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content index Volume 30, 2020 eFFectS oF PRoPRAnoLoL in AcceLeRAtinG WoUnd HeALinG And AttenUAtion oF HYPeR- January MetABoLiSM in AdULt BURn PAtientS Saeed Ashraf cheema, Urwa tanveer Ahmed, Hafsa nasir, From the Chief Editor’s Desk Shumaila Rehman dogar and Zunaisra Mustafa 46 Zafar Ullah chaudhry 01 PAncReAticoGAStRoStoMY: A SAFe oPtion in Editorial PAncReAticodUodenectoMY FoR PAncReAtic HeAd And PeRiAMPULLARY neoPLASMS cHALLenGeS in MedicAL JoURnALiSM: ReFLectionS Muhammad Asif noor, Faisal Hanif, osama Shakeel FRoM tHe YeAR PASt! and Hassaan Bari 51 Saba Sohail 02 eFFicAcY oF SURGicAL tiSSUe GLUeS And Original Articles SUPPoRteRSFoR tReAtMent oF PRoLonGed AiR LeAKS in BULLoUS eMPHYSeMA AUdioViSUAL diStRAction: A PRicKinG PAin erkan Akar, Miktat Arif Haberal, ozlem Sengören dikis 57 RedUction ModALitY AMonG LAdieS ReceiVinG intRAoRAL inJectionS Systematic Review Munazza Aziz, Shahbaz Ahmed Jat, Fazal-ur-Rehman Qazi, Farah naz, Prena Moorpani and Marina Shah 04 PoStPeRicARdiotoMY SYndRoMe AFteR cARdiAc oPeRAtionS intRAPeRitoneAL BUPiVAcAine AS PoSt- Shi-Min Yuan LAPARoScoPic cHoLecYStectoMY AnALGeSiA 62 Abdul Manan, Ashar Ahmad Khan, irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Usman, tariq Jamil and Muhammad Afzal Sajid 13 ClinicaL Practice Articles coMPARiSon oF MoRtALitY in FoURnieR LoW PneUMoPeRitoneUM PReSSURe iMPRoVeS SGAnGRene WitH tHe tWo ScoRinG SYSteMS RecoVeRY oF tRAnSABdoMinAL PRePeRitoneAL Seracettin egin, Sedat Kamali, Semih Hot, Berk Gökçek HeRnioPLAStY dong Wang, Qing-Song tao, Rong Wu, Jing-Min Wang, and Metin Yesiltas 67 Wei-Yu Zhang and Zhen-Ling Ji 13 oUtcoMe oF HUMeRAL SHAFt FRActURe tReAted oUtcoMeS oF totAL PARAtHYRoidectoMY WitH intRAMedULLARY nAiL And PLAte FixAtion WitH AUtotRAnSPLAntAtion VeRSUS SUBtotAL Yansong Wang, Yogesh Kayastha, Yang cao, Zhanpeng Guo, ARAtHYRoidectoMY tecHniQUeS FoR SecondARY Yajiang Yuan and Yunlong Bi 73 HYPeRPARAtHYRoidiSM in cHRonic RenAL FAiLURe Ramazan Sari, Hakan Yabanoglu, Abdirahman Sakulen StRictURe oF URetHRA: PAtteRnS And oUtcoMeS Hargura, Murat Kus and ilker Murat Arer oF MAnAGeMent FRoM A SinGLe centRe in PAKiStAn 18 oVeR 7 YeARS eFFectS oF BUtYPHtHALide coMBined WitH Manzoor Hussain, Muhammad Shamim Khan, Murli Lal, ideBenone on inFLAMMAtoRY cYtoKineS And Altaf Hashmi, Syed Ali Anwer naqvi and Syed Adibul VAScULAR endotHeLiAL FUnctionS oF PAtientS Hasan Rizvi 79 WitH VAScULAR deMentiA Fan-xing Qi, Ying Hu, Li-juan Kang, Pan Li, tian-chu Gao Case Reports and xin Zhang 23 oPticAL tRocAR cAUSinG AoRtic inJURY: coMPARiSon oF cURAtiVe eFFectS BetWeen A PotentiALLY FAtAL coMPLicAtion oF MiniMAL MiniMALLY inVASiVe PeRcUtAneoUS LAG ScReW AcceSS SURGeRY inteRnAL FixAtion And ReconStRUction PLAte Rashid Usman, Hafsa Ahmed, Zeeshan Ahmed and FoR UnStABLe PeLVic FRActUReS Maqsood Ali 85 Jifeng Fang, Hui dong and Zihui Li 28 ZeRo iScHeMiA PARtiAL nePHRectoMY in PReGnAncY GRAFt SUcceSS And HeARinG ReSULtS BetWeen omer Vefik ozozan, Abidin egemen isgoren 88 cARtiLAGe iSLAnd GRAFt And teMPoRAL MUScLe FASciA GRAFt MYRinGoPLAStY PeRioPeRAtiVe nURSinG oF diFFUSe PULMonARY Ayse Secil Kayali dinc, Melih cayonu, Suleyman Boynuegri, oSSiFicAtion Muammer Melih Sahin, Betul Paksoy and Adil eryilmaz 33 Fa-Yue Zhang, Ai-Ling Jiang and tie-Quan Sui 90 SiGniFicAnce oF SeRUM nt-proBnP And ScRotAL LYMPHedeMA And itS conSeRVAtiVe endoGenoUS H 2S FoR PRedictinG coRonARY tReAtMent: A RARe coMPLicAtion oF ciRcUMciSion ARteRY LeSionS in PediAtRic KAWASAKi diSeASe Serkan Akan, Berna Urkmez, ilker Artuk and Ahmet Urkmez 94 Hao-bin Song, Yuan-da Zhang, Qing-wei dong, Li-po Han, Rui-fang Qi, Bin-bin Bi, Lei Ma and Hao Zhang 37 Short Communications cAn URodYnAMic FindinGS oF oVeRActiVe eFFicAcY oF MicRoecoPHARMAceUticS coMBined BLAddeR deteRMine tHe tReAtMent eFFect oF WitH eARLY enteRAL nUtRition SUPPoRt in tHe URotHeRAPY in cHiLdRen? tReAtMent oF SeVeRe AcUte PAncReAtitiS chun Wei, Jie Gao, Lihua Kou, xing Liu, tao Lin and Zhaolei Qiu, Feng cheng, Hai Jiang, Lei Li, chuanming dawei He 41 Zheng, Zhaohui du and Zhenjie Wang 96 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2020, Vol. 30 (12): 1367-1383 1367 Content Index, Volume 30, 2020 SALiVARY BioMARKeR inteRLeUKin-8 LeVeLS in nASWAR tHe ReLAted FActoRS in PReGnAncY USeRS And non-USeRS Hamide Zengin, icten olgu Bafali, Sinem Yalnizoglu caka, Kanwal Sohail, Khalid Mahmood Siddiqi, Muhammad oznur tiryaki and nursan cinar 144 Zeeshan Baig, Haafsa Arshad Sahibzada and Sahida Maqbool 99 eFFect oF oPticAL coHeRence toMoGRAPHY Letters to the Editor PAtteRnS on one-YeAR oUtcoMeS oF AFLiBeRcePt tHeRAPY FoR diABetic MAcULAR edeMA coMPARiSon oF KetAMine ALone And SUBAneS- Sehnaz ozcaliskan, Sevcan Balci, Bugra Karasu and tHetic doSe oF KetAMine-FentAnYL FoR ReGionAL ozgur Artunay 149 AneStHeSiA in cHiLdRen Liang Zhong, Hongtu Li and Bange Zhao 102 tHe eFFect oF tHe KÖRneR’S SePtUM on GRAFt And HeARinG SUcceSS AFteR tYPe 1 tYMPAnoPLAStY Mehmet Fatih Karakus, Suleyman emre Karakurt, Kursat GLAndULAR odontoGenic cYSt Murat ozcan, Aykut ikinciogullari, Mustafa colak and tugçenur Uzun, Merve Bozkurt, Betül cengiz duran, Haci Huseyin dere 154 eda Hilal imamoglu and orçun toptas 104 eLeVAted tUMoR necRoSiS FActoR (tnF)-A MRnA exPReSSion coRReLAteS WitH nUcLeAR FActoR eFFicAcY oF PReGABALin in neURoPAtHic PAin KAPPA B exPReSSion in PeRiPHeRAL BLood Mono- AFteR SPinAL coRd inJURY nUcLeAR ceLLS in PReecLAMPSiA xiaoxia Yang, Yan Zhang, Huijin Yu, Jundi Sun and Zaima Ali, Uzma Zafar, Saba Khaliq and Khalid Pervaiz Lone 158 Yanhong He 106 VAcUUM-ASSiSted cLoSURe in inteGRAtion oF SKin GRAFt oVeR ScALP WoUndS: A RAndoMiSed LeiSHMAniASiS oUtBReAK in PAKiStAn: diRe need contRoL tRiAL oF inteRVention FoR cURe And PReVention Abdul Malik Mujahid, Farrukh Aslam Khalid, noor Ali, Sana Habib, Syed Maaz tariq and Sara Habib 108 Yawar Sajjad, Husnain Khan and Moazzam nazeer tarar 163 LAteRAL SUB-cUtAneoUS RoUte FoR AnteRioR conSeRVAtiVe tReAtMent APPRoAcH in PRiMARY tiBiAL ARteRY ReVAScULARiSAtion SPontAneoUS PneUMotHoRAx Zia Ur Rehma 109 cenk Balta and Mustafa Kuzucuoglu 168 ReLAtionSHiP BetWeen tHe SiZe And LocAtion February oF tHe MASS And HiLAR And MediAStinAL LYMPH node MetAStASiS in eARLY And LocALLY AdVAnced non-SMALL ceLL LUnG cAnceR Editorial Mustafa Kuzucuoglu, Ali Gokyer, osman Kula, Ali cem Yekdes, Baran Serdar Sunal, Yekta Altemur Karamustafaoglu, tHe PiVotAL RoLe oF PAtient-centRed APPRoAcHeS Yener Yoruk and irfan cicin 172 in SUcceSSFUL oUtcoMe oF eVidence-BASed HiGH QUALitY cAnceR cARe Systematic Review Ahmed nadeem Abbasi 111 PReVALence And deteRMinAntS oF AneMiA AMonG OriginaL Articles WoMen oF RePRodUctiVe AGe in deVeLoPinG coUntRieS cAnceR ePideMioLoGY in LAHoRe, PAKiStAn - 2010-2015 Sumera Aziz Ali, Umber Khan and Anam Feroz 177 Farhana Badar, Shahid Mahmood, Mohammad tariq Mahmood, Misbah Masood, imrana tanvir, omar Rasheed chughtai, Clinical Practice Articles Shahida niazi and Alia Ahmad 113 HePAtic ARteRY VARiAtionS in A SAMPLe oF PAKiStAni PoPULAtion inAdVeRtent PeRioPeRAtiVe HYPotHeRMiA And Faisal Hanif, Umer Farooq, Awais Amjad Malik, Asghar iMPoRtAnt RiSK FActoRS dURinG MAJoR Khan, Raza Hasnain Sayyed and imran Khalid niazi 187 ABdoMinAL SURGeRieS Gonul Sagiroglu, Gozde Argunsah ozturk, Ayse Baysal FReQUencY oF dePReSSiVe diSoRdeRS AMonG and Fatma nesrin turan 123 WoMen AFteR MiScARRiAGe Aafia Malik, Aneel Shafi, irum Umair, Saqib Maraj AcUte PReSentAtion And MAnAGeMent oF Aslam Bajwa, Aysha Butt and Fatima Bukharie 192 ABdoMinAL tUBeRcULoSiS Qamar Ashfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Zeeshan Sarwar, PedicULAted inteRcoStAL MUScLe FLAPS in nafeesah Fatimah, Abubaker Shafiq Ahmed, Shabbar BRoncHiActASiS ReSectionAL SURGeRY FoR Hussain changaizi and Mahmood Ayyaz 129 BRoncHiAL StUMP ReinFoRceMent diAGnoStic VALUe oF SeRUM BioMARKeRS FoR Farhan Ahmed Majeed, Ahmed Raza, tashfeen imtiaz PAtientS UndeRGoinG cURAtiVe ReSection and Kamran Rahim 197 WitH non-B, non-c HePAtoceLLULAR cARcinoMA Youdi Li, Yanfei chen and Jiu chen 134 ClinicaL Audit SUPeRViSoR’S FeedBAcK on PRoGReSS oF e-LoG- ASSeSSMent oF AGe And dURAtion oF SYMPtoMS BooK SYSteM oF cPSP: A cRoSS-SectionAL SURVeY on oUtcoMeS oF eMeRGencY ScRotAL exPLoRAtion Khalid Masood Gondal, Junaid Sarfraz Khan and FoR AcUte ScRotAL PAin Arslan Ahmed 139 Ghulam Mustafa nandwani, Adeel Anwar, Rajindra Singh, Alistair B Stewart, James A Forster and Sanjai K Addla 201 cHiLdBiRtH And PoStPARtUM PeRiod FeAR And 1368 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2020, Vol. 30 (12): 1367-1383 Content Index, Volume 28, 2018 Commentary PLAteLet/LYMPHocYte, And HdL/LdL RAtioS emre Özdemir, Özgen Safak, Mert Pehlivan Altin, toPicAL FLUoRideS FoR HeAd And necK cAnceR didar elif Akgün, Sadik Volkan emren, eyüp Avci, PAtientS SUBJected to SURGicAL ReSection And Mehmet tokaç andFiliz Akçay Akyildiz 235 RAdiAtion tHeRAPY in ReSoURce ReStRAint SettinGS Aiman Sheikh, Farhan Raza Khan and Sadia tabassum 205 doPPLeR ULtRASoUnd eVALUAtion oF tHe eFFicAcY oF HiGH intenSitY FocUSed ULtRASoUnd in tReAt- Case Reports Ment oF ceSAReAn Section ScAR PReGnAncY xiaokai Huo, Yaozeng xie, Lei Yang, Kun deng and SUBAcUte BoWeL oBStRUction SecondARY to Yingying Liu 240 An oBtURAtoR HeRniA Long-Zhi Zheng, chang-Yue Zheng, Bin Zu and Wei Lin 210 ReLAtionSHiP BetWeen SMALL inteStinAL BActeRiAL oVeRGRoWtH And PeRiPHeRAL BLood et, tLR2 And HeReditARY SPHeRocYtoSiS ASSociAted WitH tLR4 in ULceRAtiVe coLitiS GiLBeRt SYndRoMe diAGnoSed WitH LiVeR BioPSY chunchun Yang, xiaohui Guo, Jing Wang, Hongyun Fan, exAMinAtion And exoMe SeQUencinG xiaohui Huo, Liang dong and Zhiying duan 245 Wei Zou, Zhendong Zhang, Yongming tan and Lunli Zhang 213 PRediction oF LYMPH

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