13266 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 6, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING HUGH B. ROBEY IN RECOGNITION OF DR. AMIR Jewel, the daughter of Russian-Jewish im­ BARON migrants, was born on a small farm in a remote part of Vermont where her parents had settled and established a small dairy HON. STENY H. HOYER HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN farm. She and her eight brothers and sisters OF FLORIDA attended a one-room schoolhouse, where she OF MARYLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was singled out as particularly bright and Wednesday, June 6, 1990 eager to learn. When the family moved south IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it.is with to Massachusetts, she attended a more great pleasure that I rise today to salute an modern school, and graduated from high Wednesday, June 6, 1990 outstanding individual in my congressional dis­ school at age 15. trict, who for 20 years, has shown dedicated After her graduation from North Adams Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service as an outstanding educator in the Normal School, she applied for a job with the honor Mr. Hugh B. "Reds" Robey, who is re­ United States. Federal Government, and found herself at 18 tiring after 40 years of service as Prince I am speaking of Dr. Amir Baron, director of years old moving to post-World War I Wash­ George's County Director of Parks and Recre­ education at the Lehrman Day School of ington as a "yeomanette" -a clerk in the War ation for the Maryland-National Capitol Park Temple Emanu-El, who has recently received Department. Jewel began the family's emigra­ and Planning Commission. the Distinguished Jewish Educator Award of tion to urban life, and soon sent for her broth­ Mr. Robey's leadership has guided the park the World Zionist Organization. This award is ers and sisters. After her marriage to Bernard system through substantial growth and in­ one of the highest honors in Jewish educa­ Rosenberg, a French immigrant, she raised a creased services to the people of Maryland. tion. family of two children while working, first for Under Mr. Robey's direction, Maryland's parks Dr. Baron has provided 14 years of dedicat­ the Federal Government and later for the have grown from a few acres to over 16,000 ed leadership for Temple Emanu-El and its family business as the bookkeeper and a prin­ acres of parkland and a capital improvement Lehrman Day School. In addition, Dr. Baron cipal partner. budget of over $70 million. has provided leadership for numerous commu­ It was during this post-World War I period In 1973, 1977, and 1984, the National nitywide efforts benefiting south Florida Jewry that Jewel's business capability and unusual Sports Foundation Inc., bestowed its coveted and his native Israel. energy fully blossomed. She assisted her hus­ National Gold Medal Award upon the depart­ Prior to joining the school, Dr. Baron was di­ band and other family members in building a rector of education for the Zionist Organiza­ ment for "outstanding achievement in park successful business, assumed a position of tion of America, headquartered in Long Island, and recreation administration." In 1983, the leadership in an investment club of 15 NY. In 1970, the Israeli born Dr. Baron arrived department was further honored as the recipi­ women, and simultaneously helped a friend to in the United States as an exchange educator, ent of the foundation's Special Recreation and became an instructor of Hebrew and Ju­ establish a thriving business in interior deco­ Gold Medal Award in recognition of "outstand­ diaca at the College of Advanced Jewish rating by serving as a business adviser and ing community achievement for physically and Studies, in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Amir Baron has bookkeeper. Because of her extensive busi­ mentally handicapped citizens." This distinc­ become one of our country's greatest ambas­ ness experience, she was asked by a group tion as a four-time national gold medalist is sadors to the State of Israel. of prominent women to assist in developing a unparalleled by any other park and recreation Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this opportunity to new business venture in Washington-a bank, department in the Nation. present a brief profile of this most prominent to be run by and for women. Mr. Robey has made many significant con­ educator, Dr. Amir Baron. Hundreds of stu­ The Women's Bank of Washington, devoted tributions to the development of park and dents in the Lehrman Day School and Temple to helping women secure loans to establish recreation facilities in Prince George's County. Emanu-El have benefited from Dr. Baron's de­ their own businesses, ushered in a new era They include the Enterprise Gold Course, two votion to the teaching of the Torah. for women, since, before the bank's establish­ ice rinks, indoor and outdoor swimming and I wish him many more years of dedicated ment, it was difficult for women to get loans fitness centers, the Prince George's Equestri­ service to our community. approved unless the applications were co­ an Center, the Fairland Athletic Complex, 35 signed by a man. Jewel served as the bank's community centers, Harmony Hall Regional director until it was sold in the 1980's. When Center, indoor tennis facilities, and two expan­ TRIBUTE TO JEWEL SPITZER the Comptroller of the Currency questioned sive regional parks. ROSENBERG her ability to continue in that capacity for the Robey is a lifetime resident of Prince sole reason that she was in her late seven­ George's County. He is involved in many com­ ties, a letter from one of her children con­ munity organizations, serving on the Prince vinced him that Jewel was indeed still vigor­ George's County Chamber of Commerce, HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA ous and active. Prince George's County Arts Council, Prince OF MARYLAND Jewel Spitzer Rosenberg has been a role George's Travel Promotion Council and is a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES model for her children and grandchildren, and founding member and 5-year president of the Wednesday, June 6, 1990 even her great-grandchildren. Her Yankee ori­ Prince George's County Chapter of Ducks Un­ Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I join today gins and Russian roots, added to her own skill limited. with her family and friends in extending my and determination, have combined to make The communities of Prince George's County best wishes and heartiest congratulations to her a remarkable woman of wit, strength, and have grown and prospered through Mr. my constituent, Jewel Spitzer Rosenberg of conviction. I am proud to represent her in the Robey's many years of active involvement Silver Spring, MD, on her 90th birthday. U.S. Congress, and join with the Rosenberg and dedication. The county is truly a better Throughout her life, Jewel has been a role and Spitzer families, who will be gathering this place because of the commitment made by model for the immigrant family and the Sunday to help her celebrate her 90th birth­ Mr. Hugh B. Robey. modern woman. day, in saluting this woman for all seasons. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 6, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13267 THE CENTENNIAL OF TUXEDO nity is located on what was once the estate of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 10 editorials E.H. Harriman, the railroad magnate. The Har­ written by Tom Hylton of the Pottstown Mer­ HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN riman family included the late E. Averell Harri­ cury in Pottstown, PA. OF NEW YORK man, who throughout his distinguished career These editorials on the subject of farmland IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as Ambassador, as a Cabinet officer, and as preservation won this year's Pulitzer Prize for Governor of New York, served with the dis­ editorial writing, and I commend them to my Wednesday, June 6, 1990 tinction and the grace which have become the colleagues. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, this weekend the hallmarks of Tuxedo, NY. These editorials address what is, in my town of Tuxedo, NY, in Orange County, will be The name Tuxedo is familiar to all in this view, a most pressing problem in southeastern celebrating the 1OOth anniversary of its incor­ chamber as well as to all Americans due to Pennsylvania. poration as a town. Appropriate ceremonies the article of formal clothing which was invent­ The House Interior Committee's Subcom­ will be held to commemorate this milestone ed there by Pierre Lorrilard in 1885. Tiring of mittee on General Oversight and Investiga­ centennial celebration. the old tradition of dressing in tails for dinner, tions, which I chair, is conducting a series of Although Tuxedo has been an incorporated Mr. Lorrilard cut the tails off of his evening hearings in Washington and around the coun­ town for only 100 years, the community dates coat and a new line of clothing-the Tuxedo­ try entitled "The American Landscape in the back much further than that. Part of the town was born. All of us associate wearing a 21st Century." of Tuxedo was mined for its rich iron ore de­ Tuxedo with the outstanding events of our Throughout the eastern United States, open posits as long ago as the Revolutionary War lives: the high school prom, the college grad­ space and farmland is vanishing from those era. In fact, the famous chain which stretched uation ceremonies, and our weddings.
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