June 18, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6411 [Mr. PRYOR] was added as a cosponsor other houses of worship as being totally in- the season and the playoffs, both on and off of S. 1844, a bill to amend the Land and consistent with fundamental American val- the court, at times giving the Bulls the emo- Water Conservation Fund Act to direct ues; and, tional lift they needed; and a study of the opportunities for en- (2) the Senate believes investigation and Whereas the regular season contributions prosecution of those who are responsible for of second year forward Dickey Simpkins and hanced water-based recreation and for fires at churches or other houses of worship, rookie forward Jason Caffey, and the con- other purposes. and especially any incidents of arson whose stant emotional lift provided by the injured S. 1856 purpose is to divide communities or to in- Jack Haley, both on the court and in prac- At the request of Ms. SNOWE, her timidate any Americans, should be a high tice, again demonstrated the total devotion name was added as a cosponsor of S. national priority. of Bulls personnel to the team concept that 1856, a bill to establish a commission to f has made the Bulls into one of the most dev- study and provide recommendations on astating basketball forces of modern times: SENATE RESOLUTION 266—TO CON- Now, therefore, be it restoring solvency in the Medicare Pro- GRATULATE THE CHICAGO Resolved, That the Senate congratulates gram under title XVIII of the Social BULLS the Chicago Bulls on winning the 1996 Na- Security Act. tional Basketball Association championship. Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN (for herself S. 1879 and Mr. SIMON) submitted the following f At the request of Mr. MOYNIHAN, the resolution; which was considered and name of the Senator from Rhode Island AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED agreed to: [Mr. CHAFEE] was added as a cosponsor of S. 1879, a bill to amend the Internal S. RES. 266 Whereas the Chicago Bulls at 72–10, posted THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHOR- Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for IZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 501(c)(3) bonds a tax treatment similar the best regular season record in the history of the National Basketball Association; 1997 to governmental bonds, and for other Whereas the Bulls roared through the play- purposes. offs, sweeping the Miami Heat and defeating SENATE RESOLUTION 263 the New York Knicks in five games; before GRASSLEY AMENDMENT NO. 4047 At the request of Ms. MOSELEY- sweeping the Orlando Magic to return to the Mr. GRASSLEY proposed an amend- NBA Finals for the first time in two years; BRAUN, the name of the Senator from ment to the bill (S.1745) to authorize Iowa [Mr. HARKIN] was added as a co- Whereas the Bulls displayed a potent of- fense, and what some consider to be their appropriations for fiscal year 1997 for sponsor of Senate Resolution 263, a res- military activities of the Department olution relating to church burning. best defense ever, throughout the playoffs before beating the Seattle Supersonics to of Defense, for military construction, f win their fourth franchise NBA champion- and for defense activities of the De- SENATE RESOLUTION 265— ship; partment of Energy, to prescribe per- RELATING TO CHURCH BURNINGS Whereas head coach Phil Jackson, who sonnel strengths for such fiscal year won his first Coach of the Year award, and for the Armed Forces, and for other Mr. LOTT (for himself, Mr. DASCHLE, the entire coaching staff skillfully led the purposes; as follows: Mrs. HUTCHISON, Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN, Bulls through a record 72-win season and a Mr. FAIRCLOTH, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. HELMS, 15-3 playoff run; At the end of subtitle A of title X add the following: Mr. KEMPTHORNE, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. Whereas Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and Dennis Rodman all were named to the BIDEN, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BRADLEY, Mr. SEC. FORCE MODERNIZATION FUNDED BY RE- NBA’s ‘‘All-Defensive Team’’, the first time DUCTIONS IN SPENDING FOR INFRA- CHAFEE, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. COVERDELL, in 13 years that three players from the same STRUCTURE PROGRAMS. Mr. D’AMATO, Mr. DODD, Mrs. FEIN- team have been so named; (a) FUNDING FREEZE AT PROGRAMMED STEIN, Mr. GRAMM, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. Whereas Michael Jordan, in his first full LEVEL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998.—The Secretary INHOFE, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. KERRY, Mr. season after coming out of retirement, won of Defense shall ensure that the total LAUTENBERG, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. his record eighth scoring title, his fourth amount expended for infrastructure pro- MCCONNELL, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. MOY- Most Valuable Player award, and was again grams for each of fiscal years 1998 through 2001 does not exceed $145,000,000,000. NIHAN, Mr. MURKOWSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, named playoff most valuable player (for the fourth time); (b) USE OF SAVINGS FOR FORCE MODERNIZA- Mr. NICKLES, Mr. PELL, Mr. SIMON, Mr. Whereas Scottie Pippen again exhibited his TION.—The Secretary of Defense shall take THOMPSON, Mr. THURMOND, Mr. WAR- outstanding offensive and defensive the actions necessary to program for pro- NER, and Mr. WELLSTONE) submitted versatility, proving himself to be one of the curement for force modernization for the fis- the following resolution; which was best all-around players in the NBA; cal years referred to in subsection (a) the considered and agreed to: Whereas the quickness, tireless defensive amount of the savings in expenditures for in- S. RES. 265 effort, and athleticism of the colorful Dennis frastructure programs that is derived from Whereas, there have been at least 156 fires Rodman, who won his fifth straight rebound- actions taken to carry out that subsection. ROTECTION OF PROGRAM FOR SPARE in houses of worship across the nation since ing title, keyed a Bulls front line that led (c) P PARTS AND TRAINING.—In formulating the fu- October 1991; the league in rebounding; Whereas, there have been at least 35 fires Whereas veteran guard Ron Harper, in ture-years defense programs to be submitted of suspicious origin at churches serving Afri- shutting down many of the league’s top to Congress in fiscal year 1997 (for fiscal year can-American communities in the last 18 point guards throughout the playoffs, dem- 1998 and following fiscal years), fiscal year months; onstrated the defensive skills that have 1998 (for fiscal year 1999 and following fiscal Whereas, these churches and houses of wor- made him a cornerstone of the league’s best years), fiscal year 1999 (for fiscal year 2000 ship are a vital part of the life of these com- defense; and following fiscal years), and fiscal year munities; Whereas center Luc Longley frustrated 2000 (for fiscal year 2001 and following fiscal Whereas, intentionally burning churches many of the all-star caliber centers that he years), the Secretary shall preserve the or other houses of worship is a very heinous faced in this year’s playoffs while at times growth in programmed funding for spare crime; providing a much needed scoring lift; parts and training for fiscal years 1998 Whereas, intentionally burning churches, Whereas Toni Kukoc, winner of the through 2001 that is provided in the future- when done to intimidate any American from league’s ‘‘Sixth Man’’ award, displayed his years defense program that was submitted to the free exercise of his or her rights as an awesome variety of offensive skills in both Congress in fiscal year 1996. American, is inconsistent with the First assisting on, and hitting, several big shots (d) REDUCTIONS TO BE SHOWN IN FISCAL Amendment of the United States Constitu- when the Bulls needed them most; YEAR 1998 FUTURE-YEARS DEFENSE PRO- tion, which guarantees every American the Whereas the laser-like three-point shoot- GRAM.—The future-years defense program right to the free exercise of his or her reli- ing of career three-point field goal percent- submitted to Congress in fiscal year 1997 gion, and which ensures that Americans can age leader Steve Kerr sparked many a Bulls shall reflect the programming for the reduc- freely and peaceably assemble together; and, rally; tion in expenditures for infrastructure pro- Whereas, intentionally burning churches, Whereas the outstanding shooting of Jud grams that is necessary to carry out sub- when done to intimidate any American from Buechler and Bill Wennington, and the tena- section (a) and the programming for force the free exercise of his or her rights, is a se- cious defense of Randy Brown, each of whom modernization that is required by subsection rious national problem that must be expedi- came off the bench to provide valuable con- (b). tiously and vigorously addressed. tributions, were an important part of each (e) GAO REVIEW OF FISCAL YEAR 1998 FU- Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That— Bulls victory; TURE-YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM.—The Comp- (1) the Senate condemns arson and other Whereas John Salley and James Edwards troller General shall review the future-years acts of desecration against churches and provided valuable contributions throughout defense program referred to in subsection (c) VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:29 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S18JN6.REC S18JN6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S6412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 18, 1996 and, not later than May 1, 1997, submit to vice and consent to the ratification of such a AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Congress a report regarding compliance with treaty. MEET that subsection. The report shall include a (2) An assessment of the then current and discussion of the extent, if any, to which the projected safety and reliability of each type COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND compliance is deficient or cannot be of nuclear warhead that is to be maintained FORESTRY ascertained.
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