The Nazi Hydra In America Note: The navigation bar above requires Java to be enabled. For those experiencing problems with it or that are using a text only browser click here for menu help and a site map, all files can be accessed from this text only page. This help file can also be activated by the first button on the right hand panel from all pages within the White Rose website. The Navigation bar may be turned on and off without loosing the page's position by clicking the buttons in the upper lefthand corner. A special thanks is extended to the following individuals: John, Michael and, Robert who have graciously volunteered to help with the editing. Their contributions, time and effort are deeply appreciated in helping make this manuscript first rate. A Rave Review http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (1 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra In America Introduction Preface Chapter 1 What Fascism Is & Isn't Chapter 3: Corporate Law: A History Part 1: Constitutional Law Part 2: Supreme Court Cases Bibliography Chapter 4: The Roaring 20s and The Roots of Fascism in America Part 1: I.G. Farben Part 2: I.G. Economic Warfare & Traitors In High Places Part 3: The Great Paper Schuffle & Cartels Part 4: The Red Scare of 1919 Part 5: Preachers &Klansmen Part 6: American Eugenics http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (3 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra In America Part 7: The Bush Family and Eugenics Bibliography Chapter 5:The 1930s: Nazis Parading on Main Street Part 1: The Fascist Plot Against Roosevelt Part2: Republicans, Nazis & Elections Part 3: Fascists & Anti-Unionism Part 4: The Press Sells Out to the Nazis Part 5:Congressmen & Seditionist Part 6: Pro-Nazis of the1930s Appendix 1: Big Money Donors to the Pro-Nazis Bibliography Chapter 6:The War Years Part 1: The Failure of the FBI Part 2: Rainbow 5 & The Great Sit Down Strike Part 3: The Battle for the Home Front Part 4:The Nazis run for Cover Part 5: Corporate Traitors Part 6: Navitist Adopts Fascism http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (4 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra In America Bibliography Chapter 7: A Pledge Betrayed Part 1: What went wrong at Aachen? Part 2:United Nations War Crimes Commission Part 3:What is a war crime? Part 4: The OSS: Friend or Foe Part 5: The OSS in Europe Part 6: The Nazis Plot a Comeback Part 7: The Control Council For Germany Part 8: Generals Clay and Draper Part 9: John McCloy Part 10: Freeing Krupp Part 11: Cover Up Part 12: The New German Goverment and Old Nazis Bibliography Appendix 1: OSS Personnel Appendix 2: Captured Documents Appendix 3: Gold Fillings, Auschwitz & George Bush Appendix 4: Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis Appendix 5: Photocopy of Vesting Act 248: Seizing Union Bank George W. Bsh, The Neocons & The Nazis: Ties That Bind---text George W. Bsh, The Neocons & The Nazis: Ties That Bind---Diagram http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (5 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra In America Chapter 8: Nazi Gold Part 1: Merkers Part2: Safehaven Operations Part 3: Bormann’s Aktion Feuerland Part 4: Corruption Overtakes Safehaven Part 5: Operation Andrew, Sweden and Nazi Gold Part 6: Portugal,Spain and Nazi Gold Part 7: Turkey, Argentina and Nazi Gold Part 8: Switzerland and Nazi Gold Part 9: Gold Stories from Argentina Part 10: The Emperor's Golden Lily Part 10-A: The Black Eagle Trust Part 11: Gold Stories from the United States Bibliography Ratlines: The CIA & The Nazis George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (6 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra In America Those Damn Hippies Are Still Trouble: How the 60s Still Effects Us. OneStat http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/noon.html (7 of 7)8.4.2007 19:56:17 The Nazi Hydra : A Rave Review A Rave Review I crowed with delight when I returned to your first chapter to find more chapters had been written and the rest of your website was accessible. I have wondered about you for months, who you were and how is it that you had such great insight into the origins of right wing fascism and its rise globally via the American PACs and often quote your various arguments establishing the links to "estato corporatista" to Nazi fascism, along with Sasuly, Higham, DuBois Your references are original and very very comprehensive. It is so enjoyable to reprint such things as Mussolini and Hitler's privatisation agendas and tax cuts plus all your various refs to their corporate sponsors, to those r-w no nothings who claim H & M were "socialists". You have no idea how often I have referred to and posted from Ch.1 in the past months. It was like finding mana from heaven. It has been posted and quoted all over the world via the original international Mai-Not list and has helped fill in histories for many who had reached a plateau in the jigsaw puzzle story of the right wing movement . Locating the origins of corporate libertarianism in fascism is so logical but so difficult - due to 'tarnung' and revisionist whitewash. Thank you so much for the enormous effort you have made Glen. It is a brillant work and is having an enormous influence on political movements globally. I have received thanks for 'scholarship' just for finding your work ;-) I was even more pleased to find your page on Steve Kangas. Eight days before he died, I posted his article on the Timeline of the CIA to nz.politics. As usual I was in the process of being gored by the right, when he popped in and tore my attackers to bits. Because I had repeatedly attacked Richard Mellon Scaife on the same group over the previous months, I felt terribly guilty when he was murdered a week later! I felt that Scaife's dogs may have been among the detractors. I had had an argument across a number of international political forums about The Heritage Foundation and had reprinted all & anything I could find about Scaife and thought I had drawn unnecessary http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/review.html (1 of 2)8.4.2007 19:56:30 The Nazi Hydra : A Rave Review attention to Steve Kangas by reprinting his stuff at the wrong time. He was such a lucid writer, such a very very good writer. I see you are similar. I just wish that each of your chapters was a complete entity and that you cannot be linked to them. I liked the fact that you could not be traced from your first chapter. The right are so dangerous. Thanks again for your great contribution to new knowledge of our history and for helping convince a great many about the evils we are facing. I hope life brings you all the rewards you deserve. http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/review.html (2 of 2)8.4.2007 19:56:30 A Proposed Constitution Amendment The Proposed Anti-Corporate Rule Amendment Section I The rights given to the people as set forth by the constitution and its amendments can not be construed to apply to any corporation or business entity. All business entities are paper creations of society and as such have no rights under the constitution or its amendments with the exception of the rights granted to them in this amendment; business entities only retain a conditional privilege to operate. A privilege, which can be revoked as, set forth in this amendment. This amendment applies to all business entities regardless of country of origin. Section II Any business entity foreign or domestic with sales exceeding one million dollars or with sales or manufacturing facilities in two or more states will henceforth be required to obtain a federal charter of incorporation within one year of passage of this amendment and conforming to the guidelines set forth here. Section III Congress is given the right to alter the terms of all general charters, however congress cannot extend a charter beyond the limits set forth here. No charter will be granted to any business entity in which their revenue exceeds one hundredth of one percent of the federal budget. http://www.spiritone.com/%7Egdy52150/amendment.htm (1 of 4)8.4.2007 19:56:40 A Proposed Constitution Amendment Business entities exceeding that limit must be broken into two or more companies within six months. Nor will any charters be granted that does not restrict the operations to a single economic activity or business. Nor will any charter be granted that does not require a seventy five percent majority of individual stockholders for election of officers, passage of mergers, buyouts, or a change in internal governance. In such elections, each shareholder will have one vote regardless of the number of shares they may own. Section IV A charter of incorporation can be revoked both by the passage of a bill in congress and signed by the president or by federal court. Further any facility of a business entity can be closed upon passage of an appropriate ballot measure and grievance initiated by not more than 2% of the populace in the community directly or indirectly effected by the operation of the facility. The court system may grant a temporary reprieve on passage of such a measure for two years only if the business entity can show they are activity working towards a solution to the grievance.
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