\\. .· l Support Jewish Read By Agencies With Your More Than Membership . 35,000 People • THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOL. LI, NO, 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES Spanish 'Freedom Of w~nship' Law Weakened By Last-Minute Alterations MADR~Renewed pressures Prote stants said arbl trary defini­ old Article 12, which provided that by members of the Roman Catho­ tions might be applied to the con­ "Spaniards , moved by their relig­ lic hlerarachy and conservative cept of public order. ious feelings, have the r ight to Ministers are believed to be re­ The rewriting ef Article 9 establish educational, cultural, sponsible fo r the changes In a law appeared to limit severely the charitable and social associations, designed to offer legal protection freedom of Protestants to spread base d en general legislation on to worship by religious minorities their creed In writing or through this subject." In Spain. Protestant and Jew! sh other means, Including r adio and spokesmen were disappointed that television. In the context of the rest of last-minute changes altered "the the I aw, this change appeared to spirit of the law" although public The original text said: "re­ mean that non-Catholics might join Information Indicated that prac­ ligious freedom assures the right only In purely religious associa­ tically no changes had been made. of Individuals and religious com­ tions for the specific purpose of mtmltles for the dissemination of ho! ding rl tes and teaching their A comparison of the text Issued their faith, In word or In writing, creed. · by the Justice Ministry with the within the limits established In earllet text showed substantive Article 2 of this law." The adminis tration of relig­ changes. A high Government ious freedom was taken out of SOL KOLACK DUSTIN BROOKS 1 official said that nothing else was , The new text states: ' Free­ the hands of a proposed top-level dom of religion assures the right possible within the present phys­ lntermlnlster lal committee, free of. Individuals and legally recog­ ical rea)ltles of Spain. to Interpret the law and act po­ B'nai B'rith Quota Dinner To feature nized confessional associations not litically on It, and placed In a The original Article 2 declared to be prevented from the teaching Central Commission of Religious AOL Regional Oireetor, Comedian that religious freedom would be of their faith, In word or In writ- Freedom subordinate to the Min- - limited by the •"Just requirements Ing, within the limits established lstry of Justice. Mr. Sol Kolack, New England Leon Goldstein and Leo Weiss, of public order"-a wording taken by laws." The right of dissem- Regional Director of the Anti­ donor co-chairmen; Leonard Yale literally from the Vatican declara- !nation" has there(ore been abol- The central commission wlll be Defamation League, wlll be guest Goldman, sponsors: Samuel Kolod- tlon on religious freedom. The !shed. headed by a Deputy Minister of' speaker at the annuai B'nal B'rlth ney, reservations: Joseph Cohen, new text dropped the word "just." The new text eliminated the Justice and made up of lower Quota Dinner on Wednesday, March program; and Miss Harriet Win- -------------'''---------------- ranking represenbttlves ofvarlous ,22, at 6:30 p.m. at the Sheraton­ nerman, treasurer. · .. other Ministries. ' Bulltmore Hotel, Mrs. Leo L, Also, Me9dames Benjamin ~AA.r. (inly'J tm .f,1111.I D,u,;nc. truL '--•n 5 , ~tt!:;hlhei~t-OHI~~C;~'i- Jacques Is general chairman of the Odessa, souv!liF1·J6ui'l11ll~'l:'.ffatl:'- "• •1!!n~"~"~~ • ..rwi ' ui-,~ iI'-- :,1.,.# 1 WIH ft •• 2 ~..----:,us associations wlll re­ dinner, sponsored by the Roger man; Sydney Blazer and Yale Udin, qulre~r the new text, the .Williams, Hope and Cranston­ souvenir Journal co-chairmen; Leo . T H I N d ( I b t p ~ presentation of their proposed Warwick Ch!'pters. Mr . .Kolack Is Sonkin, journal treasurer; Miss O e p ee y e e ra e assover statutes "cletermlnlng with pre­ a m~ber of the Board of Govern­ Marlon Kessler, editor and Miss The 10th annual Passover Ap­ fund may be properly allocated cision" what their alms are. ors of the Boston University Human Gertrude Tarnapol,arrangements. Protestant spokesmen said that Relations Center, and a member of Donor chairman from Hope peal began this week with the and special foods bought In time tmantmous endorsement of the for the first seder on April 24. the Insertion of this new word- . l the Governor's Civil Rights Com­ Chapter Is Mrs. Norbert Kiefer, Ing left "Impossibly vague" the mittee In Massachusetts, assisted by Mrs. Sidney Dogan, ad Rhode Island Board of Rabbis. More money Is needed this year The United Moes Chltlm Ftmd than In the past, as the cost of problem of applying for authoriza­ Dustin Brooks, comedian and book chalrm an: Mrs. Arthur Levin, tion. to form these groups. popular singer will be the featured ad book co-chairman: Mrs. Stanley makes possible the celebration living has upped the cost of ob­ entertainer. He has appeared at Reitman, secretary, and Mrs. of Passover by families, Indivi­ taining special foods and supplies Minority spokesmen said after many top hotels. Samuel Perelman, clearing. duals and persons In Institutions for the feast. About 165 families studying the new text that under Mrs. Irwin Kay Is donor chair­ who .would otherwise not have the were enabled to enjoy Passover the Circumstances the actual en­ Roger Williams Chapter mem­ man for Cranston-Warwick Chap­ means to celebrate the festival. last year through the gifts made forcement of the law would de­ bers assisting Mrs. Jacques are ter, and Is assisted by Mrs. David The Ladles Festival Commit­ to the United Moes Chltlm Fund, pend more onlnterpretatlonsglven Mesdames Benjamin Agronlck, Torman. tee provides for seders for Jew­ and about the same number will It by Individuals-Justice Min­ ish Inmates of the various state need help this year, !twas estima­ istry officials or provincial gov­ j Institutions, and for Jewish chil­ ted. ernors-than on the law Itself. James Baldwin, Ossie Davis dren at the Ladd School. j New members of the Board of Directors have been annotmced Fasting Orthodox Private Speak Out Against Racism by Edmtmd Wexler, Ftmd presi­ dent. · They are Irving Brodsky, NEW YORK-James Baldwin Protestants, Negro and white, they Martin M. Temkin and Irving J. Confined In Mental Ward and Ossie Davis have spoken out are exploiters. In a war against vigorously against Negro anti­ Zaldman, Louis M. Fain has been WASHINGTON-A U.S. Army been filed against Le'O' because he all exploiters whomsoever I am an named a sponsor. The officers, Semitism. In a pair of Ietters ally. But Mr. Ellis seems to be private who embarked on a "death Is being held under mental obser­ published In the new winter Issue tmchanged since last year, are fast" because he claimed his re­ vation. The spokesman said that calling for a war against Jews, If Dr. Nathan A; Bolotow, George al "Preedomways" ("a quarterly that ls the case, I am an enemy." ligious conviction as an Orthodox the Army regarded adherence to reTtew of the Negro freedom Labush, Charles Oelbaum and Jew prevented him from serving Judaism as consistent with Callin~ himself a "black na­ · Mrs. Samuel Sheffres, vice-pres­ movement'') the author and the · tionalist.' Mr. Davis In his letter "an army practicing violence" in military duty and considered use actor commented on a series of idents: John Newman, treasurer, Vietnam has been taken Into of the Jewish religion as justifi­ den01mced "black radsm" as "no and Herman L. Go! dberg, secre­ anti-Semitic articles that ap­ different from any otherraclsm," custody and confined In a mental cation for refusing service to be a peared last year in "Liberator," a tary. ward at Madigan General Rospltal, symptom of derangement. Levy and recalled that the late Malcolm Mr. Newman annotmced that Negro monthly. Both Mr. Baldwin X "at last became wise enough Tacoma, Wash., military authori­ wlll be confined Indefinitely In the and Mr. Dllvls have since resigned contributions may be malled In ties revealed. mental ward on these grotmds, to see racism as a vicious, de­ care of the Jewish Family and from the monthly's advisory board The soldier, Pvt. Robert Levy, the spokesman said. structive crime against the human Children's Service, 333 Grotto because of Its anti-Semitic nature. 22, of Kansas City, Mo., started a Army authorities said that spirit with most frightening Im­ Avenue, Providence 02906. Ear­ Both asked Its publisher, Dan hlDlger strike at Fort Lewis, Wash. Levy, as a mental patient com­ plications." ly gifts are needed so that the Watts, to carry their letters con­ For 14 days he ate only milk and mitted by order of the commanding demning the monthly for antl­ honey. Then he stopped eating al­ officer, wo,uld be forcibly fed. Semttlsm, but their requests were together, stating that "as an ex­ Army officials In Washington rejected. Italian Rabbinate Lifts Ban On Trent pression of my religious ~on­ pointed out that Levy voluntarily · "I think It Is distinctly tmhelp­ ROME-The Italian Rabbinical Jewish responsibility for the vlcrlon as anOrthodoxJew,lbreak joined the Army 18 months ago and flll, and I think It Is Immoral, to Board has ended a writ of excom­ , cructflxlon of Jesus. the law of the United States and served In' the medical corps. He blame Harlem on the Jew.'' wrote mtmlcatlon Imposed on the town and The Incident took place In 1475 refuse to remain a soldier." had Jusi completed training as a Mr.
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