LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Attorneys: Marissa R. Harper, Notice is hereby given that, in the Esquire, Zator Law, 4400 Wal- estates of the decedents set forth below, bert Avenue, Allentown, PA the Register of Wills has granted letters 18104. testamentary or of administration to the persons named. Notice is also Cohen, Diana D. a/k/a Diana hereby given of the existence of the Dorothy Cohen, dec’d. trusts of the deceased settlors set forth Late of Lower Macungie Town- below for whom no personal represen- ship. tatives have been appointed within 90 Executor: Matthew H. Van Lieu days of death. All persons having c/o Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, claims or demands against said estates 946 Third Street, Whitehall, PA or trusts are requested to make known 18052. the same, and all persons indebted to Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, said estates or trusts are requested to Esq., 946 Third Street, White- make payment, without delay, to the hall, PA 18052. executors or administrators or trustees or to their attorneys named below. Dalton, Augustine I., Jr., dec’d. Late of Lower Macungie Town- FIRST PUBLICATION ship. Executor: Eric C. Dalton a/k/a Barr, Jeannette D., dec’d. Eric Clark Dalton c/o Sally L. Late of Whitehall. Schoffstall, Esquire, Schoffstall Executors: Linda B. Breslin and Elder Law, 2987 Corporate Gregory J. Barr c/o Charles W. Court, Suite 200, Orefield, PA Stopp, Esq., Steckel and Stopp 18069. LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Suite 210, Slatington, PA Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, 18080. 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Attorneys: Charles W. Stopp, 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Dobrosky, Marguerite Alice, Slatington, PA 18080. dec’d. Late of Lower Macungie. Blaukowitch, Marion L., dec’d. Executor: Darrin Dobrosky c/o Late of the Borough of White- Douglas J. Tkacik, Esquire, 18 hall. East Market Street, Bethlehem, Executor: John N. Blaukowitch, PA 18018. 1942 Hart Street, Bethlehem, Attorney: Douglas J. Tkacik, PA 18017. Esquire, 18 East Market Street, Attorney: James J. Holzinger, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Esquire, 1216 Linden Street, P.O. Box 1409, Bethlehem, PA Gallagher, Thomas P., dec’d. 18016. Late of Orefield. Executor: Chance Nagle c/o Boger, Shirley Ann, dec’d. Traud Law Offices, 3055 College Late of South Whitehall Town- Heights Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allen- ship. town, PA 18104. Executors: Michael Boger and Attorney: T. Benjamin Traud, Kevin Boger c/o Zator Law, Esq., 3055 College Heights 4400 Walbert Avenue, Allen- Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allentown, PA town, PA 18104. 18104. 14 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Hanzl, Joseph J. a/k/a Joseph Executrix: Kathleen J. Kuchi- Hanzl a/k/a Joseph J. Hanzl, nos. III, dec’d. Attorneys: Robert M. Knauer, Late of 1842 W. North Street, Esquire, Knauer & Davenport, Bethlehem. 143 North Eighth St., Allen- Personal Representative: Donna town, PA 18101. L. Hanzl c/o James A. Ritter, Esquire, 111 E. Harrison St., Kurtz, Helene M. a/k/a Helena Suite 2, Emmaus, PA 18049- P. Kurtz, dec’d. 2916. Late of Slatington. Attorney: James A. Ritter, Es- Executrix: Janice M. Pavelco quire, 111 E. Harrison Street, c/o Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Suite 2, Emmaus, PA 18049- Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 2916. Corporate Court, Suite 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Heckman, Willis H., dec’d. Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Late of Allentown. Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Executrix: Deborah J. Ghazi 2987 Corporate Court, Suite c/o Steven B. Molder, Esquire, 200, Orefield, PA 18069. 904 Lehigh St., Easton, PA 18042. Malia, Carol L., dec’d. Attorney: Steven B. Molder, Late of Allentown. Esquire, 904 Lehigh St., Easton, Administrator: Brian Thomas PA 18042. Malia c/o David M. Roth, Es- quire, 123 North Fifth Street, Hoffman, Audrey B., dec’d. Allentown, PA 18102. Late of Allentown. Attorney: David M. Roth, Es- Co-Executrices: Diane L. Landis quire, 123 North Fifth Street, and Maryanne Rodgers c/o Allentown, PA 18102. Quintes D. Taglioli, Esquire, 121 N. Cedar Crest Blvd., Al- McGee, Joyce M., dec’d. lentown, PA 18104. Late of Whitehall. Attorney: Quintes D. Taglioli, Executrix: Tara Faust c/o The Esquire, 121 N. Cedar Crest Roth Law Firm, 123 North Fifth Blvd., Allentown, PA 18104. Street, Allentown, PA 18102. Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Es- Hungo, Michael, dec’d. quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Late of the Township of South North Fifth Street, Allentown, Whitehall. PA 18102. Executor: Carl W. Hungo c/o George M. Vasiliadis, Esquire, Miller, Mary Margaret, dec’d. Vasiliadis Pappas Associates, Late of Allentown. LLC, 2551 Baglyos Circle, Suite Executor: Daniel J. Miller, 2501 A-14, Bethlehem, PA 18020. Allen St., Allentown, PA 18104. Attorneys: George M. Vasiliadis, Esquire, Vasiliadis Pappas As- Moyer, Linda D., dec’d. sociates, LLC, 2551 Baglyos Late of Zionsville. Circle, Suite A-14, Bethlehem, Administratrix: Kathryn M. Kil- PA 18020. mer c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C., Two City Center, Kuchinos, Tessie, dec’d. 645 West Hamilton Street, Suite Late of Macungie. 800, Allentown, PA 18101. 15 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Weber, Erna J., dec’d. Bubba, P.C., Two City Center, Late of Whitehall Township. 645 West Hamilton Street, Suite Executrix: Lori Antry c/o Steven 800, Allentown, PA 18101. N. Goudsouzian, Esquire, 2940 William Penn Highway, Easton, Peifley, Freddie E., Jr. a/k/a PA 18045. Fred E. Peifley, dec’d. Attorney: Steven N. Goudsouz- Late of Allentown. ian, Esquire, 2940 William Penn Executrix: Leigh Ann Konapel- Highway, Easton, PA 18045. sky c/o Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Whitenight, Joan T., dec’d. 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Late of Allentown. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Administrator: Brett M. Smith Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, c/o Steven A. Litz, Esquire, Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, 4744 Hamilton Boulevard, Al- 2987 Corporate Court, Suite lentown, PA 18103. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Attorney: Steven A. Litz, Es- quire, 4744 Hamilton Boule- Peters, Marie E., dec’d. vard, Allentown, PA 18103. Late of Allentown. Executrix: Elaine H. Peters c/o Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, 946 SECOND PUBLICATION Third Street, Whitehall, PA DeSentis, Albert M., dec’d. 18052. Late of Allentown. Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, Executrix: Deborah A. McCand- Esq., 946 Third Street, White- less c/o Charles A. Waters, hall, PA 18052. Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Svoboda, Erna C., dec’d. Slatington, PA 18080. Late of North Whitehall Town- Attorneys: Charles A. Waters, ship, Slatington. Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, Executors: Deborah L. Donchez 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, and John D. Svoboda c/o Slatington, PA 18080. Charles W. Stopp, Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Slat- Gannon, Virginia T., dec’d. ington, PA 18080. Late of Alburtis/Lower Macun- Attorneys: Charles W. Stopp, gie Twp. Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, Executrix: Elaine Gannon, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, 4454 Newton Circle, Emmaus, Slatington, PA 18080. PA 18049. Attorney: Gladys E. Wiles, Es- Turner, Lillian H., dec’d. quire, 7731 Main St., Fogels- Late of Allentown. ville, PA 18051. Executor: Mr. Malcolm J. Tur- ner. Gaumer, Susan Joy, dec’d. Attorneys: John D. Lychak, Late of Allentown. Esquire, Law Offices of John D. Administratrix: Ms. Heather Lychak, P.C., 60 W. Broad King. Street, Suite 98, Bethlehem, PA Attorneys: John D. Lychak, 18018. Esquire, Law Offices of John D. 16 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Lychak, P.C., 60 W. Broad Executors: Edwin J. Lehman Street, Suite 98, Bethlehem, PA and James R. Lehman c/o Ste- 18018. phen A. Strack, Esquire, Steck- el and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Wal- Geheb, Charles H. a/k/a Charles nut Street, Suite 210, Slating- Herbert Geheb, dec’d. ton, PA 18080. Late of Allentown. Attorneys: Stephen A. Strack, Executor: Paul H. Rienth c/o Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, Wiener and Wiener LLP, 512 W. 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Hamilton Street, Suite 400, Al- Slatington, PA 18080. lentown, PA 18101. Attorneys: Wiener and Wiener Malkames, Mae M., dec’d. LLP, 512 W. Hamilton Street, Late of Allentown. Suite 400, Allentown, PA 18101. Executor: Mark Malkames, 509 Linden Street, Allentown, PA Grim, Judith F. a/k/a Judith 18101. Grim, dec’d. Attorneys: William G. Mal- Late of Allentown. kames, Esquire, Malkames Law Executor: Paul George Grim, Office, 509 W. Linden Street, Allentown, PA 18101, (610) 1811 Siegfriedale Rd., Breinigs- 821-8327. ville, PA 18031. Attorney: Glenn Matthew Goodge, Esquire, 461 West Merkel, Craig N., Sr., dec’d. Linden Street, Allentown, PA Late of Whitehall. Executrix: Stephanie L. Merkel 18102-3453. n/k/a Stephanie L. Hummer c/o Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, Hemphill, Ronald G., dec’d. 946 Third Street, Whitehall, PA Late of Whitehall Township. 18052. Co-Executors: Bobbie Jo Gild- Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, ner and Mitchell B. Hemphill, Esq., 946 Third Street, White- 412 7th Street, Whitehall, PA hall, PA 18052. 18052. Miner, Lorraine C., dec’d. Lavin, Francis X., Jr. a/k/a Late of Emmaus Borough. Frank X. Lavin, Jr., dec’d. Executors: Donald W. Miner Late of Center Valley. a/k/a Donald William Miner, Executrix: Kathleen DeSimone 734 Furnace Street, Emmaus, c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, PA 18049, Carol A. Wieder P.C., Two City Center, 645 West a/k/a Carol Ann Wieder, 214 Hamilton Street, Suite 800, Al- S. 5th Street, Emmaus, PA lentown, PA 18101. 18049 and Donna K. Diehl, Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & 4741 Beck Road, Emmaus, PA Bubba, P.C., Two City Center, 18049. 645 West Hamilton Street, Suite Attorney: John O. Stover, Jr., 800, Allentown, PA 18101. Esquire, 537 Chestnut Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. Lehman, Edwin Q. a/k/a Edwin Quincy Lehman, dec’d.
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