THE LONDON &AZETTE, OCTOBER 8, 1895, private-' cfapacity)'. one 'of. the'.patrons of the per- Hou'se with the road or lane leading towards Ethel petual curacy or the consolidated chapelry of Saint House and.extending thence-south-eastward along Martin: Potter" Newton aforesaid (in testimony the middle of the said Gledhow Wood-road for a whereof He has signed and sealed this representa- distance of ten and a half chains or thereabouts ' tion) >and.'with the consents of the Right Honour- thereby passing Gledhow Lodge to a point opposite able'rWiUiam-Lawies Jackson of Allerton Hall to the north-eastern end of the wall or fence form- Chapel'Allerton in the said county of York a ing the south-eastern boundary of the buildings and member -of the Commons House of Parliament of premises of Gledhow Lodge aforesaid arid extending ofr.Robert Benson Jowitt of Harehills Leeds in thence south-westward to and-along the said wall the same'county one of Your Majesty's Justices or fence for a distance of three chains or there- of- 'the .Peace of Ro'bert Chapman Garland of abouts to its south-western end and continuing EotterJ,Ne\vton in the:same county Esquire and of thence still south-westward and in a direct'line'-for " Charles -Ryder of :Gledhow. in the same county a distance of twenty-one chains or thereabouts Ksquirc-.tlie remaining patrons of the said perpetual thereby crossing Gledhow Wood and also'crossing-' curacy of the 'consolidated chapelry of Saint at the stream called or known as Gledhow Beck Martin - looter'Newton aforesaid (in testimony the boundary which divides the said chapelry whereof they the'said lastly-named parties have and township of Chapel Allerlon from the corf;' respectively -signed -and sealed this .representation) solidated chapelry of Saint Martin Potter -Newton? we ,tlie said' Ecclesiastical • Commissioners for aforesaid to a point on the north-western-' side of Englaiidilhumbly.'.represent; that it would in our the house called Mount Pleasant at 'the north-" opinion :be expedient- 'that all those contiguous eastern end of the cart-road leading to Harehills? portions rof ."the said parish of Saint Peter Leeds lane and extending thence south-westward along, of''t'he"said1.chapelry of Chapel Allerton of the the middle of the said cart-road f9r a distarice'of' said con&olidatechchapelry of Saint .Martin Potter eight chains or thereabouts to its junction 'witli: Newton "and'of'the'saM new parish of Saint Harehills-lane aforesaid and extending" then'ce demerit' Sheepsear which are described in the south-eastward along the middle of the same lane1 schedule thereunder1 written all which portions for a distance of exactly one and a half chain's- to'geYn'cmvith the'b&undaries thereof are delineated and extending thence south-westward and in a an'd'set'forih on the map orplan hereunto annexed direct' line for a distance of eighteen chains ofc- should'.be.'united, and'formed into one consoli- thereabouts (thereby following the course of an" dated* chapelry "for the" said church of Saint intended new road to be called A venue'Hill) to- Aidan/r. Leefis 'situate as aforesaid and that the the point where Harehills-avenue "is joined 'by s.nnc should be named ' The Consolidated Chapelry Rossington-road arid extending thence souttewatd' of • Saint Aidah Leeds.' •. • along the middle of the last-named road- for:/a'> f.'.'f'Wey therefpre,JiumbIy pray that Your Majesty distance of eighteen and a half chains" or there-'graciously take the premises. abouts to its junction with Cowper-street and with intorYbur. Royal cbhsideration,.xind .to.make such the road called Spencer-place upon 'the boundary* Order "iu respect thereto as to Your Majesty .in which divides the said consolidated chapelry-of* Your Royal wisdom .shall seem meet, Saint Martin Potter Newton from the new parish; of Saint Clement Sheepscar aforesaidand extending' " The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing thence still southward along' the last-mentioned . ..:•; - .. 'Representation has reference. boundary for a distance of twenty chains or there- •.'." The; Consolidated Ghapelry of Saint Aidan abouts (thereby following the middle of the-said Leeds :-r ' .. road called Spencer-place)'to the junction-of the1 'f All those several contiguous portions of the last-named road with Roundhay-voadand extending' parish of Saint Peter Leeds of the chapelry and thence south-westward along the middle of the- township of Chapel Allerton of the consolidated last-named road for a distance of two and-a half*' chapelry of Saint Martin Potter Newton and of chains or thereabouts to the point where, it is the hew .parish (sometime consolidated chapelry) intersected by the boundary dividing .the north- of.;Saih't Clement Sheepscar all within the original division of the parliamentary borough 'of Leeds' limits1 of the said parish of Saint Peter Leeds in from the east division of the same borough and" the.couhiy of'York and in the diocese of Ripon extending thence south-eastward along the said- which taken.together are bounded upon the south- divisional boundary for-a.distance of thirty-three- east by the consolidated chapelry of Saint Agnes and a half chains or thereabouts (thereby crossing, Burmantofta in the said county and diocese upon the boundary which divides the said new parish of- the north-east by the parish of Barwick-in-Elmet Snint Clement Sheepscar from the parish of Saint: in the same county and diocese and upon the Peter Leeds aforesaid) to the point at the junction remaining sides that is to say upon the north upon of Beckett-street with Harehills-road where the said th'e-west and upon the south-west by an imaginary divisional boundary strikes the boundary- which; line commencing upon the boundary \yhich divides divides the said parish of Saint Peter Leeds from- the said-parish-of Barwick-in-Elrnet from the the consolidated chapelry of- Saint Agnes Bur- chapelry and township of Chapel Allerton afore- mantofts aforesaid." said at a point'near to the house called Woodlands And whereas the said representation has been" in the middle'of the Jane leading from Roundhay approved by Her Majesty in Council: now, there;-" to.Gledhow anS.called or known as Gledho\V-lane- fore, Her Majesty, by and with the ad vice, of Herr ami extending-"thence westward along the middle 1 said.Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said, of- the said'.-la'ne for a distance of fifteen chains or representation, and to order and- direct that'tlreT thereabqiit's to a point opposite to the north- same and every part thereof shall be effectual in; eastern' eii'd of-the'wall forming the south-eastern 7 law immediately from and after the time wheri boundary of the Gledhow National School ground this Order shall have been duly published in the' and extending tliencu south-westward to and along London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts ; and. the'said-'wall for a distance of two and a half chains 1 Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, • is" or-thereabouts to its south-western end and con- pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forth-1 tinuing thence still south-westward and in a direct with registered by the Registrar of the said diocese'( line Hor a distance -of twelve chains or thereabouts of Ripon. ..; C. L.,Pee\l ;;1 ttra point in 'the middle of Gledhow Wood-road • r •at'fits-junction-near to tlie Souih Lodge of Oakley B 2.
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