NJLES DECEMBER 3, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS A FAMILY AFFAIR The drama "Brothers" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD t,, COOKBOOKS TO TREASURE 2009 releases make noteworthy gift giving. SEE PAGE 22 Inside! todays homes Sisters Lynn Arnold and Glorianne Halicki, both of Nues, dance Nov. Look for it in the center of 22 to the traditional Polish music of the White and Red Band at the SenrchCl:icago-Antos annual International Taste of Nues, hosted by the village at White STEPS SISTERSEagle Banquets. PAGE 5. (Ruthie Hauge/Staff Photographer) Visit Oakton. Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place to begin or continue your college education. 9T T 00000 Tuesday, December 8, at 5:30 p.m. 9Z0C-'TL09 lI S311N Room 1506, Des Plaines Campus LS N0..L>ItSOP'0959 s .LsI0Al8I1 OIlBfld S31IN Reserve your seat at .LSIOAèIBI1 3118fld siN (I)alton. www.oakton.edu. T000000 60035i'T9 CommunityCollege 1600East Golf Road,DtsPlaines 5QQ-Q.L01 mitz, Assistant Managing Editor 2 www.pioneerlocal.com CONIACT Matt Sch N . T(IURSIJI¼Y, OECEMBER 3. 2009 p: 708.524.4433 e:[email protected] n 'VV S I PAGE 3 LETTER TOTHE EDITOR On Nov. 24, I resigned as à responsibility, Milwaukee Trustee for the Village of Avenue revitalization and Niles. It has been an honor the Niles Teen Center. Go Mobile! to serve the residents of While there has been Niles, and I am grateful for some progress on these Baird & Warner's New Mobi'e Search appIicaton will forever change the way you tise oppprtunity to work matters, its clear that there towards improving our com- is much more work to be search for homes. You can now download our Mobile Search Application munit)'. After serving the done. I urge the Village to FREE* Village for oves' a decade as continue pursuing solutions to your phone for by visiting mobile.bairdwarner.com, a Trustee and a Commis- to these issues that are so or by texting BAIRD to 87778. sioner oso the Nibs Plan important to the residents Commission and Zoning We 5e5'\O. Mose importantly, Boas-d ofAppoals, I have I hope more oesidents vill decided to pursue new *Thjs become involved in village service ¡s typicaII? free for most mobile phones. For some devices/carriers, a nominal opportunities for me and mygovernment to niake sure monthly carrier charge may apply, billed directly to your carrier statement. family. their voice is heard on these I'm very proud of what critical issues. Svevo accomplished together during my tenure I would like to thank the LEADiNG REAL ESTATE and am grateful to tise many s-esidents of Nibs for allow- .lICOMFANCSo/THE WORLO residents, employees and ing mo the great rosponsibil- businesses that have been ity to serve them ors the out. pastners. Wo have made Village Boas-d, and the a positive impact on many employees that work on critical issues - ethics behalf of our Niles con- reform/government trans- stituents. pasesscy, flooding, fiscal Kim S. Biedennan Message to readers As part st the transition, your paper will teniporanily be delivnred to yea Morton Grove S795,000L(nconwood $599,000Evanston $579,00óSkokie $485,000 Skoke $484,900; As part at improvements to serve cur without any staples. New corut.4br 4 bath btkk home.Chefs kitthenmstt bt Pneotilncolnwoodtowenol6rnanchanamazlngpa,hIJke Coot 331V388 2285 04 Row 600un quIet w up- DtohabltlaireInwnuIghbothooi Dxpetlnuuethe4leveioSpadous 2 stony elonlai lu desirable nkohIe towers- readers, lncludinq providing more col- Vie expect the paper to return to its tuilehwd tio,rectm P184408270 Siotsotnecord 15194409574 gradesl 19193509303 oltotaiiloing. - 0994409485 faltviewdlstrkt. 9894409653 Kim Biederman, at the time a candidate for mayor of tilles, takes pant in a debate in March at the Hiles Oasis Clubhouse.(Stacia Tiioonere/For STM) or, cleaner print and easier number- GeorgeNlcotja 773778-t805 TesnySlilo 775-775-1855 Joilellaumlab 847-491-1855 lieheccaPeai 773-775-1855 GeotgeHirooia 773-175-0855 Ing st pages, we have moved our pro' original stapled ¶ntmut by tIne middle ductico to new presses. eit January. VILLAGE GOVERNMENT . s r A Lincolnwood $440,000Skokie $389,000Skokle $374,900Des Plaines $350,000Morton Grove $349,000 quits board Wekoin hoaI Wwtt tawnhomt w/soaitng c10üg t, thainnlng459bttkGeorglanw!npaclounrmu, sep 08. lou- Soajteaioomuchnewiklichw/ranite,2newbothonew Trustèè his huge over 2,000 foot ranoh home bao so much per- 3tdrm. 2.1Ra, totfirim Fm. metosulte, [geatln kit, hdwd cometfireplacetnthelt 10194409347 nuatLR.Sold'aoIÇ 10193109148 gar,media&morel 15198109328 onaiiiy&poltniiall 15193109237 Sri/carpet 15194409414 tyonPulpal 773775-1855 JulJeNaumla1 847-491-1855 lulIe#uijmlak 847-491-0855 teneklopler 847-491-t095 Pauline Dneoih 773-775-1855 Niles trustee to resign in the in tise mayoral campaign did she hoped to be remem- REDUCED PRICE ,Ço Biedernian is Iast yeas along with Bart not factor into her decisionbored as a strotsg advocate Murphy, who left in May for Io step down. foì transparency in local -L- third trustee to lsealth leasons, and George "It really load nothing togovernment and fiscal re- Alpogianis, svIso stepped do with il," she said. "I ransponsibility with tax doilars. resign this year down in June because hefor mayor because I want- Sise said she was also was ineligible to serve as aed certain issues tobe ad-proud ofher role in lobby- convicted felon. (iSeSSed, like ethics reform, ing for the new 'roen Con- Skokie $320,000Skokie $315,000NUes $299,000 Morton Grove ByTONY BERTUCA $275,000NUes $269,000 "Ididn't take tisis decision and I'm glad tlsey as-e being Newet ondo. 2bnIeat.ln kit & Indrytm Mttrw/2 cIoa- Wonderful 4bd/lba brIck ,anuh'Hrdwd flu on mainloi, Loto ofilring Spateln this bl-tuonI leaiutlng cash cOiIlngS Newer consinuotion, 288 2518 condo. bakorIn-unit Well-maIntained Zbtranchlniowtanateao(Nilns tldwd tberluca@pioneerloCalCom ter and better services for tsbaw/spdiwer 101989090Th nndidrniinplownivl. 19193109000 lnliyfdìnnm 19194409505 taundrygarparklng 10893109326 flo,hugeyatd. 10184408371 lightly," siso said. "lt's anaddressed." residents impacted by flood- Maureen Dunn 847-446-1805 Rayihompoon 847-491-1855 DlaneStaion 713-770-1855 Deilaloyre 847-491-1855 MatlhaI.lnton 773-775-1855 Nibs Trustee Kim Bieder-honor to sinrve the residents While on tiseVillage ing. man, a formes- candidate forof Nibs and I'm grateful forBoard, Bioderman also "I hope I've beets able to mayor, announced Nov. 24the opportunity to improveserved as chairman of the be a voice for tise residents," that. she was resigning fromour community. Alter gory-Milwaukee Avenue Redo- sise said. her seat on the Villageing tise village for over avelopmont Committee and Biederman said she had Board, atiecision thatdecade, lins ready to pursueas a Commissioner on tise no itsimediate plans, but did Community Youtls Task The GRAND FINALE SALES EVENT... makes her the third Irusteenew opportunities. I'm look- not rule 01st movissg awisy to step down in the pasting forward to the nextForce Council, where she ADDITIONAL MARKDOWNS .. FINAL DAYS! Chicago from Nibs to pursue otiset' $250,000t4Iks $239,900NUes $235,000Chicago $228,000Evanston $180,000 year. chapter." heil)C(i SOCUIf? tise Toots Con- (mph tehab'07. opportunities. 2bdf2ba. Granite.Glasu backtplauh3s The renaIssance space galore In this 2652 Mend unii. lauge2bt ìhaZnd8uult ht unii W&D,hdwdlits&wslh In Shanp1br - 9mai locationW/balcony, toot top deckS She second flu. 28918111 Condo, parkln reauttanoponta- Biedernsan, nvlso sV1s ap- tor's new GolfMill location. appcherrycabt. Biederman,wIs000resig- 1DI92359113 Sun Illedonit 1DI94409377 clooets,Spackli. 10194409001 deededpkglncluded 2893509091 tlon&ohopt. 5895099301 "For now, I look forward 'BRIEN & SONS - Before serving on tise Vil- RutemadeHoffmann 310-945-9515 CluulotlneDiteh 173-775-1855 pointed to tise Village Board Sharonturtlo 847-823-1855 JohnCrelghion 847-491-0955 Dellaloyce 847-495-1855 nation was made official at to spending nieve time with in July 2003, ran an unsuc-lugo Board, Biederman WaS the end oftho Village Board my family," she said. "After FU RS .;, meeting Nov. 24, was vague cessful campaign againstalso a member of the Nitos 180 Soutls Eighth Sdrccd (lit. 31) - ', t'.--,,. t u::: tisat, the sky's the limit," i Mayor Robes-t Cnllero inPlan Commission and Zon- West Decidete, iL 600 P8 Learn moreaboutarsofthe homes sIown abovebystmply enteYIn about her reasons for leav- By law Cailero has GO ing, except Lo say she wasApril, publicly clasisingwitls ing Board ofAppeals frons theIDNumber in our homepageFAST FIND bo days to appoint a repince- 847- 428 - 4900 AIsoon our website "ready to pursue new op-Caliero on several issues, 1999 to 2003. Fh;ry In! EVEtYTH1NG MUST BE SOLD! With regard to lies polit-ment for Biederman. find complete införmatiön on all ourOpen Housesthisieekend portunities." including etisics reform. n , -r Cciii for ExtcndedFlotiday SALE Hours. .; ' (9 ,, L ical legacy Bioderman said Consnsc,s(:pioisecrlocssl.coiis .. : ' -- !- Biederman is the third Biedorman said her defeat A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 5 4 mews www.pioneerlocal.com Nl . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 Nl www.pioneerlocal.com newsI LAST WEEK NILES1-IRAI)- VILLAGE BOARD TOP FIVE STORIES WEAREYOUR NILES si EC"1'ATOR SERVING READERS SINCE1951 Skeletal remains found ¡N north INSIDE THIS WEEK Callero draws CALENDAR 15 suburban woods CROSSWORD Forest preserve workers in Siles dis herald-spectator B24 covered human remains Nun. 21 In a FILM CLIPS B2 wnoded area of the north suburb. trustees' fire In the early afternoon, workers at OPINION 14 Bunker Hill Woods, near Harts Road POLICE BLOTTER 13 and Touhy Avenue, found a sleeping Snap a photo. Tella story. Send ¡t Ifl. SCHOOLS bagthat cnntained "badly docom' 18 posed" skeletal remains, Cook County Be a part of the story and the storytelling? There are photos and stories we want to publish In our new section, SHOWTIMES B3 for unveiled Fomst Preserve District police Your Hiles HerladSpectator.
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