Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-5-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 315. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/315 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. City Traffic Box Score Warmer Tonight ¦ ¦ :¦ "-"•' -To Date— ¦ And 19tt 1961. Tuesday; Accidents ...... 317 322 Deaths ......... 1 1 Rain Tuesday Injuries 73 : " 73 Damages ......$77,820 $96,889 Winonan Dies in La Crosse Crash Long-Time Surveillance Hot Campaign White House Plane Returns Kenosha Youth Winding Up Body of Slain US, Airman Also Dead in WASHINGTON (AP) - A White A cargo plane painted white and side Washington. Of Cuba Is Indicated House plane today carried home carrying the Swiss flag carried the Today, the same plane, one of In Wisconsin to South Carolina the body of Maj. body to Miami,. The United Na- three Boeing 707 jets used by the 2-Car Collision By BARRY SCHWEID pledge to tear down the missile Red Cross fill the , inspection role Rudolf Anderson, a flier who per- tions and , the Swiss government Two persons—one of them a WASHINGTON (AF)-President bases. originally proposed for the United MILWAUKEE WV-Wisconsin vot- White House, flew south with An- ished in a reconnaissance mission had arranged the return and one derson's body, accompanied by an Winonan—were killed late Satmv Kennedy feels U.S. surveillance of Nations, Cuban Prime Minister Fi- ers will select state, congression- over Cuba. Tlit Navy, in maintaining an al, legislative and local officers passenger was Brig. Gen. Idar Jit Air Force escort. day night when the cars in which Cuba will Have to be continued in del Castro has the power to bar The 35-year-old Air Force pilot Eikhye of India, military adviser some form long after the current arms blockade of Cuba, has also international inspectors from his Tuesday to wind up one . of the At Donaldson, a sheriff's guard they were riding collided on beet filling a surveillance role. state's most bitterly fought politi- will be buried Tuesday with full to U.N. Acting Secretary-General missile crisis is settled, govern- territory. military honors in a private ceme- U Thant: : of honor will meet the plane. Highway 53 at La Crosse. ment sources report. Removal of the missiles and cal campaigns. tery in Greenville. other Soviet offensive arms from Soviet First Deputy Premier And in choosing a governor, A half hour after Anderson's The Defense Department on Oct. Jerome (Romey) Porter, 23, In offering this view of the ; The long trip home-started Sun- body reached American soil, the 27 declared Anderson missing and 7J4 E. 2nd St., a passenger in a Cuba remains a thorny problem. Anastas : I, Mikoyan conferred electors probably will determine day in Havana when Anderson' presumed President's thinking to newsmen By the terms of ¦ the Kennedy- with Castro in Havana over the the state's tax- policy for at least s casket was transferred to an Air lost. Survivors include car driven by Robert Buege, 24, Sunday, the sources did not spe- remains were transferred by Cu- Force Boeing 707 jet and the his wife, Frances Jane; two sons, 853 E. Mark St., died early Sun- Khrushchev agreement, the Unit- weekend—presumably in an effort the next two years. ban authorities to the care of the White House plane took off from Rudolf III, 5, and James, 3, and cify how the watch would be kept. ed Nations would supervise the to prod the Cuban leader into ac- The statewide contests are for day at a La Crosse hospital of in- The object they said, would be to Swiss ambassador, Emil A. Stacfe- Miami's International Airport for his parents, Mr. and Mrs.: Rudolf juries suffered in the accident verification that Soviet missiles cepting at least the fundamentals the U.S. Senate seat held by vet- lofer. .Andrews Air Force Base, just out- Anderson. guard against any future introduc- have been withdrawn from the is- of an international inspection sys- eran Republican AJexander Wiley, about 45 minutes earlier. ¦ ¦ ¦ tion of Soviet missiles into Cuba. land. - ,. ' :.' ' ' • tem. • ' .. and for the five constitutional of- THE OTHER victim was Gary Aerial photographs of the island The government sources^ who Mikoyan and Castro met twice fices. There also are fights for 10 Rogers, 22, Kenosha, Wis., rid- last month gave the first hard discussed Kennedy's position em- Sunday at the government palace. Congressional" seats and 118 legis- ing in an automobile driven by evidence that the Soviet Uni6n phasized that he is determined to No communiques were issued and lative jobs: in addition to the local Gerald Hohmann, 20, Onalaska; was mounting an offensive mis- verify the removal of the weapons Cuban officials gave no hint of contests.; .. federal Bureau of Roads Wis*, who with Buege was hospi- sile threat in Cuba, the White by international inspection teams the nature of the talks. Mikoyan talized with multiple injuries. House has said. It was from aeri- -rand that nothing less will be Most of the voter interest is on remained in Havana despite the the contests for governor and the The accident happened at 11:57 al photos taken last Thursday satisfactory. death of his wife in Moscow Satur- p.m., a scant hour after Buege that the administration conclud- U.S. Senate. While the United States and the day night. Both Republican Philip G. Kuehn and P'orter left the Buege home ed Soviet Premier JKhrushchev Soviet Union are reported pre- St art State Invest igation for a drive to La Crosse. The administration's continuing and Democrat John W. Rynolds s had begun to make good on his pared to have the International stress on the necessity of interna- have voiced confidence they will By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tion of Interstate Highway 35 near investigators already had sub- The two Winonans were re» tional inspection is Veing viewed win the gubernatorial contests. The , federal Bureau of Public Hinckley. stantiated allegations of a Minne- in some quarters as a means of Both , however, say that their vic- Roads today begins its "in depth" sota highway inspector "as to fail- DFL spokesman said the irregu- ure of certain of the tests to meet keeping pressure on Castro. tories will be by slim margins. investigation of -Minnesota high- were permitted so the Kuehn has come out for a three way construction , a red hot issue larities specifications on materials and As far as it can be ascertained , road could be finished before elec- temperatures." the United States has set no dead- percent general sales tax with in the political campaigns leading credit refunds to return the tax to Tuesday 's statewide election. tion. The route was dedicated last line on compliance from either ' Thursday. Republicans said the Mickle did not give the inspec- Moscow or Havana. Nonetheless paid on necessities. Reynolds has Republican and Democratic- charges were politically inspired tor's name but presumably he Kennedy was understood to feel based much of his campaign on Farmer - Labor office seekers and added that any deviations referred to Robert ¦ " O'Donnell, the United States cannot wait in- repeal of the present selective were brought into the controversy, were slight and of a type not un- Knife River. In the days since the definitely. sales tax and increase in the state but the issue especially sparked usual on large projects. controversy began, Republicans income tax. the governor race, where it pro- have made frequent note of the At the same time, Washington duced superheated accusations Saturday, in Washington, the The Democrats in 1958 made bureau announced Joseph M. fact O'Donnell has a brother work- is convinced the missile bases and adjectives. ing as a campaign aide for Lt. their first major breakthrough , in The matter came to light only O'Connor, director of audits and are coming down. Their destruc- more than 30 years in normally investigations, will personally sup- Gov. Karl Rolvaag, DFL candi- tion is almost complete, Edward a week ago, when Rep. John A. date for governor. Republican Wisconsin when they Blatnik, D-Minn., chairman of a ervise an "in-depth investigation M Martin, assistant secretary of elected four of the five state con- on evidence of possible serious ir- Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn. state, for inter-American affairs^ congressional highway investigat- Saturday night said O'Donnell had stitutional officers. The only ma- ing committee, divulged an in- regularities." said Sunday in a television inter- jor Republican office seeker to been dismissed by the State -view. ¦ . vestigation was pending into al- Grant Mickle, BPR . deputy ad- Highway Department and this win in that year -was Robert Zim- leged irregulalities in construc- ministrator, added that federal Martin.touched , too, on the sub- merman, secretary of state. constituted "out right intimidation ject of present concern within the Wiley was elected to public of- and persecution." administration when he added: fice for the first time as Chip- Highway Commissioner James "We still do not know where they pewa County prosecutor in 1909, C. Marshall, an appointee of Re- (the missiles) are going, or have seven years before Nelson was publican Gov. Elmer L. Andersen, born. He is seeking his fifth term Going to said Civil Service regulations pro- Kennedy ; verification they have left the is- vide for automatic suspension if Jerome Porter ; land or will not be reintroduced." ii.
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