GlennaUen State Traopere Box 26 GBertm3.Pen, Alaska ATTENTIUR: Trwger Port Dear Hr. Port: As per ear telephone canversation thy, you WIU find a copy af our Kardex covmdrrlg tho property sf Eennecotr Copper. The description is vary poor. The only thing Z cdd fiad whicla dght be of arm help is in the enclosed publication "A flistorg af the -matt: lfine~~.The -and figure follcwdng page 7 sbwe the outline of the hrrbfilagar of Xemecott and the Hother WeGoalitfon Hinee Company. Efr. GletUnrS Gamell, Xbing Engbeer w&th msr Dlvfsion aseiated rac ad adxised the the haldinga meriehin Secttans 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 end 36 of Tmehip 4 South, Range 14 E. 1 hope chis &nfomtioa is of some help to yon rand if we can be of further ambtance plestee Let us how. Sincerely Mildred Brown Mining Infbrmatioa Specialist Enclosures: 5 June 24, 1973 W. Chtlrfas M. bightm Canslllting QeaIogSet 2562 - 1150 J&e Street Vane~ttvcrr, If. C., Canada &ar Mr. Lefghtanr E regret the &&by $n anavmhg your letter 0% Jme 7, 3.973 to I&. I&. Yl~b~t,kit: I only r=eiv& it i-. The artfly infomettim that we have o~ the area, %a that Jmea l&ma filed 4 elairas fa 1967, and that nu aeseseneat work bas beem dwe aim@1968. The recording precinct weah? Bairhmks aud tb qaadraaglle - Habesaa. Ihe ~Laimdescr3pt-n is "8eawe-r Creak, 2 upstneeam frrnn the muth of Ptarmigan Creek near the Cmadl.aa WrrTern. Tf the thw fs not ae cdthrl as prnr indicated in yemi latter, 'I. wybe able to mgply additisnal infarrttzltidn. Charles M. Leighton, Consulting Geologist, 2502 - 1150 Jervis Street, VANCOUVER, British Columbia. June 7, 1973 Mr. Charles F. Herbert, Commissioner of Natural Resources, COLLEGE, Alaska. Dear Sir : Would you please send me any information you can, showing mineral claims in good standing around the area of the intersection of 62'-OO'N and 141'-0OtW. I am particularly interested in maps showing claims staked where Beaver and Ptarmigan Creeks meet. If there are any claims staked there, would you be good enough to include the names and addresses of the claim holders. A reply to this letter at your earliest possible convenience would be greatly appreciated, as time is a critical element in my objectives. Respectfully yours, Charles M. Leighton, -'c-- Consulting Geologist. August 14, 3972 Hz. Walter C. Bmm3.n 431 West 7th Street Lns Angela, Ca1tfornf.a 90014 In reply to four Lett= r~garding~tainfng clahs of John S, Tay3.org I rn enclosing ducumnee that Ptr. Taylor had filed with the recorder in the McCarthy recordfng diatxict. Tbess doaments are the ody infarzatioa we have witk regard to W. Taylar's miniag cltfaux, po8eibly YOU my Be able to gat a legal. descr%pfi.cmfrcm theas, X have checked dtb the Borough tax office and Phay info4 lee thgt ungatented minitag claims are comtdorad neither raal or personal property. Aha enrlosd ie a circular on dning law rappLiablta fn Ahaka along witk a listing af Attornep in the Fairbanks area. 10-002 ' DEP~RT~ENTor ~aruni Rrrouncrs -j,.kF (12-23-70) ST, 2 Approval C] Note & Return C) Signature 0 Initial & Return a Comment r] Return As Requested ' n Contact Me '- For Your File , u Your Infomrttion L' MWOFFICES OF WALTER CLIFFORD BOWMAN 431 WEST 7TH STREET 3iv. G-i i;T-C)iiLqjClj LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90014 '-:, zL,r.lcL.: (213) 625-2211 /5+nchor.,2q:: 22 July 1972 Pi. illiam Fackler ?-'rCFhv<L3 COLLEGE State Geologist State of Usaka 3001 Porcupine Drive JUL 2 8 1972 Anchorage, Alaska, 9 9501 UIV, oi GEOL. SURVEY Deaa Mr. Fac kler: RE: Es tate of John S. bylor, deceased. Please be advised that the Mineral Resources Branch, US Dept. of the Interior, has referred me to you with reference to the Estate of John S. Taylor, deceased. He had many claims in qnd around Cordova, Alaska. He had worked them periodically enough for the requirements of hur Federal Government. i4hen Mr. Taylor died, I was made the Fxeeutor and at'corney for his Estate. I need the following information as soon as possible. First any legals showing the area where his clAirns had been worked. Also if possible the present value of same, approximately. Secondly, I need to know does Alaska considee claims of mi3erals or personal property. If it is considered personal property dn I can handle it all from here in California, but if Alaska considers it real property, then I will have to have started proceedings in Alaska, and would appreciate a recornendation of an attorney with the expertise in Government claims who would know how $0 handle such matters in Alaska for me. With the recornmendation of the US Dept of the I nterior, I am sure that you will be able to find the ab ove answers for ma. Thanks again for your usual cooperationand reply. Sincerely yours, January IS, 1972 W. B. &cFar;Lar#l 010-18-9300 IX.H,A. 604th cans Co APO %n Frawimm, California 96494 In regards to y~wreeent inqufry abut placer C~Won the upper reach of the Chit- Bzver, near &Carthy, Alaska, the place fn question covers a lot of area. In order to give you a mure definite answer, we need to what speciTfc urca you would like us to check. If you could glva us a certain creek name or branch of a creak or arm, we will gladly check it and sea if there are any lxeviowt claim in tbr location aJld whether they are active or mtr I havc chkd aw: files and can not find an address, for Chitna Gold Placer Company. Could they possibly have s dff feat me? If yau have any further fnfmmatlaa regarding tile above or any other queetfoxta, pleaee don't hesitate ha contact ua. Bola J. Crsnick CLerk m ? . .... ,: .- W. B .MacFarland N4:B.A.604th trans co.. -, Alaska State Div Of Mines,&Geology Box -5-300 College, A1aska. fig701 Dear Sir: 1 would li~einformation on placer mining near Mc ~ar$y,~laska..~heuper reach of the Chitna R Back in I938 or 7.J work f~rthe Chitna Gold Placer CO..Is there any way I can contax them now..They close dmrn in B38.. 1-a. going tw, gm Placer mining up there next summer and do, n~twant to trespass, 1 will be using a small portable sluse b0.x and a handy billy(a suction 1 orre dMCZo19hxg r liotiag wMch ~rsgbe of sme heto ym and U we can ba of any arbr taarvtca pleaser addece. .p . FPCEiVSa COLLEGE UWOFFICES OF WALTERCLIFFORD BOWMAN DIV, of GEOL. SURVEY d3f WEST 7TH STRE= LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90014 (213) 525-2211 20 June 1972 State Division of Geological Survey P, 0, Box 80007 College , Alaska , 99701 Dear Sirs: : Estate of John 3. Taylor , deceased. Please be advised that I am the attorney for the above Estate, now pending in the Probate Court of Los Angeles County. At the suggestion of Phil Holdsworth of INEXCO, I am writing to you, with reference to the present vdue of the claims of John Taylor in the land near Cordova, whf ch he has worked for many years and the records show he has certain rrights to a11 the oil and mineral rights therein. I have to present to the Court appointed appraiser the value to these rights so that he can in turn present same to the Court, for the sale thereof. If you are interested to represent the Probate Court in the saleand disposition of the claims of the above John Taylor, and mn come LIP with a reasonable value thereof, please let me know there of at your earliest convenience, Thanks for your usual cooperation and repJy. Sincerely- yours, July 13, l.971 Kr. C. Renry Schalzo 663 Barth Terrace Avenue Xt. Vsrrxozl, New fork 20892 Dear Mr. Schlze: We are in receipt af your letter of July 5, 1971. regarding rsesetlmat wrk on ~otlrrRieina coppar cla3.1~. The rninhg slew has been changed ta read that exceers wetk up ta $8011 warth ahy be applied against required work during mbsequtmt years, hmmer, this applies anly ta State-aotaed land and L ara sanry to my ysur elafPPcs are on Federal. bad ad it: would not apply in ywr case. Ym aap perbps have been thtnlcing of patented dning claimst after patent ear Isme., assesmaat work fe no longer required to hold the cla.lws* I am smry we euuld not be of more help to you but if we can be of any farther sewice ple~rrneadvise. MSldrd Brm Minislg fifemation Specialist -. - 6 %bax- , \ /a53 .* / I byI Hr. Al Zucchfni 112 Mle Van Horn Road Fafrbsnb, Alaska 99701 Zn a~suefto your re-quest f have asde a listing of pateat& mnad; tmpateuted elaime of the cwpanits ia dchpwt rro intarest&. Thia sbwm number of claims cmd their appxdgate locatiow. We do not: have maps shdwlng faclltiavrtr ~5ththe extept%unof sas for King Besourceis, a eepy of vhich is meloae8. 'If we amhe af *ther a&ea ple~rseadvise. FTfldred Brm Nfning Xnfarmation Specialist HAhi.4 NININC COED'' MS 1081 A & B - 2 patented claims - 25 acres MS 1082 A ti B - 3 patented claims - 24.9 acres J",? MS 1572 - 2 patented claims - 41.3 acres Approximate location - In the mountains between Root Glacier and KcCarthy Creek MS 874 - 12 patented claims - 181 acres fFbj'~~~roximate1.ocation - 1/2 mile northeast of Bonanza Mine near Xother Lode YNTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR XINERALS CORP.
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