, . , BrakthrO~h'Where Women Are News ,Vol~_II,-No. 6 June, 1977 '50 cents Also in this issue: Interview with Margaret .Torrese.Austin ~ 'Round-Up. No-Progress Report on Battered Women' --_1- --.-----1; ~----------------------~---,J -------------------~-----~-~- What Kind of Person Reads Breakthrou h? LUCILA SANnAOO Resides In Mexico City Profession visual arts student Interests.' and Activities , member of San CarlO. FeministArtists, painter, enamelist and enamel tetlcher Persons Most Admired Mexican artists Frida Khalo and Elira Gascon, and my parents Fantasies A world with equal rights for women _ ... AND YOU, TOO, CAN BE A BREAKTHROUGH SUBSCRJ&£R FOR ONLY $S.OOAYEAR!!! SUBSCRIBE TODAY aUlKRATI P.o. Box 8807!. 8reakthrough u.s. POSTAGE 'PO 86x 88072 '''huston. Texas ,77()()4 PAID Houston, Texas 77004 Ho"st.", TH. 77_ Perin it N,. 1115 N~e ~ _ Address _ or Gift FroO\ ---'- _ Card to Read _ Address Chanale Requeste4li Return Post~e Guaranteed \ '"' ••• '"f -i • ~ '"' _& •••z ·S :;) -• _e %: a ~ i ie -m •i it z ~ S%: Editorials A proud calling for prouc@e~ AdvE ORE' Policewomen Teagl In 1972,the Houston Police Department was looking for John Wayne Adv. - a gun-toting man of action (see recruitment ad this page). In 19n, RUn The title of police officer is one of the ~-'Ythe badge that cares~islooking for another kind of recruit - someone, 16 ye more concerned with serving the needs of the community than policing most honorable to which a youn~an the frontier. aspire. ,The great majority of Americans, Antiq It would be logical then for the police departmentto aim its recruiting from the frontier period to the present, efforts at women. After all, who is better qualified by our society to be GRE caring, nurturing and concerned about the welfare of others? have always held the professional police Quilt Yet this hasnot been the case.In fact, the Houston Police Department officer in the highest ~rd and, for the Art C has effectively excluded women. best of reasons: it is@ who makes an 618 l Prior to 1974,there had been aquota on the hiringof women. Women orderly society possible and it i®who were assigned mostly to deal with the women's jail and juvenile Artis, offenders. Then Poppy Northcutt became the City's first Women's shields the general public from criminal Advocate and succeeded in abolishing thE;/quota. - anarchy. With rising crime rates and other DOLI Beau Northcutt says,"(FQrmer) Police Chief Carroll Lynn didn't anticipate attacks on the American system, todav's for 9 that dropping the quota would make much of a difference. He didn't , police officer is the bulwark of justice and Eliza think women wanted to be cops." , freedom for every citizen. That is why Bl:'tthey did. Within a year, 49 percent of the recruitment classwere GAYl women. The day that classbegan training, new entry requirements were Getting involved todav's professionally trained police officer 'scutp imposed: 5'6" minimum height (80 percent of all women are shorter must be both a stalwart @and a con- PRAI than that) and an agility test 90 percent of all women are unable to .with a career in the cerned citizen. Vlslo: perform. The next police cadet class had no women in it. in pai Yet a recent Police Foundation study (by Catherine Milton) points to The Houston Police Department is an and e the critical need for women in law enforcement. After observing sex- Houston Police elite group composed of the finest and integrated police departments in seven cities, the Foundation THE concluded that one benefit of assigning women a broader law Department means, most dedicatedSwho can be selected. Batik enforcement role is a "reduction in the incidence of violence when They are well paid; they are' carefully 23471 women are assigned to patrol." The report goes on to saythat evidence trained; they are promoted on the basis of Auto and experience s~ggest "women tend to defuse volatile situations and protesstonat status competitive Civil Service examinations. provoke less hostility than men." In Houston, there has always been a certain amount of antipathy Houston's citizens receive the 'highest "For I income security, HOUS between our police and asizeable portion of our community. But lately, degree of police service per tax dollar avail- TRAN allegations of police brutality have become so numerous that they are opportunity for able anywhere in the United States and the 37Wa no longer being denied outright or dismissed as "isolated incidents." department is considered a model of effi- ,Kathr Assistant Chief of Police Harry Caldwell told Breakthrough: "All the requirements for entry into the Houston Police Department are now advancement, ciency throughout the country. ,- 'I Body the subject of an intensive study by psychometricians." A report of those ~-". - findings and their impact on requirements was scheduled for release ,~~ BODY last December and again in March and then late May ofthis year. Still no ANDI ADVANTAGES OF HOUSTON POLICE word. BethI Meanwhile, cadet classesare being filled at an extremely high rate- DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP EVE': over 300positions a year. It won't be long before all jobs are filled and o Excellent training in one of the finest "1'1.04 no ranger o"-dlsmTssedas -isolated tncsoents." being aehiedoutrlghf - department is considered a model of effi- ,Kattl Assistant Chief of Police Harry Caldwell told Breakthrough: "AII the requirements for entry into the Houston Police Department are now advancement. ciency throughout the country. the subject of an intensive study by psychometricians." A report of those 'I Body findings and their impact on requirements was scheduled for release 1- last December and again in March and then late May of this year. Still no BOD AND word. ADVANTAGES OF HOUSTON POLICE Meanwhile, cadet classesare being filled at an extremely high rate - DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP Beth over 300positions a year. It won't be long before all jobs are filled and o Excellent training in one of the finest EVE quotas are reinstated. police' academies in the United States, . P.O. Over 5200,000 has been spent to determine whether women are .' ", I These are among the reasons why you o Varied Assignments . physically capable of becoming police officers. INST In view of the severe problems we face, would i t not be a better useof " owe it to yourself to find out if you can- [] Guard the World's state~ Eliza public funds to determine whether men can do this kind of workl . make the grade as a Houston Police Officer. .participatl ng in history in. t e Struc (There are 2635 men and only 144 female officers in the Houston Police Not everyone can do it. Some are not n:i~king; ';' Department.) Counsel .and quide young people LaM A fully integrated police department isa logical answerto many of our temperamentally suited for the heavy o yoga grievous problems. responsibility. Others cannot learn to tem- into a profitable and worthwhile body life; Class Fully integrated. That means SO-SO. per strict justice with common sense. Some .0 Undercover assignments in the Annl lack the courage and steadfastness which is , never-ending war against crime POLl often required. But if you 'are one of the and vice; . Aletl =. ".if. you are ~ho feels the, o Provide general Police services to personal responsibility to get involved with· POLl , the community as a Radio Fleur today's problems ... if you look forward .Patrol!§.~ . STAFF <, to promotion and progress in an honorable o Traffic direction and control; This Issue profession .... then th is proud career may o Accident Investigation; Art - lucila Santiago, Ernie Shawver be open to you. Look over the require- Q Numerous other assignments, lulin ••• - Linda Hiederhofer, Tom Hiederhofer . ments and advantages listed below and then including the use of scientific Circulation - Karen Barl'ett, Paula Herrera, Sora Spahr, Esther make your application for the next training .skills in crime detection. o Washington. class. Your friends and family will be proud o Promotion from within the depart- Copy Editlng/Proofreadlng- Sam E. J. Akers, Karen Barrett, Gabrielle rnent only. Cosgriff, Jeannine Klein of you. Most important, you'll be proud of Association with dedicated men and OHlce - Cecilie Barrett, Janice Blue yourself! o women in the Houston Police Associ-" Photography - Janice Blue, Janis Fowles, Marilyn Jones, Doug Swain Production - Karen Barrett, Janice Blue, Gabrielle Cosgriff, Jeannine PRIMARY QUALIFICATIONS FOR allon. Klein, Ernie Shawver HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Statewide CO•••.•spondents - Austin: Ann Kennedy, Dolly McClary TRAINING Typese"ing - Karen Barrett, OeborahDiamond Hicks, JeannIne Klein, From 19 through 35 years of age, Linda Hiederhofer o inclusive. = EDITORIAL.BOARD o High school graduate or equivalent. Gertrude lamstane, Ka..-n Ia •••.•", Minimum height of and good Janice llue, Gabrielle Cottriff o 5'7" physical condition. Yol. II, No.6, Juoe 1977. o High personal standards and reputable character. Houston Brea~hl'OUlh is published monthly (with .the exception of the July·August and Oecember·Januaryillues) by the Breakthrough Publishing Company, 1708 Rosewood, Houston, Texas 17004. P.O. (1972HPD recruitment brochure). Box 88072" Houston, Texas 77004. Telephone (713) 526-6686. Subscriptions $5.00 per year. Newstand 50c per copy. Thispublication •• ':> is on file at the International Women's History Archive in the Special . .. Collections Library, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois60201 .. " L . SulHnltted by Women's Advocates, Inc., P.O. Box 4157, < . Houston "201. PAGE 2 eJUNE1977 e HOUSTON BREAKTHROUGH .. ~ - Ayearlater... a Still no shelter ,nth eir ies :30 for battered women ~OO ast An By Deborah Wrisley Me.qnwhile, calls for help ,n.,wn .overoce 100, a week fon: Recent studies have concluded that for every population of 10,000,' the committee, is weir' acquainted with the capital funds drive for ~4.
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