Published by the University of Pennsylvania THURSDAY / 24 APRIL 1980 Sonia Johnson Discusses Her Excommunication and ERA Sonia Johnson had been a devout follower of the Mormon Church all her life, as her family had been for five generations, accepting the conservative, traditional life favored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then, after returning to the U.S. in 1976 from living overseas with her husband and children, she wanted to find out about the Equal Rights Amendment. Johnson was "mildly pro-ERA" but the Mormon Church strongly opposed it; she sought information to resolve her dissonance. Johnson explained last week the subse- quent actions and reactions that led to her support of ERA and her excommunication from the church at a lecture sponsored by the University's Women's Studies Program. Johnson, now president of Mormons for ERA addressed about 80 people, most of whom were women, to discuss herexile from the tabernacle. In a soft voice that she called a" Mormon voice" she made several disclaimers: she was not hereto speak for the Mormon Churchor Mormon women or even Mormons for ERA. Sonia Johnson was on campus to speak on ERA and the Mormon Church from her perspective. Sofia Johnson explains that there is nothing she wouldn't endure for ERA. Johnson said that she "fell in love" with ERA while attending a church meeting where the "Man of the Year of the Atomic Energy Commission" explained the church's Melvyn Hammarberg: Wring the opposition to ERA. He arrived unprepared to speak on this topic which was of great Mormon Past concern to Johnson. Consequently, she became angry at his insensitivity to women's While many Americans may see the particular culture area in a restricted time needs and concerns, lost confidence in the Mormon Church, or the Church of Jesus and place," Hammarberg said. The Latter- Atomic Energy Commission and the men of Christ of Latter-day Saints, only through day Saints were chosen out of the depart- the church. the headlines produced by the Sonia John- ment's desire to "turn some resources west- Johnson recalled how she "heard the son controversy, a group of University ward." behind his words" and feelings suddenly graduate students is gaining a much more The Mormons were also singled out from realized that it was condescending "love." insightful view. among other Western groups because of (continued on page 6) They are members of the Mormons in their unique concern for record keeping. Utah ethnography course taught by Profes- "The Latter-day Saints area special group sor Melvyn Hammarberg, graduate group in part because their own value system chairman of the American civilization encourages record production by individuals department. The course represents a depar- and a record preservation system by the ture from the traditional "East Coast" church, which results in a well documented orientation of American history, and at- group." Hammarberg said. "Historical " Lindback Awards recipients named, page 2. tempts to understand the culture of a group ethnography depends on records." " Provost announces exam rules, page 6. whose values are a departure from those Hammarberg also pointed out that the " ICA Director Janet Kardon discusses Ve- predominant in American culture. nice Biennaie, page 8. Ethnographic courses attempt to study "a (continued on page 3) Distinguished Teachers Win Lindback Award Nine University professors have been Dublin, and earned his masters of arts at Sobejano, a native of Spain, received his honored with the Lindback Award for Cambridge. Harty has been with the depart- doctor of philosophy and letters from the Distinguished Teaching for 1979-80. The ment of anatomy in the School of Medicine University of Madrid. He has taught at winners were feted by the Lindback Society since 1953. major universities in Europe and the U.S., in the Rosenwald Reception Gallery of Van Glandt received his masters of scienceand joining the Pennsylvania faculty in 1973. His Pelt Library on April 22. his doctorate at the University in chemical major interests are 17th centuryand contem- The winners in the health area are: Robert engineering. His list of honors includes porary Spanish literature. He has published James Eckroade, assistant professor of fellowships from the United Nations, the numerous articles and books in the field. poultry medicine in the School of Veterinary U.S. Bureau of Mines, and a Fulbright Winter received her masters degree from Medicine; Brett Bruce Gutsche, professor of award. A member of the department of the University of Chicago, and earned her anesthesiology and obstetrics-gynecology in chemical and biochemical engineering since doctorate from Columbia University. A the School of Medicine; Henry 0. Trow- 1977, Glandt's research interests encompass member of the history of art department bridge, professor of pathology in the School the classical and statistical thermodynamics since 1976, Winter holdsjoint appointments of Dental Medicine; Clifford H. Jordan, of interfacial phenomena, absorption, in Oriental studies, and the ancient history professor of nursing in the School of monolayers, and theories of liquids and of and classical archaeology graduate groups. Nursing; and Michael Harty, professor of solutions. Heis a past recipient ofthe S. Reid She has worked with excavations through- anatomy and orthopedic surgery in the Warren Award for Distinguished Teaching out the Mediterranean and the Mideast, and School of Medicine. in the College of Engineering and Applied is widely published in the area of prehistoric The winners in the non-health areas are: Science. and ancient art. Eduardo Glandt, assistant professor of Mann, a member of the anthropology The Lindback Awards were established in chemical engineering in the School of department since 1969, received his masters 1961. The winners in the health areas are Engineering and Applied Science; Alan degree and doctorate from the University of chosen by an ad hoc committee chosen by Mann, associate professor of anthropology California at Berkeley. He has done paleon- the Vice President for Health Affairs. The in FAS; Gonzalo Sobejano, professor of tological field research throughout the professors in the non-health areas arechosen romance languages in FAS; and Irene world, and has published extensively on by the Provost's Staff Conference from a list Winter, assistant professor of history of art early man. of finalists presented by the Lindback in FAS. Committee on Distinguished Teaching. The Eckroade received his doctorate in veteri- committee is composed of five faculty nary medicine from the University of members who have received the award and Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine and Garden Party Auction five graduate and undergraduate students. earned his masters in pathology and docto- -s.i.S. rate in pathology and veterinary science Benefits from the University of Wisconsin. His research interests range from thestudy ofthe Alumni Center interspecie transmission of transmissible mink to the use of encephalopathy compost- The University's Wharton SinklerConfer- ed municipal garbage as poultry houselitter. ence Center in will be the setting A member of the since Wyndmoor Pennsylvania faculty June 21 for a garden party auction spon- Almanac 1976, Eckroade is active in a Volume 26. Number 32 wide-ranging sored by the Association of Alumnae of the of and variety professional community University. The news magazine of the University of services. Proceedswill be used forthe restoration of Pennsylvania, published in Philadelphia each Gutsche received his M.D. from the Eisenlohr Hall, 3812 Walnut Street, to be Thursday throughout the academic year, monthly of Rochester School of Medicine during June. July and August. University used as the University's Alumni Center. and Dentistry, and joined the University in Once renovated. Eisenlohr Hall will Acting Editor C. ANNE VITULLO 1969. His duties stress obstetric Acting Assistant Editor MARGUERITE MILLER teaching become the permanent home for the Univer- Editorial Assistant SALLY SORENSEN anesthesia, a field in which he has published General Alumni the offices for Work-Study Assistant VIOLETTE PHILLIPS sity's Society, Designers CAROL ROESCH LOMBARDI. widely. Alumni Relations and the Pennsylvania ROBIN RYAN his D.D.S. the Trowbridge earned at Gazette. Photographer DIANNE FELTOON College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Contributors RON FRANCIS, For the price of dinner and admittance to STEPHEN FRIED. MAX LEBOW. JAN SNYDER Francisco, and received his doctorate in the auction, you can bid on an eclectic pathology at the University of California ALMANAC Advisory Board: Robert Lewis Shayon, assortment of divertissements including: a chairman: Herbert CalIco, Fred Karuah, Paul School of Dentistry in San Francisco. tropical vacation in Jamaica, a weekend in a Bender. Charles Dwyer and Walter Wales for the Trowbridge is active in committee and Faculty Senate. Valerie Pena for the Librarians' Vermont home that sleeps 17, a custom- Hill professional work, and was the recipient of Assembly: Shirley for the Administrative designed Christmas card by artist Bo Brown Assembly; Virginia Hill Upright for the A-3 the Academic Senate Teach- of ALMANAC'S for Distinguished '28. New York theatre tickets and a weekend Assembly. Copies guidelines Award at the of California readers and contributors may be obtained from ing University at the Plaza, a boat trip around Long Island, ALMANAC. in 1967. squash lessons, a private tour of the Jordan received his master degree in Deadlines: Except for the calendar, all information University Museum with director Martin must be received theALMANAC office education with a in administration in by by 4p.m. major Biddle, a weekend in the Poconos, a Monday for each Thursday's ALMANAC. nursing from the University, and received his a luncheon at and tour of Morris Arboretum. Information for thecalendar must be received by the doctorate in education from Temple Univer- ALMANAC office one week priorto desired date of The at 6 with cocktails publication. sity. He is involved in professional and party begins p.m.
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