Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 Tennis: Djokovic wins his 9th Australian Open title / B1 MONDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 77 Breezy, some LOW clouds, showers possible. 50 PAGE A4 www.chronicleonline.com FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community $1 VOL. 126 ISSUE 137 COUNTY COVID-19 UPATE Citrus County On the brink of 500K COVID cases still going up America’s top infectious disease expert calls looming milestone horrible, historic According to the Florida Department of JOHN RABY The figure compiled by Johns Dr. Anthony Fauci, said on CNN’s in Santa Clara County, California. Health, 20 positive Associated Press Hopkins University surpasses “State of the Union.” It took four months to reach the cases were reported the number of people who died The U.S. virus death toll first 100,000 dead. in Citrus County since The U.S. stood Sunday at the in 2019 of chronic lower respira- reached 400,000 on Jan. 19 in the The toll hit 200,000 deaths in the latest update. brink of a once-unthinkable tally: tory diseases, stroke, Alzhei- waning hours in office for Presi- September and 300,000 in 500,000 people lost to the mer’s, flu and pneumonia dent Donald Trump, whose han- December. No new deaths coronavirus. combined. dling of the crisis was judged by Then it took just over a month were reported, for a A year into the pandemic, the “It’s nothing like we have ever public health experts to be a sin- to go from 300,000 to 400,000 and total of 384. running total of lives lost was been through in the last gular failure. about two months to climb from To date in the about 498,000 — roughly the pop- 102 years, since the 1918 influ- The first known deaths from 400,000 to the brink of 500,000. county, 9,496 people ulation of Kansas City, Missouri, enza pandemic,” the nation’s top the virus in the U.S. happened in have tested positive and just shy of the size of Atlanta. infectious disease expert, early February 2020, both of them See 500K/Page A7 (including 75 non- residents). One new hospital- ization was reported, for a total of 627 hospitalized. DOH-Citrus Friendlier, cleaner waters vaccine registration system open DOH-Citrus’ prereg- istration system to schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments for individuals 65 and older and frontline health care workers is now available. Individuals can now be added to a waiting list for vaccine ap- pointments and be no- tified when appoint- ments are available in Citrus County by visit- ing myvaccine.fl.gov or by calling 866-201- 0442; TTY is 833-476-1036. As part of the state- wide preregistration system, each county has a designated number that individu- als can call and pre-register with if they do not have internet access. Citrus Coun- ty’s designated num- ber is 833-540-2058. Vaccine supply re- MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle mains limited and ap- The Homosassa River is lined by homes on both sides of the river. The fragile ecosystem is protected but some feel pointments may not more protections are necessary. be available for sev- Council eral weeks. When calling, get the name of the oper- to vote ator and do not hang Septic-to-sewer project moving forward up until you receive MICHAEL D. BATES Protection (FDEP) as being areas aquatic plants and wildlife. confirmation the ap- Staff writer of most concern: Crystal River/ The FDEP is footing the bill for on sewer, pointment has been Kings Bay and Chassahowitzka- a wastewater feasibility study that made, including the fforts are moving forward Homosassa Springs. will determine which pollution date, time and location to remove pollution- The FDEP’s Basin Management reduction or remediation method splash of the appointment. causing septic systems on Action Plans (BMAPs) determined is most effective. — From staff reports local waterways and re- those two springs have been af- In spots where it would not Eplace them with a more environ- fected by increased nitrogen lev- make economic sense to install a OPINION mentally friendly central sewer. els and require additional sewer, the report would recom- park Citrus County Wastewater Treat- protections to ensure their con- mend homeowners upgrade their ONLINE POLL: ment Feasibility Analysis members servation and restoration. existing septic system to a more met virtually last week to discuss The FDEP said septic tanks advanced one. Grants would BUSTER Your choice? the most cost-effective options for contribute up to 42% of the cur- likely be available for that THOMPSON While not specifically septic-to-sewer conversions in two rent nitrogen pollution in the dis- purpose. Staff writer mentioning Florida, the watersheds identified by the Flor- trict’s springs, which can cause Biden administration is ida Department of Environmental algae growth detrimental to See WATERS/Page A5 Crystal River City Coun- discussing potential cil is a vote away from travel restrictions to moving ahead with a prevent the spread of multi-agency agreement to transfer septic tanks from contagious variants that 276 Citrus County proper- appear to be rising in ties to the city’s sewage Florida and a number of system. states. How do you feel At their upcoming meet- about a federal travel ing at 5:30 p.m. Monday, ban being imposed on Feb. 22, at Crystal River Florida? City Hall, 123 NW U.S. 19, A. Live free or die. council members will de- B. Whatever happened cide whether to invest in to “states’ rights.” the Crystal River South- C. The feds will do the ern Septic to Sewer Project. right thing by Florida. If so, the city will chip D. You only have one life $1.21 million into the $4.84 to give. million project, alongside E. Whatever it takes to a 50% share from the Flor- stop the spread. ida Department of Envi- To vote, visit www. ronmental Protection and chronicleonline.com. a 25% contribution from Scroll down the home the Southwest Florida page and look for the Water Management poll box in the right- District. It’s expected the septic- hand column. to-sewer expansion project Results will appear MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle file will remove 3,445 pounds next Monday. Find last Pictured is the Halls River Bridge in Homosassa Springs. The Halls River empties into the Homosassa River in the few week’s online poll miles between Homosassa Springs and the Gulf of Mexico. Discussions are underway to reduce pollution along the See COUNCIL/Page A5 results./Page A3 river via the conversion of septic tanks to sewer. Classifieds ............... B8 Editorial ....................A6 Horoscope ................A4 Movies ..................... B7 Comics .................... B7 Entertainment ...........A4 INDEX Lottery Numbers ...... B3 Nation/World ............A8 Crossword .............. B10 Extra Puzzles . .......B5 Lottery Payouts ........ B3 TV Listings ............... B6 A2 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2021 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Se Habla Español INVERNESS HOMOSASSA 2036 Hwy 44 West 5699 S. Suncoast Blvd. (352) 726-1916 (352) 621-8000 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4:30pm Sat. by Appt. www.floridahearing.com 000ZP8W Page A3 - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2021 STATE &CITRUS L COUNTYOCAL CHRONICLE Around the COUNTY Man says he took car to recoup bad debt FRED HIERS the arrest report. The deputy arrested the driver, According to the report, Waller Police nab man Staff writer The victim told deputies that he but the driver explained that told the deputy that the victim for attempted asked his mother to pick Waller sold him the car owed him $400 and didn’t pay it Angry over a reportedly unpaid up his car but when she for $250 on Jan. 29, 2020, back. robbery debt, a Floral City man is accused arrived the vehicle was and signed off on the ve- Waller told the deputy he knew of stealing the debtor’s car. already gone. He told hicle’s title as the owner. that the victim was arrested and A 37-year-old Citrus The arrest of Adam Albert deputies that no one had The Citrus County dep- in jail so he took the car and sold County man was appre- Waller, 40, originated from a com- permission to take the uty learned on Feb. 13 it for $400. hended Sunday, Feb. 21, plaint made on Feb. 1. The victim car. that Waller had been ar- “I was mad at him for not pay- walking along State Road at the time of the theft was ar- When asked who might rested on an unrelated ing me the money he owed me, so 44 after brandishing a rested and in the Citrus County have taken it, he told dep- Adam A. charge. There had been a I stole his car then sold it for $400 jail. uties that he suspected warrant for his arrest and and got the money back that he weapon Waller during a The victim told Citrus County Waller or another man. he was charged with re- owed me,” he reportedly told the investigators that when he said man owed robbery On Feb. 6, a Sumter him $400. sisting arrest without deputy according to the arrest attempt, turned himself in to deputies on County Sheriff ’s deputy violence. report. accord- Dec. 30, 2020, he had parked his saw the victim’s car at the Dollar On Feb. 15, the arresting deputy The deputy charged him with ing to a 1986 black Crown Victoria at the General on County Road 476 and went to the Citrus County jail to trafficking in stolen property and corner of County Road 48 and initiated a traffic stop, according meet with Waller about the theft of the vehicle.
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