To Accompany God’s Revivalist Special Issue (September 2014) TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Remarks .....................................................2 Books ......................................................................6 Books about Selecting Books ............................6 Books to Read to Children................................6 Child Rearing Issues ...............................................2 Books Children Should Read ............................8 Obedience and Discipline ................................2 Potty Training....................................................3 Children and Church ..............................................9 Gender and Sex ...............................................3 Children’s Bibles...............................................9 Children and Money ........................................3 Children’s Devotional Materials ........................9 Preaching to Kids............................................10 Childhood Development .........................................3 Children’s Church...........................................10 Erik Erikson and Psychosocial Development......3 Church Nurseries............................................11 General Development ......................................4 Psychosocial Stages of Development.................4 Technology and Media ..........................................11 Stage 1: Infants (0-2)................................4 Technology.....................................................11 Stage 2: Toddlers (2-4).............................4 Games and Apps ............................................11 Stage 3: Preschoolers (4-5) ......................5 DVD Sets .......................................................12 Stage 4: School-aged (5-12).....................5 Music .............................................................12 1 EDITOR’S REMARKS OBEDIENCE AND DISCIPLINE Thank you for reviewing this list of resources that ac- Bradley, Reb. What I REALLY Wish I Knew When My Chil- companies the special issue of God’s Revivalist (September dren Were Young (4 audio CD series). Family Min- 2014). Some comments are in order. istries, 2008. Of course, not everybody will agree with everything in- cluded here, although there was a concerted effort to list only Brown, Nadine. How to Have Kids with Character: Even if those books and other resources that are indeed good. A Your Kids are Characters (out of print but copies often number of mothers were solicited for their recommendations available on Amazon.com). Tyndale House, 1990. for each of the categories listed below; in the subsequent compilation, an indication was made to show how many of Chapman, Gary and Ross Campbell. The 5 Love Languages those involved in the selection process had identified each of Children, New Edition. Moody Publishers, 2012. item as “good.” A smaller group of GBS mothers, all profes- sionals with college degrees and experience teaching/working Dobson, James. Bringing up Boys: Practical Advice and En- in Bible colleges, selected items for inclusion in the resource couragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation boxes/sidebars in God’s Revivalist. They also identified items of Men. Tyndale Momentum, 2005. which they felt should be included in this longer list. Simply consider what you find here to be suggestions Dobson, James. Bringing up Girls: Practical Advice and En- for you. It remains your responsibility to make sure the sug- couragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation gested materials are appropriate for your family. What works of Women. Tyndale Momentum, 2012. for one family may not work for another. What seems to be perfect for one child may not work as well for others, even Dobson, James. The New Dare to Discipline. Tyndale Mo- those within the same family. Let me illustrate this with an mentum, 1996. example. The book To Train Up a Child by Michael and Debi Pearl is included on this list but was not listed in God’s Re- Dobson, James. The NEW Strong-willed Child: Birth through vivalist. There are people who like the book and people who Adolescence, Revised Edition. Tyndale Momentum, dislike it. Some have mentioned that they found it very help- 2007. ful, but only for children up to about one-and-a-half years of age. Some declare it has no value at all. Again, you as the Dobson, James. The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection consumer should be selective in determining what works for (The New Dare to Discipline, The New Strong-Willed your family. Child, and Parenting Isn’t for Cowards). Tyndale Mo- Be aware that often there are different versions of the mentum, 2011. same book. For example, a book may be available in hardback, paperback, or board book format. There may be versions that Eggerichs, Emerson. Love and Respect in the Family: The Re- are illustrated or abridged, or those that contain ancillary ma- spect the Parents Desire; The Love the Children Need. terials, like CDs, DVDs, and accompanying websites. Thomas Nelson, 2013. I will close with Dr. Connie Palm’s words from her ar- ticle “The Intrigue of Ink” (God’s Revivalist, September 2014, Forster, Pam. For Instruction In Righteousness: A Topical Ref- pp. 18-19). erence Guide for Biblical Child-Rearing, Revised. Doorposts, 1995. Read from many genres of books. A child who eats nothing but hotdogs will think that there is nothing Friedeman, Matt. Discipleship in the Home. Francis Asbury better than hotdogs. The only way for you to know Society, 2010. which books are best is to read them yourself. Ingram, Chip. Effective Parenting in a Defective World. Focus Otherwise, begin with books written before the on the Family, 2007. mid-seventies. A shift in children’s literature occurred about that time, and although there are many good Kids of Integrity: http://www.kidsofintegrity.com (Focus on children’s books being written today and ones you the Family) will want to use, some recent books push the enve- lope on every social and moral issue. These may be Kimmel, Tim. Grace-based Parenting: Set Your Family Free. useful if you discuss the ideas with your child and put Thomas Nelson, 2005. the content through the filter of God’s Word. But be aware that there is a plethora of recent books for chil- Krueger, Elizabeth. Raising Godly Tomatoes: Loving Parenting dren that are just plain stupid. Time is precious… With Only Occasional Trips to the Woodshed. choose the best. Krueger Publishing, 2007. (Also see website at http://www.raisinggodlytomatoes.com/default.php) 2 Leman, Kevin. Parenting Your Powerful Child: Bringing an Nystrom, Carolyn. God’s Design for Sex Series, Book 2: End to the Everyday Battles. Revel, 2014. Before I Was Born, Revised (for kids age 5-8). Navpress, 2007. Leman, Kevin. Have a New Kid by Friday: How to Change Your Child’s Attitude, Behavior & Character in 5 Days. Jones, Stan & Brenna. God’s Design for Sex Series, Book 3: Revel, 2012. What’s the Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex, Re- vised (for kids age 8-11). Navpress, 2007. Rosemond, John. Parenting By the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child. Howard Books, 2013. Lewis, Robert. Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father’s Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood, Revised Tripp,Tedd. Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Revised and Ex- Edition. Tyndale House, 2007. panded. Shepherd Press, 1995. Stanton, Glen. Nurturing a Healthy Gender Identity in Your Weidmann, Jim. An Introduction to Family Nights: Family Child I-II (CD). Focus on the Family Radio Broadcast, Nights Tool Chests (plus various Family Nights Tool 2011. Chests books). Heritage Builders, 1997. Stanton, Glen. Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Par- ents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity & Femininity. Multnomah Books, 2011. POTTY TRAINING Azrin, Nathan & Richard Foxx. Toilet Training in Less Than a Day. Pocket Books, 1989. CHILDREN AND MONEY Bookout, Kim & Karen Williams. The Everything Guide to Albrektson, J. Raymond. Money-Savvy Kids: Parenting Penny- Potty Training. Adams Media, 2010. Wise Kids in a Money-Hungry World. WaterBrook Press, 2002. Capucilli, Alyssa. Potty Book for Girls. Barron’s Educational Series, 2000. Blue, Ron; Judy Blue, & Jeremy White. Your Kids Can Mas- ter Their Money: Fun Ways to Help Them Learn How. Capucilli, Alyssa. Potty Book for Boys. Barron’s Educational Focus on the Family, 2006. Series, 2000. Burkett, Larry. Money Matters for Kids, New Edition. Moody DK Publishing Inc. Boys’ Potty Time with Reward Stickers. Publishers, 2001. DK Publishing, 2010. Ramsey, Dave & Rachel Cruze. Smart Money Smart Kids: DK Publishing Inc. Girls’ Potty Time with Reward Stickers. Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money. DK Publishing, 2010. Ramsey Press, 2014. Jenson, Lora. 3 Day Potty Training. Amazon Digital (also ma- terials at www.3daypottytraining.com) ERIK ERIKSON AND PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Manushkin, Fran. Big Girl Panties. Robin Corey Books, 2012. Erikson, Erik H. & Robert Coles (Editor). The Erickson Reader. W. W. Norton & Company, 2001. GENDER AND SEX Erikson, Erik H. Childhood and Society. W. W. Norton & Company, 1993. Farrel, Pam & Doreen Hanna. Raising a Modern-Day Princess: Inspiring Purpose, Value, and Strength in Erikson, Erik H. Identity: Youth and Crisis. W. W. Norton & Your Daughter. Focus on the Family, 2009. Company, 1994. Jones, Brenna & Stan. God’s Design for Sex Series, Book 1: Erikson, Erik H. & Richard Evans (Editor). Dialogue with Erik The Story of Me, Revised (for kids age 3-5). Navpress, Erikson. Jason Aronson, 1995. 2007. 3 GENERAL CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Murkoff, Heidi. What to
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