If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. TEXAS JUSTICE COURT DIRECTORY - ~ TEXAS JUSTICE COURT TRAINING CENTER SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666 ~~ TELEPHONE: (512) 245-2349 1977 --------------------------------- TEXAS JUSTICE COURT DIRECTORY 1977 TEXAS JUSTICE COURT TRAINING CENTER SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS J TEXAS 78666 (512) 245-2349 TABLE OF CONTENTS KEY .•....•.••••.••.••.•..•. " . ., . • . • • • . •• IV FOREWARD •••• - • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • V TRAINING CENTER STAFF .................•VIII BOARD OF DIRECTORS..................... IX JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.................. 1 ALPHABETICAL COUNTY LIST ............... 48 ALPHABETICAL CITY LIST/ COUNTY CROSS RE1'"'ERENCE............... 50 III KEY ANDERSON- county ~precinct and Place Office PeT. 1.1 PL. 1 (214) 729-2896- Telephone HON. CHARLIE C. LEE - Name '74 \ Date Assumed 308 HAMILTON RD. __ Office ~ Mailing Address PALESTINEJ TEXAS 75801 Counties are listed in alphabetical order. County name will be followed by Justices of the Peace who serve that county from lowest to highest precinct numbers. To find the county in which a city is located, turn to page 50 for an alphabetical listing of cities with county cross reference. IV -----~-- ttI).fI~""",· • .,. ..'" ,~ ...... FORa~ARD N C J R 5 " HISTORY OF THE OFFICE OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE " APR 1 51~77 The office of Justice o~ the Peace was establish­ ed in 1362 A. D. by King Edward.tfJ:.I,.A~ ~p,,9..1,.<!p.d. ...Tf>A,. office of Justice of the Peace ~~~~~ll"&~ pleting the centralization of government in England. The office of Justice of the Peace is an integral part of the AnglO-American system of jurisprudence. For three hundred years, the English Justices of the Peace contributed immeasurably, through police, administrative and judicial functions, to the final supremacy of the lawmaking body of England. As the ~_~erican Colonies were being founded, one of the first offices established by the King was that of Justice of the Peace. In the colonial setting, the primary function of the justice was to establish and maintain order. The Americanized Justice of the Peace Court expanded to include taking acknowledgments, per­ fonning marriages, and taking depositions. The Justice of the Peace quickly became a man of recognized stand­ ing in the community. This tradition of a "grass roots" court was quidkly instituted when Texas became a republic. With a sparse population and the need for a decentralized government, the office of Justice of the Peace became an integral part of the, young Rept11::-j j.::l' s government. The Consti­ tution of the Republio, '/idtten in 1836, specified that a "convenient number of Justices of the Peace" were to be elected in each county by the qualified voters for a term of two years. In the 1876 Constitution of the state of Texas, Article Five, Section One, the office of Justice of the Peace was again established as a court in which judicial power was vested. Section Nineteen of Article Five held that: "Justices of the Peace shall have juris­ diction in criminal matters of all cases V j where the penalty or fine to be :Lmposed by law may not be more than two hundred dollars and in civil matters of all cases where the amount in controversy is two hundred dollars or less, exclusive of interest, of which exclusive, original jurisdiction is not given to the District or County Courts; and such other jur­ isdiction, criminal and civil, as may be provided by law, ••• " Additionally, Article 2.09 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) defines "magistrates" to in­ clude the Justices of the Peace. The duty of a magis­ trate is defined in Article 2.10 of the C. C. P. as " ••. to preserve the peace within his jur­ isdiction by the use of all lawful means; to issue all process intended to aid in preventing and suppressing crime, to cause the arrest of offenders by the use of law­ ful means in order that they may be brought to punishment." Thus, the added responsibility of magistrate's duties greatly increases the responsibility of a Texas Justice of the Peace. Today, there are approximately nine hundred and twenty Justice of the Peace Courts in the state of Texas. Of this number, approximately six percent of these are staffed with attorney justices. The Justice of the Peace Court affords our citi­ zenry with a valuable and readily accessable forum for the imparial adjudication of minor conflicts. Approxi­ mately ninety-five percent of our citizenry, who have contact with our court system either appear only in a Justice of the Peace Court or Municipal Court. Thus, the lower courts are paramoun't in the attitudinal per­ ception which our citizens develop of our entire court system. As the majority of Justices of the Peace assume office with a minimum of legal or administrative skills, VI -----------------------------_... the Texas Legislature amended Article 5972 of the Texas Revised civil Statutes to include the requirement that all non-attorney Justices of the Peace complete, on a yearly basis, a course in the performance of his duties. Since this training requirement became effective in 1971, the Justice Court Training Center has been pro­ viding the vehicle for the accomplishment of this requirement. The Training Center, a branch of South­ west Texas State University, provides the only re­ cognized program which satisfies the training require­ ment set out by the Texas Legislature. This 1977 Justice Court Directory is designed to assist members of our criminal justice community in identifying and locating particular justices. Great efforts have been made to insure the accuracy of this directory. However, with such a large populationK some degree of error can be anticipated in the identification of its members. This is however, the most complete listing available. VII TEXAS JUSTICE COURT TRAINING CENTER STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR •• JUDGE RONALD D. CHAMPION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT •. MR. SCOTT C. SMITH OFFICE MANAGER ..••••••..• MRS. BETTY JO MASON RESEARCH ANALYST ••••.•••. MR. DAVID W. PARMAN MAILING ADDRESS: TEXAS JUSTICE COURT TRAINING CENTER SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666 TELEPHONE: (512) 245-2349 VIII ---------,----------------- TRAINING CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN: Judge Albert L. Lee (713) 446-7191 P. O. Box 644 H1,lmble, Texas 77338 VICE-CHAIRMAN: Judge John M. Forbes (817) 277-2261 P. O. Box 25 Arlington, Texas 76010 MEMBERS: Hon. Donald B. Harrelson (512) 245-2174 University Advisor Criminal Justice Department Southwest Texas State University San Marcos, Texas 78666 Judge Wayne LeCroy (806) 763-5351 President Texas Justices of the Peace And Constables Assoc., Inc. Lubbock County Courthouse Lubbock, Texas 79401 Judge Marie McMillian (713) 295-0906 Rt. I, Box 196 Huntsville, Texas 77340 Judge Jack Richburg (214) 946-9522 410 S. Beckley Ave. Dallas, Texas 75203 Judge Cliff Roberts (806) 373-3344 Potter County Courthouse Amarillo, Texas 79101 Judge Billie F. Schumacher (806) 948-5362 Drawer C Sunray, Texas 79086 IX BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Con1t) Judge v. L. "Bud" West (713) 471-3220 P. O. Box 1295 La Porte, Texas 77571 EX OFFICIO MEMBER Hon. Tom Bullington (800) 252-5476 Assistant Attorney General Chief of Crime Prevention P. O. Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711 Other Offices of Interest: Hon. Maurice Pipkin (512) 475-4201 Executive Director Judicial Qualifications Comm. P. O. Box 12265 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Texas Judicial Council (512) 475-2421 (Monthly J. P. Reporting Forms) P. O. Box 12066 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Secretary of State's Office (800) 252-9602 Election Division Capitol Bldg. Austin, Texas 78711 American Academy of Judicial Education (202) 783-5151 529 Woodard Bldg. 1426 H. Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005 National College of the State Judiciary (702) 784-6747 University of Nevada Reno, Nevada 89507 X Alphabetical listing of counties with Justices of the Peace: ANDERSON ARANSAS (cont't.) Pet. 1 (214) 729-2896 Pct. 2 (512) 729-6524 Hon. Charlie C. Lee '74 Han. ROY Hinton '73 308 Hamilton Rd. P. O. Box 427 palestine, Texas 75801 Rockport, Texas 78382 Pet. 3 (214) 729-5431 Pet. 3 Hon. Floyd Hassell Hon. W. G. Walston '77 P. 0, Box 94 P. O. Box 1418 Palestine, Texas 75801 Rockport, Texas 78382 ANDREWS Pct. 4, 4a (512) 729-2714 Hon. S. E. Hodges '77 Pot. 4, PI. 1 (915) 523-2544 St. Rt. 1, Box 225A Hon. G. A. Ragsdale '75 Rockport, Texas 78382 County Courthouse Andrews, Texas 79714 ARCHER Pet. 4, PI. 2 (915) 523-2544 Hon. Jay Williams '61 Pct. 1 (817j 574-4514 Courthouse, Room lIS Hon. C. D. Cox '71 And~ews, Texas 79714 Box 1073 Archer City, Texas 76351 ANGELINA Pet. 2 (817) 586-1777 Pet. 1, PI. 1 (713) 634-9831 Hon. Claude Slaek '63 Hon. Hulen McClure '71 Box 515 Box 43 Holliday, Texas 76366 Lufkin, Texas 75901 Pet. 4 (817) 423-6600 Pet. 2' (713) 853-2571 Hon. Andrew B. Roewe '62 Hon. William F. Pinner '75 Box 71 Rt. 1, Box 33C Windthorst, Texas 76389 Pollok, Texas 75969 Pet. 3 (713) 876-5196 ARMSTRONG Hon. Chester M. Donnell '70 Box 290 Pet. 1 (806) 226-2041 Huntington, Texas 75949 Han. Jackie Cartwright '77 P. O. Box 529 Pot. 4 (713) 897-3566 Claude, Texas 79019 Hon. Alvis Barge, Sr. '63 P. O. Box 71 Zavalla, Texas 75980 ATASCOSA Pot. 5 (713) 829-5039 Pet. 1 (512) 769-3433 Hon. Thelma Fenley '75 Han. A. T. Cain Box 761 Box 185 Diboll, Texas 75941 Jourdanton, Texas 78026 ARANSAS Pet. 2 (512) 772-3354 Han Arthur A. Bowen '65 Pet. 1, lA, (512) 729-6473 P. O. Box 725 Hon. Lawrence L. Miller '66 Lytle, Texas 78052 P. O. Box 696 Rockport, Texas 78382 1 ATASCOSA (Con't.) BA! LEY Pet. 3, Plo 2 (512) 277-5481 Pet.
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