INDEX1 A American Idea, 1–7, 10, 12, 13, 22, Aaron, Daniel, 125 25, 33, 37–40, 42, 44–46, 49, Abraham, Arthur, 212 52n36, 53n47, 54n59 Actors Studio, 29, 136 American Idea and Creed, 103–105, Adams, Henry, 124, 126, 150n10 114, 237, 238, 250, 254, 257 Adams, John Quincy, 212, 214–216 The Americanization of Emily, 154 Adorno, Theodor, 194 American Jeremiad, 1, 4–8, 25, The African Queen, 83 53n47, 153 Algiers, 77 American Jeremiah, 239, 243, 249, Allen, Debbie, 212 251, 256 Allen, Woody, 72 American Jewish Committee, 238 Al Pacino, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136, American story, 2, 3, 7–12, 14, 34, 137, 139 39, 45–48 Alsace-Lorraine, 17, 59 An American Tail, 37 American Creed, 1–4, 8, 10, 22, 33, American Way, 1, 3, 9, 38, 44 35, 38, 42, 47, 161, 187, 215, America’s soul, 3, 7, 22 221, 233 Amistad, 39, 42, 49, 211–221 American Creed and Idea, 187, 215, Antin, Mary, 7, 238 221, 233 Anti-Semitism, 10, 11, 18, 40, American democracy, 154 44, 59–62 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 261 Switzerland AG 2021 S. B. Girgus, Generations of Jewish Directors and the Struggle for America’s Soul, Renewing the American Narrative, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76031-1 262 INDEX Applebaum, Anne, 252–255 The Book of Daniel, 33, 164, 166, Arbella, 10 168, 179 Arendt, Hannah, 116, 117 Boxer, Amanda, 230 Armstrong, Louis, 159 Boyd, Stephen, 114 Asner, Edward, 167 Boyer, Charles, 77 The Atlantic, 246, 247, 250 Branch, Taylor, 215 Auschwitz, 194, 197, 203 Brandeis, Louis, 7, 9, 27, 238 Authoritarianism, 237, 246, 250–256 Brando, Marlon, 136 Breen, Joseph, 106, 107 Bregman, Martin, 130 B Brent, George, 19 Babbitt, 16 Bridge of Spies, 40, 190 Bainter, Fay, 109 Brooks, David, 44–49, 54n68, Balkin, Karen, 109 249, 250 Barbara Eda-Young, 146 Brown, Norman O., 140, 141 Barkin, Ellen, 174 Browne, Roscoe Lee, 115 Barrie, Wendy, 19, 76 B-17, 94, 95 Barrymore, John, 18 Burns, Edward J., 222 Bazin, André, 17 Burns, Ric, 122–124 Beard, Charles A., 216 Burrows, Edwin, 123 Beatrice Straight, 162 Beat the Devil, 83 Beckerman, Gal, 9, 11 C Bellow, Saul, 7, 25, 238 Cahan, Abraham, 7, 126, 238, 256 Ben-Hur, 24, 113–114 The Caine Mutiny, 83 Bercovitch, Sacvan, 5, 239–244, 246, Cantor, Eddie, 126 250, 253, 254 Capra, Frank, 17, 39 Bergo, Bettina, 13 Carmichael, Hoagy, 23 Berlin, Irving, 126 Carrie, 24 Bernstein, Walter, 158 Casablanca, 83 The Best Years of Our Lives, 19, 21–24, Catch Me If You Can, 39 84, 103, 104 CBS, 29 Biden, Joe, 248 Chanter, Tina, 198 Biden, Joseph R., Jr., 4 Chatterton, Ruth, 15 The Big Sleep, 83 Chayefsky, Paddy, 30, 31, Bista, Henryk, 200 153–157, 161 Bixby, Lydia Parker, 227, 229 The Children’s Hour, 18, 24, Bjoerling, Jussi, 146 66, 104–113 Blight, David W., 239 Cinema of redemption, 2, 12, 14 Bogart, Humphrey, 19, 59–90 City College of New York, 177 “Bogart Hero,” 85 “City on a hill,” 237–257 “The Bold Look,” 84 Civic liberalism, 153–181 INDEX 263 Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 35 Death of a Salesman, 84 Cobb, Lee J., 115, 116 Declaration of Independence, 214 Cohen, Roger, 249 Deep focus, 65, 68, 70, 74 Cohn, Harry, 4 Democracy, 237, 238, 244–257 The Cold War, 164, 169, 170, 172 Democratic culture, 157, 159, 192, The Color Purple, 39, 212, 213 226, 231, 233 Communism, 164, 172, 177 Depth of feld, 65, 70, 82 Conscience, 121, 127–134, 139, Derrida, Jacques, 205, 206 140, 147–149 The Desperate Hours, 24, 59–90 Consensus, 238, 241, 242, 245–247, Desser, David, 25 250, 253–255 Detective Story, 24 The Constitution, 214, 216 Dewey, John, 157, 159 Cooper, Gary, 137 Di Stefano, Giuseppe, 146, 147 Coppola, Francis Ford, 136 Diesel, Vin, 223 Coughlin, Charles, 15 DiMaggio, Joe, 178 Counter culture, 132, 133, Dimont, Max, 63 137, 139–149 Discrimination, 125 The covenant, 5, 6, 10, 12, 46 Dissensus, 246, 247, 250 Cranston, Bryan, 156, 228 Doctorow, E. L., 7, 33, 34, 164, Crawford, Cheryl, 29 166–168, 170, 238 Critchley, Simon, 226, 227 Dodsworth (flm), 15, 17, 18, 24 Cronkite, Walter, 159 Dodsworth (novel), 14, 16 Crouse, Lindsay, 167 Dog Day Afternoon, 33 Crowley, Ed, 144 Doherty, Thomas, 225 Cuomo, Mario, 240 Dreyfus, Alfred, 59–62 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 84 Dunaway, Faye, 155, 160 D Duncan, Claude E., 93 Dagan, Ezra, 196 Duvivier, Julien, 77 Daley, Robert, 133 Dwight David Eisenhower, 257 Damon, Matt, 222 Daniel, 33, 34 Dark Passage, 83 E Davidtz, Embeth, 196 Eaker, Ira B., 96 Davies, Jeremy, 223 Eastwood, Clint, 225 Davis, Betty, 19 Ebert, Roger, 190 Davis, David Brion, 212 Ebertz, Roger P., 204 Day, Richard, 65–67, 74 Educational Alliance, 126 Day-Lewis, Daniel, 216, 217 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 42 De Niro, Robert, 136 Esquire, 84 Dead End, 18, 24, 59–90 Extra Terrestrial (E.T.), 35 Dead End Kids, 71, 73, 74, 89 Eyer, Richard, 84 264 INDEX F Gabler, Neil, 4 Fabian, Miri, 196 Garson, Greer, 20, 97 Face to face, 198 Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 212 Fail Safe, 32 Gatsby, Jay, 199 Fake news, 156 Geddes, Norman Bel, 66 Falana, Lola, 115 Genovese, Eugene, 212 Fascism, 14, 16, 22, 40 George, Henry, 124 Feklisov, Alexander, 166 Gessen, Masha, 254 Ferris, Hugh, 68 Gettysburg Address, 217–220, 228 Field, Sally, 216 Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 44, 248 Fievel Goes West, 37 Glasser, Susan, 246 Filipcevic, Vojislava, 67, 68 Glaude, Eddie, Jr., 215 Fillion, Nathan, 225 Gold, Harry, 166 Films of American Renewal Goldberg, Adam, 223 (Spielberg), 190, 220, 233 Goldberg, Jeffrey, 246 Finch, Peter, 31, 154 Goldberg, Michelle, 248, 250 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 72 Goldwyn, Samuel, 18 Flannery, Edward H., 60, 61 Gone With the Wind, 19 Flying Fortress, 94, 95, 103 Goodall, Caroline, 199 Fonda, Henry, 19, 32 Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 217 Foner, Eric, 216, 219 Gornick, Vivian, 177 Ford, Jesse Hill, 115 Gorski, Philip, 5, 7 Ford, John, 17, 40, 41, 93 Great Depression, the, 14, 18, 26 Frankl, Viktor, 88 The Great Gatsby, 72, 81 Franklin, John Hope, 212 Greco, Jena, 173 Franzoni, David H., 213 Greenglass, David, 164, 166, 167 Freeman, Morgan, 213, 214 Greenglass, Ruth, 166 Freeman, Y. Frank, 95, 96 Greenwich Village, 29, 144–146, 149 Freud, Sigmund, 140, 141, 147, 148, Gross, Gene, 143 151n29, 168 Friedan, Betty, 238 Friedman, Lester D., 25, 190, H 192–196, 212, 213, 222, 225, 229 Haass, Richard, 252, 259n36 Friedman, Thomas L., 247, 248 Hall, Michael, 21 Fromm, Erich, 88 Halop, Billy, 71, 74 Frontier thesis, 124 Hammett, Dashiell, 106 Frum, David, 256 Handlin, Oscar, 64 Fuchs, Klaus, 166 Hanks, Tom, 222–225 Harris, Elizabeth A., 107 Haskalah, 9 G Haskell, Molly, 35–39, 42–44, 189–191 Gabin, Jean, 77 Hawks, Howard, 17 Gable, Clark, 93 Hayes, Joseph, 81 Gabler, Neal, 36 Hearst, William Randolph, 62 INDEX 265 Hebrew Prophets, 5, 153 Jenkins, Allen, 78 The Heiress, 24 Jeremiad, 153–155, 163, 237–257 Hellman, Lillian, 18, 24, 66, 75, Jewish modernism, 2, 8–12, 14 105–107, 113 Jezebel, 19, 25, 117 Hepburn, Audrey, 107, 108, 112 Johnson, Arch, 116 Herman, Jan, 17, 19, 94, 96, Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 232 102, 107 Jones, Gail, 31 Hershey, Barbara, 116 Jones, Lauren, 115–117 Heston, Charlton, 114 Jones, Tommy Lee, 216 High Noon, 137 Judaism, 8–14, 238 High Sierra, 83 Hillman, Sidney, 7, 27, 256 Hippie, 129, 131–134, 137, 139–149 K Hitchen, Christopher, 131, 133, 142 Kaddish prayer, 179, 180 Hoberman, J., 167, 168, 177 Kael, Pauline, 168 Holbrooke, Richard, 249 Kaminsky, Janusz, 195, 197 Holden, William, 155, 161, 162 Kavka, Martin, 195 Hollywood, 4, 17–20, 25, 28, 29, 36, 44 Kazan, Elia, 29 Holocaust Museum, 193 Keaton, Diane, 72 Hombre, 84 Keller, Bill, 237 Hopkins, Anthony, 214 Keneally, Thomas, 196 Hopkins, Miriam, 107, 108 Kennedy, Arthur, 87 Horne, Lena, 31 Kennedy, John F., 241 The Hospital, 154 Kern, Eugene, 99–101 Hounsou, Djimon, 213 Key Largo, 83 House Un-American Activities King, Martin Luther Jr., 189, 215, Committee, 22 221, 233, 242 Howe, Irving, 64, 123, 124, 150n10 King: A Film Record, 33 100 Centre Street, 160 Kingsley, Ben, 196 Huston, John, 17, 18 Kingsley, Sidney, 66 Huston, Walter, 15 Kirsch, Adam, 13 Hutton, Timothy, 167 Kishinev Pogrom, 62 Knapp Commission, 129 Kodat, Catherine, 214, 216 I Koenig, Lester, 99–102 Inherit the Wind, 84 The Korean War, 164, 169 Insdorf, Annette, 195, 199 Koster, Henry, 64 Kotto, Yaphet, 116 Kraft Television, 158 J Krakow, 197 Jackson, Andrew, 27 Krakow Ghetto, 204 Jaws, 35, 43 Krugman, Paul, 248, 255, 256 Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 27, 157 Kushner, Tony, 216, 217 266 INDEX L The Little Foxes, 25, 106 La Amistad, 190, 192, 211, 213 In a Lonely Place, 83 Laemmle, Carl, 18, 25, 59 Long, Huey, 15 Lane, Anthony, 232 Long Day’s Journey into Night, 27, 32 Lang, Fritz, 64 Los Alamos (New Mexico), 164 Langer, Lawrence, 192 Lowell, Robert, 170 Lasch, Christopher, 87 Lower East Side, 121–128, 130, 145, Lawrence, D. H., 85 158, 163–168 Lax, Eric, 77 Loy, Myrna, 21, 23 Lazarus, Emma, 47 Lubitsch, Ernst, 64 L’Dor V’Dor, 1 Lumet, Baruch, 26, 127 Leon, Joseph, 167 Lumet, Sidney, 1–49, 121, 122, Lesbianism, 18, 24, 105–107, 111 126–139, 145, 149, 153–164, Les Miserables, 84 166–168, 170–172, 174–177, Levinas, Emmanuel, 2, 8, 12–14, 39, 179–181, 181n4 41, 42, 44, 49, 49n3, 170, 171, 183n33, 191, 192, 195, 198, 202, 203, 205, 220, 230, 232 M death, 171 MacLaine, Shirley, 107, 108, 111 death and time, 220 Macola, Béatrice, 202 ethics, 2, 8, 12–14, 38, 39, 41, 191, Mailer, Norman, 7, 25, 29, 170, 238 195, 198, 220, 226, 235n31 Maimonides, Moses, 13 the face, 198 Main, Marjorie, 78 silence, 203 Majors, Lee, 116 time, 195, 202, 220 Making Movies (Lumet), 28, 160 witnessing, 202, 203 Malamud, Bernard, 25 Levitsky, Steven, 256, 257 The Maltese Falcon, 83 Lewis, John, 245, 248 Mamet, David, 27, 33 Lewis, Robert, 29 Manhattan, 72 Lewis, Sinclair, 14–17, 27 March, Fredric, 82, 84, 85 Liberal democracy, 2, 3, 44, 93–104 March on Washington, 170, 174 Liberalism, 245, 246, 248, 249 Marcuse, Herbert, 140–142, 146, The Liberation of L.
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