Automatic Traffic Recorder Station History 1975-2014 Vermont Agency of Transportation Traffic Research Unit March 2015 Automatic Traffic Recorder Station History Report, 1975 - 2014 Vermont Agency of Transportation Traffic Research Unit The data in this report represents the calculated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volume for each location that has been counted during the report period. Short term counts are adjusted to represent the annual average. All AADT's represent the combined two way volume of the road. Raw count data is available from the Traffic Research Unit for counts taken in the past 10 years. An Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) station location is described in the following terms: Site Id Id's starting with a "P" mean the site is counted year round. Id's starting with an "S" mean the site is a short term count, usually one week. The "6" means the site is located in Vermont, as opposed to another New England state. The letter following the "6" indicates the county. Counties with the same first letter are indicated alphabetically, for example W = Washington, X = Windham, and Y = Windsor. Town The town in which the count is located. Route This is the state route designation. Alt Route This indicates either a town highway number, or in the case of combined routes, e.g., US 4/7 running along the same road, the second route. Location The distance to a cross street or other description. mm (Mile Marker) The distance in miles along the road from the town line. Distances are measured from south to north and from west to east. Interstate miles are measured from the state line. These mile markers are approximate and may represent the midpoint of the roadway section covered by the count. fc The FHWA functional classification of the route at the count site. Site Id Town Route Alt Route Location mm fc 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 S6AXBE Addison minor0638 TH2 Jersey St S .3mi S of VT17 3.1 8 420 S6A006 Addison minor0652 TH1 Lake St 0.7 mi N of VT17 0.8 8 760 790 840 810 770 730 680 560 420 S6AXAD Addison NONE NF-WMA NF-WMA just E of GoodrichCRd 0.0 920 S6AXAB Addison NONE SFH SFH just S of VT17 0.0 9 80 S6A051 Addison NONE TH13 GoodrichCornerRd just EofJersey 0.0 9 300 220 160 S6AXEL Addison NONE TH13 GoodrichCornerRd justNof NF-WMA 0.0 9 300 S6A313 Addison NONE TH2 TH2 0.2 8 180 170 130 210 S6AXBU Addison NONE TH4 Nortontown Rd .6mi W of VT22A 0.0 9 330 S6A050 Addison NONE TH5 TH5 0.0 9 150 S6AXAA Addison NONE TH7 TH7 0.4 mi Sof Goodrich Corner 0.0 9 320 S6A002 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 0.1 mi W of VT125 0.2 6 3200 3200 2700 2700 2700 2400 2400 2300 2000 2500 2100 2700 1500 P6A002 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 0.1mi W of VT125 0.2 6 3300 3500 3300 S6A136 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 0.6 mi E of VT125 1.0 6 2800 2800 2900 2200 1900 1600 1300 1100 950 S6A137 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 3.1 6 1500 700 870 S6A138 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 1.5 mi W of SunsetLn-TH15 6.5 6 2500 1900 2400 2400 2800 2000 2200 1100 730 980 980 S6A139 Addison VT17 VT17 VT17 0.96 mi W ofOtterCrkRd-TH6 9.4 6 1500 1500 1500 1600 1900 1400 700 610 S6A112 Addison VT22A VT22A VT22A just S of NortonTownRd-Th4 2.3 6 3300 3300 2900 3200 3200 3100 2900 3000 3100 2600 2300 2600 2200 2600 2100 1900 2400 2000 1600 1400 S6A007 Addison VT22A VT22A VT22A 5.2 6 4100 2600 2600 S6A111 Addison VT22A VT22A VT22A just Sof OldStonehouse Rd 5.4 6 4800 4800 4600 4500 4800 4800 4900 4700 4900 4600 4100 4000 3700 3800 3300 2900 2000 2400 2300 P6A111 Addison VT22A VT22A VT22A 1.2 mi N of VT17 5.4 6 4900 4900 4600 4400 4500 4800 4700 4600 4700 4700 4800 S6PYAD Albany minor0770 TH1 Creek Rd on Irasburg/AlbanyTL 0.0 8 400 450 S6PXAJ Albany minor0770 TH1 Creek Rd 0.4mi S of Barton Rd 3.2 8 310 S6P330 Albany minor0770 TH1 TH1 0.3 Mi S of TH14 3.3 8 250 120 S6PZVW Albany minor0772 TH3 Water St 1600' E of VT14 0.0 8 390 400 390 S6P013 Albany minor0772 TH3 Hitchcock H Road .3m S WaterSt 0.8 8 130 150 170 150 160 130 80 160 S6P332 Albany minor0772 TH3 S AlbanyRd 0.5mi E of Creek Rd 4.0 8 130 400 120 40 S6PZWQ Albany minor0774 TH2 Hartwell Pond Rd N ofSAlbanyRd 1.4 8 150 S6PXCA Albany NONE TH10 Delano Rd 0.3mi S of VT14 0.0 9 170 S6PXBZ Albany NONE TH11 ChamberlinHillRd 0.4miWofCreekRd 0.0 9 60 S6PXBX Albany NONE TH14 Barton Rd 0.5mi NofThorpeHillRd 0.0 9 200 S6PZWP Albany NONE TH14 Barton Rd E of Creek Rd 0.0 9 150 S6P334 Albany NONE TH2 TH2 0.0 8 60 S6P333 Albany NONE TH2 TH2 3.0 8 60 50 90 40 S6P035 Albany NONE TH25 TH25 0.0 9 10 S6P331 Albany NONE TH3 TH3 1.9 8 70 S6PXCB Albany NONE TH34 Cheney Rd 0.8mi S of Cutler Rd 0.0 9 50 S6P709 Albany VT14 0 VT14 - 0.125 mi N of New Road 0.0 7 1400 S6PYAC Albany VT14 0 VT 14 .25mi S of Dyer Rd 2.8 7 1500 S6P111 Albany VT14 VT14 VT14 1.0 7 1500 930 460 350 560 S6P110 Albany VT14 VT14 VT14 0.1 mi S of Bonneau Rd 5.9 7 1400 1500 1500 1500 1400 1300 1200 1200 900 1000 950 930 970 720 720 780 S6G301 Alburg MC0291 TH3 TH3 W Shore Rd 0.8 Mi S of Th-33 1.9 7 1300 1200 1300 1200 970 1300 940 S6G121 Alburg MC0291 TH3 TH3 W Shore Rd 0.4 Mi S of US-2 4.1 7 700 930 1000 970 830 1200 710 640 S6G317 Alburg MC0293 VT255 VT255 1 Mi Nof US 2 1.0 7 360 390 280 330 420 750 390 360 220 S6G300 Alburg MC0295 TH2 Alburg Springs Rd 0.7m NofVT78 0.8 7 730 750 680 680 660 680 490 530 300 S6GXBA Alburg NONE TH11 Martell Rd .7 mi N of VT78 0.0 9 220 S6GXBG Alburg NONE TH16 GreenwoodsRd1.3miEofAlburgSprRd 0.0 9 270 S6GXBD Alburg NONE TH33 Middle Rd 1.8 mi W of US2 0.0 9 50 S6GXBE Alburg NONE TH35 Summit Rd .4 mi E of VT129 0.0 9 50 S6G122 Alburg NONE TH4 Truch Rte 1.0mi Wof US2 0.0 9 630 670 630 530 400 530 540 350 300 S6G123 Alburg NONE TH60 TH60 0.05 mi S of VT129 0.1 9 40 40 110 190 70 60 S6GXBF Alburg NONE TH8 Line Rd 1.3 mi W of Border Rd 0.0 9 50 P6G002 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.10 mi W of Bay Rd 0.7 2 4800 S6G002 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.10 mi w of Bay Rd 0.9 2 4800 4600 4900 4800 4500 5000 4800 3400 3500 3200 3300 5400 3500 4000 3200 S6W314 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.10 mi w of Bay Rd 0.9 2 350 P6G118 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.3 mi e of Windmill Pt. Rd. 2.3 2 4400 4400 4400 4300 4100 4300 4300 4300 4300 S6G118 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.3 mi N of BorderRd-TH1 2.9 2 4400 4200 3700 3900 4400 4600 4100 4300 4200 4200 4100 4100 3700 4700 3300 3600 3000 2800 S6G119 Alburg US2 US2 US2 3.5 2 5700 3000 3000 S6G309 Alburg US2 US2 US2 4.4 2 5000 S6G120 Alburg US2 US2 US2 0.6 mi W of VT 78 5.5 2 4900 5900 4300 4700 4300 4300 2900 S6G100 Alburg US2 US2 US2betMiddleRd-TH33/SummitRD-T 9.6 6 1700 1800 1800 1800 1900 1800 1900 1800 1800 1800 1800 1400 1300 1700 S6G112 Alburg VT129 VT129 VT129 0.7 i W of US2 1.8 7 880 880 730 750 590 520 980 490 740 540 480 S6G110 Alburg VT78 VT78 VT78 0.2 mi W of BoutahRd-TH6 1.4 2 5300 4800 4600 4600 4400 4700 4100 3800 4800 3600 3900 3800 3600 2500 2600 2700 S6G111 Alburg VT78 VT78 VT78 Missisquoi Bay Bridge 3.0 2 6400 6000 4700 4600 4000 3800 3900 3600 3000 S6Y384 Andover MC0132 TH1 TH1 0.5 mi E ofAndoverRidgeRd 1.0 7 470 600 660 640 650 610 400 410 S6Y382 Andover MC0132 TH1 WestonAndoverRd 0.2miEofEHillRd 3.4 7 700 800 870 860 900 750 750 710 S6Y381 Andover MC0132 TH1 TH1 0.6 mi W of Potash Brook Rd 4.6 7 690 830 870 830 770 S6YXAI Andover minor0558 TH36 HowardHillRdNofPoppleDungeonRd 0.1 8 60 S6YZBP Andover minor0558 TH36 Howard Hill Rd just S of VT11 2.2 8 20 70 S6YZBL Andover NONE TH12 N Hill Rd 400'NofWeston-Andover 0.0 9 160 210 S6YZBK Andover NONE TH12 N Hill Rd .5mi S of E Hill Rd 0.0 9 90 100 S6YZBJ Andover NONE TH2 E Hill Rd just N of Schmidt Rd 0.0 9 150 130 S6YXAT Andover NONE TH2 E Hill Rd N ofWeston-Andover Rd 0.0 9 100 S6Y383 Andover NONE TH2 TH2 0.0 9 70 S6YZBH Andover NONE TH23 PettengillRdNofWeston-AndoverRd 0.0 9 30 70 S6YZBN Andover NONE TH25 Middletown Rd just S of TH1 0.0 9 110 150 S6YZBO Andover NONE TH34 LittlePondRd justSofMarshHillRd 0.0 9 50 20 S6YXBC Andover NONE TH4 Lovejoy Brk Rd .2mi N ofEHillRd 0.0 9 40 S6YZBM Andover NONE TH49 Andover Ridge Rd .2mi N of TH1 0.0 9 60 60 S6YZBI Andover NONE TH9 Steinle Rd just E of E Hill Rd 0.0 9 20 20 S6W342 Andover VT11 VT11 VT11 0.5 mi W of GatesRd-TH35 1.0 6 6300 5300 6100 4600 6100 5700 4400 1900 3200 3200 2400 S6Y128 Andover VT11 VT11 VT11 0.5 mi W of GatesRd-TH35 1.0 6 2500 2700 2600 2100 2300 2400 2400 2400 2100 1900 1800 1200 1700 1400 P6Y128 Andover VT11 VT11 VT11 1.0 6 2500 S6B331 Arlington MC0114 TH1 TH1 .6mi w of Warm Brook Rd 0.3 7 2200 2100 2300 2600 3200 2100 2400 2000 S6B708 Arlington MC0114 TH6 Old Mill Rd E of SunderlandTL 1.4 7 1000 S6B326 Arlington MC0121 TH3 Sandgate Rd 0.7 mi N of VT313 1.0 7 700 710 800 800 710 650 480 390 S6B330 Arlington MC0171 TH1 TH1 Maple St 0.9 7 950 S6B333 Arlington MC0171 TH4 Warm Brook 0.1Mi Nof VT313 0.1 7 1500 1300 1100 1400 690 S6BXBH Arlington minor0500 TH4 WarmBkRd betwVT313/CemeteryRd 2.1 8 1100 S6BXBB Arlington minor0500 TH5 MapleHill 0.25miSofButternutG 1.3 8 240 S6B271 Arlington NONE TH 24 TH24 0.0 9 200 200 S6BXCS Arlington NONE TH11 Ice Pond Rd 656' W ofPleasant 0.0 9 220 S6B270 Arlington NONE TH22 TH22 0.0 9 130 S6B269 Arlington NONE TH23 TH23 2.4 9 240 S6B268 Arlington NONE TH24 TH24 0.0 9 100 S6BXCQ Arlington NONE TH24 River Rd 714' S ofBenedictHRd 0.0 9 70 1 Site Id Town Route Alt Route Location mm fc 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 S6BXCR Arlington NONE TH36 School St betw VT313/Russell 0.0 9 110 S6B334 Arlington NONE TH4
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