TODAY'S LIGHTING:Pf TIME Sunrise: 5.14 a.m.—Sunset: 7.18 p.m. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Lightlng-up time: ?.48 p.m. Rule of Road: Mainly Fine KEEP LEFT—PASS OK THE BIGHT 4. r jRopl fepttr mh (EoUmtBt Sa -NCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Establwhed 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. ,9—NO. 132 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1934 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM FRANCE STUMBLING BLOCK AT GENEVA STARVATION CAUSED DEATH BRITAIN HOPES FOR DEBT DELEGATION TO CANADA IS LADIES BRIDGE TOURNA­ THEY SAY OF TEAR-OLD BABY SAILING IN JUNE MENT CONCLUDED ON ADJUSTMENT That the Hovise had a livery debate Inquest Depositions Sent to the To Discuss Steamship Services TUESDAY on Wednesday. Attorney General and Preferential Tariffs Mrs. E. C Pearman and Miss That stiffer sentences for certain MURDER SUSPECT STILL IN CUSTODY criminals means one of two As was exclusively stated in the Nancy Pearman Win Two things. In view of the nature of evidence * * * adduced at a Coroner's inquest "Oolon.st" several weeks ago, the That either the amount of orime is Worthing Criminal Shoots Himself—Chile Suf­ at Warwick on Tuesday the de­ Government is to send a delegation Session Contest • decreased, or the cost of prisons positions have been forwarded by to Canada to discuss with the Can­ will be increased. fers Six Natural Calamities—Lord Beaver* by Colonial Secretary's office to adian Government and officials of The final round of the two-ses­ * * * the Attorney General for his con­ the Canadian National Steamships sion Ladies Bridge Tournament brook's Daughter Divorced—Russia Wants That the Council has the ear of the sideration and action, the "Colon­ the ^questions of preferential tar­ for .prizes presented by Messrs. public at the present moment. ist" learns. The inquest, which iffs arm steamship services from H. A. & E. Smith, Ltd., was played Goods from England—French Plane * * * was oonducted by Mr. H. Villiers Bermuda. The delegation, which at the Bermuda Bridge Club on That Gilbert and Sullivan aro pre­ Runs Away—Texas Rangers Called Smith, concerned the death will'be composed of the Hon. A. T. Tuesday afternoon with fourteen ferred to biological and physiolog­ of a baby named Grace Verona Gosling, chairman of the Tr%de pairs competing. .Mrs. E. O. Pear­ in Killing—Pope Pius Reaches Development Board, the Hon. S. S. man and her daughter, Miss Nancy ical problems. Brangman, aged 12 months and * * * eight days. Spuf&ng, and Mr. J. E. P. Vesey, a Pearman, who finished the first That the Chamber has a knotty 77th Birthday — Spanish The jury brought in a verdict membw of the Board of Agricul­ round on May 22nd one match ture, will leave Bermuda on a point behind Miss Agatha Ingham point to decide today. Farmers Unemployed- to the effect that the deceased * * # died at Warwick Parish and added "Lady" boat on the 25th June. and Mrs. K. 0. Arnell, emerged That Saturday half-holidays might a rider that in their view from the The delegation arises out of the victorious at the end of Tuesday Free State Senate be given a trial before anyone evidence advanced, the cause of position created by the cancel­ afternoon's play with an aggregate lation of the special contract under match point score of 146. Mrs. condemns it utterly. Debate — Ger­ death was starvation. The de­ 0 0 a positions are being treated as con­ which the Canadian National Cyril Smith and Miss Inez Darrell That Port-of-Spain is lucky. many Ob­ fidential by the Colonial Secretary's guaranteed if necessary to put were in second place with^iasi and office and it is not possible to ob­ certain cargo ships in here on their Mrs. J. E. Pearman in partnership That deep •w&tet harbour is to cost serves Naval tain a copy of them. northbound voyages to carry away with Mrs. Kay Allegaert third with Bermuda vegetables. 136. a million pounds. Battle The inquest opened on May * * * .2nd, the day of the child's death, Following is the final result in A COME-BAOH? the two sessions of play; That this makes some of our dredg­ and was adjourned until this Tues­ ing proposals look foolish. day. 1. Mrs. E. C. Pearman and * * * THE WAR DEBTS THE DISARMAMENT CON­ oo The belief is expressed that this action on the part of the Govern­ Miss Nancy Pearman :... 146 Thai Havana is trying to get some 2. Mrs. Cyril Smith and Miss lost tourist trade baek. FERENCE ment operated Canadian National * 0 . Zero Hour Approaches — U. S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Steamships is a sequel to the ac­ Inez Darrell -. 138§ That the three dollar head tax'13 May Have Adjustment Plan Soviet Surprises Delegates — tion of the Bermuda Legislature 3. Mrs. J. E Pearman and last^ear, when the duty on foreign Mrs. Kay Allegaert .;..._. 136 to be dropped. British and French Expressions Emergent Meeting Today flour • was changed- from ten per 4. Miss Agatha Ingham and WASHINGTON, May 31. (CP)— cent plus 25 per cent surtax ot Mrs. K. O. Arnell 1351 That thus another powerful op­ President Roosevelt gave out the GENEVA, May 31. (CP)—Yester­ Following the decision arrived Z\ per cent plus 25 per cent surtax. 5. Mrs. F. C. Misick and Mrs. position to Bermuda is created. information to newspapermen yes­ day the Russian proposal to con­ at a meeting held on Monday, Then again, in March of this year F. Goodwin Gosling ,32£ * * a terday that he expected to send vert the disarmament conference there will be an emergent meeting the House of Assembly passed a 6. Mrs. Wm. C. Denny and That since the head tax here is one a message on the war debts to into a permanent conference took of the Chamber o. Commerce further amendment to the Customs Miss Oliver ..*.... 129J of th-fe-chief sources of revenue. Congress on Friday, but he gave one wonders how it .ould be the many delegates here entirely at 10.30 this morning when the Tariff Act completely removing the 7. Mrs. 0. H. Masters and- the public no hint as to the con­ remitted. by surprise and diplomats held proposal to change the weekly half- surtax on foreign flour. Mrs. H. E. Hcol . 137J tents of tbe message, though he * * * many a confidential talk on the holiday from Thursday to Satur­ 8. Miss McColgan and Mrs. did say that it would require no It was stated in the House at the complications suggested in this day will be considered. W. H. Cooper . 127 That the answer is a property tax. legislative action by the Senate time by several members, notably * * A which was voiced by Maxim It is hoped that there will be the Hon. S. S, .Spurling and Mr. 9. Mrs. Wm. Cookson and A tentative debt funding agree­ That this wc&tfdn'lj^be popular Litvinoff, the Soviet Foreign Com­ a full attendance of members as £. P. T. Tucker, that .by thtts re­ vMrs. Ewing Noyes. 124| ment under which Finland would because it denies ^Re good old missar.' No definite plan was sug­ a decision agreeable to all parties do, in*, the duty on foreign flour the AO. Mrs^ J. Seward Johnson receive materially reduced in­ slogan: Let George do it! gested, however, so it can not be is earnestly desired. Houre was breaking a moral agree­ and Mrs. Cecil Moore... * 122 J terest rates has already been under * . * examined by a committee. ment with the Canadian Govern­ 11. Mfs. Leslie Cooper and negotiation, but the President in -oo—— * That everyone will wish iiie -The Soviet representative would ment. Mrs". Irving Lusher .~-__JJ his statement to the reporters 12. Mrs. Hilton Pitt and Mrs. "Dainty" every success. said that this plan might be have a conference meeting regu­ #. 0 0 larly for the prevention of war and U.S. STRIKE SITUATION HISTORY OF "AGREEMENT" W. C. Walker . 115 presented to the present session 13. Mrs. Fred Burrows and That she didn't have the best of of Congress for ratification. De- ' for furnishing aid to threatened luck last time. nations. His idea appeared to be The history of this moral agree­ Mrs. T. Herrick 106^ spite the fact that Finalnd is the Steel and Textile Industries on 14. Mrs. C. B. Wainwright and —00 that a separate organisation be set ment begins in the year 1930, when only nation which has met her Miss Julia Wainwwght 106J debt obligations in full on the up, but it is argued that If this Edge of Walkout the Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie AUTOMOBILE LICENSING IS were done it would create a great King, then Prime Minister of Can­ due dates, there is considerable These tournaments were voted a deal of confusion and clashes with WASHINGTON, May 31. (CP;— ada, visited Bermuda. The dis­ BEGUN BY POLICE opposition to the refunding agree­ great success by those competing the League Council would be in­ A general strike of the cotton astrous position of the Bermuda ment said to exist in Congress, and the Club Tournament Com­ evitable. textile industry on Monday will agricultural industry was pointed The Police Depart ment is at due chiefly to the precedent which mittee propose holding others at Litvinoff stated that his dele­ be called by Thomas F. McMahon, out to him and he promised on his present engaged in licensij might be set for similar debt ad­ intervals during the Summer sea­ justments with other nations. gation didn't consider disarm­ President of the United Textile return to Canada to endeavour to motor cars .vhicii are in the Colon .
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