Candace Leah Gray 1258 Oneida Drive Las Cruces, NM 88005 915-861-4407 candaceg@nmsu edu EDUCATION New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM !" D in #s$ronom& 2010 – 2015 (hesis (i$)e* The Effect of Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Co-rotating Interaction Regions on Venus's 5577 ! "#$gen %reen &ine (hesis advisor* Dr Nancy Chanover University of Texas at Austin, #us$in, (+ ,(each pr%gram .or $eaching cer$i/ca$ion 2009 – 2010 M # in #s$ronom& 2006 – 2009 (hesis (i$)e* ' Chemical Sur)ey of 67 Comets Conducted at McDonald ",ser)ator$ (hesis advisor* Drs #ni$a Cochran and 0d1ard 2obinson University of Texas at E !aso, 0) !as%, (+ 4 5 in !"&sics 1i$h minor s$udies in Ma$hema$ics 2001 – 2006 (hesis (i$)e* Radio ",ser)ations of Magnetic Catacl$s(ic Variable Stars at the Very &arge 'rray (hesis advisor* Dr !au) Mason EM!LO"MENT A#ache !oint O$servatory% 5uns-%$, NM 2015 – !resen$ 5uppor$ #s$ronomer New Mexico State University% Las Cruces, NM 2esearch assis$ant in #s$ronom& 2010 – 2015 (eaching assis$ant in #s$ronom& 2010 – 2011 Austin Com&unity Col e'e, #us$in, (+ 6ns$ruc$or %. !"&sics and #s$ronomy 5ummer 2010 7untington (igh School, #us$in, (+ 6ns$ruc$or %. !"&sics 5pring 2010 CV Candace Gray 2 /7 University of Texas at Austin, #us$in, (+ !ain$er 7a)) (e)escope Opera$%r 2009 – 2010 2esearch assis$ant in #s$ronom& 2007 – 2009 (eaching assis$ant in #s$ronom& 2006 – 2007 University of Texas at E !aso, 0) !as%, (+ 2esearch assis$ant in #s$ronom& 2003 – 2005 (eaching assis$ant in !"&sics 5pring 2006 (eaching assis$ant in #s$ronom& 9a)) 2003 )ESEA)C( E*!ERIENCE :"i)e m& researc" remains )arge)& in $he /e)d %. -)ane$ar& science, 6 have been inv%)ved in a number %. researc" -r%;ec$s $hr%ughout my career #s an undergradua$e a$ $he ,niversi$& %. (e<as a$ 0) !as%, 6 1or=ed 1i$h Dr !aul Mason s$udying radio emission .rom magne$ic ca$ac)&smic variab)e >C?@ s$ars using $he ?er& Large #rra& in 5ocorr%, NM 6 )earned "%1 $% reduce and analyze radi% da$a and disc%vered a ne1 s$rong)& magne$ic ca$ac)&smic variable $% 3e a radi% emi$$er 6 1as able $% .und $his researc" $"rough $he Minori$& #ccess $% 2esearc" Careers sc"%)ars"i- pr%gram 6n addi$ion $% m& radi% %3serva$ions, 6 analyzed %-$ical -"%$%me$r& images %. C? s$ars $% is%)a$e ou$burs$s 1i$" Dr 0d1ard 2obinson a$ $"e ,niversi$y %. (e<as a$ #us$in. #s a gradua$e s$udent a$ $he ,niversi$& %. (e<as a$ #us$in, 6 1or=ed 1i$" Dr #ni$a Cochran, conduc$ing a compara$ive s$ud& on $he c"emical composi$ion %. come$s 6 reduced and anal&zed %ver 100 come$s, e<$ending %ver 25 &ears %. spec$rosc%-ic %3serva$ions, .r%m McDonald O3serva$%r& #ddi$ional)&, 6 conduc$ed ne1 %3serva$ions using $he 2ober$ B (u)) Coudé 5pec$r%graph. (hrough $hese %3serva$ions and anal&ses, 6 disc%vered severa) ne1 carbon dep)e$ed c%me$s as 1e)) as a ne1 $&-e %. carbon dep)e$ed come$ #s a gradua$e s$udent a$ Ne1 Mexic% 5$a$e ,niversi$&, 6 1or= 1i$" Dr Nanc& Chanover s$udying $he eDec$s %. s%)ar s$%rms on $he ?enusian nightg)%1 using spec$roscopic %3serva$ions .r%m #pache !oint O3serva$or& as 1e)) as space-3ased da$a .rom ?enus 0xpress (his is a pr%;ec$ %. m& %1n design .%r 1hic" 6 received m& %1n .unding $hrough $he N#5# 0ar$" and 5pace 9e))%1shi- -r%gram >2012 - 2015@ 6 organized al) %3serva$ions, .r%m $e)escope pr%-%sals, $e)escope opera$ions, and da$a anal&sis, and disc%vered a connec$ion 3e$1een $emporal)& variable ?enusian nightg)%1 and s$rong s%)ar ac$ivi$& 6 es$ab)is"ed c%))abora$ions 1i$h scientis$s .r%m mul$i-)e ins$i$utes, na$ional)y and interna$ional)& >inc)uding N#5# Boddard, 526 6n$erna$ional, 62#! in (oulouse 9rance, 05(0C in Noord1i;= $"e Ne$her)ands, and EURAD in C%)%gne Berman&, and 65(# in Neubiberg, Berman&@, in order $% increase exper$ise and space-based da$a required .%r mode)ing 6 uti)ize a 1-D M7D mode), $he (ranse)ec$ mode) deve)oped a$ 62#!, $% reproduce %3served nightg)%1 emission as 1e)) as unders$and "%1 )arge s%)ar s$orms affec$ ionospheric condi$ions 3& appl& space-based %3served s%)ar 1ind condi$ions (hese %3serva$ions and mode)ing are serving $o increase $he unders$anding %. space 1ea$her effec$s on non-magne$ic -)ane$s CV Candace Gray 3 /7 SO+T,A)E EX!ERIENCE 6DL 0N?6 Ma$Lab C 62#9 9O2(2#N TELESCO!E O!E)ATION E*!ERIENCE A#ache !oint O$servatory% 5uns-%$ NM 2006 – present Conduc$ed %3serva$ions, da$a reduc$ion, anal&sis, and pub)ica$ions .or da$a c%))ec$ed using $he #2C 0c"e))e 5pec$r%graph and (ri-)eSpec on $he 8 5-m #s$r%-"&sical Consor$ium (e)escope as a gradua$e s$udent and continued 8 5m opera$ions as a 5uppor$ #s$ronomer University of Texas at Austin% #us$in (+ 2006 – 2010 Opera$ion %. $he 9-in re.rac$or !ainter 7al) (e)escope .%r 3i-1ee=)y public vie1ing nights and in associa$ion 1i$h duties as a $eaching assis$ant McDonald O$servatory% 9$ Davis (+ 2005 – 2008 Conduc$ed %3serva$ions, da$a reduc$ion, anal&sis and publica$ions using da$a c%))ec$ed using $he 2ober$ B (u)) Coudé 5pec$r%graph and CCD -"%$%me$ery on $he 2.7-m 7ar)an F 5mi$h $e)escope -ery Lar'e Array% 5ocorro NM 2003 – 2006 Conduc$ed da$a reduc$ion, ana)&sis, and scienti/c publica$ion .rom da$a c%))ec$ed .rom $he ?L# SC(OLA)S(I!S.A,A)DS N#5# 5%)ar 5&s$ems O3serva$ions Brant >2020 – 2021@ -./0,614} 6nterna$iona) ?enus Conference (rave) Brant >2019) {$5,5553 6nterna$iona) ?enus Conference (rave) Brant >2013) -$500] C%mpara$ive C)ima$%)%gy %. (erres$rial !)ane$s (rave) Brant >2012) -$5006 N#5# 0ar$h and 5pace 5cience 9e))%1s"ip >2012-2015) -$90,5556 Ne1 Mexico 5$a$e ,niversi$y C%))ege %. #r$s and 5cience (rave) Brant >2012 and 2013) -$500] 3rd -)ace 1inner %. Ne1 Mexico 5$a$e ,niversi$y (hree Minu$e (hesis C%mpe$i$ion >2012@ -$250] Ne1 Mexico 5$a$e ,niversi$y #s$ronomy Depar$ment !egasus (eaching #1ard >2011) -$250] Division %. !)ane$ary 5cience 7ar$mann (rave) Brant >2011) -$1,5006 ,niversi$y %. (e<as a$ #us$in ,(each Lucas #1ard .or bes$ !r%;ec$ 4ased 6ns$ruc$ion pr%;ec$ G!"&sics %. a !inbal) Mac"ine” >2010) -$3,5556 Bradua$e 0nrichmen$ 9e))%1ship >2006-2007) -$10,5556 Minori$y #ccess $o 2esearch Careers 5c"%)ars"ip >2004-2006) -$20,5556 !residential 5c"%)arshi-, ,niversi$y %. (e<as a$ 0) !aso >2001-2005) -$16,5556 CV Candace Gray 4 /7 O)AL P)ESENTATIONS International -enus Conference, 7%=ido, Fapan G?ariabi)i$y %. $he ?enus and Mar$ian Nightside 6onosphere #.$er 5%)ar 5$orms” >Fune 2019@ International -enus Conference, O<.ord, 0ng)and G0Dec$s %. 5%)ar 5$%rms on $he ?enusian 6onosphere” >#pri) 2016) A&erican Astronomical Society Division of ! anetary Science, Na$ional 7arbor, MD G("e 0Dec$ %. 5%)ar 9)ares, Corona) Mass 0;ec$ions, and Co-r%$a$ing 6nterac$ion 2egions on ?enusIs 5577 J O<&gen Breen Line” >N%vember, 2015) Astrono&ical League Convention% Las Cruces, NM G(he 0Dec$ %. 5%)ar 9)ares, Corona) Mass 0;ec$ions, and Co-r%$a$ing 6nterac$ion 2egions on ?enusIs 5577 J O<&gen Breen Line” >Fuly 2015) A&erican Astronomical Society Division of ! anetary Science, (ucson, #K “ ?enusIs M&s$erious O<&gen Breen Line: #n #uroral !r%cessL” >N%vember 2014) A#ache !oint O$servatory /01& 20th Anniversary Ce e$ration% 5uns-%$, NM G?enusI M&s$erious #urora” >May 2014) NMSU Graduate )esearch Arts and Science Sym#osiu&, Las Cruces, NM G#uroraMs on ?enusLH 4March 2014) European S#ace and Technolo'y Center 5eminar, Noord1i;k, Ne$her)ands GCorona) Mass 0;ec$ions and (heir 0Dec$ on $he ?enusian Nightg)%1” >Fune 2013) International -enus Conference, Ca$ania, 5ici)& GCorona) Mass 0;ec$ions and (heir 0Dec$ on $he ?enusian Nightg)%1H 4Fune 2013) NMSU Graduate )esearch Arts and Science sy&#osiu&, Las Cruces, NM G?enusIs O<&gen Breen Line and i$s Connec$ion 1i$h 5%)ar #c$ivi$&” >March 2013@ Las Cruces Astronomica Society, Las Cruces, NM G(he Moons %. Fupi$erH >9ebruary 2013@ A&erican Geophysical Union, 5an 9rancisc%, C# GC%ronal Mass 0;ec$ions and (heir 0Dec$ on $he ?enusian Nightg)%1” >December 2012) Laboratory of At&os#heric and S#ace !hysics Col oquiu&, 4oulder, CO “ ("e 4as$i))e Day 66 5%)ar 5$orm 0vent and 6$s 6mpac$ on $he ?enusian Nightg)%1” >N%vember 2012@ Las Cruces Astronomica Society, Las Cruces, NM G(he 5un's 0Dec$ on $he !)ane$s” >Fuly 2012) !OSTER P)ESENTATIONS A&erican Astronomical Society Division of ! anetary Science, !r%v%, ,$ah G?ariabi)i$y %.

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