Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 19:114 G during Civil War, 22:145, 32:85, 34:336, 39:196 Murrellites lived near, 12:261 G.I. Better Government League, 51:253–56 and RRs, 2:225, 7:107–8, 111–12, 115, 11:86–87 G.I. Revolt, 51:253–53 Gaines Landing and Fulton Railroad. See Mississippi, and Hot Springs, 59:407–28 Ouachita, and Red River Railroad Gabaldon, Nicolás, 40:26n Gaines's stageline, 23:265 Gabhart, John, Hempstead Co., 39:166 Gainesville, Greene Co., 5:164, 11:137–40, 13:57–60 Gabler, Mrs. Ina, "Lovely's Purchase and Lovely scout to (1864), 22:145 County," 19:31–39 Gainesville Baptist Association, 5:165 Gabraith, Elizabeth, 25:205 Gainesville Newsboy, 11:140 Gabriel, J. W., 56:20 Gains, James A. (St. Francis Co. slaveholder), 12:58 Gabriel's Rebellion: The Virginia Slave Conspiracies of Gains, W. W. (Phillips Co. slaveholder), 12:58 1800 and 1802, by Douglas R. Egerton, Gainsboro, Independence Co., 42:206 noted, 52:473; revd., 54:390–91 Gaither, Rep. Burgess, of N.C., 38:239 Gaddis, Z. C., Hatfield, 42:335 Gaither, E. G. (Helena atty.), 13:9 Gaddy, Will, Hamburg, 18:393 Gaither Mountain, Boone Co., 11:218, 13:65 Gadsden, James (U.S. adj. gen.), 19:290 Galagher, George A. (CSA), Saline Co., 31:345–46 Gad's Hill robbers, and stagecoach holdup at Hot Galbraith, Elizabeth (Fayetteville artist), 3:335 Springs, 11:106 Galbraith, Hunter, Bentonville, 7:68n, 72–73, 76, 80 Gage, Jerry W., Greene Co., 13:55 Gale, Holly Ruth, 59:316 Gage, James (Rev. War soldier), Madison Co., 1:57 Gale, Zona, 53:22 Gage, R. C., Fort Worth, Tex., 44:109 Galena, Howard Co., 26:311 Gagliano, Ruby Poole, 48:304 Galey, Thomas M., art. on Judge Tebbetts, noted, Gail Borden, Pioneer, by Clarence R. Wharton, revd., 15:350 1:369–70 Galilee Baptist Church, El Dorado, 48:213 Gainer Ferry, near Batesville, 1:149–50 Galla Creek, Pope Co., 15:370 Gaines, Benjamin P. (Chicot Co. slaveholder), 12:58 Galla Creek Baptist Church, Pope Co., records of, Gaines, Dr. D. B. (African American physician), Little noted, 14:285–86 Rock, 33:11, 48:257 Galla Rock (landing on Ark. River), Pope Co., 3:135, Gaines, Edmund Pendleton (USA), 44:280 17:183, 197, 19:201, 24:166–68, 26:252, cmdr. Western Mil. Dept., 6:157, 18:328, 19:96n, 48:148–49, 51:130 289, 21:194, 23:140n, 25:216, 32:228, Gallagher, Mrs., 42:150 35:336 Gallagher, F. J. (Ft. Smith publisher), 14:212–13 Gaines, Elizabeth B., 50:220 Gallagher, Gary W. Gaines, Francis Cornelius, correspondence with A. H. book by, noted, 50:402 Garland (1887), noted, 16:404 Lee and His Generals in War and Memory, revd., Gaines, J. F., visits Hot Springs, 14:15 58:337–38 Gaines, James J. (CSA), 15:352, 22:249, 279, 55:241 Lee the Soldier, revd., 56:235–37 Gaines, John P., 6:252–55 Gallagher, George A. (Little Rock atty.), 2:10, 18:181, papers of, noted, 46:395 182n, 185–86, 188–89 Gaines, John W., Little Rock, 31:204 Gallagher, Mary Maude, Coal Hill, 35:93 Gaines, Lynn N., Jr. (AHA permanent member), 50:220 Gallaway, Irene D., rev., 1:264–65 Gaines, N. T. (deputy sec. of state, 1847), 4:251 Gallay, Alan Gaines, R. M., Chicot Co., 59:160–61, 175 rev., 53:238–39, 55:119–22 Gaines, W. Craig, Confederate Cherokees, revd., Voices of the Old South: Eyewitness Accounts, 48:365–66 1528–1862, revd., 53:489–90 Gaines, William H., Chicot Co. Galley Creek Baptist Church, records of (1861–77), in claim to Hot Springs of Ark., 14:25, 15:283–84 Ark. Hist. Comm., 14:285–86 commissioner for sch. lands in Chicot Co., 14:302 Galley Rock Township, Yell Co., 39:45, 48 slaveholder, 12:58 Galli-Curci (singer), 33:212 Gaines, William M. (publisher and Comics Code Galligher, James, of Tenn., 42:66 authority), 51:249 "Gallinipper" (correspondent for Clinton Banner), Gaines Creek, Okla., 28:353–55 42:32–33 Gaines House, Hot Springs, 43:13 Galloni, Father, 50:73 Gaines Landing, Chicot Co., 5:115, 6:313, 11:95, 295 Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 Galloway, Bess, book by, noted, 36:70 Gammell, Dick, Calhoun Co., 52:236 Galloway, Charles (USA), 25:48–50, 26:274n Ganaway, Washington, Pulaski Co., 43:12 Galloway, Bishop Charles Betts, 4:247, 40:293–94, 296, Gandalock, R. W., Carroll Co., 16:301 297, 299–300, 324, 326, 332 Gander, Lora, 48:93, 49:103 Galloway, David F. S., Little Rock, 16:383 Ganderville Cemetery, Washington Co., 42:381 Galloway, David W., Little Rock, 23:167–68 Ganett, Richard, Washington Co., 43:12 Galloway, George (USA), 52:297 Gann Building, Benton, pictures of, facing 41:89, 47:76 Galloway, J. W., and horticultural soc., 34:248 Gann, Dr. Dewell, Jr., Benton, 41:89 Galloway, James B. (49er), Little Rock, 6:31n, 74 Gann, Dr. Dewell, Sr., Benton, 41:89 Galloway, Rev. Jesse, 36:229 Gannaway, Mrs. J. R., and Ark. Soc. for Crippled Galloway, Mrs. M. M., Fayetteville, 3:353 Children, 5:361 Galloway, Martha Sue, Malvern, 10:207 Gannett Publishing Company, 47:90 Galloway, Orth C., Clarendon, house of, 44:185 Gann Museum, Benton, 49:101 picture of, facing 39:208 Gano Island (Civil War campsite of R. M. Gano), Red Galloway, Rowena, 10:233n, 14:78, 386 River, 14:153 Galloway, Willie (daughter of Charles B.), 40:307 Gano, Gen. Richard Montgomery (CSA), 42:84n Galloway Circuit (Meth.), 4:236 in action around Ft. Smith, 24:233, 26:267–81, "Galloway College: The Early Years, 1889–1907," by 28:373–77, 29:227, 237, 240 Robert W. Meriwether, 40:291–337 guards Ark.-Okla. Line Rd. from Laynesport, Galloway Female College, Searcy, 28:49, 44:123 29:121, 131n art. on, 40:291–337 leads Tex. cav. brig. at Prairie de Ann (1864), 19:45, Galloway's Farm, Jackson Co., action at (1862), 22:145 49 Gallowegian (magazine), 40:330 leads Ark.-Tex. brig. at Jenkins' Ferry (1864), 7:62– Gallowegian Class Book, 40:330 63, 29:237 Galonska, Julie, paper by, 54:377 Gans, M., Pine Bluff, 37:249 Galusha, Harry L., Little Rock, flew for the army in Ganser, August (North Little Rock police chief), and WWII, 1:190 KKK (1922), 22:21 Gálvez, Bernardo de (gov., Spanish La.), 1:291–98, Gansman, C. (CSA), 35:88 4:95, 102, 104, 40:5n, 7–12, 17n, 18, 28, 30, Gant, Angeline, 50:129n 42:276–79, 317, 46:135, 48:143, 49:246 Gant, E. W., 50:163, 187 Gálvez, José de, 40:30 Gant, Reuben R. (Benton shoemaker), requests draft Gamble, Eli, Hempstead Co., 59:257, 362, 365, 369, exemption (1863), 1:68 373 Gant family, Union Co., 17:217–19 Gamble, Gov. Hamilton R., of Mo., 29:35 Gantt, Edward W., Washington, 1:64, 6:306, 15:165n, Gamble, Nancy Jane. See Cumbie, Nancy Jane Gamble 166n, 168, 17:277n, 357, 18:181, 184, (Mrs. Charles Cumbie) 49:110, 54:332 Gamble, R. B., Saline Co., 52:124 anti-KKK activities of, in White Co. (1870), Gamble, Walter, Palestine, 27:65 31:161–62 Gambling appt. prosecuting atty. 7th Judicial Circuit (1868), anti-gambling assocs. in Ark. (1835), 10:399, 12:92, 15:166n 13:4, 17:41 called "Benedict Arnold" in Washington Telegraph, Ark. legis. fond of, 17:41 16:59 Ark. Post, popular pastime at (1819), 19:19–20 col., 12th Ark. Vol. Inf. (CSA), raised in Hempstead in Hot Springs, 59:413–14, 426–28, 41:359 Co. (1861), 18:13–25 pari-mutuel, legalized, 36:198 commission as CSA brig. gen. allegedly withheld, Game. See also Hunting 15:165–66, 18:21, 23, 21:244, 29:105n, abundance of, in Miss. Co., 6:419 31:22–23 in Ark. and Mo. in 1837, 51:342, 350–52 and CSA amnesty, 49:320, 326 along Big Mulberry River (1814), 11:327 elected to Cong. but never took seat (1860), 12:183– dependence of early settlers on, 10:122, 129 84, 15:165n, 19:103, 29:105 T. Nuttall notes abundance of, 5:176–77 and Freedmen's Bureau in Ark., 17:390 refuge and deer farm, Howard Co., 2:340–45 joins USA forces (1863), 29:105n, 31:22–23 Gammage, Washington Lafayette, 48:261–62 pardoned by Pres. Lincoln, 17:141 The Camp, the Bivouac, and the Battlefield (reprint), secessionist activities of, 12:193, 217 revd., 17:399–400 twice allegedly captured by USA troops, 15:165n, 296 Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 17:227n Branch Normal Coll., org., 30:283–85, 288, 301, wartime reconstruction and (1863–65), 17:277, 370– 306, 31:258 71, 18:134, 138, 141, 145–46, 31:21–23, 35 and Brooks-Baxter War (1874), 4:130 writes art. encouraging immigration, 38:34 and Cherokee land claim, 31:177 Gantt, Robert S. (Prairie Co. del. to 1868 const. conv.), CSA Cong., member of, 12:224, 29:107, 110–11, 12:138, 139n, 145, 147, 150, 152, 162, 38:231, 235–37, 239–42, 244–47 24:109 elected gov. (1874), 5:290–91, 293–95, 30:334–35, anti-miscegenation argument by, 24:109 31:53, 33:169n, 35:313, 37:64–65 mistaken for E. W. Gantt, 12:138 elected to U.S. Sen., not seated (1867), 4:241, Gara, Larry, Westernized Yankee: The Story of Cyrus 20:355n, 33:158n Woodman, revd., 19:85–88 and Ex Parte Garland, 38:247 Gara, Larry, and William B.
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