T: \ C' r -. SATURDAY, JULY 2sf i9B6 PA 0B 1X !I ATCrage Daily Net Presa Run . Th* Waathtr ^tirning Um lb For tho Week Ended roFoowt of U. 8. Weatbor 1 Juno 18, 1*58 Clear, chilly again toalght. JjoU have followed a custom not un­ Roazawskl, RockvUla; Mra. 50-55. Tueoday sunny, low humUi- known In that service. Kathleen "Thompson, 25F Forest 12,065 ity, higher afternoon tomporaturoa. About Town . Briefly, he is how charged with Hospital Notes St.; Mra. Mary Muir, South Wind­ Menbor of tho Audit Rl^h In upper 78s. Heard A long Main Street two counts of being AW O L and sor; Mi-a. Mary Voiland and son, THE ARMY AND NAVY Bureau ot Ctrcnlatlon A- dstiAtsr w u bom Tucaday one of breaking.orders sending him .^lalUag Hours: Privatf rooms, 388 Oakland St. MaticheUer——A City of Village Charm In HartlOTO^HoapiUl to Mr. and to.hls npme base alone, but tech­ 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; maternity and semi-private wards, 3 to 8 p.m.; Mm. John ■ 3S Foxcroft Dr. And on Some of Manche$ier*» Side StreeUi Top nically under arrest. Perhaps most Interesting—al­ children’s ward, 3 to 7 p.m. VOL. LXXV. NO. 255 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. JULY 30, 1956 Adverttabig on Pago 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS though we may^ never know -the Arm y Rvff^JSdward Mard.aenUk.^ ProSle Parade •^too, even though the^Afst blush'of answgr— Is whether the sympathy ADM ITTED ’THURSDAY: Mrs. ■on o f 'M r, and Mra. Joa«ph State Sen. Patrick J. Ward of youth has passed ffbm the oheek 'and understanding of schoolmen Josephine Morse, 43 Ashland St. QUINN’S B-I-N-G-O Kubaaak. 134 Oakland Si., recent­ Hartford and State Sen. PaUl of both. / will-have more ’ long'range effect ly oualifled aa an expert In firinR ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Amenta ot New Britain appear Although c^didates High Sher­ than the stem punishment the John McCauley, 121 Delmont St.: EVERY SAT. N IG H T ^ E W TIME 8:00 P.M. the M-1 rifle durinj; the annual ready to battle it out in a primary iff Donald Potter of GlSstOdbury Marine seems likely to receive Albert McKee, Talcottrille; Mra. PHARMACY » Ninth Infantry Diviaion email AUg. 29 for the Democratic nomi­ and Afty. Wallace Burke 6f Farm­ from his branch of the armed Mary Wright. 77 Main St.; W il­ COME ONE — COME ALL — REFRESHMENTS r m a qualifications in Germany. nation for Congress from the First ington ^'didn't have a chance-' to fdrees. % ____ liam Crane, 59 Russell St.; Mra. Stassen Silent 2: make an individual appearance RibicO District. Haze) Landray. Rockville; William OPEN SUNDAYS The llanchcater. Auxiliary Police We don't know exactly, what (yieir barkers opviously were Aid for I Motorists Hamill, 23 HydeSt.; Donna Smith, New York, July 30 (Ah— will hold an outing Monday night their primary-eiectiOn campaigns asleep at the switch), they weren't A Manchester man' louring New 28 Lenox St.; Thomas Erickson. What .may be the lowest bid at the cottage of Ted Goodchild hold in store, but whatever it ta,'1" left out of the proceedings entire York State' rah-into a quaint cus­ Andover: Mra. Margaret Keefe, I A.M. to 1 P.M. On Talk to Ike in bridge history— "less than on Bdlton Lake beginning gt 6 we’ll Wager it won't be nearly^so | *>’• A delegate asked that all six tom on a throughway there, and 211 Union St. one club'’-r-w*8 made yester- p.m. Refreihmenta will be aerved. 'entertaining as was the conven-1 candidates march up to the front It is one we recommend to the ADMITTED ’TODAY: Joahua da.v in the national summer tion at the Hotel Bond in Hartford i the hall, where the ronventibn powers that be who help adminis­ Elder, 81 Tanner St. 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Gettvaburg; Pa., Jlllv 304 Sta*seh said all hi* contacts with tournament of the American two weeks ‘ago when Mtard won could belter measure, one against ter Connecticut’s system of BIRTHS YESTERD AY: Sons to Tomorrow afternoon, '^the Rev. Contract Bridge League. his party’s endorsement. the other. through 'roads. Mr. and Mra. Carl Millhoff, 328 E. John R. Neubert of the Commu­ A dealer dropped his cards As reported in the press, the Manchester Dembrratic Town pUi; friend, traveling on one of Middle ’Tpke.; Mr. apd Mra. Rob­ NOW with Preaidertt Eisenhower Einenhower tMked about, and Raid to the fioor and sajd “ oops.” Liquor at Prison nity Baptlat Church will conduct convention, in ^Kich six candi- Chairman John D. LaBelle, who the new , trans-New York State ert Knight, Baat Hartford; | he would nqt comment on the prog­ services at Manchester Convales­ today for the first time «ince The next player thought he dates were presented, was a don- chaired thS convention, was clear­ highways; needed directions to a daughters (b Mr, and Mra. Melvin launching a move to drop Vice re*» of hi.a Herter for Vice Prest- hadiheard "pass,’*'and )>id one cent homes, under the sponsorship nybrook, aa-^' shouting delegates ly against the Idea, apparently NOT NEXT WINTER certain tow-n. So, when he came to Schmidt, 70 Waddell Rd.; Mr. ahd la the time to have your comblnaMon Win- President Nixon from t h e h* f®*-- Ptob. ' ■ ' of the local Council of Churches. -switched votes like mad, desert­ thinking it frivolous, but the dele­ a toll station in the area where he Mra. Andrew Wruk, Rockville. EMERGENCY dawi and doom Inalalled. Take advantage ____ nml statement to make. 'x. Tire dealer protested an out- ing favorite sons for either the gates voted overwhelmingly in wanted a specific loeslity, he BIRTH TO D AY: A Son to Mr. GOP ticket. He came away Stassen said he. asked, tor the Ward Krause, 87 Walnut St., of LOW SUMMER PRICES! O f courae, of-turn bid. ' Ward hr Amenta camp. favor of It.,Accordingly, therefore, asked directions of the attendant. ,ar Mra. Roger Wilaon, I ’fS Green OIL BURNER reluctant to .talk about the meeting with the -Piestdent. The referef ruled: "Players W m pnmrietor of the Manchester and But what appears to have been E-Z terma! Check the six candidates filed up to the Without a word, the attendant Manor Rd. matter. He flew here for it this mtuning. must not make mialeading re- Vrailmantic Music Co., rdturhed lost lii the excitement was news SERVICE front of the convention floor. looked over -several stacks of DISCHARGED 'YESTERDAY': To reporters here, Stassen It wi.s a surprise session in that ' mai’ks. ‘Oops’ win be treated yesterday from New York .where of the beauty contest the delegates After Scrutinizing their candi­ printed slips, finally aelectihg one. Mra Christine RiaSling. Talcott- C A L L E R FREE ESTIMATE wouldn’t even sa.v w h etlw h*-and there had been no word to news. aa-a bid of leas than~one club." he attended the National Trade Staged. The norhinator of Mayor He handed it to the, tourist. On Sitdown dates, all of whom looked remark­ ville: David Wilejr' 100 Oak Grove Eikenhower had discuaaed Stassen’s me^ in advance that Stassen was The partner of the mah who . Show and convention o f the mu- Harold Keith of West Hartford . There, in concise English, were CALL ably self-contained under the cir­ St.; Mra. Mary Maynard, 302 Main contention that Gov; Cfiiri.atian coming. bid one club eventuatiy playe^U.; sle industry. Started it, but Edwin H. May Jr., ‘hCGurate directions to the place cumstances. the delegates gave St.; Barney J/Martin. 39 Eva Dr.; WILLIAMS Herter of Massachusetts would be It was jv.«t a week igo today and made the hand aP tivrhe of Wethersfield, the young and the'driver wanted. Very little time Mra. Gertrude LaShay, 3 N. Fair- good-looking Republican candidate then, a rousing Impartial cheer, OIL SERVICE BILL TUNSKY ■’a much stronger running male for that Stassen tossed a )>ombsheIl no-trump. / By Convicts and then got down to the business had been lost and the tourist did field St.; Nelaon Lewie. SoulhVCo- Eisenhower than Ni.xon would. into Republican rankt by publicly for the Congressional seat, was re­ not get lost. Nice work, we think. venlry; Mra. Elizabeth Schlack. 89 38 BUCKLAND RD. PHONE Ml 9a909S sponsible. of endorsing Ward in the afore­ • And he din’l reply directly when proposing the nomination of Her- Wrought Iran RoNin^s mentioned donnybrook Obviously the various stacks Summer St.; Mra. Mary DeLuco, asked whether he was stfll the ler, rather tiian Nixon, to the No. Hartford, July 30 had directions for a number of Ml 9w454B (fiPy—A The nominator held up May, with 251 /Bush Hill Rd.; Mrs. Ruth Presidenl’a aide oh dlaarmament. 2 .spot on the OOP ticket. He said Pcteh CohiifiM places travelers might want to McKeon I full-scale investigation into his good looks and youthful appeal Muiray, 34 Westwood St.; Mra. To that question, he said: "I don’t a private poll indicated an Eisen- stock Running Ix>w reach. 'I'he attendant had merely any criminal aspects of Fri­ as a candidate Democrats would Doris Peck, Andbver; Harry Har­ want you to continue to try to hower-Herier ticket would garner I VALLEY WELDING CO. "Operation Alert, Ifi.W’ was not to choose the one he wanted. have to reckon with, even in this ris, Hartman Tobacco Farm.
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