19621 MOORE:ALLAGOPTERA 2a place the nuts on an up-turned axehead seeds"like babassu.to enter the U.S.A. and beat them into splinters with a piece free of the three-cents tax levied on of hardwood. Thus they removethe ker- copra. This brought a storm of protest nels, 80,000 tons of them a year. from the Middle West. Governor Lan- Another story worth telling is that don, the Republican candidate and Roosevelt'sopponent, made the most of of the furoi causedduring Franklin D. the situation and Republican newspapers Roosevelt's secbnd presidential cam- published, with big headlines, articles paign. The subject was babassi. Roose- "What with captions such as is ba- velt, in his Good Neighbor Policy, had bassu?" So babasstiplayed a part in signed an agreement with Brazil (itt U.S. politics, even in a presidential elec- 1935) to allow certain vegetable oil- tion. AllagopteraAnd Diplothemium HenoroE. Moons,Jn. The small palm genus Diploiltemiu,rn vation outside botanical gardens re- (about five species) occurs in Brazil cently, it may be helpful to point out and Paraguay. It was described by the correct names to be used at present Martius in IB24 and was elaboratedby under the International Code ol Botani- him in 1826 to include four species, cal Nomenclature (1956) and to com- one of which, D. caud,escens,has since ment briefly on these names. been separated as Polyantlrococos cau- Allagoptera was described by C. G. d,escens(Martius) Barbosa Rodrigues. Nees in a list of corrections and addi- Still later, in 1845, Martius describeda tions following the appendix to the sec- {i{th species (since variously placed in ond volume of Prince Maximilian of Iubaea, Polyandrococos and Paraju- Wied-Neuwied's rtejse nach Brasilien, baea) and equated Diplothemiurzr.with Allagoptera which had been describecl an account of the Prince's travels in in 1821. Brasil during lBI5, 1816,and 1817.Ac- Although the priority of Allagoptera cording to lsis uon Oken l82I: 578, lvas thus made clear over a century ago, 1821, this volume appeared at Easter, the name Diplothemium has been used 1B2I fApril 22, IB2If . Essentially the by most studentsof palms to the present. same description appeared shortly Some may argue that long usage would thereafter in the botanical periodical suggestattempting to conservethe name Flora flor May 21, 1821. The genus and [)iplothemiu,rz despite its few species its sole species,Allagoptera purnila Nees, and relative unimportance. But even if were based on specimenso{ a small palm Diplothemium wereconserved, an earlier found by Prince Maximilian either be- epithet is required for one of the two hind the sand dunes on the coast be- better known species. Thus adherence tween SagoaremafSaguarema] and the to the rule of priority and the use of fazend,a of Pitanga on the way from Allagoptera seems the better solution, Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio, or in a especiallyin view of the need for care- sirnilar situation farther north between ful study of the relationship between the Vitoria and Rio Doge. This little palm genus and Syagrus. Since at least one was known locally as cocos cle gu,riri or speciesappears to have some into culti- pissand,oat the {irst place mentioned, 90 PRINCIPES l\/o1.6 and as such it was briefly described acceptingGomes earlier epithet arenqlia without formal naming on page 67 of in place of littorale. the first volume of the Reise. It seems Essential synonymy is listed below less likely that specimensw-ere actually for the speciesof Allagoptera. One vari- obtained at the second place mentioned ety (Glaziouiil described under Diplo- (Reise I: 201) between the qu,arteloI themium. cam,pestre, is not transferred Riacho and Rio Doqe. as it seems possibly no more than a Martius referred rhe cocos de guriri variant" of the typical variety. Two or pissand6 mentionedby Prince Maxi- speciesdescribed by Barbosa Rodrigues milian in volume one of his Reise to in Diplothemiwn are transferred to com- Diplothetniu,m campestr4 a speciesgen- plete the listing. The most recent sum- erally of inland and more elevatedreg- mary of speciesis that of Barbosa Rod- ions, with six to ten stamens (accord- rigues (as Diplothemium) in his Sertum ing to Martius) and also known as Palmanr,m Brasilie.nsiutn I: Ll6-120, guriri. From his comments, it seems 1903. Allagoptera &renaria and A. cam- likely that Martius had not seen actual pestris, the two species most likely to specimensof Maximilian's grurirl when be encounteredin cultivation, are dis- he wrote though he was personally fa- tinguished as follows: miliar with D. carnpestre,for he men- Stamens in male flowers 10-16: tioned only that the Prince had observed fruit covered with brown woolly the guriri and he erred slightly in the scales except for the nude tip. locality. A. arenaria -L\ees,however, noted that Allagoptera Stamens in male flowers 6-9 (ac- pumila had 14 stamens in the male cording to Drude) fruit lack- flowers and we know that the species ; ing a prominent cover was a coastal one from near Rio de of scales. A. campestris Janeiro. The locality and number of stamens identify Allagoptera pum,ila Arucoprene C. G. Ness in Wied-Neu- with Cocos arenaria (also known as wied, .Relsenach Brasilien 2: 385. coqueiro de guriri) describedby Gomes Apr. 1821; et in Flora 4:296. 2I lVlai 1821. in 1812 as a palm from Rio de Janeiro with 10-19stamens. This last specieswas Diplothernium Martius, Pahnarurn cited by name as a synonym of Martius' tr'amilia 20. Apr. 1824; et llistoria Diplothemium littorale which was, in Nuturalis Palmarum 2: 107. l.826: turn, united by FI. Wendland and by O. 3:293. 1845. Drude with Diplothernium rnaritirnum, A. Anisitsii (Barbosa Rodrigues) H. E. a species originally known to Martius Moore,tr. nov. only from fruiting material. Diplothentium Anisitsii Barbosa Rod- ft seems evident that Martius, pre- rigues, Palmae Nouae Parag;uayenses sumably acquainted only with the in- 16. 1899 ('Anizitzii') corrected in formal description of guriri in volume Sertu,nr, Palmarum B rasiliensiu,m | : I of Maximilian's ,Relseand not with I19.120.1903. specimens nor with the formal descrip' A. arenaria (Gomes) O. Kuntze, Reuisi.o tion of Allagoptera pumila, erred in 1826 Genenrm Plantarum 2: 726. IB9l. u'hen he referred the palm to his Diplo- Cocos arenaria Gomes, in Memorias themiwn campestreas also he erred, by da Academia Real d,as Sciencias today's rules of nomenclature, in not tle Lishoa 3(1) : Memorias dos 1962f NTOORE:ALL{COPTERA .39 Correspondendentes,6). LBI2 ('ar' D iplothemi um. j angad' en s e S. Moore, enarius'). in Transactions ot' the Linnaean Diplothemi,umarenariu'm (Gomes Vas- Society (Londoni, ser. 2,4: 499. concellos& Franco, in Portu,gal'iae 1895. Acta Biologica, ser. B, 2: 4I2. 1948. A NOTE OF CORRECTION -4llagoptera pumila C. G. Nees in I would like to think o{ it as a deli- Reisenach Brasilien Wied-Neun-ied. berate mistake, designed to catch our Apr. et in Flora 4: 2: 335. 1821; readers of PnINcrpns,but the error is 296. 2I Mai 1821. quite inadvertent and should be cor- D iplot hernium. Ii tt or ale Martius, llisl- 'oEssay rected. This is in the on the oria Natural,is Palmarwn 2: ll0. Morphology of Palms. V. The Habit of 1826. Palms" publishedin PntNcrpps5: 83-89. Diplctthemiunt, maritimum Martius, In the illustration of growth habits in Ilistoria Naturalis Palrnarum 2: palms,Fig. 45, No. 7 is labelledas Sabal 108. 1826. Etonia whereas it manifestly is wrong. (Nlartius O. Kuntze,Re'"'- A. campestris ) It much better represents Serenoa re- isio Generu,mPlantarum 2: 726. pens" which was the original intention. 1891. This rvas quickly pointed out to me by var. campestris Dr. L. M. Simonsonof Lantana.Florida, Dipl,othemiu'ntcampestre Martius, {or which I am very grateful. I can only Historia A'aturalis Palrnarum,2: plead a mild brainstorm over this rnis- 109. 1826. take, because,as a nerrcomerto Florida Di.plotltem,iu,mcdmpestre vat. gen- I had earlier this year the pleasure o{ u.inum.Drude in iVlartius, Ilora digging up Sabal Etonia and S. minor Brasiliensisl't(2): 432. 1881. in the company o{ Dent Smith in Day- Dipl,oth.emittrncampestre var. Glaz' tona Beach, and observing the peculiar iouii l)ammer. in Botanische growth habit of these plants. Also I Iahrbiicher 31. beiblatt 70: 23. the unique growth form of 1902. described in an earlier essay (Principes 4: var. Orbignyi (Drude) O. Kuntze, Sabal puhlicly for Iieuisio Generu'm Pl.an'tarurn 140-143).NIay I apologize i'\(3'): 322 & 546. 1898. this error. I har.e attached Dr' Simon' Diploth.emium cempestre var. Or' son's letter. bignyi Drude in Nlartius, -floro P. B. Toulrnson Brasiliensis3(21 : 4132.1881. *** A. Hassleriana(Barbosa Rodrigues) H. LlNrln.q. FroRrle E. Nloore, tr. nov. Dn.rnI)n. ToturrmsoN: Diplotherniurn H as'slerianun Barbosa "Your article in the last number of Palmae Hasslerian,ae "The Rodrigues, Pnrncrprs on Habit of Palms" is A'olaeI0. 1900. very interesting. However, I wish I A. leucocalyx(Drude) O. Kuntze,Reu- could show you the growth habit of isio Generurn Plantarurn 2: 726. Etonia of rvhich I have very many 1891. Sabal - Diplothemiun leucocalyx Ilrude in native here on my place there were Martius. Fl,ora Brasiliensis 3(2\ : Jiterally thousanclsgrowing on my land 4,31.1881. when I acquired it. Many have been.
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