RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 Manifest Andrews AFB, Wash., D.C. to New York 12/9/1969 A NAS, New York 2 Manifest New York NAS, New York to Andrews 12/9/1969 A AFB, Wash, D.C. 3 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest 12/12/1969 A 4 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest 12/13/1969 A 5 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/6/1969 A Appendix “A” 6 Manifest Air Force One Passenger Manifest – 12/6/1969 A Appendix “B” 7 Manifest Air Force One Passenger Manifest – 12/6/1969 A Appendix “C” COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-4 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary December 1, 1969 – December 15, 1969 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 8 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/8/1969 A Appendix “A” 9 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/10/1969 A Appendix “A” 10 List Attendees – NSC Meeting – Appendix “B” 12/10/1969 A COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-4 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary December 1, 1969 – December 15, 1969 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) TH,E WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARU NIA.U"'·~ UAILI Ullin I (See Tr3vel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEG.\.N DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) December 1. 1969 TIME DAY WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:15 am Mondav PHONE TI~lE P=Phced R=Received ACTIVITY - In Out Lo LD 8 :15 The President had break.fast. 8:38 The President went to his office. 9:05 9:10 The President met with his Asst. John D. Ehrlichman. 9:20 9 :28 The President met with his Asst. H. R. Haldeman. The President met with: 9:30 10:40 John D. Ehrlichman. Asst 10:55 11 :40 H. R. Haldeman. Asst 11 :28 11:30 Ronald L. Ziegler. Press Secy 9:42 9:48 P The President talk.ed with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger. The President met with: 11:22 12:15 Arnold A. Hutschnecker, doctor and writer 11 :22 11 :25 . Rose Mary Woods. Personal Secy 12:20 The President went to the Barbershop. 12:41 The President returned to his office. The President met with his Asst. H. R. Haldeman• 12 :55 1 :22 The President met with his Asst, John D. Ehrlichman. 2:15 2:40 The President met with his Asst. H. R. Haldeman. 2:55 3 :12 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger. During the Congressional Half Hour, the President met with: 3 :14 3:20 Philip M. Crane, Congressman 3 :14 3 :20 Harry S. Dent, Dep Counsel 3: 14 3 :20 William E. 'J;'immons, Dep As st 3 :24 P The President telephoned the First Lady. The call was not completed. "- ..-··_.· -...,.I..rn~~·'~~....flRA Page / of :z. Page(s). THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) December I, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. 3:25 pm Monday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY -- ~--.-------~-t---------.--j In Out La LD (Continuation of Congressional Half Hour) 3:25 3:32 George A. Goodling, Congressman 3:25 3:32 Joe Dube, Weight Lifter 3:25 3:32 Bob Bednarski, Weight Lifter 3:25 3:32 Bob Hoffman, Head Coach 3 :25 3:32 John Terpak, Team Leader 3:25 3 :32 William E. Timmons, Dep As st 3 :33 3:37 P The President talked with the First Lady. 3:33 3:47 The President met with his Asst, John D. Ehrlichman. 3 :50 4:15 The President met with his Asst, John D. Ehrlichman. 4:13 4:15 The President met with his Asst, John D. Ehrlichman. 4:44 4:51 P The President talked with his Counsellor, Daniel P. Moynihan. The President met with: 4:50 7:30 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst 4:50 6:30 William P. Rogers, Secy of State 5:05 6:35 Melvin R. Laird, Secy of Defense . 7:35 The President went to the second floor of the Residence. 7:45 11:27 The President, accompanied by Albe rt Cole, Chairman, Boys Clubs of America, went to the East Room for dinner with the Board of Directors of the Boys Club of America. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "N'. 11 :27 The President returned to the second floor of the Residence. ...., ...... APPENDIX "A" SIN gate YD DINNER AT THE WHITE HOUSE i . MondaYI December 11 1969 at eight 0 'clock v! The President tfillen, Mr. I-I. L. J..Auchinc1oss 1 Mr. Hugh D. lBaird, Mx. William C. tBalc1erstonl Mr. \VilJ.iam ,L.:Barrett, 11.1'. Ross j..J.l"'\.um.an l 111'. G. Duncan /..PrcrlinJ Mr. Richard E. llHackforc1, Mr. Benjamin ! j..FAakeleYI Mr. Gerald W., Jr. '.~., ..... LB<rbst, Mr. Elmer H. " Ukicker, Mr. William R. ~ugas. Mr. John S. / .. J.-Burns. Mr. John L. .". ..... ~ , .' ..:.. ,: ...... ...• ..... J. ." ........ [...Burroughs,' Mr. Robert P. ]...-Ganter. Mr. Milton E. J..-G-havelle. Mr. Cornelius C. l-eheathamJ Mr. Owcn R. L.-GhisholmJ Mr. William H" le-hristcnsen, Mr. Paul W. ( t "/-G-hurch, Mr. Frcderic C. ·l-Glark. Mr. Howard L. '. - 2 .. _ 12/1/69 vG1ark, Ceneral Mark W. v€laytor. Mr. '\V. Grah~m, Jr. t-elemens, Mr. Joseph N. t-£lock. Mr. Hcnl'y H. 0o]Clnan. My. Robert V. \-Conley, Mr. Charles D. L..--<::ook, .Mr. Andre\v J. [.,-6001'5, Mr. ,\Villiam K. t-Copp, Mr. Carl A. Lfiornelius. Mr. John C. vG0wlcs, Mr. Gardner • ( [..,Curtice, Mr. Arthur A. t-Cushing, Mr. J. C. L-Dale, Mr. Fra~cis L.. / LDccgan, ~r. Thomas J., Jr. :.: .'~&£. ~raper, Mr. Jesse . ·r .. ... ... l,..-Budley, Mr. Luther H. t..-Dunn, Mr. Keln~ton £...Ecker, Mr. Earl W. vFarley, Hon. James A. J..-Faweett, Mr. Gordon W. ·Uentress, Mr. Calvin, Jr. Vinch, Hon. Rob~rt H. - Seey of HEW VFishcr, Mr. Everett z..-..Flanigan, Mr. Horace C. - 3_ - 12/1/69 L...-EogCISOll, Mr. E. E. i-Foster, 1v!.1'. J<.cnncth c. ( ,L--Fuller, Mr, S. B. t.-G an1.bJ.e,Mr, Bertin C, [.,..(-Tal'bisch, Col, Edgar W, j,.Gaston, Dr. A. G, L-Gleasol1, 1v1.1'. John M. /.--Gonyea, Mr. Douglas A. l--G0O'J{--eHo"..;;-e-ol-;-l\'~--:--P·r·B-;..q;o,n ~ranatelli, Mr. Anthony vGrassclli, Mr. T. F. LGriswolc1, Mr. John S. (.......-}Iarnischfeg·er, Mr. Walter .­ • L-Harris, Dr. Thomas L •. .'f \ t..--Hartenstcin, 1'.1r. Paul B. v-Henson, Mr. John M., Sr. 0Iill, Mr. William E. /'1 .[>Hinckley~ Mr. William R. " . .,-. .- . .:: -.~.-: ..... \.,.Hinds, Mr. A.Boyd \,./Hoover, Mr. Allan VHoovcr, Hon, J., Edgar vHoving, Mr. Walter . vHulmc, Mr. Milton G. VHurd, Mr. Bradley J • .,"'l~' ~}{utchins J Mr. Curtis M. - 4 - 12/1/69 ~)gold, Mr. Ernest Y Jordan, Mr. Donald L. ( //Kelnpel', Mr. Jam~s S., Jr. YKend~llJ Mr. Donald M. j/Kennec1y, Mr. 'William J., Jr. yKicfer, Mr. \':Tillian"1 G. j/irchner, Mr. \Yillialn C. 0<nuc1sen, Mr. Semon E. ~arson, Mr. Edward C. ~avaJ.lc, Mr. Paul 0J~Boutil1ier, Mr. Philip, Jr. ( kee, Mr. Laurence F.,' Jr. {/Lockton, Mr. John D. 0"oock, Mr. Fred F. vLuptOll,. Mr. John T. '/ ~cDon~id, . Mr. Elton F. -'" . ;~~~-_ '.. .. :. .. ~CRossie, Mr. William ~ngi~li, Mr. Al.~honse D. J / . ~arett, Mr. Jalnes J. ~Cahill, Mr. David I. /' j/1v1cC~csncy, Mr. Willialn S. t'cClintock, Mr. Frank G. ! 1/l0.~V{hirter, Mr. Robert B. - 5 '12/1/69 .~rrcl!, l\'fJ:. li.llcn W. l, vA1i'lb2,nk, Mr. Jcrclniah, Jr. v11illcr, Mr. Paul ~rris, Mr. Edward K. t.--~rchison, M.1". Clint,' Jr. J~rphYI Mr. Charles C. ~~welll Mr. Robert L. J~ch01SI Mr. Vlillicl.ln 1. ptrton, Mr. Graham J. ;£yesl Mr. Nicholas H. !Olin, Mr. Spencer T. <. )~venl M~. J. Churchill 0ce: Hon. Frank, Jr. ~OSI Mr. Michael P. 0lJ.nel', Mr. H. Bruce / j£.wlCY, Hon. William D. -- t~w, Mr. John G. I~yorl Mr. Sarnue1 F. / R-a-nk-i:nj"-~':"*""J"Ohn'·l\~ ~bOZOI ·1\'11'. Charles G. ~ . /'Rickenbac~er, Capt.
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