UN Secretariat Item Scan-Barcode-Record Title Pa9e 61 Date 16/05/2006 Time 4:44:19PM S-0861 -0004-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0861 -0004-06-00001 items-in-Peace-keeping operations - Middle East - Syria/Israel - Security Council documents Date Created 02/03/1962 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0861 -0004: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: Middle East Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ITED NATIONS I~ &*> I B rt I f \f S E C U R I T Y U1 1 J KIN ^ U 1 I1 L ^F o 2 Mardl ENGLISH - -• ORIGINAL: 'FRENCH LETTER DATED 2 MARGE 1962 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF.. THE SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC . ADDRESSED, TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE 'SECURITY COUNCIL On the orders of my -Government, I have the honour to make the following statement. The Israeli authorities persist in carrying out works in preparation for pumping the waters' of Lake Tiberias through channels which will carry them to the region of the Negev, The 'Government of the Syrian Arab Republic cc&siders it necessary to draw attention to the fact that these operations represent a threat to peace and security for the following reasons: 1* Article V of the Israeli -Syrian General Armistice Agreement provides for the maintenance of the status quo in the demilitarized zone and forbids either of the parties to take any action giving it 'an advantage over the other* The works undertaken by the Israeli authorities are irrefutable proof of their intention to continue the operations to divert the waters of the Jordan which they began in the central 'demilitarized zone and which they suspended in accordance with a Security Council resolution. ' 2. As soon as the project is completed, Israel will be in a position to settle several million people in the Negev, who will constitute a new force threatening the whole of the Arab world. 3* Furthermore, by diverting part of the waters of the Jordan, an international river, to the Negev, Israel is assuming new rights over the river without the. consent of interested parties. That is a violation of the principles of international '-law regarding the sharing of rights over international rivers. In any case, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic does not consider that Israel can be regarded as a party in matters involving the Jordan waters. 62-014-167 ...... /.*. S/50814. English Page 2 k. It has been clearly proved that to divert part of the waters of the Jordan from Lake Tiberias will increase the proportion of salt in the Lake, with the result that it will not be possible to use its water to irrigate Arab lands, and that considerable harm will be done to those lands* 5» The Syrian authorities opposed the project in question in 1955, after Israel had begun operations to divert the waters in the central demilitarized zone* In September 1953/ a complaint to that effect was submitted to the Chief of Staff of the Palestine Truce Supervision Organization, who gave a decision, dated 23 September 1953> calling upon the Israeli authorities to stop the work which they had already begun and which they could 'not continue without the consent of Syria. Since Israel refused to comply with that decision, the Syrian Government brought the matter before the Security Council, which, in its resolution of 27 October 1953* decided that the works connected with the diversion of the waters should be suspended until a final decision was reached on the matter. The Security Council has not yet given its final decision on the Syrian complaint. In view of the foregoing, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic considers it necessary to draw the attention of all States members of the Security Council to the gravity of the situation. The Arab States consider the activities of the Israeli authorities as serious a matter as the establishment of Israel in 19^8, which violated the lawful rights of the inhabitants of the country and gave rise to a series of international' crises which threatened peace. I should be grateful if you would arrange for this letter to be distributed as a Security Council document* I have the honour to be, etc. (Signed) Farid Chehlaoui Permanent 'Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH LETTER DATED l6 MARCH 1962 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF ISRAEL AJI'EESSED TO THE r RESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL I have the honour to make the following observations on the letter dated 2 March 1962 from the Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic (document S/5084), concerning water resources: (a) The Syrian Government's complaint is based on its declared premise that Israel has no right to exist - hence its absurd statement that it "does not consider that Israel can be regarded as a party in matters involving the Jordan waters". (b) The Syrian Government in its complaint further arrogates to itself the right to intervene in matters which are exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Government of Israel, such as the reclamation of its desert lands and their settlement. Syria has no such right. (c) Contrary to Syrian allegations as contained in document S/5084, particularly in paragraphs 3 and ^, the planned development of the water resources within its territory, by the Israel Government, does not in any manner whatsoever prejudice the rights or legitimate interest of any other State. (d) Previous efforts to bring about agreement on an over-all water development' project - vital to the area as a whole - met with full co-operation from the Israel Government. After two years of discussion technical experts of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, agreed upon every important detail of a unified Jordan Valley plan. But in October 1955; it was rejected for political reasons at a meeting of the Arab League. Syria objected to the project because it would benefit Israel as well as the Arab countries. (e) In the circumstances Israel obviously could not allow its own vital domestic water development to be deflected by the politically 62-05292 /.., s/5091 English. Page 2 motivated attitude of certain Ara"b Governments. Syria herself and Jordan have embarked on the execution of water development projects utilizing the waters of the common river system. Similarly, Israel could no longer defer the development of its water resources within its territory, (f) These activities are not in violation of the provisions of the Israel- Syrian Armistice Agreement, nor are they contrary to the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, referred to in paragraph 5 of the Syrian letter. These references are inserted for the sole purpose of confusing the issue. (.g) In brief, the Syrian contentions are baseless. They have been advanced only for reasons of political expediency and constitute a propaganda exercise in the context of inter-Arab rivalries. If there is any danger to peace and security it derives from Syrian threats to use force for the purpose of obstructing Israel development. I have the honour to request that this note be circulated to all the members of the Security Council. (Signed) Michael COMAY Permanent Representative UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/5093 COUNCIL 19 March 1962 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH LETTER DATED 19 MARCH 1962 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF ISRAEL ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL I have the honour., on instructions from the Government of Israel, to direct the attention of the Security Council to the following facts. 1. During the period from 1 February to l6 March 19^2; Syrian Armed Forces committed the following acts of aggression against Israel: 1 February - machine-gun fire on Dardara. 7 February - rifle fire on Dardara. 10 February - rifle and machine-gun fire on civilians south of Mishmar Hayarden. 15 February - machine-gun fire on vehicular traffic on the road to Ein Gev. 25 February - machine-gun fire on fishermen near the Syrian village of El Kursi. 27 February - machine-gun fire on Police south of Dardara. 7 March - machine-gun fire on Dardara. 8 March - machine-gun and recoilless gun fire on Police patrol boat, The boat was damaged and members of its crew were seriously injured. 15 March - further similar attacks on Police patrol boats. 16 March - repetition of this type of attack. The last-mentioned attacks were carried out from Syrian Army positions forming part of a system of fortifications extending illegally into the demilitarized zone north of the village of El Nukeib. The weapons employed included 82 mm. recoilless guns which Syria is not permitted under the Armistice Agreement to deploy in the vicinity of the eastern shore of Lake Tiberias. All the aforesaid aggressive acts constitute flagrant violations of the United Nations Charter and the Armistice Agreement. 62-05^26 S/5093 English Page 2 2. Since Syria resumed an independent status at the end of September representatives of that country have repeatedly proclaimed that Syria regards itself as "being in a state of war with Israel, and have asserted their hostile and aggressive intentions against the territorial integrity and political independence of Israel. The following are excerpts from a long list of such declarations: On 14 December 1961 the President of Syria, Nazem el Kudsi, in his inaugural address to the Syrian Parliament, stated: "¥e must develop our economy so as to bring to fruition our great aims: the liberation of Palestine and support for the struggle in Algeria and other liberation movements in the Arab world. For this purpose we must strengthen our armed forces and provide them with adequate arms and equipment." On 8 January 1962, the Prime Minister of Syria, Maarouf el Dawalibi, announcing in Parliament the policy of his new Government, spoke openly of the necessity of liquidating the State of Israel.
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