Indian political scene since^ the death of mrs gandhi a select annotated bibliography submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of master of library science, 1986-87 by chhaya jain roM no : 86-m lib-09 •nroi no : t-8468 under the supervision of mr s hasan zamarrud lecturer department of librliry science aiigarh muslim university a I ig a rfi 1987 fi J)S/32.Q.'4f llnlllnHlNllllHiilllllllln DS1328 1^ Sincere thanks to professor H. Hasan Ktaan« University Librarian, and Head« D^artnent of Library Science for extending all possible help and facilities. I am indeed very grateful to oQf supervisor* Mr. S. Hasan ZasMucrud, who took a keen interest in 9nA offered constructive criticism and suggestions through out the duration and till the completion of this pro­ ject/ Diords can not express the heartfelt gratitude l have for his efforts in making a success of this work, and it would not be an exegeration to assert that with­ out this help the project would have taken much more toll as well as time. I am also grateful to Mr. Syed Vig&r Husain, who typed this work for his painstaking Job. CHHAYA JAZN COHTEHYS IMtT - I Page Ke« IHTRODUCTION 1 - 5 SCOPE 1 - 2 MBIHODOLOGY 2 - 3 ARK^NGEHBNT 3 - 5 LIST OF PERIODICALS 6 - 7 BART - II OOTLINE OF THE SUBJECT 3 » 68 WiRT - III ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 69 -344 PART- IV INDEX PS 345 -360 AUTHOR INDEX 345 -349 TITLE INDEX 350 -360 part one introduction list of periodicals IMTRODUCTICtti The Indian political soene has seen a sea change since the death of Mrs, Gandhi. The basic aim ofthis study is to bring together at one place the documents and periodical articles published in Indian and foreign journals on the Subject. Since the topic is so vast, I have tried to include all the relevent s\ibtopics and in each a few representative articles have been docu­ mented. Since the study deals with current problem, I had to decide a cut off date, which I have chosen to be July 2o, 1987, in consultation with noy supervisor. Keeping in view the topicality of the study, instead of plain annotations, informative abstracts have been prepared for the articles. METHODOLQgy The primary sources were consulted in the follow­ ing libraries: (i) Maulana Azaid Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. (ii) Indian Cou]|cil of World Affairs Library, Sapru House, New Delhi. (iii) American Centre Library, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi. 1 (iv) British Council Library, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- (v) Delhi University Library, Maurice Nagar, Delhi. (vi) Nehru Museum and Library, Teen Murti, New Delhi. (vii) House of Soviet Culture Library, Firooz Shah Road, New Delhi. The procedure followed in preparing this bibliogra­ phy was as follows: 1. The secondary soiirces were consulted in Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh to find out the location of the articles, these secondary sources were: Index India (Rajasthan University, Jaipur) Indian Press Index (Indian Documentation Service, Gurgaon) Articles of the Week (J.N.U. Library, New Delhi) Weekly List of Articles(Indian Council of World Affairs, N«w Delhi). Guide to Indian periodical Literature (Delhi Library Association) . 2. The relevant bibliographj^cal details were noted down on 5" x 7" cards, following the ISI, stan­ dards. 3. Then Primary sources were consulted in Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh, and *n ihe libraries '"" Delhi 'i/vuu%-h^n^^cA. rjjcy?. 4. On completion of the abstracts, subject headings were assigned. Subject headings are cor^letely co-extensive to the extent possible, 5. The svibject headings were arranged in an alpha­ betical sequence of various elements. 6. In the end two separate alphabetical indexes were prepared viz. author index and title index providing reference to various entries by their respective numbers. 7. No siabjftct index has been provided as bibliography itself/arranged aj.]^habetically through subject head­ ings. The material in this bibliography has been arranged in the following manner: 1. Part first is a brief introduction to bibliography, this has informations about the scqpe and methodo­ logy adopted in preparing this bibliography. 2. part second is brief out lines of the subject. 3. part third is the bibliography, the arrangement here is subjectwise taking the subject in an al- phabatical manner. 4.(a)An entry is preceeded by the subject heading in capitals. But the relation words are in small letters and underlined e.g. INDIA, POLITICS, PRIME MINISTER^GANDHI (Rajiv), Cooperation with OPPOSITION. (b)Serial number of the entry in a separate column. {c)The entcy begins with the SURNAME of the author(s) in capitals words as the Entry elements, followed by Secondary Element in parentheses. When the SURNAiffi i^ the author(s) is not known, the Entry Element is the author(s) name itself, straight (Editorial articles of the news papers are entered under their titles with first two words in coital words and the descriptive terra : is added in the end of the entry preceded by cooipnau. (d)Then the title of the article (The grammer "arti­ cles" in the beginning are committed). (e)Title of the periodical _ . is under lineW. (f) Vol\ime nuiaber of the periodical (g) issue nxomber of the periodical. (h) Year of the publication of the periodical', parti­ cularly of concerned volxime. (i) Month of the publication in the abbreviation form, (j) pages of the periodical devoted to the articles. (k) Colximns in the form of Roman Smalls are given. (1) After all; this whole is followed by the annota­ tion. The inclusive notation is used to write the Indo- Arabic numbers - page nximber from 16 to 18 continuously are written e.g. 16 - 8, and discontinuous number is sep­ arated by comma. A specimen entry is given below; 5. -, -, -/ GANDHI (Indira), ASSASSINATION, AFTER­ MATH, RIOTS HINDU - SIKH INVOLVEMENT, CX>NQRESS(I) ^ 268. UNNIKRISHNAN (K P)^. Roits engineered by some Congress (I) leaders.^ Statesman.^ 125,^ 30lO|^ 1984,"^ NOV,® 11;^ 7r?a^-T7^ Author accuses "Local Congress (I) Leaders" of connving with anti-social elements to unleash, widespread violence in the wake of Mrs. Gandhi's assassination and demands that the Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, order a judicial inquiry into the recent events. What had happened in the capi­ tal was not the result of any spontaneous anger nor was it a Hindu-Sikh conflict. It was the result of "preplanned and permeditated plan of action unleased by some local Congress (I) leaders'' with the connivance of anti-social elements as the police administration was rendered ineffective. 1. Stibject headings 2. Author 3. Title 4. periodical Title 5. Volxune 15o. 6. issue IHo, 7. year 8. Month 9. Date 10. page 11. Column No. 6. In the end two alphabetical indices have been pro­ vided. There are the author index and title index, these cater to the two other possible entry points for search of literature. LIST OP JOURMALS Title Place Frequency 1. Amrita Bazar Patrika Calcutta . ,.. Pftiiy . 2. Asian Survey Berkely, Cal. Monthly 3. Asian Pacific Coninunity Tokyo Monthly 4. Coramonwealth Today ., London Monthly 5. Democratic World New Delhi Quarterly 6. Economic and Political Bombay Weekly Weekly New Delhi Daily 7. Economic Times Weekly 8. Economist London 9. Far Eastern Economic Hong Kong Weekly Review New York 5/per year 10. Foreign Affairs U.K. 9/year 11. Frontier Madras Portnighly 12. Frontline Bombay Monthly 13. Gentleman Madras Daily 14. Hindu New Delhi Daily 15. Hindustan Times 16. Illustrated Weekly of Bombay Weekly India New Delhi Daily 17. Indian Express New Delhi Fortnightly 18. India Today - Saudi ArabiaI Monthly 19. Islamic World Review London Quarterly 20. Journal of peasant studiesNe Londow Delhn i Weekly 21. Link New Delhi Weekly 22. Mainstream, 23. Monthly Commentary of Monthly Indian Economic Condi- New Delhi tion 24. Millennium London Quarterly 25. Nagpur Tiroes Nagpur Daily 26. National Herald Lucknow Daily 27. News Times Moscow Weekly 28. News Week Moscow Weekly 29. New York Times9 New York9 Daily 30^ Onlooker Bombay Fortnighly 31. pacific Affairs New York Quarterly 32. patriot New Delhi Daily 33. Probe Alialiabad Monthly 34. Regional Studies ., Islamabad bi-Monthly 35. Round Table London Quarterly 36. Secular Democracy New Delhi Monthly 37. Seminar New Delhi Monthly 38. Sikh Review Calcutta Monthly 39. Statesman New Delhi Daily 40. Sunday Calcutta Weekly 41. Times London Daily 42. Times of India New Delhi Daily 43. Tribune Chandigarh Daily 44. World Today London Monthly. iiiiiillil part two outline of the subject s IMTRODUCTION On 31st October 1984, the largest democracy of the World was stunned to hear the shocking news of the assas­ sination of its prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi. More alarming intriguing, disgusting, deplorable and revealing was the fact that she was gunned down by non else but lay the two of her trusted security guasds on whose shoulders rested the responsibility of her security along-with a huge chain of officers as per protocol and security measures' rules. Again this heinous crime w«s conmitted no where else but at the heavily guarded precincts area of her own official residence, that consequently poses a seri- OTis mark of interogation on the security and safty mea­ sures arround her. Her apprehensions that she had a constant danger to her life proved to be true. The vested interest had played their game successfully. It was certainly not the manifestation of the two insane minds involved in the game, but a consequence of the conspiracy hatched against Mrs. Gandhi and the people of India Condemnation of this dastardly act his beyond word's e:qpressions. Even her fiercest adversaries re­ garded this act as the most dastardly and gruesome com­ mitted against hiimanity in the annals of democracy.
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