716,T86 7T6,T86 Aq

716,T86 7T6,T86 Aq

E AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA u No. r718, KRISHNA STREET, T, NAGA& CHENNAT - 600 017 Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2017 'Y, Amounts in Rs. As at 3lst'Ivlarch' OF FUNDS Schedule As at 31st March, 2017 'OURCES 20L6 )roject Fund 1 716,t86 7,036,274 Total 7t6,t86 t,o36,274 qPPTICATION OF FUNDS -oans & Advances 150,112 lash and Bank Balances 566,074 7,036,274 Total For and on behalf of the Board of Trustees As per my report of even date annexed For Kondasomi & Associotes Chortered Accountonts Firm Regn. No.0730045 Dr.M. Kandasami B.Com, FCA, DISA, Ph.D. Managing partne M. No.02195: aq AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA E No. L718, KRTSHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAT - 600 017 l- schedulesannexedtoand formingpartofaccountsfortheyearended3lslMarch2ou Amounts in Rs. ichedule particulars Balance as at 3lst Balance as at 31sl March,2OL7 March,2017 1 Project Fund Opening Balance of Project Fund I,036,274 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income (320,089) 7I6,!8G Total 7L6,L86 2 Current Assets Loans and Advances AdVance vidhai 750,1,L2 t50,It2 Tota! L50,Ltz 3 Cash and Bank Balances Cash on Hand Bank Balance Axis Bank- 915010059125383 566,074 566,074 ! 6r- =' Total 566,074 566,074 !o AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA No. L7/8, KRISHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAT - 600 017 Incomd and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March 2OU o^oun)l i, particulars Schedule For the year ended For the year ended 31st March,2017 31st March, 2016 NCOME Programme Income 668,110 Other Income 42,301, Total 710,4L1 EXPENDITURE Program Expenses 1,030,500 i?t Total 1,030,500 Excess of Expenditure over tncome (320,089) (Transferred to Capital Fund) For and on behalf of the Board of Trustees As per my report of even date annexed For Kondosami & Associotes Chorteted Accountonts Firm Regn No.0130045 --B.Com, FCA, DIS& Ph.D., Place l Chennaitl 600 034 R.S. Suriya Managing Partner )ate: I 8l o1 I zo n Founder Trustee Trustee M. No.021952 1\ l-i L: AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA No. L718, KRISHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAT - 600 017 Schedules annexed to and forming part of R&P for the year ended 31st March 2017 I Amounts in Rs. For the year ended For the year ended L. Schedule Particulars L. 31st March, 2017 31st March, 2016 4 Program Income Donation received from E Cine Galaxy 508,519 Ameneha 150,000 L: Vasuhi q qq1 L: Total 668,110 L: 5 Other Income L:, Interest on Savings Account 42,30t Total 42,30L 5 Capital Receipts 2 4^ I Globelink West Star Shipping LLC 4473t8 Muthatamil Sangam INC s83,094 Interest on Savings Account 5,662 F Advance Vidhai 1,180,s00 Total 1,180,500 L,036,274 7 Program Expenses Girls Hostel Rent 230,500 Girls Hostel Food Outsource 800,000 I Total 1,030,500 B 8 Capital Payments Advance Vidhai L,330,6t2 E Total t,33O,6L2 13 AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA No. 1718, KRISHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAI - 500 017 Schedule 9: Opening Balance As at lst Fixed As at Particulars Cash Bank Aoril2015 Deoosit 2 Cash in hand Cash at bank Axis Bank- gisOroosgf 25383 'l,036,274 1,036,274 Total 1.036.274 Schedule 10: Cl6sing Balance As at 31st Fixed As at 31st Particularc Gash Bank March 2016 Deposit March 2017 Cash in hand Cash jt bank 'l;036,274 Axis Bank- 915010059125383 566,074 , 566 Q74 1,036.274 Total 566,074 566.074 _"]..l? 1q --E- --'F- KANDASAMI & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 55, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Chennai 500 034 lndia Phone : +97 44 2826 6366 / 28227414 / 2827 4675 Email : mksami.india@gmail.com, mksami@kasca.in Website : www.kasca. in E CERTIFICATE BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT have audited the account of u Name of Association and AGARAM FOUNDATION Address No.L7/8, Krishna Street, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600 017. Registration No 67412006 State of Registration Tamilnadu for the financial year ending the 31st March 20t7, and examined all relevant books and vouchers ind certify that according to the audited account: The brought forward foreign contribution Foreign contribution received by the Association during the Financial year 2o16_2017 Interest accrued on foreign contribution (Bank Interest of Rs. 42,301) and other income derived from foreign contribution or Interest thereon received by the Association during the Financial year 2O16-2017 was The balance of unutilised foreign contribution with the Association at the end of the Financial Year 2016-20L7 was certified that the Association has maintained accounts the of foreign contribution and records relating thereto in the manner specified in section 1g of the Foreign ( contribution Regulation ) Act, 2010 @2 0f 2070) read with rule 17 of the Foreign Contribution ( Regulation ) Rules, 2011 The information in this certificate and in the enclosed Balance sheet and statement of Receipt and payment is correct as checked by us. The Association has utilized the foreign contribution received for the purpose(s) it is registered under Foreign Contribution {Reeulation) Act 2010. For Kandasami & Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Regn.No: Ot3004S A : Chennai- 600 034 Dr. M. Kandasami B.Com, FCA, DISA, 228l07l2or7 Managing Partner M,No:021952 98 E I.-ornr FC-4 ISce rute I ?(l)] Tl.re Secretaty lo tbe Govel-nllent of h<Jia, M inistry oj" Hone A f fair.s, Forcigners Dlvision (FCRA U,in-q) "First Fioor NDCC-ll BLrilding,: l.lAl STNGH Road Ner.r,Delhi -ll000l Subjcct: Account of F<rreign Confribution for thc 1,car ending on fhc 3lst N,larch,20l7 I Association FCRA r.cgistr.ation nunrbcr.and nanre (i) Nunrber :075901415 (ii) Narne : Agaranr Fourrdatiorr 2. Detaiis oircccipt and utilisatjon of for.eign conh.ibution : i. Forcign Contr.ibulion rcccived in cash/kind.(value): ,{ a) Blought forw,ard y,ea(Rs.) 42301.00 r,, L'lrccu), lionl a forcigu suuluc ll, as lranster lr.om a loccl cou[cc d) Total Foreign CoutLiburGn GJ!+cXRij ': I 746685.00 *i e. interest accured :} on foreign contl.ibution, or any othet' j:tco.:ne derjved fionr foreign contribution, crclted fiom contribution, e.g. sale proceeds from assets or interest thereon during the vcar ii il ii (a). !, lr..f Donor n,ise dctail offoreisn cont receivcd in cxccss ofrupccs 20,000: Sl.No Purposes for. u,hich Amount (Rs.) reccived lona 501151 9 00 s Arreneh K-haleghi lndividual Educational l 50000.00 (b). Curnulative purpose-wise arrount of all rorergn contribution donation received : Sl.No (iii). Details of Utilization of foreign contribution: Ca**rlin@ . Tor"t inr.ert"d in refrTEiilGdS FCRA Annual Returns Page 1 of 2 B1 E l otrl Purchase of ltesh assets(Rs,) 0.00 Total utilzation in thc year(Rs.) (a+b+c+d) r 030s00.00 E * I'. ls afhmcd that the ritilisaiion of foreign contrjb'.rtion is noi ir coiltraveutiojr of tlrc plovisions contained in ploviso to Sction 9(e) and Scction l2(4)(f ofthe Act rvhich states that (lrc acceptance offoleign contribulion is not Iikely to afttct p:-e.judically (A) thc sovcrigr,lly, and intcgriLy of india; or (B) fhe security, stl'ategic, scicntific or eclrnomic interest of the state; o!' (C) the public interest; or E (D) fieedorn or fairness ol'election 10 any leglstatul'c, of (E) fi'iendly relations with any foreign state; or (F) hannony beiween ligious, raciai, social, lingusitic or relgional groups, castes or c iv. Balance ofunutilized foleign contribution, in cash/bank, at the end of the year(Rs.) : v. Total number of foreigner working(salaried/ in horrorary capacity. 3 (a) Dctails ofdcsignatcd Fc bank account for rcccipt ofForcign Contributiorr (-.$; ol 3 lst March of thc ycar cnding): +:'):: ''11;g' Nanrc of Bank Rranch Addross( r.Vifh Arna Nagar, Ghcnnai - 6 ,102, Annzi,Nagar, Tanril Nadu, Chehnai (Madras) 3. (b) Details ofall utilization bank accounts for.uti of Foregin Contribution (As on 3lst March of the year ending) -,r,P.,]{ Sl.No Branch Address( With IFSC Codc Account No pincode) Anna Nagar uTIB00000 I 6 XXXXXXXXXXX53S3 Branch,No 87,Old No l7,J Block,3rd Avenue ,Anna Nagar East,Anna Nagar,, sl Chcnnai, Tamil Nadu, Chennai (Madras) {]" l)eclaration I hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true and correct I also affirm that the receipt offoreign contribution and its utilization have not been violative ofany ofthe provisions ofthe Forcign Contribution (Regulation) Act,2010, rules, notifications/ orders issued there uuder fronr tiure to time and the f<rreign contribution was utilized for the purpose(s) for rvhich thc association was granted registration/ prior permission by the Central Government. Signature of the Cheif Functionary FCRA Annual Returns for the financjal year 2016-2017 has been Submitted on 2610812017 Page2of 2 g8.

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