Fi le Copy Jan . 4, 1987 ·, . lVISlJ Clip Sheet.: .a. aami,1m, of l'ecea, ~·-~ of mlenn to •oruead. nate Vat.wenlly- ;-- aik . ■ -} •.- • i• ,., : ·. · -~" ~~ -.. ,~-cr1 , =. • :c. to the people on this page and .the one! ri ,. f o~lowing. Through 'vapous public ancl private· ;; . :,=---~~~~~• . endeavors they have maae Lexingtofl· at)d ·, y, . I Kentucky a better ~ducated, more amusing, more 1 sc~ni~ and,less dangerous place;to liye in 9(eJ. pa$t year: They are only a -handful of thqse'who , have lmade similar ·contributions. Their1examples 'should inspire all of us as we begin ,1987. , · ·- · . .... Stepping Into the hot ~pot A.O. Albright, torm~c president of Northern Kentucl<y Uniyersi'jy arid for,-ner executive director of the Kentucky Council en Highe! Education; was called on last year to uriqertake one last C,lOre on behalf of Kentucky's universities: ~ acting 1is 1iriterlm.,,-pfesldent! 01 MNehead State University after the turbulent administratlc, ,t Hert F _ nhard and keeping a firm hold on the reins'luntil a new " 35iderif C. \Jelson Grote, takes office later this year. Albright's'stea< y hand a1 Mc.,rehead, coupled with decades of solid experience' In Kentuck) higher edueation, make him the obvious cho1ce as Kentucky's elde1 statesman on university matters. ~ -A service of the Office of Public Information- fDK .recruiting ne 1,~3 ,M(,erit Scholars By Tom McCord 198.5 or 1986 as either Merit finalists or Herald-Leader education writer semiflr,.allsts. The University of Kentucky, • ~entre College In Danville whlch enrolled only one National Mer­ whlch did not offer any fmancial aid it Scholar In the fall of 1983, signed 13 strictly for scholastic achlevement Scholars thls fall after an aggressive five years ago, now promises a mini• effort to lure more scholarly fresh­ mum $1,IXk> scholarshJp to Merit men to its Lexington campus. Schol,u finalists. And other Kentucky colleges are • O•.her state universities, such as beginning to promote themselves as the University of Louisville and West• • seekers of Merit Scholars, who win em Kentucky University, offer some scholarships ranging from $250 to form of financial aJd for Merit stu­ S2,1Xk> a year: dents. • Two years ago, Morehead State " It really takes scholarshJp mon­ University did not enroll any finalists ey tc ,e competitive," said Faith or semifinalists for the scholarships,. Harders, assistant to UK's vice chan­ · which are awarded annually through cellor for academic affairs. the National Merit Scholarship Corp., "! 1e of these kids didn't just get • based in Evanston, Ill. 4.0s (, 1verages) by keeping awake. r This fall, Morehead signed two They ·v, rited very hard for it. And I Merit Scholars. They joined 2.5 other f!iink, cuce you get a good stud~t. Morehei,d students who qualified In (Tlm ., UK, ba:k ,,.,, ' lastlc Aptitude Test, which is adminis­ men, said Tom McKune, the admis­ From Page One tered in the fall of a student's junior sions director. year In high school. others follow," Ms. Harders said. · Centre offers $1,IXk> scholarships Semifinalists mus< 1en document to ("mallsts because, in addition to UK, which enrolls about 2,500 their hlgh school grade performance having outstanding test scores, they freshmen on its Lexington campus, and other accompUshments before be­ show evidence of academlc accom­ offered only about $'70,IXk> in general ing considered as finalists. plishment, McKune said. scholarships for scholastic achieve­ Of 13,m finalists announced na­ I ment for freshmen in the fall of 1984, tionally last February, 6,026 were But McKune was critical of the Ms. Harders said. named Merit Scholars last spring. Merit Scholar corporation's public "Next year, we'll give out close to touting of Its semifinalists, which tast· "The competition • , attract the year numbered 15,507 natlonwide. The $1 mllllon,'' she said. final ist ~tudents has , iefinitely In­ At Morehead, a freshman named corporation aMounces semifinalists' creased over the yean ' said Charles names and their photographs are of­ a National Merit semifinalist is now L. Shearer, the presldcr.t of Transyl­ offered a four-year scholarship that ten published in hometown newspa• vania University in Lexington. pers. covers tuition, room and board, fees "The Merit Scholar probably has "All It is Is scoring on one test. So and books, said Bruce E. Heasley, the the pick of the campuses," Shearer associate admissions director. we need to be very careful about said. that,'' McKune said. "Why,should I He said the university's Distin• write that kid letter when we don't gulshed Scholar Awards program was Behind UK's 13, Transy has 11 i Merit Scholars. A Trar.sy spokesmen know what his high school record • put together expressly to recruit Na­ was?" . tional Merit finalists or semifinalists. said that the private university had enrolled 13 Merit flnalirts this fall, lie said Centre refused to enroll In· The Merit Scholar competition representing 5 percea • of Its 25&­ one semiflna!Jst three years ago when volves three stages: semifinalist, fi• member freshman class. hls hlgh SCh(?OI record showed a "D" nalist and scholar. average. The Merit scholarship corporation Perhaps the most vis ble example does not award Its own money. In­ of the trend toward sch• ,tarshlps for In addition, McKune was critical stead, It serves as a tunnel for millions scholastic achlevemen' is Transy's of the use of PSAT scores alone. of dollars in aid from corporations and Thomas Jefferson Schc rs program. "There are a lot of kids in smaller universities. It enrolls 25 freshmen each year In a Kentucky high schools who've never At UK, for example, nine of the 13 fully funded, four-year program. heard of the PSAT," McKune said. 1988 Merit Scholars received money Other Kentucky colleges enrolling raised by the university. Nine of tl1e 25 Jeffu !Oil Scholars enrolled l.ast fall were Merlt Scholars. 1988 Merit Scholars are: Unlv,erslty of To win, high school students must Louisville, eight; Western, two; and be named semifinalists on the basis of In 1986, Centre Collt.ge enrolled Bellarmine, Cumberland and Murray their scores on the Preliminary Scho- four Merit Scholars amoog 232 fresh- State University, one each. IMP.ri!~]~,Ys reci-uiting at UK \ · rCqlleg·e lo·an 'repayment~ \ • [ ~or the University of Ken- It's good to se~ ~hat ~e Umvers1ty of tucky: It has abandoned its indiffer- Kentucky has io~ed 1t~ ~mailer Ken­ . WO!J I~,-t.1,e:ti_ep to· rr,come ence to the number of National Merit tucky college kin m reahzmg that fact. s~½m La~ence .. ·... ·' ' · · · "''. · the full loans with interest. scholars who attend UK, and in so Why shouldn't the state's premier ... Associated Press · • •Carnes refused to say what cuts ~ doing has managed to lure 13 of them. university give out millions of dollars a would be proposed in other areas •in year in scholarships based on sc~ol~s­ WASHINGTON -The Education order to pay for the new JCL pro- This puts it right up there in ~e Department will ask Co~gress n<;X1 gram. He said changes would· be tic achievement? Surely UK, with its week to earmark ~ null1~n of its suggested in other loan and grant state bragging honors departme1:1-t w1t!1 _ record of private fund raising, has the new bu_dget for .an innovative loan programs but that all students now tiny but determined Transylvama Um­ wherewithal to get the money. program that would_let students bor- .. , eligible. for federal aid would still be . row up to $50,000 and peg repayments ; llglbl · f tiall th. · versity, which also recruited 13 and ·. Only two years ago, the .university to their incomes·. ,. !•. e e:• or.. essen y·', e ·• same . which has made something of a hobby offered only about $70,000 in general ,. Th~. t:rncom·e ·Contingent Loan". ,· : ~-~~unt_. · · ~ ..: • .. ·_ . • .L; ... ~ •: ~ · ., • _of waving jts high number of Merit scholarships for scholasti!; achieve­ program - the loans would be called --4 .v::,,The,_Edu!<8/•Q~ Department, m its, .. 'scholars in the Big Blue face of UK.- ment to freshmen. Next year, that. JCLs -will be included in the Reagan · last budget-requ~ asked Con~ _to figure will be close to $1 million. administration spending plan to be. a_pprove $90 mil11on f~r the !CL ,1mua- Nobody believes that the number of submitted Monday to Congress. llve and ended up instead with $5 National Merit scholars is the sole There's no good reason it can't be ~We believe this is the single million for a pilot program to begin on ·determinant of whether a school is even more in the years to come - to biggest advance. in the financing. of 10 campuses next fall. :great or mediocre, or eve!). whether its lure National Merit Scholars and higher educa\ion for students in the The !CL program. proposed .for •student body' is academically talented bright students from all over. Bringing last 15 years," deputy education un- the 1988 fiscal year, wl_tich_ sll;rts Oct. :overall. But it is· one measure of a the best students to UK is a vital step dersecretary Bruce Carnes said this 1, would·involve 1,500 mst1tut10~ an~ [$ch()OI';;; _interest' in recruit'.~- talr~t~ in mrl'.Jrig tr.e imiversity a truly first­ _wee!'. •• ~. ~riefing. , · up to 500,000 loans. Carnes desc!"bed 11 million, conioiried with , . •~is way: ·· .. -. ':·.'.c' ·.· !students, and a well0known une at u1'1L. rate institution. · ·111• ·~ ~ : . up to $393 million in collections from· , · •.Stude,nts,_wo~d.h~ve ~ccess to other loans, would be available to $50,000, · far, m~l"!l than the_ c~t .
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