
146 Logunov & Wesolowska: Salticidae of Russian Far East· ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 29 Ann, Zoot. Fennici 29:113-146 ISSN 0003-455X Helsinki 7 December 1992 © 1992 Finnish Zoological Publishing Board Bosenberg, W. & Strand, E. 1906: Japanische Spinnen.­ the genus Phintella (Araneida: Salticidae). - In: Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 30:93-422. Nishikawa, Y. & Ono, H. (eds.), Arachnol. Pap. pre­ Chikuni, Y. 1989: Some interesting japanese spiders of the sented to T. Yaginuma in the occasion of his retire­ f~milies Amaurobiidae, Araneidae and Salticidae. - ment, Arachnologists' group: 123-131. Osaka. In: Nishikawa, Y. & Ono, H. (eds.), Arachnol. Pap. Nenilin, A. B. (HeHHIIHH, A E.) 1984: On the taxonomy of presented to T. Yaginuma in the occasion of his retire­ spiders of the family Salticidae of the fauna of the ment, Arachnologists' group: 133-159. Osaka. USSR and neighbouring countries. (In Russian with The jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) of Chikuni, Y. & Yaginuma, T. 1976: Marpissa magister and English summary) - Zool. Zh. 63:1175-1180. Marpissa elongata. (In Japanese) - Atypus 67:33-35. 1985: [Materials on the fauna of the spider family Dunin, P. M. (nymlH, II. M.) 1984: [Materials on the spi­ Salticidae of the USSR. II. Results of the study in the Khabarovsk Province (Russian Far East) der fauna from the Far East (Arachnida, Araneae). USSR.] (In Russian) - In: Ovcharenko, V. (OBqa­ Family Salticidae.] (In Russian) - In: Lev, P. (lIeB, peHKo, B.) (ed.), [Fauna and ecology of spiders of the II.) (ed.), [Fauna and ecology of insects of Southern USSR.]: 129-134. Leningrad. part of the Far East.]: 128-140. Sbornik nauchnykh Oliger, T. 1. (Omlrep, T. 11.) 1984: [Materials on the spi­ Dmitrii V. Logunov & Wanda Wesolowska trudov. Vladivostok. ders of Lasovskii reserve.] (In Russian) - In: Utochkin, Eskov, K. Yu. (ECbKOIl, K. 10.) 1988: [Araneae of Central A (YTOqKHH, A.) (ed.), [Fauna and ecology of Arach­ Siberia.] (In Russian) - In: Rogacheva, E. (PoraqeIJa, nids.]: 120-127. Univ. of Perm. Logunov, D. V., Zoological Museum, Institute of Biology, the Russian Academy of E.) (ed.), [Faunistic materials from Middle Siberia and Paik, K. Y. 1987: Studies on the Korean Salticid (Araneae). Sciences, Frunze street 11, 630091 Novosibirsk, Russia neighbouring regions of Mongolia.]: 101-155. Moscow. III. Some new record species from Korea or South Wesolowska, W., Zoological Institute, WrocJaw University, Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Grube, A E. 1861: Beschreibungneuer, von den Hen-en L. Korea and supplementary describe for two species. - v. Schrenck, Maack, C. v. Dittmar u. a. im Amurlande Korean Arachnol. 3:3-21. WrocJaw, Poland und in Ostsiberien gesammelter Araneiden. - Bull. Proszynski, J. 1971: Redescriptions of the A. E. Grube's Acad. Imp. Sci. S.Petersburg 4:161-180. East Siberian species of Salticidae (Aranei) in the Received 19 February 1992, accepted 18 June 1992 Izmailova, M. V. (113Mql1l1oBa, M. B.) 1980: [Spiders of collection of the Wroclaw Zoological Museum. - Ann. Charskaya Kotlovina.] (In Russian) - In: Kulik, S. Zool. 28:205-226. The paper presents data on the Salticidae (except of the genus EuophlYS) of Khabarovsk (KymIK, C.) (ed.), [Arthropoda of the Siberia and Far 1973: Systematic studies on East Palaearctic Salticiade. Province (Russian .Far East). Thirty-six speciys qre rep~rted; among them three are East.]: 108-112. Irkutsk. II. Redescriptions of Japanese Salticidae of the Zoo­ Karsch, F. 1879: Baustoffe zu einer Spinnenfauna von logical Museum in Berlin. - Ann. Zool. 30:97-128. described as new (llarmochirus nigriculus, Marpissa dersuuzalai, Marpissa zebra), four Japan. - Verh. Naturh. Vel'. Preuss. Rheinl. Westf. 1976: Studium systematyczno-zoogeograficzne nad are new for Russia (Harmochirus pullus, Marpissa pulchra, Phintella linea, P. parva) 36:57-105. rodzinq SaIticidae (Aranei) Regionow Palearkty­ and twelve are new for Khabarovsk Province (Harmochirus [atens, Evarcha albaria, Kharitonov, D. E. (XapHToHoB, n. E.) 1932: [Catalogue of cznego i Nearktycznego. - Rozpl'. WSP, 6. Sied1ce. Heliophanus dubius, Marpissa dybowskii, M. elongata, M. pulla, Myrmarachne spiders of the USSR.] (In Russian) - Ezhegod. Zool. 260 pp. Mus. AN SSSR, 32: suppl. 206 pp. 1978: Distributional patterns of the Palaearctic Saltici- formicaria, M. lugubris, Phintella arenicolor, P. popovi, Salticus cingulatus, Sitticus Ku1czynski, W. 1895: Attidae Muzei Zoologici Varso­ dae (Araneae). Proc. Zool. Soc. 42:335-343. cutleri). Two names are synonimized (Yaginumaella ususudi with Y. striatipes and viensis in Siberia orientali collecti. - Rozpr. Spraw. 1979: Systematic studies on East Palaearctic Salticidae. Phintella mellotei with P. arenicolor). The neotype of Phintella castriesiana is desig­ Wydz. Mat. Przyl'. Akad. Umiej. 32:1-54. III. Remarks on Salticidae of the USSR. - Ann. Zool. nated. Bianor iatens is assigned to the genus Harmochirus, and the first description of 1926: Arachnoidea Camtschdalica. - Ann. Mus. Zool. 34:299-369. Acad. Sci. USSR. 27:29-72. 1980: Revision of the spider genus Sitticus Simon, the male of this species is provided. The differentiating diagnoses of poorly known Logunov, D. V. (lIOryHOB, n. B.) 1991: The spider family 1901 (Aranei, Salticidae) IV. Sitticus floricola (c. L. Eastern Palaearctic species of the genera Marpissa, Myrmarachne and Phintella are Salticidae (Aranei) from Touva. 1. Six new species of Koch) group. -Ann. Zool. 36:1-35. given. the genera Sitticus, Bianor and Dendryphantes. (In Rus­ 1983: Tracing the history of a genus from its geo­ sian with English summary) - Zool. Zh. 70:50-60. graphical range by the example of Sitticus (Arachnida: Logunov, D. V. & Marusik, Yu. M. (lIorYHoB, n. B. & Araneae: Salticidae). - Verh. Naturwiss. Vel'. Ham­ '( MapycHK, 10. M.) 1991: Redescriptions and morpho­ burg 26:161-179. "\ logical differences of Bianor aurocinctus (Ohlert) and Schenkel, E. 1963: Ostasiatische Spinnen aus dem Mu­ I 1. Introduction the species spreading from Western Palaearctic B. aemulus (Gertsch) (Aranei, Salticidae). (In Russian seum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. - Mem. Mus. refugia were more expansive, colonizing large with English summary) - Sibil'. BioI. Zh. 2:39-47. Hist. Nat. 25:289-481. Our knowledge of the Salticidae from different areas, and reaching in some cases to the shores Shternbergs, M. T. (IIhepH6eprc, M. T.) 1988: [Materials Marusik, Yu. M. (MapycHK, 10. M.) 1988: New species of arts of the Palaearctic is very biased; whereas of the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand, the spiders (Aranei) from the upper Kolyma. (In Rus­ on the spider fauna of the Primore.] (In Russian) - In: sian with English summary) - Zool. Zh. 67:1469- Utochkin, A. (YToUKHH, A) (ed.), [Fauna and ecol­ the Western Palaearctic species are relatively well species from the Eastern centres of dispersal were 1482. ogy.]: 92-97. Univ. of Perm. own, our knowledge of the Central and Eastern less dynamic, and this resulted in the small ranges Marusik, Yu. M. & Logunov, D. V. (MapycHK, 10. M. & Wesolowska, W. 1981a: Salticidae (Aranei) from North ~~\le~rctiG species is grossly inadequate. of the Eastern Palaearctic species. To verify this lIorYHoD, n. B.) (in press): Little known species of Korea, China and Mongolia. - Ann. Zool. 36:45-83. 1;peCljrrent distribution of the Palaearctic hypothesis one needs to have a much better idea spiders of the families Salticidae and Thomisidae - 1981b: Redescriptions of the E. Schenkel's East Asi­ . ~~3shaped to a large extent by the Ice of species distribution patterns in the Central and (Aranei) from the Far East of the USSR. .,,- Sibil'. atic Salticidae (Aranei). - Ann. Zool. 36: 127-160. (}be tetreat of the glaciers the species Eastern Palaearctic. This demands not only BioI. Zh. Zabka, M. 1985: Systematic and zoogeographic study on ;th~Palaearctic from the refugia. Matsumoto, S. 1989: Colour variation in the prolateral the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam. - faunistic studies in poorly known areas, but ,side of carapace and appendages of jumping spider of Ann. Zool. 39:1-485. 9976) put forward a hypothesis that taxonomic work as well. The Asiatic species are 114 Logunov & Wesolowska: Salticidae of Russian Far East· ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 29 ANN. ZOOL. FENNIeI Vol. 29 • Logunov & Wesolowska: Salticidae of Russian Far East 115 ble. As this European species has never again been 2. Methods Distribution. Widely distributed Palaearctic found East of the Urals (see Pr6szynski 1983: fig. species, recorded from the Russian Far East by 5), it seems that its inclusion in the fauna of Specimens were examined in a dish with alcohol. Kulczynski (1895), Pr6szynski (1971, 1976: map Khabarovskii Krai is based on a mistake. Descriptions of colours pertain to wet specimens. 66, 1979), Dunin (1984), Nenilin (1985) and This paper is based on the rather large amount The drawings were made with the aid of a reticular Shternbergs (1988). 50' of material collected by D. V. Logunov in eyepiece attached to a stereomicroscope with a Bolshekhekhtsirskii reserve (refened, to as BR in magnification of 7.5 to 48 times. If not stated the text), situated 15-20 km South of Khabarovsk, otherwise, specimens from Khabarovskii Krai Delldryphantes jllsCOllotatlls (Grube, 1861) ? in 1987. Smaller collections were accumulated by are shown in the figures. The male pedipalp and D. K. Kurenshchikov and Dr. N. A. Ryabinin (In­ epigyne were removed for the study. The epigyne Material: Khabarovskii Krai, BR, 20', 17-19.V1.1987, stitute of Water and Ecological Problems, Kha­ was cleared in warm lactic acid or macerated in D. Lognnov (BI, No 1117, 1118). barovsk) and of S. V. Ivanov (Bolshekhekhtsir­ 10% KOH for 48 hours at normal room tem­ Distribution. Eastern Palaearctic species, re­ skii reserve). The material in the Zoological perature and cleared in xylene. After drawing, corded repeatedly in Khabarovskii Ivai and Museum of Moscow University (collection ofV. the genitalia were placed in microvials with al­ 50' Primore (Grube 1861, Kharitonov 1932, Pr6- 1. Sychevskaya) and in the Museum of Natural cohol. szynski 1971, 1976: map 44, 1979, Azheganova History in Wroclaw (collection of A. E. Grube) All measurements are given in mm. In the & Stenchenko 1977, Izmailova 1980, Dunin 1984, was studied as well.
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