;IC(('} 1./f 3,3 ,..d-....7-~~/ UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON i MARIAN LIBRARY DAYTON 9, OHIO Volume XV - Number 3 F ebruory, 1960 Classifying Marian Bn:,ks Frequently during the past year, the Mari&.t Library has received requests for a classification scheme for books relative to our Lady. This issue of the Newsletter is thus devoted to a revision of a schedule published by the former Marian Librarian, Brother Stanley Mathews, s. M. If your library has added many volumes on Mary, the following scheme, a simplified version of the clasr-lification used in the Marian Library at the University of Da \ton, may be of help. Adopting such a plan will doubtless ent:: il a certain amount of recataloguing and reclassification, but the important point is that in this Age of Mary, the Marian section of a library should continue to grow; the longer the job of reclassification is put off, the more involved it will be. Unless some revisic n is carried out, the Marian collection becomes less and less f, :nctional as it grows.· The scheme can be used in detail only by I braries with sizeable Marian collections, but is adaptable to smaller ones. Libraries may not wish to use some of the suggestions (e.g., .38--Biographies of devotees of Mary--because such a plan breaks up their biography collection); however, adaptations can easily be made as needed. The most effective way to install this cla:;sification program is to choose one free number in your present system, preferably the number nearest to the number for Christ which is available or can be made available with the least trouble. The decimals indicated (continued on page 4) Suggested Classification of Ma rian Books Au thor Example BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (General works) Carol, J. B. ed. Mariology .01 Sermons O'Rafferty Discourses on Our Lady .02 Meditations Muff at Thoughts on God's Mother and Ours .03 Documents (encyclicals, etc.) Palmer Mary in the Documents of the Church .04 Collections Sheed The Mary Book .05 Periodicals Bound Volumes of Marie, Our Lady's Digest, Marianist, etc. .1 LIFE OF MARY Resch Life of Mary, Coredemptrix .11 St. Joseph Filas Man Nearest to Christ .12 SS. Joachim and Ann Keyes Grandmother of Our Savior • 2 . MARY IN DOCTRINE Neubert Mary in Doctrine .21 Immaculate Conception O'Connor Dogma of the Immaculate Conception .22 Divine Maternity Vonier The Divine Motherhood .23 Perpetual Virginity Conway The Virgin Birth .24 Spiritual Maternity Schryvers Mary, My Mother .25 Coredemption and Mediation of all Grac-·s Smith Mary's Part in Our Redemption !lo., .26 Assumption and Queens. ip Mathews Queen of the Universe .27 Mary and the Church Hahner Our Lady and the Church .28 Apostolic Mission Suenens Theology of the Lay Apostolate .3 DEVOTION TO MARY Orchard Cult of Our Lady .31 Filial piety Neubert My lded: Jesus, Son of Mary •32 Holy slavery Montfort True devotion to B. V.M . .36 Mary and the individual Bernadot Our Lady in Our Life .37 Mary and society Lord Our Lady in the Modern World .38 Biographies of devotees Winowska Our Lady's Fool .39 History of devotion Sargent Our Land and Our Lady .4 MARIAN PRAYERS Lasance Our Lady Book .41 Hail Mary Vandeur Hail 11/ary .42 Magnificat Andrew Our Lady's Hymn .43 Angelus Hennrich Our H lessed Lady .44 Litany of Loreto Hiskupek Our Lady's Litany .45 Memo rare .46 Ave Maris Stella Walz Ave Maris Stella .47 Salve Regina Liguori Explanation of the Salve Regina .48 Little Office of the Brief Explanation of the Liule Office Immaculate Conception Coppens of the Immaculate Conception .49 Other prayers .5 POPULAR DEVOTIONS TO MARY Hammer Mary, Help of Christians .51 Rosary Shaw Story of the Rosary .52 Scapular Haffert Mary in J/er Scapular Promise .53 Miraculous Medal Prindeville Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal .54 Sorrowful Mother Vann The Seven Swords .55 Perpetual Help Buckley Miraculous Picture of Perpetual Succor .56 Immaculate Heart Murphy Mary's Immaculate 1/eart .57 Titles of Mary Power Our Lady's Titles .58 May and October devotions Nutt Tallcs for the Month of Mar .6 MAR't IN THE LITURGY Flicoteaux Our Lady in the Liturgy .61 Mary in the Divine Office .62 Marian• Feasts Dorey Our Lady's Feasts .63 Litt~e Office of B. V.M. Unger Our Lady's Daily flours n . .7 tSHJU l'1~S, APPARITIONS, MIRACLES Sharkey The IJ oman Shall Conquer r~ . .71 '-' ~tniland and Ireland Gillett Walsingham .72 fr'\llce Kennedy Light on the Mountain .73 Bel!Jium Piron Five Children .74 : J Italy Kenrick 1/oly House of Loreto .75 Spain and Portugal Walsh Our Lady of f'atima .76 •• ' Other shrines of Europe .77 ' • Shrines of North America Shaw Our Lady of the Cape .78 Shrines of C. and So. America Keyes Grace of Guadalupe .79 Other shrines of the world .a MARIAN ART AND LITERATURE Rothenstein The Virgin and the Child .81 Poetry Therese, Sr. I Sing of a Maiden .82 Dramas, pageants Nagle Lady of Fatima .83 Novels Dock man The Lady and the Sun .84 Stories, legends Mercier Our Lady of the 8 irds .85 Drawings, paintings, sculptures Belvaines Virgin Mary through £yes of Painters .86 Architecture (cathedrals) Anderson The City and the Cathedral .87 Music Field Ave Maria .9 MISCELLANEOUS .91 Sodalities Mary 1-'lorence, Sr. Sodality Movement in U.S. .92 Legion of Mary liallack Legion of Mary .93 Mary in Catholic Action Channot The Presence of Mary .94 Marian Congresses .95 Family Rosary Crusade Peyton liar of God .96 Marian Religious Orders Agnesine, Sr. Our Lady Stakes a Claim .97 Confraternities CLASSIFYING MARIAN BOOKS (continued from page 1) below may then be added as .._ 4.1 necessary, (e.g., 233.1--Life of 0> c:: Mary; 233.3-..:.Devotion to Mary, .2. etc.) 0 c:: ::> Special mention should be 0 made of the . 7 section: Shrines, >- Miracles, Apparitions. This will ~ >- be one of the most used numbers, • 01! <( and may not be adequate for all fiJ•• 01! al libraries. At first glance it • :::; seems to be disproportionately a z J ~ slanted in favor of European 01! shrines. It is, and, for most <( ~ .,; libraries, the book collection is ~!i 4.1; also. It is also possible that in £ t! ,!.~ I» some localities there may be 0- +- c:: a large amount of material on Q.41 ·- "' shrines outside of Europe, or in "' "' additio~ Suropean countries. ·-"' .L: fiJ -E -~ The schedule can easily be re­ c::.L: arranged to suit the needs of the :.; ~ Qj 01!~ individual library. Additional .._ UJ -ot- subdivisions will provide specific c:: I- numbers for specific shrines if "'~ ~<f)u3: further division is desired, e.g., WL.U {}Z >-41 - .L: 233.72 Shrines of France "tl +- 233.721 Lourdes -~ 4.1 ~ ·=If) 0~ In general, books are classi­ fied here by subject rather than form. Sermons, modifications, >- r:: a:: 0 etc., on the rosary, go with <( .... 0 a:: >- ·- .51. Books of devotions, talks, :.co10 "' .r:: etc., for May, go with May de­ z 0 a-~ votions. One book has been men­ :$ ~ r:: 0 tioned here after each number a::<( ·-lit .. to indicate the kind of work ~ ~ >- .:?: classified under that number. ..., r:: 0 :z:::::;,.... .
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