a> - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. March 26, 1984 INVITATION TO BID *710 ■ MWtTATION TO BE) m 8 UGALNOTKE Rihit MM ilin el pbg Aleng ■ •NVfTATIOtf TO BID EXTERIOR PAMTMG- ^TOEWOPAMOOVER - - Notice Is hereby given thot The 4th quarterly Install- TOWM O f IM N C H taT m VAMOUS SCHOOLS The Board of Education, lift' rUM.IC HCARINQ UEOMU. NOTICI the Eighth Utilities District The Board ot Education, 110 m n l of property taxes on the Long Hill Drive, Eost Hqrh w ill receive seoled bids In the 1 October 1982 Grand List are TnMi S^SS^fvntxrr At a nracthia on March 1*, 1**4 1h« Plonnino ond Zonino Long HIM Drive, East Hart­ due and poyoble 1 A p ril t9E4. fort, CT. w ill receive sealed TOWN O f M A N C M s m , CONNCCTICUT rs m m ln la n m od* Ih * tollow lna dccU lont: O tflce^f The eighth Utilities ford, CT. w ill receive sealed bids for REHABILITATION Notic* Is hcrthy aivMi that tt» Board of OIrKtora. Town of r tiSftSSjSa ■ "S ffii ^ (D-») - Ai>- District, 32 Main Street, Mam bids for Exterior Painting 8i F^ymenls mode after 1 May OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM- Chester, Connecticut until Caulking Various Schools. '984 are sublecf to o late NORRIS SCHOOL. BW Hller- 7:00 P.M. on AAav 3, i m fo r Bid Information and specifi­ ^o rg e ot 1Vi% per month on motion and sMClftcotlans nocticut.on Tuesday. April X 1f*4 at 1:00 P.M. to considor and j j ^ 0Avn-MlANOWITLANir^LVIMU.BTMIET(O-a)-Ap- feck age Insurance Comesge cations are available at the Hie late Installment, from the are available o f the Birtnest OTovodmodltlcotlonsoodllmitotloo*toOnopoTovodinlond for im-S5, ot which time bids Business (Wlce. Sealed bids due date, or a minimum ot$3. Office. Sealed bids w ill be re­ proposed Ordinonce - to consider the purchase from Robert Vy. awtiind nermit - n ! and Lydall Street. w ill be publicly opened, read w ill be received until 1 0 :n a. Payments may be mode by ceived until 10:30 a.m . on Weinbera ot one. more or less, acre of land to the rear o f Tol- !!iS vS S .gS"gSL. s t - (M- and recorded. m. on Thursday, April 12, moll or of the Town Office Thursday, April 19, 1904, a t lond Turnpike tor the sum ot lis.000.<10. Copy of the Proposed K te S S S S e d lS h m S t^^ llrnllatKnsonInlond Specifications and bid form s 1984, at which time they will Building which Is open 9:00 which time they will be pub­ may be secured at the Dis­ am to 4:00 pm Monday thru licly opened and read aloud. Ordinance moy be seen In the Town Clerk s Office durlnp bus!- S , , 5 X 2 ? ^ I | tSJSSoh S p ^ Hop be publicly opened and read Friday. The Tax Collector Is n#ss hours. npAAk patcher's Office, Fire De­ aloud. The Board of Educa­ The Board ot Education roe- Proposed mldlttonol appropriation to General Fund - Mlscello- ^ these decisions has been filed In the Town Clerk’s partm ent, n Main St., Mon­ tion reserves the right to ac­ also In the offlee Monday erves the right to accept or chester, Connecticut. evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 neous - TRANSFER to Copltol Improvement Reserve v> ~ cept or relect ony o r a ll bids pm. ' relect any or all bids or the Pond............................................................ SSI.000.00 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION The right Is reserved to re- or the right to waive technl- right to waive technical for­ to be financed by 147.000.00 payment received toward sale of Leo Kwash! Srcretory lect any and all bids. col formalities If It Is In the Charlotte L. Neal m alities It It Is In the best In­ Thomas E. Landers Jr. Tax Collector terest to do so. Tolland Turnpike parcel to Robert Weinbero and S3.000.00de- noted at Monchester CT this 24th day of Morch. 1904. best Interest to do so. TOWN OF ANDOVER posit tor some received December, m i and now part of Fund Insurance Commissioner Nancy J. Harris Nancy J. Harris Balance. us« m Eighth Utilities District CONNECTICUT DIrector/BusIness Services 048-03 DIrector/BusIness Services Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund ■ Miscella­ 047-(» 0494)3 05003 neous - Emeroency Fund.................................................. SX0S0.V2 to be financed from Fund Balance. NOTICE ouraen on current toxes. with me result thot current toxes revenue ore 48% of the proposed Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund - Police total revenues for FY 1984/85, an Increase of 1% from FY 1983/84. __ . Speclol Services................................................................ S3S.000.00 PUBLIC HEARING Manchester, Conn. BOARD OP OIRECTORS Other revenue Item changes which are worthy of mention Include Intereston Investments Clear tonight; to be financed by fees assessed for such service. which has Increased by $50400, presuming Increased principal to Invest anda m o ln te im n w o f Approvol of Resolution of municipality to opply to the Depart­ RECOMMENDED BUDGETB OP GENERAL MANAGER MONDAY, APRE. X tWM — M t P.M. current Interest rates,and Federal Revenue Sharing, which will decreoseby $40400duetoo Tuesday, March 27, 1984 ment of the Inferior through the Connecticut Dwortment of En­ reduction In our eligibility In the loHer half of FY 1984/85 as determined by the Federal cloudy Wednesday vironmental Protection tor and receive financial assistance for WADDELL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Single copy: 25<t Improvement to Charter Oak Pork ond Senior Center, and for 1U BROAD STMET Government. — See page 2 the.... General______ _____ Monooer... to .....sign appropriate.... ...agreements tor.......... this.. MAMCHEOTER. CONNECTICUT purpose and Proposed additional oDoroorlatlan to liw Rand A Public Heartng on the General Manager's Recommended Town Budget forthe Fiscal Year FER80NNEL Snd G rant AccoJSt - F u ^ 9 - R w ra S S n K S llflJ Jujv 1. J x ," * • ''» g f ^ r l l 2, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. at the Woddell HanrhrBtrr Bmlli The Personol Services entries for all elements of this budget ore based upon an to be finonced 75% by Stote and Federal Grants and 25% by School Auditorium, 143 Brood Street, Monchester, CT. estl m o t^ 5% cost of living Increment for personnel represented by bargaining units andfor Capital Improvement Reserve Fund 8. 1SS4-S5 RECOMMENDED BUDGET SUMMARY department heads and mld-monogement personnel. All bargaining unit contracts gre u n w f Proposed additional appropriation to (general Fund - Social Expended Adogttd Estimated Recommended negotiation for the upcoming fiscal year. Any changes In that percentage resulting from the Services - aid to clients .................................................. 840JXXI.00 1982/83 1983/84 1983/84 1984/85 negotiations or possible subsequent arbitration will alter the Personal Services requirements to be financed 90% by State Grant and 10% from Fund Balance. General Fund 35,495,062 38,481,935 39,481,706 42,027,434 for deportments enwloylng bargaining unit members. I will recommend that deportment Proposed additional appropriation to Education Speclol Pro- Data Processina 277,476 305.976 305,976 321,768 heods and mid-management personnel receive the same cost of living Increase os thg ........... *' ■ lects - Fund 41 - Youth E m ploym ent.............................81,500.00 W oHr K S d 3.907341 4,159 J»9 4,335,438 4,998,437 bargaining unit personnel receive to maintoln equity. to be financed by contribution tram Emergency Employment sewer Fund 1,5 70,^ 1,612.440 1.573.961 2.039,230 Within the personnel oreo I feel consideration must be given In the near Hiture foWHiW , _ _ . Town Fire District 2,763.439 3,047,149 3.023,621 34)32,256 the currently vacont position of Personnel Supervisor. The compound demands of testmgj i ' :'«'% ■ JamM F. Fogarty, Secretary Parking District Fund 77.022 1044)00 101,637 109.800 Despite poll, recruiting, Atf Irmotlve Action, contract negotiations and administration, staff training, ond Board of Directors the need to develop an employee evaluation system require full time attention gi g Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 23rd day of March, 1984 TOTALS 44.091.188 47,711.099 48,8224)39 52.828,925 J 052-03 stotfperson coordinoted and directed by the Assistant Town Manager. The funds to fill fids FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET position ore not In this recommended budget, however. I hope that you will give this need Adopted Recommended 2 serious attention during or subsequent to your budget review. 1983/84 1984/05 Also, I hove recommended the reclassltlcatlon of seven Individuals and/or posllloiw as TOWN OF MANCHESTER General Fund the result of lob analyses conducted during the post year. I feel that these octlons ore required LEGAL NOTICE 3 candidates Debt Retirement 200JX)0 200,000 In order to maintain equity between positions with comparable responsibilities and duties. The Planning ond Zoning Commission will hold a public Street Lighting 1tt,222 195,000 The reclossiticatlons and their costs In FY 1984/85 ore: ___ . hearing on Monday, A pril 2,1994 at 7:00 P.M. In the Heoring Insurance 1754)00 175,000 • Reclassification of the Police Mechanic Foreman to Master Mechanic — l + $l,5M). Room, Lincoln Canter, 494 Main Street, Manchester, CT to ■ Reclassification of the Human Services Secretary to Executive Secretory — ( -f $248). hear and consider the following petitions: Pension Contribution 250,000 210,000 Fire District • Reclassltlcatlon of the Clerk II position In the tanitotlon Division to Clerk III— ( -f $525), H IL L E D GROUP - SPECIAL EXCEPTION - MIDDLE TURNPIKE Relocation of the position of Gym Supervisor to Woge Group 34 — (-•■$1449).
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