6 J7 t Jo 20 21 122 2J 22 23 241'!5 26 21 22 2:1 2• 26 26 n 28 20211221 1 2324u11 ]. B. HUMBERT (1918) ........................... -·······-······-···· .. ················· eneca, . C. 23124 25 26 21 2 29 28l20lsol-·I- ·-·!··- 20 30 a1 _ -· n 1· 1201so11 ...... _ R. REV. J. T. MAJOR (1927) ........................... pper . C. Conference llO 81 .. _ -·· -- -- -· - - -·· '1 ···· -·· ··- -- --1-1---1--1-- - 1- APRIL OCTO BER APRl L OCTOBER lU:v. PETER STOKE ( 1927) ................................................ C. Conference 1 1 1 ~g20 1~n22232426t 1 J : 1 l i 1 ~~,, ~ 1 ~26~ ~~1~120n2223u25'J I J :1 J~ 1 ~~ 1 ~i ~1w20n222Su261;: 1 ~~ 1 Jg 1 ~ 1 ~~1}i ~ 1~g~ 1 m~ 1 n222324:! 1 ,: 1 : 1 i~ 27 28 29 80 .... .... -- 26 27128 129 80 31 - 26 27128129 80 .... ·- 261261 27 28 29 SOISJ MAY NOVEMBER MAY NOVEMBER Alumni Association 4 5 6 7 18 29 108 -··2 -··S1 -f 1-51 -6 ·-71 8 l S 4 6 6 --7 81 92 181 921 JO s ll4 12511 J8146 7 BEN HILL BROW N, 1902 11 12 JS 14 16 J6 17 9 10 II 12 JS 14 15 10 11 J2 13 11 15 16 16 J6 17 J8 J9 20 21 118 19 20 21 22 23 u ts 11 J 19120 21 22 11 1s 19 20 2J 22 23 22 28 21 25 26 n 28 President 126 26 27 28 29 80 81 ~=~ I ~ , :~,=-~ ~1 :~ ~ t ~ 26 27 28 29 ~ :'.'_.-"-13:!-'.1_·=-'--~~ A. G. REMBERT, '84 1 JUNE DECEMBER JUNE DECEMBER General Secretary and Treasurer 18 29 103 11' 126 J86 H7 ...7 8J 02 10a l11 ' 162 13o ...7 l8l 29 JOs 11' 12516 JS -6- 1·-·71 8J I 8 2J JO1 11' IJ' \iV ALLACE Du CA DUPRE, 1909 16 J6 17 18 19 20 21 H 15 16 J7 ,18 19 20 If 16 J6 17 18 19 20 IS 14 J51J6117 1818 122 23 2• 25 26 n l28 21 22 2S 2• 26 26 21 21 22 28 24 25 26 21 20 21 22 23 24 26 • Alimmi Secretary 20 80 -- 28 29 =/: 1_"_.. ____ so .. __~!: ~.:: .. _.....I ~ ..=_~/~ _._ ...,...._.. _........::1~1~ ~ ~ .. 4 \VOFFORD CoLLEGE CATALOGUE \VOFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE s Facuity and Officers Calendar HENRY NELSON SNYDER The Session is divided into three Terms, with no inter­ President vening vacation. The First Term begins for Freshmen on Tuesday, Septem­ ARTHUR MASO DuPRE ber 9 and for all other tudent on \Vedne day, September Dean 17. New student , other than Fre hmen and tho e having \VILLIAM CHAPMAN HERBERT defi ciencies to make up, are required to report Tuesday, Sep­ Registrar temb r 16, for e..xamination and clas ification. The Session closes on the first Monday in June. DANIEL ALLSTON DuPRE, A. M. Holidays Profcssor of Geology Founder's Day, October 19. JOSEPH AUGUSTUS G ME\VELL, A. M. Thanksgiving Day. Professor of Latin Ten days at Christmas. \Vashington's Birthday. HENRY NELSON SNYDER, M. A., LITT. D., LL. D. Dr. Carlisle's Birthday, May 4. Professor of English Language and Literature Literary Societies and Class Functions ARTHUR GAILLARD REMBERT, A. M., LITT. D., LL. D. Oratorical Contest, February 22. Professor of Greek, Psycltology, and Bible Sophomore Exhibition, second Monday in April. Freshman Declamation, second Monday in May. JOHN GEORGE CLINKSCALES, A. M., LL. D. Junior Debate, Friday May 29, 193 1. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy Alumni Day, aturday, May 30, 1931. *D VID DU C \ LL E, . M. Examination Dates, 1930-1931 PH. D., LITT. D., LL. D. Fir t Term, Decemb r 16-December 23. Professor of History and Economics Second Term, March 6-March 13. Third Term May 22-May 29. COLEMAN B. \VALLER, A. M., PH. D. Professor of Chemistry and Biology Special Religious Senices First week in February. \VILLIAM LEONARD PUGH, A. M., PH. D. Professor of English Language and Literature ARTHUR MASON DuPRE, A. M. Professor of Latin and Mathematics 'Abeent on leave. VVoFFORD CoLLEGE CATALOGUE VVoFFORD Co LLEGE CATALOGUE 7 6 THOM JAMES ALBURN CHILES, A. M., PH. D. H RRI ON D !EL . B. Professor of Modem Languages Lecturer ' fotrod1tcti.<m to the Study of Law REV. ARCADIUS McSVVAIN TRAVVICK, A. B., B. D. Professor of Religioits Edit.cation HARRY LEE HAGAN Captain Infantry U S A Professor f MT ' · · · VVILLIAM CHAPMAN HERBERT, A. M. o t itary Scie11ce and Tactics Professor of Greek and Education DEVVITT CLINTON MITH C pt . • }R CLARENCE CLIFFORD NORTON, A. M., Pn. D. A . a ain Infantry U S A . ss1sta11t Professor of M't' , . Professor of Political Science and Sociology t itary Science and Tactics EDVV ARD HAMPTON SHULER, B. S. VVILLI M B. H. MPBELL Assistmit Professor of A pp lied Mathematics . Staff S ergeant U A Assistant to t/ie p f ' · · nny ro essor of M i·1 1tary · Science m·,,iu T actics. JOHN VVE TH RRI , JR., . M., PH. D. Professor of English THOM · E IO . Sergeant, U. S. Arm JO LEO RD ALMON, A. M. Assistant in Military S cience. andy Tactics Professor of Modern Languages . THOM S C. SCAFFE CHARLE EMPLE PETTI , B. ., M. ( Ltet4'tenant. u· S · N avy, retired). Professor .of Physics Director of Athletics v ILL! M RAYM ND BOURNE . M. C. ]. LUTZ Assistant Professor of German J HN ?·FRO 1 }R. Assistants in Athletics R YMO D G EVV P TTER ON, . M. Assistant Professor of French C RL LAF YETTE EPTING, JR. M. Laboratory Assistants in Chemistry ' B1'0 Iogy and Physics Acting Assista11t Professor of Eco11omics and History R.A.PA'I'TERSON AM KE ETH D NIEL CO TE , . B. l nstrnctor in Chemical L• a b.oratory . fostructor in English H. M. BRABIIAM J A SMtudent A asiatanta . B. J • • cl 'TYRE JR H L ELF RD H PM N MOR C. NEL o , B: l . POOLE, Ch emistry J11structor i1l E11glisl1 A M D , io ogy . · U RE }R ., J · C· TT , Physics •Abeent on leave. 8 WOFFORD CoLLEGE CATALOGU E WOFFORD COLLEGE CATALOGUE 9 Faculty Committees, 1929-30 Officen Entrance, Courses of Schedule Study, R ecord1 . C. Herbert JOSEPH AUGUSTUS GAMEWELL, A. M. A. M. DuPre ]. W. Harri Secretary ]. A. Chiles A. G. Rembert JOSEPH KENNERLY DAVIS , A. B. D. D. \: allace R. Patterson Treasttrer a11d Business M a11ager W. C. Herbert J. L. almon Reli1iou' Activities Dormitories MISS MARY SYDNOR DuPRE A. M. Trawick E .
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