1" <8( Volume LXXXIV, Number 12 Tuesday, December 14, 1976 A Free Press Mashinini At Baruch By EDWARD E. SQtfTT, II been in your country," he said. blacks in South Africa is a politi­ For weeks, posters throughout "It is your government that is cal farce." the college had announced his kjliing your brothers down When one student mentioned coming, now he had arrived. It South (Africa).... Your country the efforts that the American was Thursday, December 9th, is a sick country.... it creates government is making to help and after having just finished a racism." the blacks of South Africa, Mr. television interview in the Oak After this he -paused, he Mashinini artswered sharply, Lounge for the ABC television looked slightly drained and a lit- "They are making con- network, ^e vwss sitting )-• the auditorium of tr\e 23rd and Lex­ vision camera lights. Before he cessions, we want the whites ington Building, before a pack­ ended his speech, he turned to out!" ed house cf eager students, pre­ the audience and punctuated Then a question was posed by paring to speak on a subject his speech with a cry of, a young, white female student, that was very close to his heart. "Power1 Today is our day!" "Why must there be violence in His name was Tsietsi Mashi- A thunderous applause from South Africa? Wouldn't eco­ nini: he was the president of the the audience showed their ap­ nomic warfare (boycotting, strik­ Soweto Students' Representa- proval .and their unity with his ing, etc.) be more effective as it :? ::-; ::;w : 1341 1itj Soweto. South Africa. He was subsided, Mr'. Mashinini began \ndia against the British?" also an eyewitness, participant to take questions from the audi­ After an interval of murmur- and organizer of the workers' ence. ings of disbelief at the young "stay-home" strike and the The first question asked was woman's statement and snicker­ resulting riots that tsejsjejace on whether or not Mr Mashinini ing -t?om- the audie."K;sr - ^v«r. June 17, 1976. believed black South Africans Mashinini responded to the Tsietsi Mashinini He stood and walked slowly to were ready to controf^heir coun­ question, "Yes, it might be; but the microphone. His expression try. His reply, "When we get the the people are tired of sitting in Americans to give their support also presented with a check for was calm and aiert. He seemed power,. .. we will know how to their houses waiting for free- to Black South Africans and $400 from the Students of Bar- slightly distracted by the camera -se :t." zHorr... "^hey are willing tc die thei" cause: uch through the DSSG. crew as they set up their equip­ The next question posed was, for their freedom." Then he ad­ "! think there shouid be an in­ One student -had a very origi­ ment tc video-tape his speech 'now can we-(Black Americans) ded, "Besides, there are IS vestigation of the multinational nal' idea concerning his con­ for evening news. Mashinini pre­ help?" million of us and 4 million of corporations that support the tribution to the cause; he want­ pared to relate the painful story "We would iike to see the big them." policy of Apartheid in South ed to know whether or not it was possible to supply the Black that he had related so many (multinational) corporations After the question and answer Africa. ! also • think that twe times before across the U.S. and thrown out. in South Africa 13% session concluded, DSSG presi­ shouid boycott their products." South with guns. Although the Europe. of the land is held by blacks (ap­ dent Chris Niles came to the The audience showed their majority of the audience seemed The young revolutionary told proximately 96% of the popula­ speaker's platform. He gave his support of majority rule in South a iittie shocked by the of how he and trie- other stu­ tion) and 86% of the land is held persona: support to Biack Africa by more than just verbal suggestion. Mr. Mashinin: dents refused to tolerate being by whites (approximately 4% of majority ruie in South Africa. Mr. support: they contributed money calmly replied. "All things are taught in the Dutch language of the population). The freedom of Niles atso urged aii Biack to the cause. Mr. Mashinini was possible." Afrikaans in their schools. He spoke of the students encourag­ ing their parents to support their Phony Ring Debate Continues decision by not going to work. Then he gave a^vivid description of the riot. / ^ President Chris Niles To Bring Suit He spoke .of watching his mother, father, brother and By ROBERT STEINBERG illegal advertising techniques. pregnant sister die, shot by Late Monday afternoon, Day -tie would put a stop toit. Aside police with American-made Session Student Government from this remark, LaPardo guns, while he could only stand leader President Chris Niles ini­ seemed quite disinterested and and watch. After the biood had tiated procedures to take legal rude. Little satisfaction, if any, is stopped running, and tne fear action against the Herff Jones likely to result. subsided, he recalled organizing Corporation. During the last few- Chris Niles and DSSG Treas­ the uprising and thinking, "This months, local representative urer Errol Grannum have indi­ is not a students' struggle; it's a John Faria has been selling cated that students are being peopie's struggle." college rings to unsuspecting Baruchians who have been led He continued, in a slow level to believe that Faria can offer voice; there was no screaming them the same commodity at a and flashy display of theatrics* substantially lower price. this young revolutionary was very sincere. He recalled again Many students and members and again seeing little children of the Senior Affairs Committee- shot in cold blood. He told of like Mr. David Schultz, as well how a young boy's brains had as concerned administrators like been shot out, and how the Dr. Ruth Frisz, Director of Stu­ boy's body was left lying on the dent Activities, have repeatedly ground. demanded that Mr. Faria cease His expression was now very in his usage of the college's name and stop advertising ille­ John Faria solemn, "The police would constantly asked to tap their brand numbers on the heads of gally on campus. Dr. Frisz has been in contact with both the financial resources, without be­ the dead ones," he commented, ing ripped off by"'a company us­ "i don't know how many died, corporate headquarters in In­ dianapolis and also with the ing unethical business practices but the biggest number ! saw and selling phony college rings was 353'' Mr Mashinini then company's regional director, a Mr. LaPardo. LaPardo assured as they would the "real began to comment on the U S in McCoys." South Africa .Dr. Frisz that if Mr. Faria was engaging in any irresponsible or (Continued on Page 10) "I'm a wiser mean since I've s a- Page 2 • THE TICKER • Tuesday, December 14, T976 Tuesday, December 14, 1976 • THE -TICKER • Page 3 Embezzlement Investigation Continues Baruch Rings And John Faria IVk>re Trouble^ With Phony Ring By JIM HEDGES the student functioned as acting Two weeks ago it was report­ By RICHARD WARREN treasurer but stated that "to the actively reduced as of Sep­ high prices, was taken into ac­ could be punished by the Stu­ who as a member of the Senior ed in this newspaper that best of my knowledge he is not By PHILIP V. DiVIETRO "I have no objection to the years. In late September of 1975 .Last Wednesday (Dec. 8), tember '75. Scholastica was count when the council dent-Faculty Disciplinary Com­ AffairS'Committee had a hand in Queens College was conducting holding this position any long­ Last week's TICKER con­ position outlined by Dr. Frisz or Faria left Scholastica and Dave Shultz had a run-in with became a competitor. He placed compelled to give rebates on.all reviewed the bids". Says Faria, "I mittee. .. f deciding what the official Bar­ an investigation into the possi­ er." Covert was unsure, how­ tained an article by Richard any other members^of the coun­ John Faria, the Herff Jones a bid in fall of 1975, as did other the rings •-ordered during Sep­ felt very uneasy*^a-bout that, we At this point FariaVstormed in uch ring would be, stated, "He bility that student funds were be­ ever, it the student was still a Warren about "unofficial Baruch cil. It should be stated clear+y representative who's been sell­ that there is a difference be­ companies. Mr. Faria feels he tember and October. At that had a very good, competitive and started screaming in (Faria) competed with other ing misused by members of its member of the Italian Club. College rings." At the same time ing the unofficial Baruch rings. tween the Herff Jones product wasn't dealt with fairly. Accord­ point Scholastica blames rne for line. We had put together a Schultz' face, to which Schultz companies when he presented Italian Club. The proceedings are now be­ an editorial appeared in The Sen­ When Schultz entered the 23rd and the Scholastica product. ing to Faria, "In October '75, having maintained the high fabulous package for the stu­ responded, "Back off, turkey." A Kis ring' to the Senior Affairs After receiving complaints ing turned over to the office of try headlined "Ring Fraud." Street Building, he notices that Both student papers referred to However, we're not selling Harry Gibbs made the demand prices.
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