ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS BASIC STATISTICS 1998 ^} DIRECTORATE OF STATISTICS \ Andaman & NIcobar Adminlstrotion NIEPA DC D09446 j 2> (o ( h ^ 0 - & DQCJiVlhNTAriUJV .v National losntuTe of Kducat^roui P;i.*iniQg and Administratior. 17 3, Sri Aurobindo RSarg, Niw Oelba-110016 , . a DOC, No ...D .r:..'T 4 4 i„ .......... n . t , .........L.-:.Z.. t3 7 . _________ PREFACE The present editfon of "Basic Statistics 1995V is the twenty first in the series being pub- llshecd by the Directorate of Statistics, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair. It pre- sentss In a concise form the important Statistical datai relating to various sectors of the economy |)f thie A & N Islands. In order to make the publi'lcation more useful and also to fulfill the ever I increasing demand for reliable data about the scocio- economic developments taking place in thee U.T., ail possible efforts have been made to Incorporate the latest available and reliable datai of all sectors. The Directorate acknov\/ledges with grat- Itudej the Co-operation extended by all Govt. Department /Offices and other private agen­ cies lln making available the data presented in the publication. The publication Is the result of hardwork put In by Smt. Sobhana K. Unny, Sr. Investigator, Shrl. S. N. Sree Prakash, Shri R. S. Pan«deey , Statistical Assistants and Shrl M. P. Muthapppa, Computor under the overall supervislom of Shri. Jacob Varghese, Statistical officer. Speecial thanks are due to the officers and staff of = sttate informatic Centre, Port Blair for their kind gcood co-operation and especially Shri P. Suresh K(urmar, District Informatic Assistant who have fedl diata to print out the graphs. It Is hoped that the data containeed in the publication will be usefull to Adminlstrralitors, Planners, Researchers, Tourists and otherr ujsers who are in need of the information relattin^g to the various economic developments of the? U.T. of A & N Islands. Suggestions for further Improvemiemt of the publication are most welcome. N. K, Gebhqni Port Bialr. (Director of Staitisstics) n/n/95 $HRI. VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAIN ^ Lt. G o v e r n o r A.NDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS t SHRI. MANORANJAN BHAK1A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS. SECRETARIES ANDJA.MAN AND NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION NXAME WORK/DEPARTMENT ALLOTTED Chief SSecretary 1. Coordination (Shri Naiarendra Prasad) 2. Policy matters of all Depart ments 3. Parliament questions. 4. I.D.A 5. H.M.A.C. 6. Home i/c police & political. 7. Vigilance (Chief Vig. Officer) 8. Passports. 9. Chairman, ANIIDCO. - 10. Chairman, PMB ^ommhi8!sloner-Cum 1. Planning. 3ecretitary (Planning) 2. Agriculture Shri PP.K.Tripathi) 3. Animal Husbandry. 4. 20.-pt. Programme. 5. Cooperation 6. Rural Development & Commu nity Development. 7. Local Self Govt, i/c panchayats 8 . Industries. 9. Fisheries. 10. Education. 11. Youth Affairs & Sports. 12. Art & Culture 13. Chief Electoral Officer. Commissloner-Cum- 1. Finance i/c Accounts. Secretary (Finance) 2. Audit (Miss Nita Bali) 3. Revenue 4. Statistics. 5. Wai<f. Secretary (S&T) 1. Sliipping. (Shri Cliaman Lai) 2. Transport &Communica>tion. 3. Civil supplies 4. Information, Publicity & Tourism 5. Health, Secretary to Lt Governorl. LG's Secretariat. (Shri AnlndoMajumdar) 2. Personnel & Training i/c ACRs 3. Administrative Reforms i/c., work study 4. Excise. 5. Flying Training Institutei & Civil Aviation. Secretary (Welfare) 1. Tribal Welfare. (Shri Rajinder Singh) 2. Social Welfare. 3. Other bacl<ward Classeis. 4. Official Language. 5. SecretariatAdministratiion. 6. General Administration. 7. Public Grievances. 8. Rehabilitation. 9. Rajya Sainil< Board. Judhiciai Secretary 1. Law & Judicial (Shriri Chandrasekhar 2. Labour & Employment. Gaunr) 3. Prisons. 4. Pradesh Council, Secriretary (Forest) / PCCF: 1 Forest & Environment. (Shri-i CP Oberoi.) 2. Work Pertaining to A & N lslands,Forest& Plantation Dev. Corpn. 3. Chairman. A &NIFPDC. 4. Science & Technology. Secrretary (PW)/Chief 1. Andaman PWD EngMrieer 2. Power (ShrriS.P.La^lla) 3. Urban Dev. & Housing. liarftgtng OlKCtet ANilOCO HEAi)S OF DEPARTMENTS/OFFICES OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ADMINISTRATI* Shri C.P. Oberoi Principal Chief Conservatoir of Forests. ShriS.P.Lalla Chief Engineer, Andaman Public Works Department. ShriR.C. Kohli Inspector General of Police^. ShriTapanMondal Deputy commissioner, Andamans S.A. Awaradi Deputy Commissioner, Nicobars Com T.L. Rattan VSM Chief Port Administrator Port Management Board Shri S.K. Ray District & Session Judge. Shri C. Mohammed Additional District Magistraite. Shri Ajay Kumar Garg Assistant Commissioner (HQ) Port Blair. Shri Aswani Kumar Assistant Commissioner, South Andaman. Shri Ramchander Assistant Commissioner, Settlement. Shri Vijender Singh Rawat - Assistant Commissioner, Mayabunder. Shri C.Uday Kumar Assistant Commissioner, Nancowrie. Assistant Commissioner (HQ), Car Nicobar Shri Ajajay Kumar Gupta Assistant Commissioner, Campbell bay. Shfi P.KK. Loreng Superintendent of Police (AP) Andaman & Nicobar islands. ShriR.i.S. Krishnia Superintendent of Police (D) Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Shri Bhihagat Singh Superintending Engineer Electricity Department. Shri Ha'ayat Singh Superintending Engineer, PBCC ShMR.k.K. Singh Superintending Engineer, CC No.1 Shri K.F.R.R Nair Chief Fire Officer. ShriT.VV. Baiasubramaniam Director, Accounts & Budget. Dr. B. SShanmugam Director, Health Services. Shri Deoepak Subramaniam Director, Shipping Services. Shri Riiishi Pal Director, Transport. ShriK.t.K. Jindai Director, T ribal Welfare. ShriA.i.S.Dagar Director, Rural Development. bhriK. I. Aboobaci<er Director, Agriculture. ShriN.j. Das Director, Education. Shri Suurajit Roy Director, Industries. Dr. V. NNagaraJan Direct&r, Animal husbandary & Veterinary Services. Dr. V. KKrishnamurthy Director, Fisheries. Dr. B.33. Banerjee Director, Information Publicity &Tourism. Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Shri U.S. Verma Labour Commissioner atnd Director of Employment & Training. Smt. Draupadi Employment Officer. Shri S.S. Gill Supply Officer, Dr. B.S. Sliarma Principal, Jawaharlal Nehrru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya. Dr. O.J. Thomas Principal, Mahatma Gamdhii Govt. College, Mayabunideir. Shri Bhagat Singh Principal, Dr. B.R. Ambedl-kar Govt. Polytechnic. Shri A.K.Pramanik Principal, State Institute o»f Education. Shri N. Mohammed Superintendent, District Jail. Shri Hemchander Manager, Govt. Press (V i) i : enttr al g o v t , d e p a r t m e n t a n d OTHER ORGANISATION /iceAdnmiiral Fortress Commander, Fortress Sushfl KKurmar Headquarters, Navy Office. j YSM,/AV/SM, NM 5hriR.Siiivaaswamy Chief Engineer & Administrator, ALHW Dommoodo)reR.K. Dass - Chief Staff Officer, Fortress Headquarters, Navy Office. l®|3t, Tririyiugi Rai Commanding Officer, INHS, Dhanvantri tapt. N.J.S. Ravvat. Commanding Officer, INS, Jarawa, Navy Office. f'-ommannderV.R.Naphade - Commanding'Officer, INS, Utkrosh, Navy Office, bapt. AsshokKota Captain Superintendent, Naval Ship “Repair yard. Navy Office. OlG. PB3S (Gujral Commander, Coast Guard Region (A&N) )hrl S.E-. Ram (A/C) Detachment Commanding Officer, CRPF >hriG. JJay/aial Station Director, All India Radio. >hriT.K.(. Das. Director, DDK Port Blair. ihri N. COaiS Director, Youth Affairs & Sports. >rofS.C^ Sehgal Director, RMRC, Indian Council of Medical Research Dr. A.K. Bandyopadhyay Director, Central Agricultural Reserach Institute. Dr. G.C. Rao Officer-in-Charge, Zoological Survey of India, A&N Regional Station. Dr. P.M.Padhye Scientist SD Botanicail Survey of India Shri A. Justin Anthropologist, Anthropological Survey of India. ShriD. Haidar. Director, Geological Survey of India. Shri S.K. Das Director, Postal Servi'ces. Shri A. C. Sarkar Director of Audit (ANB) Shri A.K, Sinha General Manager, Te le - communication Depairtment. Shri P.K. Dutta Station Manager, Indiain Airlines. Shri A.K. Das Assistant General Manager, Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Shri R. Qanguly Dy. Manager Central Inland water Transport Corporation Ltd. ShriV.R. Gupta, Assistant Manager (Depot) Food Corporation of Nndia. Shri B.K. Singh Manager (MarKetting Opera* tion) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Shri R. Tayeng Assistant Commissio>ner, Income Tax Office. Shri Tapan Kumar Bhatt Superintendent of Customs Acharyya (Preventive) Shri S.N. Bagchi Direcotor, Departme nt of Light Houses & Lightships. Surveyor-in-charge, Merchantlle Marine D«partment. ShriAnand Kumar Dy. Oirecotr of Census Operations. Shri S.K. Roy Dy. Regional Director, National Savings. Govt of India. ShriU.K. Santoshi RegionalAssistant Director, National sample survey Organisation. ShriMoBiri'UI'Islam Offioer-in-charge, Meteorological Dept. Shri A. Sukla Plant Protection Officer, Directorate of plant Protection. Quarantine & storage. Central Integrated pest Management Centre. ShriB.A, Mathews. IFS (Managing Director, A&N Islands Forest & Plantation Development' Corpn. Ltd. Shri K.K, Kurlan Oy. RuBBer production Commissioner, RuBBer Board. ShtiS.Sivagnanam Dy. Director, tncharge small Industries Service Institute. ShriP.K, ShamBharkar Aerodrome officer. National Airport Authority. ShriSayed IqBal Manager, Govt. Of India. Tourist Office ShrlG. RathlnaraJ Oy. director. Shrimp Farming Development and Reserach Agency. Dr. SuBBa Rao State Information Officer Shri. S.B. Uandal Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner, Regional Provident Fund Office. Shri. O.N. Jaiswal Assistant Information Officer, Press Information Bureau ShriM.S. Rathor Principal, Kendriya Vidiyalaya No.l Shri P R. Prasad Principal, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Shri M.L. Mahajan Principal, Kendriya
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