.Jn lhi.1 .J.1.1ue: • INTERNATIONAL EVENING STUDENTS CONFERENCE • FALL CONVOCATION HIGHLIGHTS • OLD GRADS BASKETBALL GAME • AFRICA IN TRANSITION CONFERENCE • NEW LIBRARY OPENING SOON • WINTER CARNIVAL PLANS "•· . -the · :.. ~. up-to-date · . ALE . · for up-to-date PEOPLE Published quarterly by The Association of Alumni, Sir George Williams University, 1435 Drummond Street, Montreal 25, Quebec, Canada. Advertising office, VI. 9-8331, Alumni Office. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Printed for the publish.ers by Rapid Press Ltd., 1180 St. Antoine Street, Montreal. Editor: Stanley Asher, Associate editor: Hyman Peskin Circulation : Bernard Oliver, Activities: Herb Vool · Advisory board : Alec Fineberg, Milan Moravec and John Ferguson VOLUME 16, NUMBER 4 WINTER ISSUE PECEMBER 1960 OUR COVER Gerald Miller, President of the Association of Alumni, presenting Glen Wood of the Grad team with " losing" trophy. Compliments of Greenshields & Co Inc Howard, Cate, Ogilvy, Bishop, Cope, Porteous & Hansard MONTREAL 360 St. James St. West Investment TORONTO Dealers Montreal NEW YORK QU EBEC 507 PLACE D'ARMES MONTREAL OTTAWA WINNIPEG Advocates, Affiliate: SHERBROOKE Greenshields & Co Ltd Barristers and Solicitors LONDON Stock Brokers WINTER ISSUE 3 -1 ; IF YOU HAV--;MOVED, OR ARE GOING -;o -:ovE Fill in this form and return to: I I ASSOCIATION Q_F ALUMNI, I I SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY I I 1435 DRUMMOND STREET, MONTREAL 25, QUEBEC I I Please PRINT I I NAME _______________ ____ _ _ I NEW ADDRESS I STREET AND NUMBER I I I CITY PROVINCE I I PLEASE RETAIN THIS FORM FOR FUTURE USE. I YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL HELP US KEEP OUR RECORDS UP-TO-DATE I ,_ -- - -------- _J You'll enjoy shopping at Montreal's most beautiful department store ... where you'll find wide selections of choice merchandise from all parts of the world ... and where courteous service adds pleasure to your shopping with complete confidence in Simpson's traditional values and guaranteed satisfaction. Store hours : 9 to 5.30 Monday to Saturday OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 4 The Po stgrad THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE By GERALD MILLER President, Association of Alumni, SGWU The past year has seen our Alumni Association go forth along several new paths. This was the first year that we instituted a yearly membership fee. Your respome to this new innovation was very encouraging. More members have con­ tributed to the Asrnciation this year than in any previous year. The acquirement of Mr. John Ferguson as our Executive Director leads us down another new path. The new year will see many new ideas being started ·under him. - R ecently I atten:ded the first reunion held at Sir George. This was between the Georgian Basketball Team and its Alumni members. It was good to see familiar faces. I hope that this idea, started by the Athletic Department of the University will continue in future years. Your executive is at the present time planning a huge reunion of all years and faculties. This should be held sometime in the fall of 1961. Your executive entertained at a dinner for the executive members of the Students' Undergraduate Society and also for the Evening Students Association. The editor and assistant editor of the Georgian also attended. This meeting was held because your executive felt that we were becoming too distant from the students of our university. From this meeting a closer liaison has been established between us and the students. With the Christmas season upon us I would like to take this opportunity to extend to all alumni the best wishes of the Board of Directors, and my own personal, sincere wish that all of you may find in 1961 a prosperous and a H appy New Year. DRINK CREAM-0- INSTANT COFFEE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT WINTER ISSUE 5 GRADUATES AT FALL CONVOCATION BACHELOR OF COMMERCE Nicolas Abramsen Joseph Samuel McConnell James Katsumi Akamoto David Baird McGlaughlin David Alexander Baird George Frank Mihalcsics Joseph Beaudry Henry Mimee Hyman Brinker Leonidas Papadopoulos Larry Charney Clifford Peter Herbert Partridge Joseph Cloutier David Ivan Paterson, B.Sc. Patrick Edward Cooney Gordon Allen Rabey Henry Anthony Daly Morton Randolph Neil Burns Dyson Gerald Nelson Robinson Abraham Zvi-Harry Eisner Ian Martin Dey Ruxton Roger Joseph Elliott Sidney Sanders Weir Joseph Louis Gauthier Barry Schwartz Walter Alexander Gibbons Albert Sherman Joseph Gohier Barry Silverman Paul H. Guenther Grambow Arne Stampe Thomas Sandor Guralynik Stanley Melvyn Sternthal Frederick Rupert Hall Thomas Rankin Suddaby William Nunn Hutchison Ausma Ilga Tane Kenneth McKellar Keith George Leigh Townsend J. A. Raymond M. Lecours Samuel Wineberg Jaroslaw Leszczyszyn Percival Vincent Worrell Arthur Levitt Barry Richard Wright, B.A. Kenneth Edward Martel Demetra Antonios Xenos Continued on page 7 CANADA ENVELOPE CO. 2150 OXFORD AVE. MONTREAL, P.Q. Since 1874 Your Envelope Supplier Phone HU. 1-0231 ADD LITTLE TO LITTLE DO NOT WASTE SMALL SUMS, THEY GROW. START SAVING BY OPENING AN ACCOUNT TODAY WITH BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE 595 OFFICES IN CANADA 6 The Postgrad BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Joseph Henri Denis Aumais This is the third issue under "new Harry Baikowitz management", and the time is now ripe John Baran for a statement of editorial policy. Im­ Leo Withnol Bertley portant things have happened to ·the Arnold Leslie Wilkins Blake Jean Marcel Dessert University and to the Alumni Associa­ Bert Arnold Dort tion as well - a charter, and an execu­ Jean Louis Roger Dumas tive director, respectively. We hope that Marcel Einser in the near future, changes in the Gerhard Franz Otto Karl Fink "Postgrad" will become evident-wider Corrado Glavina Elaine Joy Hamilton coverage of graduate and undergraduate Marion Virginia Holmes activities, and of affairs of general inter­ Konstanty Jablonski est to graduates of a cosmopolitan J. Alphonse Paul Emile Jette university. Many graduates now reading Heinz-Peter Krysmanski this issue are working on, or have com­ Leo Po Ki Lee Tonu Loigu pleted, some project of general interest. George Mandi Why not let the Alumni know what Peter Thomas Nejedly you have done since your convocation Derek Edwin Boyer Phillips ceremonies took place, whether it was Kai Sander Zsuzsanna Sarolta Schmideg one, five, ten or even twenty years ago. Norman George Somerville If our magazine can hope to expand at Donald Joseph Stephen the rate that the University has expand­ Herbert St;,neham ed, this is important. All graduates Mychaijlo Szczerbak interested in working in any capacity on Emma Wilhelmine Doris Trute Kevin J. Vauriss Waddington our publications, should feel free to contact me through the Alumni Office. Continued on page I 0 Thanks in advance, Stanley Asher. A PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT MAKES BUDGET-KEEPING EASY COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND When you balance your budget, you '11 find it easy to keep track of the date and amount of each purchase-if you use a BNS Personal Chequing Account. Inex­ pensive, too. Open your account today. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA WINTER ISSUE 7 PHOTO-GRAD TEAM Front Row - R. Freitag, J. Ellemo, Saul Ross, Glen Wood, S. Armstrong, D. McKay. Back Row - J. Pheffers, Lloyd Welton, T. Parrel, J. Silver, P. Baker, D. Thompson, Murray Anderson, Herb Shannon. helps you save MORE Ask for details at your neighbourhood ' Royal' branch THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ,,MY ~ANH" BANK OF MONTREAL ro 2 NIii/ON CANAO/ANS ~ . ~ • • • • • • • • WOR KIN G W ITH CANADIA N S IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE ·. SINCE 1817 S0213 S 8 The Postgrod LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir : This letter is to inform you, and readers of this publication, about the improved relationship developed recently between the As~ociation of Alumni of Sir George and the students generally. For cOI!; e time, this relationship was anything but cordial; as a matter of fact, many students - including some holding positions in student government - claimed that they hardly knew an Alumni Association existed. This state of affairs became known to the Alumni Board of Directors, and they decided to do something about it. O n October 27 th, 1960, the Alumni Executive played host to the Evening Students As~ociation Executive, the S.U .S . Executive, the Editor of "The Geor­ gian", and his assistant. At this supper meeting, each member of the Alumni executive present outlined one particular phase of Alumni affairs; such as aims and objects of the Association ; its activities; its finances; the li aison with the University's Board of Governors through the Alumni's two representatives to that Board ; and the publicity provided by "The Postgrad" . Considerable discussion followed, ancl many que3tions were asked by the students and answered by their hosts. The main re,ul t of that meeting was that clo~er co-operation was to be sought between under­ graduate and graduate bodie3. In the fe w weeks which have elapsed since then, the liaison between Alumni and students has improved almost beyond expectation. Correspondence between the Alumni office, and the students' offi ces has increased considerably. M any req ueJts have been received by the Alumni for support- fin ancial and otherwise­ for undergraduate projects. M o t of these requests were granted ; a few which were thought by the Board of Directors to be out of Alumni juri diction, or otherwise un acceptable, had to be refused. A Georgian reporter interviewed President Gerry Miller, and this interview appeared in "The Georgian". Alumni executive members are now receiving by mail copie, of " The Georgian"; ( it is hoped to expand this group to include the Board of Directors) . The various student offices, including the " Georgian" offi ce, are receiving copies of " The Postgrad" . This welcome " Fraternization" reached a fitting climax the weekend of Dec. 9-10-11 , when the Evening Students Association of S.G.W .U.
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