DOCUMENT RESUME ED 070 231 EC 050 276 AUTHOR McClure, William J., Ed. TITLE Report of the Proceedings of the Meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf (45th, Little Rock, Ark., June 25-July 2, 1971) . PUB DATE 72 NOTE 787p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$26.32 DESCRIPTORS *Aurally Handicapped; Communication Skills; *Conference Reports; Educational Programs; *Exceptional Child Education; Instructional Media; Program Descriptions; Teacher Education; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf ABSTRACT Presented are proceedings of the 45th meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, 1971, including numerous papers and discussions on the multiplyhandicapped, vocational education, libraries, principals and supervisingteachers, curriculum, Federal programs, day programs, post secondary programs, reading and language, preschool, mathematics, communication, educational media, coaches and physical education, audiologists,and teacher preparation. Papers concern such topics as the establishment of a multiple response repertoire for noncommunicating deafchildren, the organization and administration of parent education atthe Carver School for the Deaf, individualizing curricula through the use of instructional packages, the role of the paraprofessional, and a community service volunteer program for students at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Also considered are computer-assisted instruction'in language, early interventioqi programs, the management of deaf children frombirth to 3 years of age, orosensory perception in the deaf, adoctoral program at Syracuse University in instructional technology foreducation of the deaf, and the present status of physical education and sports programs in residential schools for the deaf. (GW) 92D CONGRESS) SENATE DOCUMENT 2(1 Session No. 92-75 REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FORTY-FIFTH MEETING OF THE CONVENTION OF AMERICAN INSTRUCTORS OF THE DEAF ARKANSAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Little Rock, Arkansas CONVENTION THEME "MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEAF CHILDREN" JUNE 25-JULY 2, 1971 Ordered to be printed with illustrations U.S. GOI/ERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 77-903 WASHINGTON : 1972 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON ORORGANIZATION OPIG. MATINGIT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- 1 IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EOU S. Con. Res. 41 Agreed to May 9, 1.972 Binag-second Congress of the 'United tatof america Al' l'HE SECOND SESSION lligun and held at the City of Washington on 'Tuesday, the eighteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred arid setwity.ttro Concurrent &solution Rcsol veil by the ,Senate (the house of Representatives concurring), That the report of the proceedings of the forty-fifth biennial meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the. Deaf, held in Little Rock, Arkansas, from June 25. 1971, through July 2, 1971, be printed with illustrations as a Senate document. Five thousand five hundred additional copies of such document shall be printed and bound for the use of the Joint Committee on Printing. Attest: 167-e-, Secretary of the Senate. Attest : Clerk of the House of Representatives. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL op"rnr. Par.sunrx.r. KENDALL( ;REEN. 1 Vashington,1).C.,1 al y 2,1971. Hon. Spun) '1'. AuxEw, President of the 8enate, Hon. CAm. ALmarr, ..S'peaker of the !louse. 7'o the Congress of the United Slates: In accordance with the act of iucorporation of the Conventionof American Instructors of the Deaf, approved January. 26, 1897, 1 have the honor to submit the proceedings of thet5th meeting of the Con- vention, held at the Arkansas School for the Deaf, Little Rock, Ar- kansas, jnne 25--July 2, 1971, inclusive. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant. Edward C. Merrill, Jr., President. LETTER OF SUBMITTAL C.MIFORNIA SCI1001. FOR 1111: y 19, 1971. Dr. Emma) C. Mmimm. Jr., Peexident,Gollooelet College, 11' oshinglon, D.C. Snt: In accordance with section I of the net of incorporation of the Convention of American Instructors of theDeaf, 'approved jitnuary 29.1897, a report, is to be made to Congress, throughthe presi- dent of Gallaudet College at Washington, D.C., of"such portions of its proceedings and transactions as its officers shall deemto be of gen- eral public interest and value concerning the educationof the deaf." In agreement with the above request., I have the honorto submit here- with a comprehensive report containing suchpapers and addresses as may be of special interest or of historic value, all of whichwere pre- sented at the 45th meeting, held at the Arkansas School forthe Deaf, Little Rock, Ark. June 25July 2. 1971, inclusive. May I respectfully request that this report, be laid beforeCongress. Very truly, GERAW BURSTEIN, Seerdary-Treasurer. FOREWORD of American Instructors of the The published proceedings of the Conventionestablished In 1850 to the pres- Deaf, dating from the time the organization wits of the ent, contain tin almost complete historyof the development and progress education of the deaf Iii Anierien. This reportof the proceedings of the 15th Con- vention held at the Arkansas School forthe Deaf in I.Ittle Rock. June 27--JulyY. NM adds another chapter of interest toeducators of the deaf and to their as- sociates In allied lields. The Proceedingsemitains all the addresses. papers and other material wide!' can be presented inprinted form. The proceedings of the business meetings :u ml general sessions areearofully recorded. Papers and sum- maries are secured where possible fromsection meetings and from workslums, IVidie the -15th meeting of the Cialventhot ofthe America Instructors of the Deaf Convention has met at the ArkansasNebel in Utile Rook. the Arkansas Sclund has hosted meetings of the sister organization,the Conference of Execu- tives of American Schools for the I Waf. The editor and associate editor of thehyieeeilIngs wish to express their ap- preciation to the following people who assisted In thepreparation of this volume: To Mr. Roy G. Parks, Superintendent. ArkansasSchool for the Deaf, Little Rock. for providing space and facilities for the editorialoffices, and for making the contacts which resulted In the required concurrentresolution for producing these proceedings, To lir. Kenneth It. Matignii, the immediate pastpresident of the Convention ofAmeriean Instruetors of the Deaf and to Dr. Annin G.Trnechek, his snecessor. for their suggestions and approval of various arrangementsmade hy the editor. To Mr. Jack W. Brady. Superintendent. Kentueity Schoolfor the De3f. who as program ehairman. made the necessary arrangementsto obtain Papers and other material for publication in these proceedings. To Mr. Albert It. Davis, stenotypist of Jefferson City.Missouri. for his ellioient attention to all details. awl for his excellent suggestionsregarding the organiza- tion and presentation of the material. Mr. DitVis la, served asstenotypist for the Convention for more than twenty years. To Miss Fenn. E. Davis and Mr. Arthur G. Norris fortheir assistance in pre- paring material for I he printers. To. Mr. John Coder. Senate Rules Committee and to Mr.Michael Blake and Mr. Donald Casey. OPice of the Secretary of the Senate. fortheir vontinuing pa- Deuce, consideration and advice Wiring the correction ofproof, the indexing, the printing and binding of these proceedings. Respectfully. WILLIAMJ. McCt.iiiie. Editnn llowAtin M.QUIGLEY,Associate Editor. (V) 5 1 40' A(T OF INCORPORATION 1ic it riiiietrit b51 theNCIII111; 111111 III11110!nJ Represenb1111T8 of the rnited shde8 .Imerien in myeess ossesahled, That Edward hi.ltallandet, of %Vas' the District of Columbia; Francis 1). Clarke, of Flint,in the Slate of Aliehigatt ; S. Tefft Walker, of Jacksonville. in the State of Illinois;.s autos L. Smith, of Fart- bault, in the State of Minnesota ; Sardt Fidler. oflhostoll, in the Stale of Massa- chusetts: Ilitvhi C. I honey, of IltiOrittio Springs,lit the Stole of Colorado; and John It. Dtliy118. of Jaekstm, in the Stale of Mississippi,officers and members of the Convention of American Instructors ofthe Deaf, and their assoeiales and SlIelTsmiS, he, and they are hereby, incorporated and madeat body politic and consirow in liiiInside': of Cohnnbia, by thename of the "Convention of Ameri- can Instructors of the Deaf, for the promotion of the tsdnent ionof the deaf on the broadest. most advanetsl, and practicallines, and by the moor if. may sue, plead. and Int illipiPaded, in any e01111 of law,or Ninny, and may use and have common seal am! change the same at pleasure. SKr. 2. That the said eorporat ion shall have thepower to take and hold personal estate and such real estate us shall benecessary and proper for the promotion of the edtwatitmal and itetwvoleatpurposes of said elirporation, which Shan not be divided among the 11114111Pra of the corporation,but shall descend to their sne- VeSSora for the promotion of the objects aforesaid. Ste. 3. That said corporation shall have;t OMNI it1111011 and regulations or by- laws and shall have the power to amend thesame at pleasure; Provided, That such constitution and regulationsor bylaws do not. conflict with the laws of the United States or of any State. Ace. That said association may hold its meetingsin such places as said in- corporators shall tleterinine and shall report toCongress, through the President of the t'olumbia Institution for the IWaf and Dmnb at Washington, 1/Istriet at Columbia, such portions of its proceedings deem to be of general piddle interest and and transactions as its officers shall deaf. value concerning the edtteation of the Approved, January 20, 1StIT. > ow named Gott:toilet College. else MEETINGS OF TIlE CONVENTION OF AMERICAN INSTRUCTORS OF THE DEAF First-New York, N.Y.. August 28-30. 1850. Second-Hart ford, Conn., August 27-29, 1851. Third-Columbus, Ohio, August. 10-12. 1853. Four111-Stanuton, Va.. August 13-15. 1856. Fift II -Jacksonville, 111.. August 10-12.
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