December 18, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1717 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WIN- INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT Throughout her tenure, Marj has established NER OF THE CONGRESSIONAL OF COLUMBIA CIVIL ENFORCE- credible and effective relationships with local, APP CHALLENGE FOR THE 21ST MENT EQUALITY ACT state, and federal elected officials and with CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF opinion-leaders throughout the greater Sac- TEXAS HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON ramento region. Now more than ever, thanks OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA in large part to Marj’s leadership and vision for HON. LAMAR SMITH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.C. Davis, the institution is respected and re- vered as a world-class research university and OF TEXAS Monday, December 18, 2017 as a reliable local partner. I have had the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- pleasure of working personally with Marj Monday, December 18, 2017 duce the District of Columbia Civil Enforce- through the years in my role representing Sac- ment Equality Act. This bill is necessary to Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today we ramento in Congress, and I consistently found allow the District to enter into contracts with congratulate Peter Chacko from San Antonio her to be one of the most effective, sophisti- private attorneys to sue on the District’s behalf who won this year’s Congressional App Chal- cated, and professional government relations for violations of D.C. law that may otherwise lenge for the 21st District of Texas. experts I encountered. go unpunished due to a lack of resources. Every year, the Congressional App Chal- U.C. Davis—and the Sacramento region writ This bill would give D.C. the same authority lenge encourages students to create an origi- large—are beyond fortunate to have had Marj enjoyed by states, other local governments nal app by writing computer code. As Chair- working on their behalf for the past three dec- and most federal agencies. man of the House Science, Space and Tech- ades. Marj’s dedication and commitment to The federal Anti-Deficiency Act, which ap- nology Committee, I take part in this competi- U.C. Davis have made our region a better plies to both the federal and District govern- tion, which inspires students across the coun- educated, more vibrant, more attractive place ments, prohibits contracting in advance of ap- try to explore computer science and search for to live and work. Her contributions cannot be propriations, such as contingency fee con- innovations. understated. tracts. However, Congress has provided the Peter won this year’s competition by design- Mr. Speaker, as her family, friends and col- authority for most federal agencies to enter ing an app called PR Trackr. It helps runners leagues celebrate her distinguished career, I into such contracts, notwithstanding the Anti- calculate their pace and logs their runs. He ask my colleagues to join me in honoring the Deficiency Act, but has not done so for the developed the app because he and his cross remarkable Marjorie Dickinson. District. This precludes the District from enter- country teammates needed a quick and effec- ing into contracts with attorneys on a contin- f tive way to assess and store their pace and gency fee basis. In a contingency fee contract, monitor their progress. IN HONOR OF GWEN BECK’S 100TH lawyers pay for the initial costs of the litigation, Congratulations to Peter on his achieve- BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION and then the lawyers are reimbursed only for ment. I know he will do well in his academics out-of-pocket expenses and receive a percent- and future cross country races. HON. LIZ CHENEY age of any amount awarded to the plaintiff. There is no federal law that precludes states OF WYOMING f and other local governments from entering into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF THE RECIPIENTS OF such contracts. At least 36 states, both red Monday, December 18, 2017 THE CONGRESS–BUNDESTAG and blue states, have already used contin- Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM’S gency fee contracts to enforce state laws, in extend my congratulations to Gwen Beck on MERIT BASED SCHOLARSHIP addition to numerous city and county govern- the celebration of her 100th birthday. ments across the country. Contingency fee I join her friends and family in extending my HON. LIZ CHENEY contracts are especially useful in cases with a best to her on this occasion and in celebrating large, costly discovery component. Examples OF WYOMING her life and contributions to our great state. I of cases that are commonly tried on a contin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hope she uses this momentous day to do the gency fee basis by state and local govern- same. Monday, December 18, 2017 ments include nuisance, deceptive lending, se- Again, Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to curities fraud and debt and tax collection. my congratulations to Gwen on her birthday. This is an important step to increase D.C. extend my congratulations to Taelor Nielsen May her year be filled with happiness and home rule and generate revenue for the Dis- and Zavier McClain on being selected to re- blessings. trict, and I urge my colleagues to support this ceive the Congress-Bundestag Youth Ex- f change Program’s (CBYX) merit based schol- bill. arship. f HONORING TRUDY HAYNES As part of this selective program, they will IN RECOGNITION OF MARJORIE be traveling to Germany for a year to immerse DICKINSON HON. DWIGHT EVANS themselves in the culture, develop their foreign OF PENNSYLVANIA language skills, and strengthen their leader- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship and academic interests. Many alumni of OF CALIFORNIA this program have gone on to serve our great Monday, December 18, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation in both national security and civilian Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to roles. Monday, December 18, 2017 honor an influential and dedicated woman in Taelor and Zavier’s selection to the CBYX Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Philadelphia, Trudy Haynes (ne´e Gertrude program and scholarship is a sign of their hard recognition of my good friend Marjorie Dickin- Daniels), our nation’s first female African work, leadership, and academic curiosity. I son as she retires from a distinguished thirty American weather reporter and a true media commend their fortitude and dedication to aca- years of service to the University of California, pioneer. demics and the future of our great nation. Davis. Marj is currently the Assistant Chan- Trudy Haynes was born in New York City at Again, Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend cellor, Government and Community Relations Harlem Hospital in 1926 and raised in New my congratulations to the 2017 Wyoming re- for U.C. Davis, and she has played a signifi- York City. She began her broadcasting career cipients of the CBYX scholarship. Taelor and cant role in improving and strengthening the in a Detroit suburb at WCHB–AM, which was Zavier deserve to be extremely proud of this institution’s commitment to its students and its the first black owned radio station above the accomplishment. surrounding community. Mason Dixon line. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:29 Dec 19, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18DE8.001 E18DEPT1 E1718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 18, 2017 Trudy Haynes made history in 1965 when Bascom touched countless lives, including come. I believe that my good friend, Brian she became the nation’s first female African mine. His wit and humor were unmatched and Daniel, runs his company according to the val- American reporter for KYW–TV (now CBS–3) his knowledge endless—likely fueled by his ues of our Hall County community. in Philadelphia. Trudy Haynes was also the unquenchable thirst and love for history. For My family and I look forward to seeing the Nation’s 1st African-American TV weather re- those who knew Bascom, they saw compas- company’s new facility next year as we drive porter, acquiring that position in 1963 when sion and love for others that was unbounding. by on Jesse Jewel Parkway. she worked for WXYZ–TV in Detroit, MI. Addi- As the Representative for the 5th District of f Texas, I am honored to have known such a tionally, Trudy Haynes is also a very proud IN HONOR OF COL. THOMAS wonderful and unique person, and I will for- graduate of Howard University, class of 1947. ‘‘TUCKER’’ FAGAN’S RECOGNI- Prestigiously, she has a long esteemed his- ever treasure our many conversations through TION IN THE AIR FORCE PUBLIC tory, has conducted many high profile inter- the years. I send my deepest and sincerest AFFAIRS AGENCY’S ‘‘VETERANS views, and holds many awards including two condolences to his mother, Kelly, wife, Carol, IN BLUE’’ VOLUME III Lifetime Achievement Awards, as well as an to his children Bonnie, Matthew, William and Emmy. Trudy Haynes formally retired in 1999, Hunter, as well as the rest of his family and but has stayed active throughout the years. At innumerable friends. May we all remember a HON. LIZ CHENEY 91 years old she is officially coming out of re- life well lived. OF WYOMING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tirement for her ‘‘Drop The Mic Tour’’.
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