~ The Weather. String Quartet Partfy cloudy today ancl tonllht. Warmer ... I "llht. Hlth 7t-7S. Further outlook Sunclay - Rev~w: Page 2 al 'oman Partly cloudy with little temptratur. cha ..... Serving the State University of Iowa lind the People of Iowa Cit" Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Herald TribuDe New. Service Leued Wire Saturday. April 22, 1961. Iowa City, Iowa I(ennedy To Confer with Ike on / * * * * * * Pr:esident, GOP Cardona:I Rebels 'Will Str.ike Again' Leaders To -Meet Iy ROWLAND EVANS JR. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Herald Tribune N.wI Service ALthough acknowledging a grave reverse in last Monday's WASHINGTON, (HTNS) - President Kennedy will med seaborne operations, the leader of Cuba:S rebels declared Fri­ former President Eisenhower at Camp David, in Maryland to- day new landing forces ' will strike Cuba in the struggle to un­ day to review the darkening developments in ' Cuba. • seat Fidel Castro. It will be the second conversation between the 43·year-o~d As the Cuban exile high command vowed to fight until the President and his 70-year.old predecessor since th~ inaugura­ end, Castro was reported by Havana radio as directing a mop­ tion. up of the invasion that was shattered on the southern beaches TIle meeting will culminate a week of the most inten~ive of Cuba. conferring between the Democratic Chief Executive and le~d· * * * Jose Miro Cardona, presi· ers of the opposition party, a dent of the Cuban Revolution· w 11 as with leaders of his own ·U.N. Gives ary Council, conceded the party. Laotian Says grave reverse in Monday's The President's urgency in plans. His own son was re­ taking the Republican leaders Peace-Making ported among those captured on Cease-Fire the beaches. But he said more into his conference underlines landings will continue to take tile graVity of the Cuban af· Job to O.A.S. place. fair. Kennedy has reviewed in Miro Cardona said 23 prisoners intimate detail with these Re· Due Shortly UNl'lED Nh'l'lONS, N.Y. (A'\ - were shot in the last 48 hours and publicans almost every asped MOSCOW (.fI - Former Lao­ The U.N. Political Committee over· he appealed to the world to stop tian Premier SouvaMa Phouma. rode Soviet and Cuban objections the bloodshed. of the unfortunate fiasco that be· gan to unlold a week ago. a sell-exiled neutralist, said Fri· Friday and assigned to Latin EIIII. lourc.s in Florid. .s· day be will return to hla country American nations the chief role s.rted thlt shipi bearing 500 to The conference will h.ve his· Tuesday or Wednesday. "which of peacemaker between Cuba aqd 1,500 fl,hte,. tr.lned In gu.rllla Spring Scene on the' Pentacrest toric .verton••• Eisenhower and will coincide with the start of a Harry S. Trum.n, whom he IUC' the United States. w.rf..... I,.oely h.d set Nil In the 70. the 1"1-62 cease·Cire" in Laos. As the t.mperltur. ros. into FridlY, try-outs for S.loctlon of next y•• r's cheerl ••d.rs will be mado .t 2:30 p.m. Mott. ceeded in the White House, w.r. It was a sharp rebulf to Cuba the direction of Cub •• ch.. rI.ad.rs w.r. mov.d outside to t.k. full advant.g. of the warm doy in M.cbrldo Auditorium. Four m.mbers of P.p Club Council Britain and the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union. Faced with net on spe.king terms durin, the sunlight. H.r., • group of 16 wom.n and 3 m.n •••cut. a drill on and two of this y.o,.'s cheerl.ed.rs will mok. the finol ....ctlons. were expected to issue a joint certain defeat, the Soviet Union Cuban Government broadcasts two Eisenhow.r Admlnlstratl",s. the I.wn ••st of Old C.pitol .s this year'. cheerl ••d.rs look on. -D.ily lowon Photo by R.lph Speas cease·fire appeal within 48 boura withdrew its resolution asking for charged the United States had Friday Afternoon Kennedy called but Souvanna's atatement was the condemnation of the United States trained and carried the invaders -----,---------------------------------------------­ In Sen. Barry M. Goldwater. Ariz .. strongest indication yet that East as Bn aggressor in Cuba. to Cuba this week. The rebels reo the strongest voice of the Republi· and West had decided on a date The Soviets proposed the con· plied that active Soviet, Red Chi· can right. Goldwater has proposed Cor calling a halt to fighting in demnation in the wake of last nese and Czechoslovak aid enllbled Eichmann: Rocket Plane that the United States throw a the Soulheast Asian kingdom. blockade around the island of Cuba Monday's invasion of Cuba, but the Castro regime to shatter the Iowa House Gets Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei only Soviet bloc nations and Cuba beachhead. as a first measure to collapse the A. Gromyko told diplomats a Castro regime. com· spoke Cor it. The Cuban radio said prisoners promise had been reached on the Would Kill Sets New The two men loUted for 45 min· By a vote of 61·27 with 10 abo captured on the beach reported sequence of a cease·fire and a stentions the committee approved utes. There were no details of the peace conference. which made It they were flown from the United TV Education Bill conversation but If he talked as a resolution sponsored by seven possible to publish a truce appeal. States to Retalhuleu. a guerrilla frankly with GoldWater as he has Latin American nations giving the training camp in Guatemala. were Own Father Souvanna, though he has lived c i DES MOINES (A'\ - Resolutions in Iowa. known as tohe Gibson Re· Speed Record Organization of American States with other Republicans. the Presi­ In Cambodia slnce neelng Vien· trained th~re by 25 Instructors JERUSALEM IN! .... Adolf Eich­ directing PI' paratioo or statewide po.:t. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE. dent told all. (OM) the primlU')' respoD&lhilll.y from the "Yankee Army," flown tiane in IJecfmher 1960. has been mann told an Israeli security plans Cor a !System 01 regional This report, the result of a two- Calif. (,f! _ Maj. Bob White new for trying to resolve U.S.·Cuban to Puerto Cabezas on Nicaragua's The P .... kIt"f will send • helI­ • central figure in move. to encl agent he would kill his own father juniat' colleges and declaring year study of Iowa sohool needs the X15 rocket plane to a new copter to pick up E isenhowor at differences. east coast, then taken to Cuba in the Laotian civil war. He I. re­ "without hesitation" if ordered to legislative upport for expanded by an Indiana. University staIf controlled flight speed record of hi. GettylbUlll form In time to Raul Roa, Cuban foreign min· North American transports with cognized by the pr~Commun1at ister. denounced the resolution as do so, according to tape recorded use oC educational television were member said the S<I.aiI.e's policy on 3,140 miles an hour Friday. de. a"lv. at Camp Dovid at 11:3t Pathet Lao rebels and the Com· an escourt of U.S. destroyers. testlmpny replayed at his trial a "cooked up" job by the Unit~ filed in the Iowa House Friday. highe!- education must reoognize spite engine trouble and a leak •. m. CST for lunch. Kennedy will munist bloc as Lao'. legal head States. He said the United States Ali weapons captured 'on the Friday. One of t he resolutions sponsored the educational needs of all per· in his pressurized cabill. also t,avol by hellco".r, taking of Government. sought by such action to ambush beachhead were North American Isr1\el Atty. Gen . Gideon Haus· by ReP. Verne Llsle (li.cIarInda). sons Who wiII take education be· The new mark is 235 m.p.h. ..verol adYisers with him, in· He said In an Interview FrJday Prime Minister Fidel Castro's arms, Havana said. naming tanks, ner introduced the statement in would direct .the State Department yond hIWI school. faster than White's previous rec· dudln, S.cr.tory of Sfate Doan he will spend two or ttu-ee days revolution. antitank guns, rocket launchers, an apparent effort to portray the of Public lnstruoUan to prepare Less than one4.enth of all Iowa's ord of 2,905 m .p.h. Last march 7. Rusk. in Laos, adding: "Durin, that mentality of the man he charges He declared the OAS was domi­ name throwers. trucks, machine the sloatewide plan for "public area college -age youth received baChe- but the Air Force officer said he Bul Rusk and the others will not time I believe an e(fectl ve Govern· with masterminding Nazi Ger· nated by the United States, and guns and rifles. comrntmity colleges". lor ~ .and more than 70 pea: Cell no sensation oC greater speed. join the Kennedy·Eisenhower ment can be cteated." many's " final solution lo the The othel- would pledge <l!he Gen· cent of ]owa':s young people go to The engine trouble came a split luncheon. They will be there to Souvanna said be did not know Ihat Cuba could, not accept any Rlports In H.va"o .aid 350 appeals to it by the U.N. Jewish problem." a-al Assembly's 'Support fuT the .. second alter the XI5 dropped away discuss with Kennedy, after EI­ whether he would be premier In prllOrtOrs w.... t.k..... nd not _ Eichmann's voice. echoing in planning of a state educa(jooo\ work W.lth a high chool edooatian fr~m its B52 mother ShiP.
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