THE EDITORS' PAGE The other day a letter crossed our vancement.) Callers want all dancers desk from a caller coming through our to dance every figure called. (And area. "Good," we thought, "it'll be sometimes embarrass those who are a fun to dance to his calling." And then little slower we realized that this date we were So let's make the watchword for anticipating was in May, 1973. What 1972 patience — patience with our a long wait! neighbors, dancers, pupils, even pat- This started a whole trend of ience with events. Of course, it goes thought on the various planning pro- without saying that patience is more cedures in clubs, which are carried on than a sitting back and waiting for through officer changes and fluctua- something better to happen. One defi- tions in attendance. nition for the word is perseverance. The one virtue which seems to be That means calmly, quietly working for needed in all of this is patience — a those changes we want to see happen. virtue in which many folks today are As your editors, moving into an- sometimes lacking. People want to other New Year with our growing see changes made in our world now! magazine, we resolve to persevere in (And resort to violent means to ac- bringing you all sides and phases of complish them.) Dancers want clubs the square dance activity in the maga- to grow now! (And rush the beginners zine in publishing books that will help out of class to swell their membership.) the square dance population grow, Folks want to learn each new figure and in preserving through all our do- immediately! (And forget that we ings the FUN and FELLOWSHIP we dance for enjoyment as well as ad- feel is so vital to square dancing today. 2 AMERICAN * VOLUME 27, No. 1 SQUARE* JANUARY, 1972 DRNCE "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors -x- Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert 2 Editors' Page 4 Mail Feature Writers 5 The Real SQUARE DANCE Harold & Lill Bausch 6 Meanderings Dewey Berry 9 Time To Take A Look Myrtis Litman 11 Ring Out The Old 13 Caller- Leader Directory Editorial Assistants 15 Why Formalities? Mary Fabik 18 Aftermath Mef Merrell 21 Promises, Promises National Advisory Board 23 Steal A Little Peek 25 Feedback Edna & Gene Arnfield 27 Square Line Bob Augustin 28 Dancing Tips Al "Tex" Brownlee 29 Calling Tips Louis Calhoun Orphie Easson 31 Best Club Trick Jerry Helt 33 A Place To Grow John Hendron 37 Mix & Match Phyl & Frank Lehnert 38 Easy Level Melton Luttrell 40 Challenge Chatter Singin' Sam Mitchell 41 Dandy Idea Ken Oppenlander 42 You Must Have Been A Vaughn Parrish Beautiful Baby Dave Taylor 44 Workshop Bob Wickers 51 Product Line 53 Ladies Choice AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 54 Events published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- 56 News on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second 57 R/D Records class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline first of month preceding date of is- 58 S/D Records sue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- 65 Bookshelf pies: 50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, 66 Sign-Off Word Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1972 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 67 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 race full of gimmick calls. Beginners now-a-days do not get grounded en- ough in the old fundamentals. They are rushed along, so as to be able to dance (somehow) in a club, where they become easily disheartened and I think your magazine is terrific, drop out. Many of the club members are lost if a few fundamental calls are really enjoyed your sample book from given. They are lost! Our group does cover to cover. Ordered my subscrip- like the modern tunes and music, but tion right away and I can't wait for the I almost always call a much simpler books to arrive. Keep up the good figure than the one on the flip side of work. George D. Waldenberg the record. Marquis, Sask It seems unfortunate that in this country all hobbies and sports lose Love those workshop articles; rec- their flavor when adapted to mass pro- ord reviews — with teeth yet!!! And duction. I hope there will always be a Stan's Happy Wanderings are like a few who can enjoy the old-time square graduate course in Square Dance geo- dances, which have grace and smooth- graphy, and — oh, well, here's my ness as their basis, and exude fun and renewal for another year. As that mod- sociability. ern philosopher J. Reed said, "When Keep up your campaign. We'll back you're hot, you're hot!" Keep up the you. good work. F. Furman Betts Torn Moran Philadelphia, Pa. Waterbury, Connecticut First, I would like to congratulate you on a fine magazine. To me, it is Enclosed is our check for $3.00 for the best I receive each month. The which please send us a copy of "How record reviews are super, the meander- To Be A Smooth Square Dancer." ings unbelievable, special articles that We are subscribers to your maga concern both dancer and caller very zine "Square Dance" and think it is much needed, not to mention the car- the greatest. We get lots of help from toon, puzzle page, challenge chatter, all the articles — but we need more and the calling and dancing tips. All in help and review — so we hope this all it's just great, to put it mildly. book will meet our needs. 1 would also like to know what it Tom & Dorothy Dawson would cost to have my name and ad- Ottawa, Kansas dress placed in the caller-leader direc- tory, as I'm looking for dates in the (Written to Ed Moody) Massachusetts-Connecticut area, and I am very much interested in your think your column would help. article entitled "Looking Ahead" in Stephen Roderick the September issue of SQUARE Gorham, Maine DANCE magazine. I agree with you ED. NOTE: The Caller-leader listing costs entirely and thank you for writing so $7.50 for a single insertion, and $5.00 when clearly. ordered for a period of three months to a I am an amateur caller for the last year. The listing includes name, address and five or six years, and seemed to be a one-line slogan. driven to it because there seemed to be no place to go where you could dance old time figures. The groups I call to like to dance for fun and grace, and do not like to go to a modern rat- 4 * * * * * * * * * Will the Real *At*** ***** ** * SQUARE DRNCE Please Stand Up? No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you as you look on the cover of this issue. AMERICAN is back. And SQUAREDANCE is one word. The word NEW is gone forever. After all, it has been over three years since we began to publish the magazine in Sandusky, Ohio. The "bantam" has come into full feather. There are two reasons (good ones, we think) for the change. Old timers still say AMERICAN SQUARES in reference to our magazine. That was its first name, and it lasted for many years. It was a good name to begin with. There are two great national magazines that chronicle our hobby . Since the names were similar, and that similarity has led to confusion in the minds of some, the renaming will help clarify the situation. i0 There is nothing exclusive intended in using the word AMERICAN. We hope our many Canadian subscribers will assume that AMERICAN means NORTH AMERICAN. And we're sure our subscribers in Turkey, Japan, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England, Spain, Germany and Belgium will recognize that TODAY's square dancing is essentially an American product (just as this magazine is an American product) but there are no international limitations. The saying goes that if a person speaks "square dance ," he's already bilingual. So, we're ringing out the NEW for the New Year. And we're ringing IN the OLD and distinctive AMERICAN name for a good old American magazine. 41 10 * * 4t Alt * 4t * 4t * * * * AO, * * * GET A GOOD THING GOING YOUR WAY- I. P.O. B OK 788 SANDUSKY, OHIO SOURRE DRNCE 44870 0 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed_ fl One Year at 55. ❑ Two Years at 59_00 Canadian and Foreign add 50c a year ❑ One Year at $3. for postage. U.S. Funds. (FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 A c If/ by STAN BURDICK It has been quite a spell since I that the two of them could go on leaned back and spun a FURRY eating beautiful salads forever. Faye STORY (Shaggy Dog variety) on these laughed, and confided to Ray that the pages (shouts of "Spare us a little only thing that would win Rachael's longer") and maybe it's a good thing hand would be a culinary masterpiece that Dame Fortune and Mother Goose that would be so outstanding that don't often cross trails to inspire me Rachael's own lettuce would wilt be- accordingly (mutterings of "Look at fore it. the name-dropper") but there's a tale A saddened Raymond walked the ringing persistently in my belfry like a plains dejectedly all night, wondering big bell (sighs of "Yes, we know, it's how he could create a dish so tanta- just gotta be TOLLED!") lizing that it would rival Rachael's With that simple introduction, let masterful recipe.
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