THE INGHAM COUNTY Eighty-Ninth Yem· No

THE INGHAM COUNTY Eighty-Ninth Yem· No

Want Ads On Pages 6 and 7 THE INGHAM COUNTY Eighty-ninth Yem· No. 35 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1948 Balance Sheet Looking for New Worlds to Conquer Alaiedon Center 1\Ti'M, InllllOI' lli'IIIVfl · Bli,;rht Is Found Obituary on, Algol' !Juwnn, Nut•mnn Sntnlley, Golf Tournament Mlll'l{ Drivel', loaWI'(ti\CO MOI'Jtn Horseshoeing. Coua·11c In Michigan Areas 1111rl Vomon ~llhelm, Ml'. nn<l Mrs. Harvey Swnim offlllut 11. Vm·mllltou nncl rnmlly HPent Sunday fiahlng·o:l Attracts Students Withonht Inlw 111!111' Grconvlllc, On thursday Hcprll'tR or lnte blight rm tomn- ,John HmH·y Vel'lllilllon WnH hnm QU,fo18'J.' IW,f~AIU!lR Mo1•e thnn n hundreq nppllca- 'Mi'. and Ml'.9, B. J~. AJ•cnrJ lit· too.~ rmcl. potntooa have crnno fmm 111 Deflnnco county, Ohio, J\lnB lB, Miss EJIIznbeth Adttma Ia to be tlonR hfive been received for n., southonatem parta of Mlchlgnn, , . , , tho sponi{CI' ul thn · Proshytoi'ian Hpcclnl 12-woclc course In hor1111· tended the J'uncru I Aervtcca fo1· Champion GolfcJ• Litle In the city according J.o John Vnug-hn, plunt lOOfJ, and dice] at hl~ hcliTIL )lLOI church sunday mol'nlng, August flhoelng nt Michigan state college, Mt·a, Ro)Jcrt Sllllmlul of Rtlllmrm. tournament will be decided Thlll'fl• j.mlhologl!il at Mlchfgnn State nol- Fowlor•ville on AUgust 1R nt the 20, 1-Iei• topic will be "Yo A're the nccordtng lo Rnlph 'rcnny, short mull Tuesday nftcl'norm n.t Uw 1 clay when Bob Wur•c und Bud ego. uge or ,12 yeni'Il und two montlm. Light or tho World." . coUI'aes dli•ectnr. Tho cnrollrmmt. .Jewett chn.pcl, 0 0 1 1 , T" l'f f th fl Severity or ll1c Infection Will de- On .Jun., ,1, 1026, he wu , J.llliied . Miss Adams expects to ret.urn quota for the courRo ls 12 ,qtu· Mr.9. Blnnclw Wnlt.ors nr Owon­ I,Swlnahnl't ' or na pcnrl on tho weather· hol.wcon now In mnrrlngc to Vcr•n Wrli'Lhlnf•ton1 to Alnu1 college tn Septembe1 to dents, ~o spent tho pnst wee]{ visiting- hoi' g-ame. nnrl hnrvoRt tlmo, Vaughn l'opm'lH, oi' Byl·on Ohio To this nnlnn Wm•o enter upon her ltonlor year· in t.hr1t Mo1•e nppllclttlonn fn1· t.he com·tw dnug-hter, Ml'fl, J{enneth B1•own. Butl Bwlnehnt•t lmfl been pegged Conditions l'nvm•nblo I'm· develop- born' clg-{1t chtidren, BIK ROnR, .mel- tnstil.uUon, where she hns majored are oomlng In dally, nccordln.g tn nnd fu.mlly. mont of nn crtdemlc Include enol wa.l'd Alva Cilm·Jes Wlllnrd, Don- In public spealtlng, She toi.Jnci{ MncAIInn, who hnR tnught nt !l nine point hondlcap nnd Bob humid weather with nld r;nd M'lchncl· twn daughters, become professional worlte·r·plnn,~. In the COlii'Re sinco Its esl.nbllsllment Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Cody nt.­ dry lrmpem· 11 tcnded the wedding or their niece, lA mted with a live, Tho dlt'fcrcnce tums In the Reventlen 'nncl nlghl.n lr.ln unci Patricia: till n.t home, r·ellglous fldttcatlnn und will talte 15 years ago. 'fhe cour~e limit MIAs Cluh·c Cnrwln of most Lun­ In hnnrllcttps of four points will In the sixties. ' Boslcle the widow and chll<li•en further work along this line aft. cannot be rnlsed because. •mch fllng nnd Leon Albro oi' LesUe nt ,, e Swinehart a licn.d stnrt In Growcr•s arc urged to continue he loaves to mourn hiH parents' er CJompletlng her college course. trnlnce requires lndlvtdunJ illslniC· the St. Thomas AqulnnH church, g V ' , . their spraying or rlrmtlng nnd to Ml'. n.nd ~rs. A. D. 've,:mlllton of During the summer, Miss Adum11 tlcn In the forging nrt. moat J. .. uuslng-, Sultmlny morning. Thursday A ploy-off, ' the interval to every neven Oovert· three brothers, .Jay F. or has bt>cn one of the ~!rectors of Two other special Rhm·t COlll'llCH, Swinehart won from I<en Hctrn dayR, Fi'Om now until hat•vcst, LeRtm· or Covert nnd Cor- 1'8Cl'8!ltion nt Bancroft park ,in COilllnercial floriculture ,llllU lllJ1'· Robert Galley Ia spending th" In the 'seml·flnnls. Ware shot time, Vaughn ndvi:lcR, 'it ls lmpor- pr mJ Donald F. Vermillion of Lnnstng. aery and lnndscnpe man"gcment, wee){ with his grrtmlpnrents, Mr. ngatnst Clarence Boies to finish tant to lteep a spray or cit!st cover Arizonn; lhi·ec sisters, . 1 hove also rrmchecl ,iheil' top JtmilH 1 T~cRon, nitd Mr·s. 'rlwmus Hart, fli•st In his scml·i'lnaht hi•aelwt. or lhc plants. Mrs. Alma MaRon n.ncl Mrs. Gmce .Jet planes for civilian transports of npproxhnatcly ,10 st.udcnls, ::Mr. nnd Mrs. Emnst Lnl'llcr nl­ Wru•e, who returned from lhc ------ White or Bath and Mrs. JPJorencej can he mnde tcchnlco.lly fonalble ·---------- t'r!nded Ute funeral services Cor Mr. Swa1·my In .Japan lhl1l spring, and Tho forest Industry Is the "ce:onnn~ Rlbby of Mason. nnd commercially profltrLble by. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS I;i:tl'ller'a slslcr·, Mr·s. Bessie Wll· DJ•uglnehnrt Store. both worl( at Wm·c's da,largest Jlrlirtar·y incl\Jstry In ~ · t t 1 I A t 2"' 1948 }J 2 cox of Charlolle, 'J'uedny nfter­ I Pallbearers were William Bow- 1951, I 1a asser ec. ugus u, . age nnon. Mrs. Wilcox Is survived by --------------------~---~----~----------- her husband, Ch"stcr, nnd one son 'Willis. 'Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Lnrner, Jr., Pride of the Seas lhaz••• · u'nd hnhy I·elurncd to their home • • • Priced to Please Wednesday In Mllwnul<ee, Wiscon­ Dooa Evorvthlng sin, after spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ' E1'11(Hil Lnrner. 33e :. Mr. and M1·s. Hurry Rummins un(l family, Mr. unci Mrs. Irving Par·I{(H' nntl fnmily, M1•. und Mr·s. ..... B~Civln Lamer and family nnd Mr. Oxydol ••• and Mrs. mlton Weston srcnt Sun­ day with Mr·. nnd Mrs. Ernest For Rich, Foomv Suds Li:tt'JHll' nnd Mr. n.nrl Mrs. Jilr·twst Marion Hrcbcck, of the Detroit Historical Society, demon­ l•rgo r:arner, .Jr., nnd hnby. strates ~ rocker-churn, boon to housewives of the seventi!'!s, pkg. 33c which will be part of the antique exhibition at the U. S. Grant House during the Michigan State Fair and Exposition, Sept. 3 through 12. Rites Held For Ivory Smar•··· It Floats Frank C. Isham U!>GAL NO'fH.\E IIOM;I•J ON FURLOUGH Pvt. Don Knight, son of Mr. nnd lor go Fmnk c. IRhnm of Amclhis, 71, ORDER HEARINGAPPOINTING CLAIMS TIME FOR 'fr•s·." C. A. Mosher, arrived home 2 b.,. 3ac ' ' died Friday at the Mason General LAY-NOVEMrlER a, 1!148 on Thul'sllay to spend twn weckR hospital, fcJ!Iowing a long illness. f]Lntl' nf Ml.dll,wu. 'l'ht• Pt·Hbate Cnur·l. wlth his parents. He ho.s"·bcen J-ila- He was hom Atlt;IIRt 16, 1871, the ful' L)l!• County of hlidlhnt. Uonccl at Irt. Knox. Kentuclfy. Aft- .~on or NelRon and Mary Isham, At n ~11!~!-!iuu uf Haid 1~0\lt'L, holt! nl l.lw r.r his furlough, he will l'eport to !Jotll deceased. Funeral RCrviccs Pr·o!ml.t• Offi<~P in thn City uJ' Mn:-~nn, in N T Fond of fish? You'll find your dish in A&P's spork· Comoy Soup••• were held Monday afternoon at tht• l'~Hifl cuunty, fill Lht• ::!fJL/i day uf ~--~!~ ...~-~-~~~~~--- linq clean Fish end Seolood Deportment. Our oxporh AuguHt, A. D. l !!•IX, Delicious ~~super­ the .Jewett funeral home, with Llt~GAL NO'l'I(~FJ koop • weather eye out lor oil tho bost-tosting won· Just Some of A&P's Dolicotoly Scented burial at tho Aurelius Centcl' Juclf.l't~l'!'""'·nl: of Pr·niJill.t•, liON, .JOliN M<:CI~ELLAN, --·---·----- ----- .. ---·-------------­ dors of the briny deep , , . oil tho frosh wofor lov~­ cemetery. Revct·enrl Berry or On­ Jn tht! rnnttt!l' nf tiH· r~Btrtlt! nf H.ON­ DETERMINATION OF HE£RS rites from loke and •tream. Oneo .,hero, tlwe's no rug. uftclngn offlcinted. A LIJ (J, M' LAy I llN.:t:lli-i!!d. DENNJS-SEPTEMBER 18, 1948 limo lost rushinq them str.ight to your A&P. Chooso llight" Meats 2 bm IDe I!(J\Jt't PANTRY VALUES It nppt·ar·inJ..t' t.n t.hf-! thnt llw timr! SlaLc! nf Michiyun. 'l'hL' ProlmLI! Cout•t. the fish you like best. We'll eloon ond preporo your ;; He is survived by three broth­ for· Jli'HHeni.ILlion uf clninlli u,.mlnnL said fnr thf' Couuly nf Ing-hnm, Selected for fino quality. Close-trimmed ers, George of California, William t·Hlalu Hhouhl lw limi1Yd, nnd thnl n time selection without chorqe, It'll bo roody for the pan Voqotablo Shortening AI. n !lf'HHinn nf Hnicl Nllll'l, hdd at th(' , • , reoc/y to qive oil the fomil·t • grond tro41 - os for oxtro volue, df Leslie ancl Fred of .JackRon; and and plllCI! Jw ltflftOJJJtt!d lfl I'I!CdVt!, t•X· lb~ nmine und utljuHt nil daimM and demnn1~:1 Pt·nlmtr; ()ffiut! in Lh1• City of MniHH/, lu thrifty os it is delicious. l\VO sisters Mary Ishnm and Mrs. :·mid County, on tlw !Hith dny of AUJ..:"USt, dexo 3 con 11)-(Hinst 1mid di•CtHIIWil hy llllll hr•ffl!'r~ :mid lireft ••• A, /J, !!1·1X.

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