E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2018 No. 59 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was We honor the resilience of survivors, Rwanda, Darfur, and Syria. There are called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and we rededicate ourselves to uphold still millions of people being per- pore (Mr. CHABOT). the promise of ‘‘Never Again.’’ secuted because of their ethnicity, be- f This week marks the Days of Re- cause of who they are. membrance for the Holocaust. Congress We must eradicate hatred and never DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO established the Days of Remembrance become indifferent to the sufferings of TEMPORE as the Nation’s annual commemora- others. On the Day of Remembrance, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tion. Each year, State and local gov- the most important thing to remember fore the House the following commu- ernments, military bases, workplaces, is the humanity that exists in all of us. nication from the Speaker: schools, religious organizations, and May we always remember and always WASHINGTON, DC, civic centers host observances and re- pledge: Never again. April 12, 2018. membrance activities for their commu- f I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE nities. CHABOT to act as Speaker pro tempore on These events occur during the Week COMMEMORATING NATIONAL this day. of Remembrance, which began Sunday, MINORITY HEALTH MONTH PAUL D. RYAN, April 8, and runs through Sunday, Speaker of the House of Representatives. April 15. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f The events and results of the Holo- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Illinois (Ms. KELLY) for 5 minutes. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE caust were so devastating and so ex- treme that we can barely imagine how Ms. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- such a horrendous event can even take today as chair of the Congressional ant to the order of the House of Janu- place. Black Caucus Health Braintrust to ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- But we remember because it is an un- commemorate National Minority nize Members from lists submitted by thinkable scar on humanity. We not Health Month and to challenge Con- the majority and minority leaders for only remember, but, more importantly, gress to take bold action to end health morning-hour debate. we say: Never again. disparities that continue to plague our The Chair will alternate recognition Today, we mourn the lives of those communities. between the parties. All time shall be we lost, and we celebrate those who Mr. Speaker, it is a sad fact that in equally allocated between the parties, saved them, and we honor those who America your race, class, and ZIP Code and in no event shall debate continue survived. very much determine how long you will beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other The Holocaust was a tremendous live and how healthy you will be; than the majority and minority leaders blight on the history of humanity, but whether you will die of a heart attack and the minority whip, shall be limited also a time when we honor those who in your forties or develop type 2 diabe- to 5 minutes. were brave enough to put an end to it; tes and lose a limb. f those who stood in the face of such evil These three factors speak volumes and refused to turn a blind eye. about your life and health. That is just OBSERVING HOLOCAUST Our American soldiers were fighting wrong, and it is up to us to change REMEMBRANCE DAY to win World War II and liberated con- that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The centration camps and the horror that From cradle to grave, and at every Chair recognizes the gentleman from ensued there. It was an incredible task stage in between, people of color, low- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 carried out by members of the Greatest income people, rural Americans, Na- minutes. Generation. tive Americans, and first-generation Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. By looking back, we can understand Americans are sicker, receive less care, Mr. Speaker, I rise today on Holocaust how important it is to defend those have less access to care, and, trag- Remembrance Day to honor the mem- who are defenseless. We recognize the ically, die sooner. ory of those who were murdered during sufferings that took place and the lives In 2010, we took a major leap forward the Holocaust. that were shattered, but also the ef- with the passage of the Affordable Care The Holocaust was the systematic, forts that were made to put an end to Act. This law has started to reduce government-sponsored persecution and such destruction and suffering. these disparities by increasing access murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi We have seen such hatred and geno- to care, ensuring mental healthcare, regime and its collaborators. cide occur again in places like Bosnia, expanding research, and creating a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3151 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:22 Apr 13, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12AP7.000 H12APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H3152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 12, 2018 pipeline of doctors and medical profes- more marched in their own cities with One year after he joined the Marines, sionals from underrepresented commu- the same message. he married Shirley Carver, and they nities. Like all public health issues, people had two sons, Murphy and Matthew. A major result of the ACA has been of color, women, and rural Americans A few years later, Zell enrolled at the to cut the excessive risk of cancer are far more impacted by gun violence. University of Georgia, where he grad- death in half for African-American In fact, it remains the leading cause of uated with bachelor’s and master’s de- men. The same risk factor for Black death for African-American men from grees in history. His education earned women was reduced by seven points, birth to 44. him a teaching position back home at according to the American Cancer So- We are also tragically seeing spikes Young Harris College in 1959, and in ciety’s 2017 report. in rural and veteran suicides by guns, the same year, the town elected him as They clearly state: ‘‘Increasing ac- another public health issue that this their mayor. cess to care as a result of the Patient House has ignored. After one mayoral term, residents Protection and Affordable Care Act Despite these calls for action and the sent him to the Gold Dome as their may contribute to a further narrowing cold, hard facts, this House has yet to State senator. In the years following, of the racial gap across all population act to save lives. he worked for Georgia’s Governor Mad- groups.’’ Now, Mr. Speaker, I just spoke exten- dox, Georgia’s Democratic Party, the However, the ACA is not just fighting sively about many problems and chal- State Board of Pardons and Paroles, cancer. It is improving other aspects of lenges facing the health of Americans, and, in 1975, he became Georgia’s Lieu- care and increasing access to care. but I want to close by highlighting tenant Governor. While the Affordable Care Act has some recent successes to end health In 1990, Zell became the Governor of made major strides, disparities remain disparities. Georgia, and his positive influence on deeply entrenched in our society and First, this February, this House our State’s education system has char- our healthcare system today. passed my Action for Dental Health acterized his tenure. Today, I would like to talk about Act, a bill that will better target exist- His vision for brighter futures came several of them. The first and most en- ing resources to more effectively de- to life when voters ratified the State trenched is access to care. Far too liver oral and dental healthcare to un- lottery on the 1992 ballot, creating a often, the sickest among our neighbors derserved communities and popu- new fund to support the State’s edu- cation needs. One year later, the are those with the least access to the lations. H.O.P.E. Scholarship was created, care they need. They cannot see a pro- And finally, I want to praise the new making higher education accessible for vider because they can’t afford it, can’t leaders in the medical, research, and nearly 2 million Georgia students. get the time off work, can’t find trans- advocacy professions who are working to end these deeply entrenched dispari- In 1999, Georgia Senator Paul Cover- portation; or there is simply no care dell passed away while in office, and available in their community. ties. Next week, I will honor the National then-Governor Barnes appointed Zell Let’s work together to make sure Minority Quality Forum’s 40 Under 40, to fill the vacant seat, and Zell came to that everyone can get the care they young leaders in the healthcare field Washington. need, no matter where they live, who are working to support and em- Georgians will remember Zell Miller whether in a city, the suburbs, or on a power minority communities to live as one of the State’s strongest advo- farm.
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