ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA ROMANIAE V. 4 (2004), P. 247-267 ON THE NEW UNDERSTANDING OF THE ORDER LITUOLIDA LANKESTER, 1885 (FORAMINIFERA) 1 VALERIA MIKHALEVICH Abstract. The composition order Lituolida Lankester, 1885 and the diagnosis of the 4 superfamilies, 16 families, 10 subfamilies and 80 genera entering this order sensu strictae are given below. All the diagnoses of the represented taxa (from the order up to the generic level) are emended. Three subfamilies (Comaliamminae, Acruliammininae and Popoviinae) are new. Keywords: Agglutinated foraminifera, Systematica, New taxa. INTRODUCTION Ammomarginulininae (part), Placopsilinidae; from the Haplophragmiacea: Barkerinidae, from the Order Lituolida was first described by Lankester Biokovinacea: Charentiidae, Lituoliporidae, in 1885 and later in 1903 years. Lankester separated Biokovinidae, from the Loftusiacea: Lituolids among 10 orders of the class Foraminifera Mesoendothyridae (part): Planiseptinae, including in its composition families Lituolidae, Labyrinthininae; Hottingeritidae, Cyclamminidae Trochamminidae, Endothyridae and Loftusiidae. (part): Buccicrenatinae, Choffatellinae, Reophax was included into the family Lituolidae. The Pseudochoffatellinae; Spirocyclinidae (some of them diagnosis of the order was as follows: “Test also without some genera – see below). Some minor arenaceous, usually regular in contour, chambers of changes within the previous lituolids in the narrow the polythalamous forms frequently labyrintic. sense are also made. The full revision of the lituolids Comprises sandy isomorphs of the simple is not finished yet as the structure of many genera, porcellaneous and hyaline types…” With the especially of their initial stages needs to be restudied exception of Endothyrids, this composition leaves till and specified. The composition and the diagnosis of recent days (of course widened on the account of the the 4 superfamilies, 16 families, 10 subfamilies and new genera and families). Loeblich & Tappan (1992) 80 genera entering the order Lituolida sensu strictae elaborating further their previous classification are given below. All the diagnoses of the (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987) included into this taxon represented taxa (from the order up to the generic above the Lituolacea (= order Lituolida of Lankester) level) are emended. - 13 superfamilies, and among them Ammodiscacea, Rzehakinacea, Hormosinacea. Thus nearly all SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS known types of the foraminifer shells (pseudotwochambered and multichambered, Phylum FORAMINIFERA d’Orbigny, 1826 uniserial and coiled of plano- , strepto - or Subclass MILIAMMINANA Mikhalevich, 1980 trochospiral coiling, with different position and Order LITUOLIDA Lankester, 1885 character of the aperture and different character of chambers) were united in one taxon. The only Test multichambered, planispiral, at least initially, common feature for all of them was the agglutinated later may be uncoiled, coiled part involute (more noncanaliculate wall of the shell (though some forms often) or evolute, chambers from isomorphic nearly with canaliculi (Melatrokerion, Coscinophragma) and subtriangular in outline to broad and low (like in pseudopore openings (Lituolipora) were also Peneroplis), with straight or arcuate sutures, wall present). This classification based more on the shell agglutinated or microgranular-agglutinated, aperture wall composition and structure is now generally used terminal (areal to final), without a tooth, single or and followed by the majority of the authors dealing multiple. with foraminiferal classification. Remarks. Lituolids included here are to a strong The classification adopted here is based on the degree isomorphic to some higher Miliolata (for new conception of the foraminiferal macrosystem instance Charentia to Derventina; Stomatostoecha, and evolution (Mikhalevich, 1980, 1983, 1992, 2000) Choffatella, Torinosuella and many others – to which gives the predominant taxonomic significance different Peneroplids). In the composition of the to the plane of structure of the organism reflected in order Lituolida (Loeblich & Tappan, 1994 and in foraminifera in their skeleton. The shell wall structure some following classifications) genera having both and composition is considered to have very agglutinated and microgranular walls and with or important but subordinate meaning. Thus only part of without canaliculi or some kind of pore openings the representatives of the superfamily Lituolacea in were included in spite of the diagnosis of the order the understanding of Loeblich & Tappan, 1992 are defining it as agglutinated and lacking pores. It is entering here the order Lituolida sensu strictae: indeed impossible to draw a sharp boundary in many Mayncinidae, Lituolidae (part): Lituolinae, 1 Zoological Institute Russian Academy Sci.,Universitetskaya nab., 1, 199034, S. Petersburg, Russia 247 V. MIKHALEVICH cases. More often it is easier to distinguish the taxa Subbotina et al.,1981 based on shell form and the position and the Test with a single aperture. character of the aperture. Position of the initial Remarks. Subfamily reinstated here from the aperture is in many genera unclear and needs more synonymy of Ammomarginulininae in Loeblich & detailed investigations. But in some cases the Tappan, 1987. It differs from the latter in having terminal character of the initial aperture is seen in nonflattened test, horizontal sutures and central thin sections in spite that in their diagnosis it is position of the aperture, but may be it also belongs marked like interiomarginal. As it is no sharp wholly or partially to the order Ammomarginulinida, boundary between agglutinated and microgranular the additional study is necessary. Genera with agglutinated wall the special details in the diagnoses secreted wall and similar character of chambers of the genera concerning their wall structure are occur both among higher nodosariats and higher given only in the cases when these details have miliolats and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish diagnostic significance. Forms with the basal such forms among their agglutinated ancestors. aperture, at least at the early stages are excluded Ammobaculites Cushman,1910 (Pl. I, fig. 1) from lituolids and transferred to the class Rotaliata, Type species: Spirolina agglutinans d'Orbigny, subclass Textulariana (order Nautiloculinida 1846 Mikhalevich, 2003) (Nautiloculina, Test with closely coiled early portion and rounded Haplophragmoides and some others). The uniserial in the section terminal part, aperture rounded, at the forms as well as ammomarginulinids with the center of the coarse apertural surface.C (Miss) – Hol. terminal aperture displaced to the peripheral angle Ammobacularia Kristan-Tollmann,1964 (Pl. I, fig. and some other ones bearing the nodosariata’s 2) features - to the orders Hormosinida Mikhalevich, Type species: Ammobacularia triloba Krestan- 1980, Ammomarginulinida Mikhalevich, 2002 and Tollmann, 1964 some others of the subclass Hormosinana. Test with closely coiled early portion and rounded Haurania-like forms with trochoid initial part in the section terminal part, aperture triangular, transferred to Textularioidea, trochospiral nearly triradial in appearance, situated on the fine- nezzazatids also are not included here. grained and slightly produced area. U.Tr. Pseudotwochambered forms with long tubular Sculptobaculites Loeblich & Tappan,1984 (Pl. I, second chamber are placed in class Spirillinata fig. 3) (subclass Ammodiscana Mikhalevich, 1980, order Type species: Ammobaculites goodlandensis Ammodiscida Mikhalevich, 1980), Lituotubida was Cushman & Alexander, 1930 also separated from lituolids (Mikhalevich, 1992, Test with the planispiral part slightly evolute, 2000, 2003 (in press). Some forms took their place terminal aperture rounded, wall extremely coarse (of within the same subclass but in the other orders: oolites, calcite prisms of Inoceramus shells, shell tubular multichambered forms (Rzehakina-like) - in fragments, foraminifers). Jr – Cr. the order Schlumbergerinida Mikhalevich, 1980 ( Remarks. Aperture reported as “arch at the base” Rzehakinida Saidova, 1981 is its junior synonym), but is unclear and needs to be restudied, other forms streptospirally coiled – in the order features of the genus fit to this subfamily. Haplophragmoidida Mikhalevich, 1992, some forms Simobaculites Loeblich & Tappan,1984 (Pl. I, fig. with stable cyclic and annular chambers in both 4) generations – in the order Cyclolinida Mikhalevich, Type species: Ammobaculites сuyleri Tappan, 1992. 1940 Test with nearly flat sides, flattened to slightly Superfamily Lituoloidea de Blainville, 1827 lenticular in section, initial part evolute, aperture Test free or attached, coiled part involute, wall terminal. slitlike to fusiform, symmetrically located at simple. the midpoint of the apertural surface. U. Pennsylv. to L, Perm.,Cr, Paleoc., Eoc., L. Mioc. Lituolidae de Blainville, 1827 Ostiobaculites Bronniman, Whittaker, Test free, planispiral and mostly involute, co- Zaninetti,1992 (Pl. I, fig. 5) nsisting of early planispirally coiled and later un- Type species: Ostiobaculites salsus Bronnimann, coiled rectilinear part usually well developed, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 1992 chambers of the coiled part usually broad and high Test with closely coiled early portion and rou- (subtriangular) and more often rather infla-ted, as a nded in the section terminal part, terminal aperture rule gradually enlarging in size and not multiple in a large, almost rectangular slot, parallel to axis
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