April 2, 2019 General Voter Guide https://ballotpedia.org/Wisconsin JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Lisa Neubauer Brian Hagedorn Having served on the Wiscon- Hagedorn, a 2006 graduate of sin Court of Appeals since 2007 and Northwestern University as Chief Judge since 2015, Neubau- School of Law, has served on er has been endorsed by 310 judg- the Wisconsin Court of Ap- es, 24 sheriffs, and 48 district attor- peals for District II neys. She is a graduate of the Uni- since 2015.In 2016 he was versity of Wisconsin and a 1987 graduate of the Uni- one of 11 candidates named as possible replace- versity of Chicago Law School. Neubauer received ments for retiring Justice David Prosser, but he the Community Service Award from the Association was not selected. Hagedorn served as Chief Legal for Women Lawyers and is a former board member Counsel to Governor Scott Walker for four years, a of the Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund, the Equal Jus- tenure that included two John Doe investigations tice Coalition, and Legal Action of Wisconsin. Prior involving the staff and activities of Governor Walk- to her service on the court, Neubauer was employed er and significant cases including voter identifica- at the Milwaukee law firm Foley and Lardner, spe- tion, same-sex marriage, and the controversial cializing in environmental cleanup litigation. She 2011 bill in which the state Republicans curtailed also served as a law clerk for Judge Barbara Crabb, collective bargaining privileges for most govern- then Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court in Wis- ment employees. He twice wrote that a landmark consin’s western district. A Racine resident, gay rights ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court strik- Neubauer is the wife of former state representative ing down a Texas anti-sodomy law could lead to Jeff Neubauer and mother of three children, includ- the legalization of bestiality, sex with animals, in ing Greta Neubauer, a current member of the Wis- America. At Northwestern University he was pres- consin State Assembly. ident of the Federalist Society. BROWN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Timothy A. Hinkfuss Tammy Jo Hock Branch 7 Branch 3 A graduate of St. Norbert College and a 1984 graduate of the University of Residing in Green Bay, Wisconsin School of Law, Hinkfuss began his law career with Hinkfuss Hock was appointed by Sickel Petitjean and Wieting. He has served as a circuit court judge since Governor Scott Walker on 2007. He recused himself from a case involving charges of misdemeanor April 5, 2012 and elected to campaign finance laws by Green Bay’s Mayor James Schmitt. Last year, the court on April 2, 2013. when Hinkfuss sentenced a 22-year-old man convicted of a shooting death She is a graduate of to life in prison, he said, "Throughout this trial, I heard about illegal guns, Marquette University and guns, guns, guns. I mean, they were all over the place. That's, to me, University of Wisconsin scary, and Mr. Arrington, it's scary that you would pull a gun out in the School of Law. Hock streets of the City of Green Bay and fire off at least three rounds on a currently serves on the house that contained a variety of innocent people, children and other Brown County Circuit Court. adults. What is going through your head?” Authorized and Paid for by the Democratic Party of Brown County COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE Mark Gundrum—District 2 A 1994 graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Law, Gundrum was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly as a Republican in 1998. He joined the U.S. Army Reserve in 2000 and was deployed to Iraq in 2008. In 2004 Gundrum was awarded the Scales of Justice Award. He was appointed to the Circuit Court in 2010 and in 2011 to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. According to the State Bar of Wisconsin, “more than 45 letters of recommendation were received by the Governor’s office” on his behalf. Gundrum is endorsed by Pro-Life Wis- consin. He voted for prevention of coercive abortion and against BadgerCare Plus Basic Health Plan. He opposed a complaint process for race-based names, mascots and logos for schools as well as bills on sex education curriculum requirements, teacher evaluation amendments, an in- door smoking ban, and restricting health insurance companies’ abilities to exclude individuals. He is mar- ried and the father of eight children, all of whom are home schooled. Lisa Kay Stark—District 3 Jennifer Nashold—District 4 A resident of Eau Claire, Stark was Nashold has been an Administrative Law elected Eau Claire County’s first Judge since 2011 and served on the Wis- female judge in 2000. She was ap- consin Tax Appeals Commission from pointed to the court in 2013 by Gov- 2004 to 2007. She began her law career ernor Scott Walker. Prior to that she as a prosecutor, then served as Assis- was a circuit court judge for Branch tant Attorney General from 1998 to 2004, 1 of the Eau Claire County Circuit Court. She al- arguing nine cases before the Wisconsin Supreme so serves as dean of the Wisconsin Judicial Col- Court. Nashold served as the chief attorney for the lege and received the Aulik Award from the WI Wisconsin Public Service Commission and the Wiscon- Association of Treatment Court Professionals sin Department of Children and Families. She is a 1993 and the Women in Law Award. A 1982 graduate graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Law, of the University of Wisconsin School of Law, married and the mother of three children, all of whom Stark is 62 years old, married and the mother/ attend public school. Nashold is endorsed by more stepmother of four. than 150 judges, elected officials and attorneys. MUNICIPAL OFFICES Please note: Most of the candidates for municipal boards are neither Democrats nor pro- gressive. Many run unopposed. Please help us find candidates for future elections that align better with our Democratic values. BROWN COUNTY EXECUTIVE Troy Streckenbach (incumbent) Mark Berndt Streckenbach, who has been Brown County Ex- A native of Oshkosh, Berndt graduated from Green ecutive since April 2015, considers among his Bay’s Southwest High school. He earned a bachelor’s greatest achievements the Honor Guard flight degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in out of Austin Straubel Airport and helping to Urban Studies and Planning from UW-Green Bay in bring the STEM Innovation Center and the Resch 1985. He served as a Green Bay alderperson from School of Engineering to the UW-Green Bay 1994 to 1998 and then served on the Wrightstown campus. Learn more about him here: Council. He works in the financial services industry https://www.facebook.com/Streckenbach-for- and is currently a Morgan Chase vice president. Learn Brown-County-Executive-185691688115606/ more about him here: http://berndtforbrowncounty.com/about.html Mayor Green Bay DE PERE Eric Genrich Amy Chandik Kundinger District 1 Born and raised in A graduate of UW-Madison, Kundinger serves as Green Bay, Director of Business Engagement for St. Norbert Genrich is a graduate of Notre Dame College. The married mother of two also serves on Academy and the University of Wis- De Pere’s Plan Commission and the Strategic Vi- consin. After earning a masters de- sioning and Branding Committee and is a board gree from University of Wisconsin - member for the De Pere Chamber of Commerce. In Milwaukee, he worked as a librarian 2018 she led development of the first cross- at the Brown County Library. Elected to the Wiscon- functional, multi-organization State of De Pere sin State Assembly in 2012, he recently completed Luncheon. Kundinger says, “A networker by na- his third term. Eric is a member of Democrats of ture, I will collaborate with the City of De Pere for Brown County. He is married, and his two children smart development, use of resources and process attend Green Bay public schools. He says “the call to enhancement. As your alderperson, I will advocate serve is what animates me, and it is what drives me for our community by listening, collecting insights, to pursue the office of mayor.” and approaching city planning holistically.” Eric plans to establish a master plan for restoring our crumbling roads and aging water infrastructure, to Jonathon Hansen build bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, revitalize incumbent / unopposed) parks and invest in renewable energy. He will work to bring new business development to Green Bay and, District 2 of course, end the futile bickering at city hall. Learn A resident of De Pere for 10+ years, more about Eric at www.genrichforgb.com Hansen serves on the Common Council, Licensing Committee, and Board of Public Works. He graduated from Green Bay West High School Patrick Buckley and earned a bachelor’s degree from UW-Madison and a master’s degree in English from Marquette Buckley, who served as a law University where he became an instructor of writ- enforcement officer on the ing and rhetoric. Jonathon has worked for Nicolet Green Bay police force for 15 National Bank and Humana and has served as a years, has grown his Subway legislative aide at the state capitol. sandwich shop business from Hansen led the fight on the City Council to pre- one store to 57 stores across the state since 1994. serve Legion Pool. He supports the Southern Buckley has served on the Green Bay City Council Bridge, economic development in our downtown and continues to serve on the Brown County Board of and industrial parks, and maintenance of roads Supervisors. His top three priorities are improving and other infrastructure.
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