JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on indianexpress.com DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 12 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 PATNA &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM As Maldives reopens for CRISIS IN RAJASTHAN: CONG SAYS PARTY INTACT Evidence of immunity is tourists, India is likelyto aglimmer, but data show create special airbubble Pilotdigsin,claimshehasthe lasting Covid-19 damage President IbrahimSolih an- P7 NIRUPAMASUBRAMANIAN nouncedonJune 23 that the atoll numberstocutGehlottosize KAUNAINSHERIFFM MUMBAI,JULY12 nation would reopenresortson NEWDELHI,JULY12 itsislands on July15, andhotels INDIA IS considering establish- in the populated centres, includ- Says won’t join BJP as his office claims 30 MLAs backhim, won’t attend CLP today EMERGINGDATAonthe body's ing an air bubbleorair travel inginthe capital Malé,onAugust immune response suggestthat bridgetothe Maldives, whichre- 1. Visas will be free, on arrival, “wemay beprotected” more than THEEXPRESS opensfor tourists on July15af- and therewill be no compulsory Why this time we currentlybelieve,DrRandeep terafour-month shutdown due quarantine. Guleria, directorofAIIMSandone INTERVIEW to theCovid-19pandemic. As of July11, Maldives, which battle-lines are of the experts leading the coun- ‘PULMONARY... BUT The Maldivesgovernment has apopulation of alittle over try's novelcoronavirus disease re- CANALSOBECALLED has made aformalrequestinthis 500,000,had 2,681 confirmed drawnharder sponse, told The Indian Express. SYSTEM DISEASE’ regard toNew Delhi, and an Covid-19cases,ofwhich 2,238 However, thegrim news is DR RANDEEP GULERIA agreement maybereachedin had recovered, and 13 patients than ever that Covid-19isnow a“systemic DIRECTOR, AIIMS the next twoorthree days, The haddied.SinceJune2,thecountry Ashok Gehlot; Sachin Pilot CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Indian Express haslearnt. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MANOJCG HAMZAKHAN, NEWDELHI,JULY12 DEEPMUKHERJEE TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE River rises, villagers pull &MANOJCG THE ASHOK GehlotvsSachin JAIPUR,NEWDELHI,JULY12 Pilottussle in Rajasthan has be- CASES: RECOVERED:5,34,620 down their homes to come some 132 IN WHATappears to be ashow- Outside Rajasthan Deputy Chief MinisterSachin Pilot’s sortofacliche DAYSSINCE 8,49,552 DEATHS:22,674 PANDEMIC down by Rajasthan Deputy Chief residenceinNew Delhi on Sunday. AbhinavSaha in Congress in- BEGAN TESTS: 1,15,87,153| DOUBLING RATE: 21.30** save bricks for rebuilding MinisterSachinPilot almost 18 fighting. But months afterCongress returned the latest to powerinthe state, hisoffice showdown be- on Sundayclaimedthat the tween the Ashok Gehlot-ledgovernment Tharoor to Sibal, Cong Chief Ministerand hisNumber wasreducedtoaminority after twoisqualitativelydifferent. over 30 Congress and some in- leaders hearwake-up call, Both the timing and the dependent legislators pledged framing aresignificant. It comes KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING supporttoPilot. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* RATE** The statement issuedby hopeleadership listens LokendraSingh, who manages STATEOFPLAY ■ Maharashtra 2,46,600 8,139 3.03% 23.74 media relations forPilot, also ■ Tamil Nadu 1,34,226 3,965 3.29% 21.88 said, “RajasthanDeputyCM& MANOJCG CONGRESS BJP BUSINESSASUSUAL ■ Delhi 1,10,921 1,781 1.90% 37.81 With the riverchanging course over the years, Govindpur is Congress leader Sachin Pilotnot NEWDELHI,JULY12 107 72 ■ Karnataka 36,216 2,798 7.70% 9.35 ahamletthat has become an island. Dipankar Ghose to attendCongress Legislative BY UNNY Partymeeting scheduledtobe THE CRISIS threatening the 200 ■ Telangana 33,402 1,178 5.93% 12.13 heldtomorrow.” Congress government in ASSEMBLY ASADISTRICT on one side. Justadayearlier,this Pilothas remainedincom- Rajasthan, justfourmonths af- STRENGTH *Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7days**Calculated over 7-daygrowth wasahomeRohitKumarhadbuilt municado forthe pasttwo days, terthe party letMadhya Pradesh ■ RashtriyaLoktantrikParty3 CASEFATALITYRATIO POSITIVITYRATE DAILYIN,DAILYOUT with his ownhands. On Sunday, andsome legislators backing slip from itsgrasp,has once UNLOCKS ■BharatiyaTribalParty 2 7DAYSEARLIER: 7DAYSEARLIER: DETECTED TODAY he pulleditdowntoprevent the CONTINUEDONPAGE2 again underlinedthe leadership ■ CPI(M) 2 riverfromwashing it away. vacuum in the party and howits 2.86 6.88 28,637 AN EXPRESS SERIES ■ RashtriyaLokDal 1 NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: In times likethese, with a senseofdriftisdeepening fault- ■ Independents13 lockdown outside and fears that EXPLAINED lineswithin: oldversusyoung, 2.67 7.33 19,235 DIPANKARGHOSE Covidmay strikehome, Rohit is second-generation leaders ver- SIMPLY PUT INCALLIES: BTP,CPI(M), RLD Deaths as aratio of Positives against Becoming sick vs GOVINDPUR,JULY12 keen to at leastsavethe bricks. sus thosewho rose through the BJPALLY: RLP positivecases (in%); numbertested recovering; more He can use themtorebuild the UNDERSTANDING ranks. indicator of progress (in %); indicatorof recoveries for 14 days ■ 3of13Independents in averting deaths the spread of disease may signal the peak THE FLOOD WATERS of riverKosi house once the flood waters re- PILOTVSGEHLOT On Sunday, the party’s top removedasCongress DataasonJuly11,releasedbyUnionMinistryofHealth,ICMRandstates.Oftendailynumbersinclude swirlaroundhim,his house apile cede in Govindpur, a dariya PAGE 7 leaders appeared dividedon associate members datafrompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive of rubble, with redbricks stacked CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 New Delhi WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,MONDAY,JULY13,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS HERE’SWHYTHEREHASBEENASURGEINUSCASELOADANDDEATHS ■ CUSTOMIZABLE The furoreoveragold NEWS EXPERIENCE OnSaturday,theUSreported66,627cases,thehighestdailyspurtininfectionssincethepandemicbegan, WEB raisingthecountry'stotaltonearly3.185million,accordingtodatacompiledbyJohnsHopkinsUniversity smuggling case in Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 Kerala VIDEOOFTHEDAY FULLCOVERAGE NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY YAMRAJ,CHITRAGUPTA SREBRENICA RAISECOVID AWARENESS MASSACRE Alook at whyagold smuggling case in Artists dress up to The IndianExpress looks Kerala has made headlines in the stateand SCANTHISQRCODETO createawareness in at ethniccleansing of nationally DOWNLOADTHEAPP Chhattisgarh’s Raipur BosnianMuslims FROMPAGEONE Pilotdigs in him, sources closetoGehlotsaid. stress,”the leader said. We arehopingthattheyalsore- Khadiyawasallegedto have been raisedthepitch by takingaswipe easetosomeextent.Itcanalsobe velopedwithwater. Peoplewould Later in the evening, Congress The sources closetoPilot said turn to Jaipur.Wedon’t have a offeredmoneybythe twoBJP at Pilotafter police arrested two termedasasystemic disease be- shifttoanembankment on the him also stayed put in the MLARajendra Gudha said, the notice was“unwarranted” fixedestimatebut as per guess, men who were arrested by the BJP members forallegedly trying causeitinvolvestheentirebody.” other side of the river, but their National Capital Region. He was “Gehlotjihas majority.Weare and “no self-respecting person thereare around 15-18people SOG. to lureawayCongressand Complications persistinre- homes remained safe. inactive on socialmedia too, and also making effortsand some BJP would tolerateit.” Withdrawal of who want to meetand talk with Taktold The Indian Express IndependentMLAswithoffersof coveredpatients with severe “Earlier, onlyour fields would did notrespond to calls or text MLAsareincontact.We willbring thenoticetoomay notresolve the the high command.” thathewas unhappywith CM Rs 20-25 croreeach. Gehlotsaid symptoms, Dr Guleria said. “We getsubmergedunder floodwa- messagesby Congressleaders.His moreMLAsfromBJP than we crisis, theysaid. SOG officials said Congress MLAfrom Gehlotashehad methim on that“only one can be CM”al- have seen anumber of patients ters.Butthesedays,thewaterhas silence, however, fueledspecula- would lose.” notices had been sent to over a Deedwana in Nagaur, Chetan Fridaybut laterinthe day, he though his party “mayhave5-7 who have severe pneumonia, begun loosening the earth under tion in NewDelhi over his next The statement on behalf of dozen MLAs, mainlyindepend- Dudi,whowasamongthosewho learnt he wasbeinginvestigated people whomay be contenders wherethe lungs gettotally our homes. This started in 2019, courseof action.Whenaskedif he Pilotwas postedbyLokendra ent MLAs, apartfromthe CMand were in Delhi, said that, “Tomy by theACB.Formerly intheBJP,he forCMand mayalsohavethe ca- scarred(in recoveredpatients); whensomehousescollapsedinto wasjoining theBJP,Pilot told The Singh, admin of theWhatsapp Deputy CM to recordtheir state- knowledgetherewas no herding said he was“wholeheartedly” pability and talent”. although theycomeout, some of the river. So, this year,weare tak- Indian Express, “I am notjoining group ‘Sachin Pilot:Update’ at ments. of MLAs and Idid
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