WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Male -58 Power: 22 / Size: 3 Competitors: 26 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner

WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Male -58 Power: 22 / Size: 3 Competitors: 26 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner

WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Male -58 Power: 22 / Size: 3 competitors: 26 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner J. Tortosa jesus tortosa esp-1652 J. Tortosa federación española de taekwond (35-17 PTF) 3/11 gashim magomedov aze-1988 azerbaijan taekwondo federation 3/01 hassan haider gbr-1603 G.Magomedov J. Tortosa (35-15 PTF) (15-8 PTF) british taekwondo 3/19 M. Rafiei meisam rafiei isl-1503 (19-9 PTF) the icelandic taekwondo federatio 3/02 mustafa razai den-1899 danish taekwondo federation 3/12 J.Woolley garegin makhmuryan arm-1545 J. Tortosa (17-6 PTF) (2-0 GLP) armenian taekwondo federation 3/03 J.Woolley jack woolley irl-1542 (28-8 PTF) irish national team 3/23 S. Dimitrov stepan dimitrov mda-1512 S. Dimitrov wte (20-18 PTF) 3/13 aleksandr galaktionov est-1559 estonian taekwondo wtf federation 3/04 dmitrij nagajev srb-2972 D. Nagajev (23-10 PTF) tekvondo asocijacija srbije 3/20 antonio flecca ita-1590 Y. Anushkevich S. Dimitrov M. Artamonov (19-9 PTF) (26-9 PTF) (10-5 PTF) federazione italiana taekwondo (f 3/05 yauheni anushkevich blr-1659 belarusian republican taekwondo f 3/14 Y. Anushkevich S. Bensaleh (2-0 GDP) salaheddine bensaleh bel-1510 3/25 belgian taekwondo federation M. Artamonov mikhail artamonov rus-1814 M. Artamonov russian taekwondo union (30-3 PTF) 3/15 georgios nicolaou cyp-1549 cyprus judo taekwondo federation 3/06 G. Haimovitz M. Artamonov gili haimovitz isr-1509 (29-8 PTF) (4-2 PTF) israel taekwondo federation 3/21 abdullatif sezgin ger-1881 E. Turan (12-10 PTF) german taekwondo federation 3/07 emircan turan tur-6191 taekwondo federation of turkey 3/16 samuele genghini smr-1511 federazione sammarinese arti marz 3/08 S. Uscov M. Artamonov serghei uscov mda-1577 (27-1 PTF) (20-17 PTF) wte 3/24 E. Fakinos eleftherios fakinos gre-1849 V. Shimanov hellenique taekwondo federation (15-8 PTF) 3/17 valeriy shimanov rus-5027 WINNERS: russian taekwondo union 3/09 1. mikhail artamonov rus-1814 marko maljkovic cro-1526 V. Shimanov (31-11 PTF) russian taekwondo union croatian taekwondo federation 3/22 V. Shimanov fredrik lindström swe-1605 F. Lindström 2. jesus tortosa esp-1652 federación (15-14 PTF) (33-21 PTF) svenska taekwondoförbundet española de taekwond 3/10 leon glasnovic cro-2215 3. Valeriy shimanov rus-5027 croatian taekwondo federation 3/18 russian taekwondo union R. Braganca 3. Stepan dimitrov mda-1512 (7-5 PTF) rui braganca por-1502 wte R. Braganca federação portuguesa de taekwon 1/1 WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Male -54 Power: 21 / Size: 2 competitors: 20 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner V. Dell'aquila vito dell'aquila ita-2116 V. Dell'aquila federazione italiana taekwondo (f (42-0 PTG) 1/05 mateja kuburovic srb-1753 tekvondo asocijacija srbije 1/01 M.Kuburovic V. Dell'aquila linus dahllund swe-1578 (33-29 PTF) (25-2 PTG) svenska taekwondoförbundet 1/13 hueseyin canan ger-1902 H.Canan (32-3 PTG) german taekwondo federation 1/02 antreas giannakou cyp-1595 cyprus judo taekwondo federation 1/06 M. Willemsen A. Vicente (23-35 PUN) (36-18 PUN) martijn willemsen bel-1761 M. Willemsen belgian taekwondo federation 1/17 A. Vicente adrian vicente esp-2994 A. Vicente federación española de taekwond (22-1 PTG) 1/07 aleh velkaselets blr-1604 A. Velkaselets belarusian republican taekwondo f 1/14 A. Vicente A. Vicente S. Aydinyan (17-9 PTF) (13-5 PTF) suren aydinyan arm-1569 armenian taekwondo federation 1/08 D. Pastukhov (8-11 PTF) dmitrii pastukhov rus-2840 1/19 D. Pastukhov russian taekwondo union T. Malchenko taras malchenko ukr-1819 M. Gagiev ukraine taekwondo (wtf) federatio (37-39 PTF) 1/09 mason yarrow gbr-1849 british taekwondo 1/03 M.Gagiev M. Gagiev magomed gagiev rus-5886 (14-20 PTF) (20-1 PTF) russian taekwondo union 1/15 daniel lo ita-1776 D.Lo (26-6 PTG) federazione italiana taekwondo (f 1/04 itamar salomon isr-1562 israel taekwondo federation 1/10 D. Lo (18-11 PTF) vadim dimitrov mda-1513 V. Dimitrov M. Gagiev wte (20-17 PTF) 1/18 D. Dagdelen deniz dagdelen tur-1844 D. Dagdelen taekwondo federation of turkey (28-18 PTF) 1/11 luka turkalj cro-1794 WINNERS: L. Turkalj croatian taekwondo federation 1/16 1. Adrian vicente esp-2994 federación D. Dagdelen española de taekwond K. Karimov (16-15 PTF) 2. Magomed gagiev rus-5886 russian khanoghlan karimov aze-1688 taekwondo union azerbaijan taekwondo federation deniz dagdelen tur-1844 taekwondo 1/12 3. D. Rapsomanikis federation of turkey (7-27 PTG) 3. vito dell'aquila ita-2116 dionysios rapsomanikis gre-1823 D. Rapsomanikis federazione italiana taekwondo (f hellenique taekwondo federation RSC: Referee stops contest / PFT: Final score / PTG: Point gap / GDP: Golden point / SUP: Superiority / WDR: Withdrawal / DSQ: Disqualification / PUN: Punitive declaration 1/1 Report created by uptkd - www.uptkd.com WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Female -49 Power: 18 / Size: 2 competitors: 18 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner K. Tomic kristina tomic cro-1637 K. Tomic croatian taekwondo federation (17-5 PTF) 2/03 maddison moore gbr-3858 british taekwondo 2/01 E.Aydin K. Tomic ela aydin ger-1659 (6-8 PTF) (10-9 PTF) german taekwondo federation 2/11 M. Dincel merve dincel tur-1611 taekwondo federation of turkey 2/04 M. Dincel K. Tomic (20-8 PTF) (12-3 PTF) dominika hronova cze-1518 D. Hronova czech taekwondo federation wtf 2/15 P. Abakarova patimat abakarova aze-1634 P. Abakarova azerbaijan taekwondo federation (23-14 PTF) 2/05 nikol chorbanova bul-1616 N. Chorbanova bulgarian taekwondo federation 2/12 P. Abakarova K. Tomic A. Polycarpou (15-4 PTF) (18-13 PTF) andrea polycarpou cyp-1608 cyprus judo taekwondo federation 2/06 S. Igumenova (2-8 PTF) svetlana igumenova rus-1504 2/17 S. Igumenova russian taekwondo union V. Stankovic vanja stankovic srb-1591 V. Stankovic tekvondo asocijacija srbije (28-12 PTF) 2/07 zeliha agris tur-1857 taekwondo federation of turkey 2/02 Z.Agris N. Antipenko zahra mohammadi aut-1964 (21-1 PTG) (0-3 GDP) austrian taekwondo federation 2/13 N. Antipenko natalia antipenko rus-4309 russian taekwondo union 2/08 N. Antipenko (17-4 PTF) erica nicoli ita-1566 E. Nicoli N. Antipenko federazione italiana taekwondo (f (3-2 PTF) 2/16 B. Palmer blanca palmer esp-1718 B. Palmer federación española de taekwond (13-11 PTF) 2/09 WINNERS: michal zrihen isr-1606 1. Kristina tomic cro-1637 croatian M. Zrihen israel taekwondo federation taekwondo federation 2/14 2. Natalia antipenko rus-4309 russian Y. Aziez taekwondo union V. Antoniou (2-3 PTF) vasiliki antoniou gre-2141 3. Yasmina aziez fra-1507 fédération hellenique taekwondo federation française de taekwo 2/10 patimat abakarova aze-1634 Y. Aziez 3. (6-7 PTF) azerbaijan taekwondo federation yasmina aziez fra-1507 Y. Aziez fédération française de taekwo RSC: Referee stops contest / PFT: Final score / PTG: Point gap / GDP: Golden point / SUP: Superiority / WDR: Withdrawal / DSQ: Disqualification / PUN: Punitive declaration 1/1 Report created by uptkd - www.uptkd.com WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Female -46 Power: 17 / Size: 2 competitors: 19 10 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner I. Romoldanova iryna romoldanova ukr-1532 I. Romoldanova ukraine taekwondo (wtf) federatio 4/04 (7-4 PTF) vanesa markova bul-1554 bulgarian taekwondo federation 4/01 V.Markova I. Romoldanova fatemeh shabannia aze-2265 (14-10 PTF) (25-15 PTF) azerbaijan taekwondo federation 4/12 R. Akalin ruhat akalin tur-2111 taekwondo federation of turkey 4/05 R. Akalin R. Yildirim (15-14 PTF) (19-11 PTF) abishag semberg isr-1656 A. Semberg israel taekwondo federation 4/16 R. Yildirim rukiye yildirim tur-1537 taekwondo federation of turkey R. Yildirim 4/06 (44-6 PTF) andrea schnell sui-1528 A. Schnell association suisse de taekwondo 4/13 R. Yildirim R. Yildirim V. Apoikou (40-6 PTF) (28-10 PTF) varvara apoikou gre-1684 hellenique taekwondo federation 4/07 M. Smirnova (5-3 PTF) maria smirnova rus-1820 4/18 M. Smirnova russian taekwondo union K. Kouttouki kyriaki kouttouki cyp-1545 J.Smith cyprus judo taekwondo federation (14-12 PTF) 4/08 jordyn smith gbr-1602 british taekwondo 4/02 J.Smith lucija abramovi? cro-2014 J.Smith (13-7PTF) (2-0 GDP) croatian taekwondo federation 4/14 O. Gürüz özlem gürüz ger-1826 german taekwondo federation 4/09 O.Gürüz (25-14 PTF) hajer mustapha fra-1514 H. Mustapha D. Pouryounes fédération française de taekwo (8-5 PTF) 4/17 I. Laguna irene laguna esp-1662 M.Corelli federación española de taekwond 4/10 (11-5 PTF) WINNERS: martina corelli ita-1762 M.Corelli federazione italiana taekwondo (f 1. Rukiye yildirim tur-1537 4/15 taekwondo federation of turkey D. Pouryounes krystsina sauluk blr-1740 K. Sauluk (22-20 GDP) 2. Dina pouryounes ned-1864 (13-8PTF) belarusian republican taekwondo f 4/03 wte teodora jovic srb-1612 3. Iryna romoldanova ukr-1532 ukraine tekvondo asocijacija srbije 4/11 taekwondo (wtf) federatio D. Pouryounes yriaki kouttouki cyp-1545 (2-0 GDP) 3.K cyprus dina pouryounes ned-1864 judo taekwondo federation D. Pouryounes wte 1/1 .WTE EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 Senior Male -68 Power: 24 / Size: 3 competitors: 32 11 May 2018 Name / Team Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Q-Final S-Final Final Winner javier perez esp-1737 J.Perez (29-9 RSC) federación española de taekwond 4/01 J.

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