E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2003 No. 16 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Bless the personal lives of our lead- Reverend Carroll was born in St. Jo- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ers, O God, granting them moments of seph, Missouri, and still has many rel- pore (Mr. ISAKSON). renewal in the midst of demanding atives in northern Missouri. After f days. Bless the people of the United graduating from high school in Des States and all people in Your world. Moines, Iowa, he attended Northwest DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Amen. Christian College in Eugene, Oregon, PRO TEMPORE f and later earned a Master’s of Divinity from Texas Christian University. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- THE JOURNAL fore the House the following commu- Reverend Carroll is joined today by nication from the Speaker: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The his wife, Colleen, who is also an or- Chair has examined the Journal of the WASHINGTON, DC, dained minister, working alongside her January 29, 2003. last day’s proceedings and announces husband as an associate minister at the I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHNNY to the House his approval thereof. Community Christian Church. They ISAKSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- have two children, Nathaniel, who is a this day. nal stands approved. senior at Camdenton, High School, and J. DENNIS HASTERT, f Tabitha, who is in the 7th grade at Speaker of the House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Camdenton Junior High School. f Reverend Carroll has devoted his life The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the to the ministry for over 20 years and PRAYER gentleman from Arizona (Mr. RENZI) has served the Community Christian The Reverend Tracy A. Carroll, Sen- come forward and lead the House in the Church in Camdenton since 1992. In the ior Minister, Community Christian Pledge of Allegiance. time that they have lived in Mr. RENZI led the Pledge of Alle- Church, Camdenton, Missouri, offered Camdenton, the Carrolls have become giance as follows: the following prayer: beloved members of the Lake of the God of all nations and the United I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Ozarks community. Both church mem- States of America, bless the House of United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, bers and members of the community at Representatives as together they con- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. large talk about Reverend Carroll’s verse, contemplate and carve paths of compassion and his caring for others. f peace, purpose and prosperity for all Reverend Carroll has been very ac- people. Remind each statesman and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tive in community affairs, playing a stateswoman of sacred trust. PRO TEMPORE major role in the Lake Area Ministe- Grant assurance of the goodness of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rial Alliance and with the LAMB people across this great land as we face Chair will entertain one 1-minute. The House, which provides food and cloth- various concerns in this generation. In remaining 1 minutes today will begin ing to those in need. He has been on gratitude for institutions of democ- at the end of the proceedings of today’s the board of the Citizens Against Do- racy, grant courage to stand and to session. mestic Violence, worked with Habitat build consensus. f for Humanity, the Salvation Army, and Guard from partisanship and polit- many other community and youth or- ical pressure. Help each to listen to INTRODUCING GUEST CHAPLAIN, ganizations. You and the voices of all people, until REVEREND TRACY A. CARROLL, I would like to thank Chaplain unity and harmony are discovered COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Coughlin for his kind invitation to anew for the least and the greatest, im- CAMDENTON, MISSOURI Reverend Carroll to offer the opening migrant and long-time citizen, orphan (Mr. SKELTON asked and was given prayer, and I would like to thank both and secure child, widow and married, permission to address the House for 1 Reverend Carrolls for traveling to our poor and rich, farmer and developer, minute.) Nation’s capital to be with us today. mentally ill and capable teacher, inves- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it is my f tor and consumer, employed and unem- privilege today to introduce to my ployed, physically challenged and House colleagues our guest chaplain, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER strong athlete, soldier and protestor, Reverend Tracy A. Carroll, minister of PRO TEMPORE young and the aged, sorrowing ones the Community Christian Church in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and ones who rejoice. Camdenton, Missouri. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H221 . VerDate Dec 13 2002 23:49 Jan 29, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JA7.000 H29PT1 H222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 29, 2003 will postpone further proceedings There was no objection. minds and hearts of Americans, until today on the motion to suspend the Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Speaker, I yield many people stop whatever they are rules on which a recorded vote or the myself such time as I may consume. doing when it comes time for the Super yeas and nays are ordered or on which Mr. Speaker, it is a great day in the Bowl. the vote is objected to under clause 6 of State of Florida. The jubilation, the The Buccaneers’ magical season rule XX. celebration is still going on in the began at the Magic Kingdom, as the Any record vote on the postponed streets of Tampa and in large cities bucks held training camp at the Disney question will be taken later today. and small towns all over the Sunshine Wide World of Sports Complex. It f State as we rejoice in the victory of ended on Sunday with the Bucs defeat- the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the CONGRATULATING THE TAMPA ing the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl Super Bowl XXXVII, a decisive win, BAY BUCCANEERS FOR WINNING XXXVII for the franchise’s first world the second highest number of points SUPER BOWL XXXVII championship. scored in any Super Bowl. Buccaneers head coach Jon Gruden’s, Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Speaker, I move The Buccaneers brought forth a tal- masterful coaching throughout the 2002 to suspend the rules and agree to the ented offense and a legendary defense playoffs paid off in the Super Bowl as resolution (H. Res. 31) congratulating with undoubtedly several future Hall of the Bucs always seemed to make the the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for winning Famers. right call at the right time. Super Bowl XXXVII. Mr. Speaker, I would be remiss if we Facing the league’s most potent of- The Clerk read as follows: did not begin by recognizing the man fense in the first-ever Super Bowl H. RES. 31 who brought us to the top of that match-up of the league’s top-rated of- Whereas, on Sunday, January 26, 2003, the mountain, the youngest coach to ever fense and defense, the Bucs surrendered Tampa Bay Buccaneers dominated Super coach a winning team in the Super just 269 yards, only 78 by the time Bowl XXXVII, defeating the Oakland Raiders Bowl, Jon Gruden, who built on the Tampa Bay had built a 34–3 lead. The by a score of 48–21; Whereas the 27-year-old Buccaneers fran- foundation laid by Tony Dungy and Bucs controlled the clock for over 37 of chise won the National Football League’s brought spirit, hope and promise to the 60 game minutes. World Championship in their first-ever Super that team by repeating the same Joining the 1985 Bears as the only Bowl appearance; mantra: pound the rock, pound the team in National Football League his- Whereas coach Jon Gruden, in his first rock, keep pounding away at the oppor- tory to lead the National Football year as head coach of the Buccaneers, led the tunities, keep pounding away at the League in yards allowed, points al- team to the pinnacle of success; other team’s offense, seize the mo- lowed and interceptions in the same Whereas the Buccaneers overcame adver- ments and capitalize on the other season, the Bucs racked up five inter- sity and defeated the Oakland Raiders, a team credited with possessing the number- team’s mistakes and weaknesses. ceptions and five sacks in stifling the one ranked offense in the National Football Those outstanding players who were Raiders’ quarterback Rich Gannon. League; there to back him up, under the vision- The Buccaneers more than deserved Whereas throughout the season the Buc- ary leadership of the owners, the Glaz- the warm welcome when they returned caneers were led by a number of players, er family, were able to capitalize on an home to a packed Raymond James Sta- most notably veterans Warren Sapp, Derrick opportunity to bring the Tampa Bay dium on Monday night and victory pa- Brooks and John Lynch, who banded to- area their first Super Bowl champion- rade through the town on Tuesday. gether to form the number-one ranked de- ship. During the parade, thousands of fans fense in the National Football League; Mr.
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