MEXICO NAMED 76 CHILDREN DIE IN STAIR JAM New Britain, Jan. 10.— Pros­ ecutor Joseph B. Woods, of pa- STIRRED STATES’ BYCOOUDGEIN lice court, today issued a war­ rant for the arrest of Mrs. Ger­ IN MONTREAL THEATRE PANIC trude C. Bowes, of Waterbury. on a charge of evading resppn- Desperate Remedy of Desperate Con^ «- NKAIWAROW Bibllity and will have it served IjTT liE VICTIMS OF today. When a car supposed to Changed Lake Levels River a ' MOliiTBEMi HQRBOB have been owned by Mrs. Bowes Stinking Ditch—Hughey ■ Slight Ftre Starts Stampede V struck a car on West Main Montreal,'Que., JSn. 10.—•’The President h Special Message street here last evening con­ list 5f identlfled dead of'the tinued without stopping, local victims in the Laurler PalaSe police apked Waterbury police By RODNEY DUTCHER. ^divert wafer from one w'atei^edJo moving, picture disaster follows: That Ends in Crush o f Death Declares Calles Gavem- to check up on the affair. The ^ p oth er to t>e dbtrlmetit of utioper- ■ Gaston Arpin, 6 years. Waterbury people reported to­ Washington, Jan. 10.— Charles ty rights on-’ tbe : body of .vyater Marcil Barit, 15; ^nnette Bis­ ment Is Responsible For day that Mrs. Bowes refused to Evans Hughes is busy again on from Wiich diversion is effected. Birgers m IDmois Ru^ son, 16; Germaine ^oisseau^ 13; discuss the case and Prosecutor the job which was too'%ig for the He soon file his report, or Yvette . Boisseau-, 8; Holland Theatre Nearly Filled With Children Under 16 brief to the supreme court, whifih Woods replied by Issuing the United States supreme court. Boisseau, 11; Babul Bouchard, undoubthdiy will follow his redohir warrant. The former justice and secretary Warfare. ' 10 ;. Raoul Benoit, 12.. T^V^en Small Blaze in Gallery Brings Cry of Mobilization. mendatlon, and ffnal decision is el- of state on Jan. 10 will re-open Doger , Gbnlbmhe, 11; Rene hearings oh the Great Lakes drain­ pected oarly tWs'year. “iFire!” —Rush o f Youngsters Blocks Nar­ The defendhht witnesses will tell Champagne, 16; Roland Clem­ age suits brought against the sani­ Ifarion, 111., Jari. 10.— Sheriffs ent,.?; Thesere Coufure, 14; Washington, Jan./lO.— President tary district of Chicago by Wiscon­ Hughes that the diversion is abso­ of three southern Illinois counties Armand Cournbyer, 11; Vincent row Smircase and Scores Are Suffocated and Coolidge today answered the critics WOMEN REFUGEES sin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, New lutely necessary to proper sanita' . joioed forces today in an effort to Charleinange, iW.' of his Mexican-Nicaraguan policy by York and Pennsylvania. tion of Chicago until the city has Squeezed When Bodies Jam Into Solid Mass. Previously Hughes, acting as a devised other- methods of khepiffg i Seek-out the perpetrators of a mid- Jean Marcell Dumont, 12; sending to Congress a special mes­ Germaine de Tonnahepurt, IZ; master appointed by the supreme pure its water supply and disposing night bomb and machine-gun at­ sage In which, after reviewing the FLOCK T O m G H A I court, has heard the complaining of its sewage. ■ ; ■ Maiuripe Dumont,'16; Antonio Montreal Jan. 10.— As grief believed to have been caused by de­ tack on "Shady Rest,” a road­ Defotir, 12. events leading up to the dispatch arguments of the six lake states They will assert- that the actual stricken parents claimed the bodies fective wiring. other than Illinois which, with Can-' divide between the Chicago fiver; house near here, in which three Edouard Frechette, 12. Neither Law, proprietor of the of 15 American warships and 5,000 Jean Louis Gagne, 13; Jean of their children, a thorough in­ men to Caribbean waters, he vir­ 400 From Knling Seek Safe­ ada, have long been agitated by the and the Illinois river is so slight men. and one woman lost their theater, nor. those arrested with him diversion of water from Lake Mi- that an ordinary rainfall. virtually Gagne, 14; —-Gervals,. 11; Mau­ vestigation is in progress today in­ were questioned this morning after tually accused the Mexican govern­ lives. '• rice Gervais, 8; Marcel Girard, ment of fomenting the present ehlgaq through the Chicago river would change the watershed and to a disastrous fire in the Laurier their arrest, all examination being ty; American From Han­ 'The roadhouse was located in a 9; Maurice Grondines, i i ; Ro­ Nicaraguan revolution. and Into the Illinois river. that the. backward flow of the Chi­ Palace picture theatre which yes­ deferred until the coroner’s Inquest. Hear Defense Next cago river, accomplished artifleial dense woods, 300 feet back from land Guerin, 10; Adrien Gau­ All through the night and early “ Consequently," his message the- highway running between terday caused the loss of 76 lives, concluded, “ I have deemed it my kow Aided by Compatriots Now he will hear the defense ar­ ly, is a very nearly natural flow. thier, 10; Roland Gravel, 7; today parents' trudged through the guments of Illinois and Missouri, Caused Typhoid Bpidemic Harrisburg and Marion, - and was Racul Girard, 8; Rejane Gau­ mostly those of children. snowy streets from hospital to duty to use the powers committed sai4 to have been the rendezvous to me to insure the adequate pro­ Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and The diversion be^an about 1900 thier, iO; Luclen Gervais, 12. The proprietor of the theatre, hospital, and from morgue to tection of all American interests in Shanghai, Jan. 10— Four hun­ Louisiana, six Mississippi valley Chicago’s------- ------------- sewage------------------ was bding--------- dump-'- -------w. notoriousj . Charles Birger Bernard Honde, 13; Adriei Ameen Law, 31, and three em­ morgu6, seeking news of missing states which have come into the; ed into Lake Michigan, where •-- herihen blamed for more than a score Hetu,'9. children. There were harrowing Nicaragua, whether they be endan- dred British women and children, ployes wero placed under arrest case as voluntary co-defendants. water supply comes from. There- mprdera ip. the past, three years; Alda Leduc, 16; Ange Aime scenes as sometimes two or three gered by inlernal strife by on - j,gjygggg Kuling, arrived here The roadhouse was burned to the and released on bail early today. side interference In the affairs oi- . -» i Hughes must decide whether were outbreaks of typhoid. The Illi­ Levasseur, 13; Marcel -Levas- women would simultaneonsly iden­ that republic.” 1 today with further tales of the ex- Chicago has the right to divert the nois legislature organized the sanl- ground and the corpses were so j aeur, 9; Armand Lavallee, 10; The employes arrested were the tify one mangled little body each' badly charred that positive identi- Mr. Coolidge did not ask Con- cesses of Chinese followers of the lake water, whether the War De-j tary district for the vjpurppse of Roland Leduc, 11. assistant manager Michel Arie, the as that of her own child. I partment has had the power to: building a drainage canal to wash flcajion was impossible. Two of the gress for any additional authority, Nationalist cause, Cecile Martin, 8; Edouarc ticket-taker Camil Bazzy, and the Died Standing Up ' grant its permit for such diversion the sewage into the. Illinois river, bo^es were thought to~ be those of Morin, 18; Antonio Menard, 12; Many of the panic stricken chil­ to meet the situation that has aris- j American refugees who have ar­ Steve, George, a Birger henchm&n, head usher, Alexander Bazzy, all ea below the Rio Grande. His mes- j^gj.g ijggn ^ared for by and, most far-reaching of all, --------- George McCleary, 8; Michael dren died standing up, caught inex­ whether anyone has the right toi^ (Continaed on Page 3.) and his wi^e. George was proprie­ Murphy, 14; Rita Maheu, 7; of whom are. said to be Syrians. tricably in the crush and suffocated sage, in fact, asked for nothing-—it residents, most of them tor of “ Shady Best.” merely reviewed the situation exist­ Eva Martel, 8; Yvette Martel, 7. , Police claim that they have evi­ by the press of bodies and the arrlving without funds and with Shelton Gang Suspected. dence that many of the children ing there, the events leading up to very little in the way of clothing. Phlllippe Nantel, 12. swirling, pungent smoke. Some it, and explained the administra­ The authorities working on the Franclenne Otis, 10. were admitted to the theatre with­ who lived suffered terrible injuries Hankow reports indicate that the case today declared their belief that out escorts, in violation of the law. tion’s present policy. Nationalists have carried out their E A E CARROLL NOW! PROSECUTORS SEEK Francoise Pesant, 14 ;:^ m e o from trampling feet. “ Most Complete Evidence.” (the atack was made by the Shelton Bodies of the victims of the dis­ One of the ushers of the theater, promise of the concession gahg, long a rival of the Birgers Retchat, 9; Arthur Paul, 10; Concerning Mexico’s relation to aster were taken chiefly from a W. Pare, gave the following ver­ there to the British and order pre­ for control of the bootlegging con­ Raoul Pagpau, 9. the situation, the message said; stSirway,^ barely thirty feet long* sion of the tragedy after being car­ vails, although the situation is still FACES TERM IN p e n ! LIFE OF M IN IS T ^ cessions in “Little Egypt.” ^ Ilildegard Quintal, 9; Adrien “ As a matter of fact, I have the Quintal,. 13; .Sylvia Quintal, 8. lending from the, east end of the ried from the smoke-filled balcony: tense with possibil'Ues of a new Farmers living in the neighbor­ theatre gallery to the street, and most conclusive evidence that arms flare-up at any time.
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