I I "8*cond OlMt Po»tM« Paid Vol. LXXI. No. 7. 3 Sections, 22 Pages CRANFQRD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY,. MARCH-5, 1964 Crutford. N. J. TEN CENTS United Fund Campaign for 1964 ,900 Misses Cancellation by 2 Votes Community apathy and loss Board Budget, of pride came under sharp an- alysis as a resolution to cancel Fair Sharing of Tax Burden the .1964 Cranford United Fund drive narrowly missed Aim of Revaluation Program passage by two votes'at the an- Rate 16 Points - _ Purpose of the revaluation program now underway in Cranford nual" membership meeting is to- rrnrtce certain that all property owners paytheii equitable share-of Sunday afternoon in the Muni- Bowd President Township Committee has trimmed $121,900*from local takes. Finance Commissioner Karris S. Swackham'er told a largely cipal Building. The" slim vic- the twice-defeated 1964-65 Board of Education bud- attended meeting of the Cranford Republican Club Tuesday night in tory promises another fund Sees Reduction get, it was announced last night by Mayor H. 'Ray- the Municipal Building.' drive this fall, John Brenrian, , mond Kirwan. The reduction will effect a 16-point Tax Assessor Edward P. Marko- president, announced. As 'Detrimental' wich said the state is endeavoring "Now. that we are committed saving in the tax rate and make this year's estimated The effect of the $1.21,900 reduc- fa~got every .municipality to carry, 9 to continue our campaign," . rate $11.96 per $100 instead of $12:32 as initially an- out •. a . revaluation program Boys Camp Mr. Brennan said, "we must tions made by the Township Com- nounced. The'1963 tax rate here was $11.35. Through repent legislation it is set a realistic goal, renew our mittee in the twice-defeated possible to spread the cost over Association efforts to inform the public of Board of Education budget will be 'The Township Committee recommendations, the a ,five-year period. Cranford has the needs of our various health "detrimental," Dr. Henry J. Mln- mayor emphasized, will "in no way decrease the pres- taken advantage of this- method, eur, board president, declared yes- he said, and is budgeting" the and welfare - agencies and ent fine educational program." The school budget $40,000 cost .for the local program Election Held strengthen the organizational terday after going over the gov- for the coming year still is $225,000 over the amount over fivefyears. ">> John E. Allen was reelected structure so that we can reach erning body's recommendations. allocated for the present school year. — . president of the Cranford Boys' .every home in town. Let us plan "The recommendations of the The last revaluation took place Camp Association at the annual to succeed." ... Township Committee confirm that Most of "the recommended decreases m the cur- here in 1953J the assessor contin- The resolution as presented by the educational program reflected rent operating budget, totaling $112,300, will come, ued. Because of changing values meeting of the board of. trustees Buddy Bergen, general chairman and changes particularly to interi- Sunday afternoon at his home, 723 of the 1959-66- campaign, pointed in< the budget proposed by the from postponing the hiring of certain teachers, clerks ors of homes, it, is necessary to to the, conwqunity's general apathy Board bl Education is sound," Dr. and custodians, it was pointed out. The proposed Willow street. _ Mineur declared! . have, a new revaluation program Other officers, also reclecte"d, in keeping alive the united way -budget, however, will contain sufficient increase to about every decade. of giving which six years ago came "The committee would delete are: Vice-presidents, Frank J, ,. • - - I'htflo by Prutchey Associates Contrary fo -some rumors, Mr. into existence after a survey in- only $3,€00 as unnecessary ex? care for-the anticipated enrollment and permits the ' MARKING START OF RED CROSS DRIVE—Mayor H. Raymond Markowiph declared, a revaluation Dooley, Stanley Grayson and Rich- dicated 19 to. one- that residents pense out.of $3,338,400 of operat- hiring of 11 additional teachers, if required. KLrwan (center) is shown raising Red Cross flag at Municipal program does not increase iaxes. ard Guy; treasurer, Henry Slausoh, favored a single drive. ing budget and transfer $8,100 The capital outlay item of $49,600 was pared by Building to-signify.start of March membership and fund raising »,. He explained that if the attic or and secretary, Arthur Boertmann. "Continuous failure to-meet the (salary of. lunch room ^supervisor) to the school lunch account to be campaign of Cranford-Garwodd-Kenilworth Chapter, American. • basement has been .finished or a Reelected trustees for three-year ?oals necessary to.Jieep the 11 par- $9,600. Of ttiis sum, $5,725 is for equipment for the bathroom added since the last re- terms were; Mr. Boertmann, Pat- ticipating agencies operating effic- paid by students. Orange and .Hillside Avenue Junior High Schools and Red Cross. Assisting with the flag is George W. MortoriT Jr., • ! "They suggest 'postponement' chapter chairman, and looking on at left is Donald McGinnis, area valuation, then'the value of the rick J. Grail, James F. Kervick, ehtly indicates an. apathy and lack funds for these items ^may be transferred from bal- property will increase and the Nelson M. Lightcap, Edward J. of interest," the resolution stated, but not rejection of school pro- choii'man for tlu> drive. owner will pay more in taxes. In Shaheen, August Thermann, Hel- "which necessitates our allowing gram expenses totaling $101,200 ances in the amounts allocated for these schools by the last revaluation, he recalled, mut Larsen and Malcolm Pringle. at least one year's study of altern- which, in their opinion, '-would referendum. 9 approximately one-third of the' Charles Goodfellow, a former atives." . have the minimum effect on the properties had- a decrease, one- president, resigned'because of the Mr. Bergen explained that under educational program.', But there While the governing body can only certify to the Citizens Seminar to Featurethird had an increase -and one- pressure of business and-.-EauJ his proposal the~"Uinited Fund will be an effect and the effect Union County Board of Taxation the amount deemed third remained about the.same.' Buonaguro was elected to fill out board would continue to operate, will be detrimental. necessary to provide an adequate school system, the Discussion of Rail Service > The assessor • explained that his one-year term. Past President reorganize with enthusiastic ac- "Township Committee has Township Committee did submit to the school board <* • . many percentages are discussed but Robert M. Crane was chairman of tive leadership, and assess plans heard and responded to the de- John F. Kraus of North Plainfield, chairman of the Interinunicipal It Is first necessary to arrive at 100 the nominating committee. foi4 a possible drive in 1965. sires of the taxpayer. its detailed recommendations* of the areas'in which Group-for Better Rail Service, and Assemblyman Nicholas. S. LaCctrte percent of true value before anyof Announcement was made that •A survey of the participating or- "The Board ot Education must reductions could be made. The "Board of Education of Cranford wifl spct.k at the iirst Cranford Citizens' Seminar spon- the other percentages can be ascer- an advisory committee will be ganizations- earher in the year had now respond to the educational has the right to make curtailments where it deems sored by the Cranford Young. Republican Club. tained'. Cranford has been operat- formed. • It will be composed of (Continued, on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) . The meeting, which vCill be open to the public, will be held at ing, he said, on 31 percent of true former presidents of the associa- fast; within* the amount ordered by the Township 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the'com- value in its. assessments since the tion who have been out of ofjice Committee. ~ last revaluation. for three or more years as well as munity' room of the Municipal The present program i8 expected trustees who have been,on the Heavy Sabin Clinic Turnout; Text of the Township Committee statement fol- Building. Bellriiigers' to be; completed by early 'fail ami tajpantl for 10 or more years. lows: .;/_. ...p-^... •.•£„.. .;,.,,.../ '. ' ;." " '•'•.•. ' In urging public attondance at will become effective ^next yeaj;, "Ipfuins for the openlmg of the Slated tfe •Thefowiiship Committee has met witji the Wednesday's meeting,'AVflliam F. William Bate, Jr., of the. J. M. eight.-weeks' season at the camp, Report Dennis, Jr.,. program coordinator Cleminshaw Co., which is carrying located oh Silver Lake, near Hope, Crtfnford's turnout for the first SaDlli Oral Sundays, program on Board of .Education and reviewed the items whifch lor the Young Republicans, noted out the revaluation, stated. The were formulated, The camp will Sunday totaled 17,286, or approximately 65 percent of the total popula- made up _the operating and capital. portions t of the On Swim Pool Cleminshaw Co. alsp had charge open on Sunday, July 5, and con- tion, according to figures supplied, by Dr. Bernard Ehrenberg, county ?t. We coi _'_'_ .."..*_ ford an opportunity to hear an of the last program Iihn 1953. ue . inrougn rtiigusi j\j. i ne, cjwurrrian for the project. The Cranford Bellringers Com- tors as the anticipated increase of 300 pupilsY the authoritative talk by Mr. Kraus, Mr, Bate explained that because weekly tuition will remain" at" $32, Dr. Ehrenberg also announced that the Cranford Municipal mittee this week completed the the same as last year. illustrated by numerous slides, out- New Jersey is strictly a property Building has been selected as one mandatory wage increments for teachers and nurses drafting of a 10-page report of its lining the present status of rail tax state, and does not obtain rev- Ray Ward will return as direc- and the'apparent need for {additional text books and findings regarding,'-, the proposed service in Northern New Jersey.
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