Abstraction of Visual Reality 76, 88–92 Aemilius Paullus, Monument

Abstraction of Visual Reality 76, 88–92 Aemilius Paullus, Monument

Cambridge University Press 0521662001 - The Language of Images in Roman Art Tonio Holscher Index More information Index abstraction ofvisual reality 76, 88–92 arete, aretai xxxiv, 75, 95 Aemilius Paullus, Monument of(Delphi) Arezzo, Augustan altar in (pls. 3, 32, 33) 11, (pl. 15) 29–30, 41 58 aemulatio xxxiv, 21 Aristotle 31–2 aeternitas xxxiv, 116 ‘Asianic’ rhetoric 47, 53, 121 Agrippa, portrait of(pl. 26) 48 Atarbos base (Athens) (pl. 45) 79 Alexander Mosaic (Pompeii) Athena (pls. 9–13) 23–9, 31–3, 41 bust of(Villa dei Papiri) 74 Alexander Sarcophagus (Sidon) 27 Promachos (Villa dei Papiri) 74 Alkamenes 63, 93, 120 Attalos I, Victory Monument of(Pergamon) Antinoos,¨ portraits of(pls. 40–43) 69 (pl. 14) 27–9 Antiphilos (painter) 120 Attalos II, Memorial of(Athens) 29 Antonine period 10, 63 Auctor ad Herennium 122–3 Antoninus Pius, Column ofxxi auctoritas xxxiv, 47, 52–4, 63, 93, 114, 120 Apelles 119–20 Augustus, Augustan period 10, 16, 47, 53, 63, Aphrodite 81, 111, 114–16 ofCapua, type of(pl. 34) 61, 65, 99 Prima Porta portrait of(pl. 23) 47 ofPraxiteles 94, 101 Apollo, portrayal of 69 Bacchus, portrayal of 65–9, 94, 97, 99 Lykeios, type of(pl. 38) 65–9, 94, Bacchus and Satyr group (Rome) 65 105 ‘baroque’ style xxiv, 10 Temple of, in Circo (Rome), frieze battle-scenes 15, 20, 23–34, 38–45, 114, 115 from 39, 115; statue in (pl. 49) 105, Beazley, J. D. xxiii 111 Berenson, B. xxii Tiber, type of 69, 83 Bianchi Bandinelli, R. xvii, xx, xxi, xxvi from Villa dei Papiri 74 Blanckenhagen, P. H. von xix, xxi, 3, 22 Ara Pacis (Rome) (pls. 28, 30, 46–48) 15–18, Bochum, Augustan portrait in (pl. 25) 48 49–54, 76–82, 114 Borbein, A. 3 small frieze of (pl. 44) 78–81, 83 Brendel, O. xvii, xix–xxi, xxiii, 3 ‘Ara Pietatis’ (Rome) 55 Archaic style in Greek art 11, 65, 69, 74, 86, Caesar, Julius 63 94, 99, 103 literary style of 45 archaising sculpture 103 triumphal paintings of 39 Ares Chares (sculptor) 122 Borghese type (pl. 36) 63 charis xxxiv, 93, 95, 98 Ludovisi type 61 Cicero 34, 47, 114, 122 148 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521662001 - The Language of Images in Roman Art Tonio Holscher Index More information Index 149 Classical style Fortuna huiusce diei, Temple of, cult-statue in Greek painting 23, 119 from (pl. 51) 109 in Greek sculpture 7, 23, 26: as model for Fronto, M. Cornelius 95 Roman art 10, 11, 16–18, 21, 47–56, 61–9, 74–5, 77–8; special Roman esteem Gaul from Delos 35 for 92–6; use of, in Hellenistic art 90, Ludovisi (pl. 14) 32 104–9 ‘Gemma Augustea’ 41 ‘Classicism’ in Roman art xviii, xxiv, 6–8, 9, ‘genre-style’, concept of 22 10, 31, 47, 53–6, 76, 81, 104, 116, 126 genus floridum in oratory xxxiv, 121 potential conflict with political genus robustum xxxiv, 121, 123 concepts 102 genus subtile xxxiv, 121 ‘classicising’ art theory 92, 100, 119, 122 German, head ofa (Brussels) (pl. 52) clementia xxxiv, 88 109 communication, art as xxiii, 2, 7, 117, 126 ‘Grand Camee’´ 41 concordia xxxiv, 88 gratia xxxv, 96, 101, 120 connoisseurship xxii gravitas xxxv, 47, 48, 52, 114 content, subject, decisive roleˆ of 20, 58, 100 Greek art, accessibility of 5, 8 cura xxxiv, 120 see also Archaic style; Classical style; Hellenistic art; ‘High Classical’; Late Damophon ofMessene 104 Classical; Late fifth-century (‘Rich Danaid group (Villa dei Papiri) 75 Style’); ‘Severe Style’ (Early Classical) decor´ xxxiv, 61, 93, 97, 120 Delos, painted altar from (pl. 8) 16 Hadrianic period 10, 69, 115, 116 Demetrios (painter) 38 Hamberg, P. G. xxix dignitas xxxiv, 52–6 Hellenistic art 23, 27–34, 86–7, 94–5, diligentia xxxiv, 93, 101, 120 103–9 Dio Chrysostom 93 Roman use of 10–11, 16, 21, 38, 39, 41–5, Dionysios ofHalikarnassos 95, 122 47, 59, 69, 89–90, 96, 97, 99, 103–9, 114, Domitius Ahenobarbus, Altar ofxxi 115 Doryphoros: see Polykleitos Hellenistic art theory 92, 100, 119, 122 Duris ofSamos 31–2 Hermes (Mercury), portrayal of 61, 69 ‘High Classical’ Greek art 7, 11, 16, 53, 63, Eco, U. xxv, xxx 69, 75, 79, 97 Egyptian art xvii Himmelmann, N. xvi, 111 elegantia xxxiv, 93 ‘historical’ reliefs 6, 117 enargeia xxxiv, 32–3, 38 Hostilius Mancinus, L., triumphal painting Ephesos, Monument ofLucius Verus from of 44 (Vienna) (pls. 5, 22) 16, 20, 43 hupsos xxxv, 123 ethos xxxiv, 92 Etruria, Etruscan art xvii, 79 iconology, concept ofxxii, xxix, 4, 116 exemplum xxxiv, 21, 89 idealising sculpture 2, 6, 58, 61–9, 74–5, 91, ‘expressive values’ in Roman art 92, 93, 95–6 117 ‘Idolino’, the (Florence) (pl. 1) 11 ‘face for the age’ 116 ‘Ikarios relief’ 105 facilitas xxxiv, 120 imitatio xxxv, 21 felicitas xxxiv, 116 ingenium xxxv, 120 Flavian period xxi, 11, 96, 115 interpretatio xxxv, 21 forms, formal analysis xv, xxi, xxii, xxvi, 1, Isokrates 35 20, 98, 120, 125 Italy, Italic art xvii, 79 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521662001 - The Language of Images in Roman Art Tonio Holscher Index More information 150 Index Julio-Claudian period 115, 116 Odysseus and companions, group of (Sperlonga) 33 Kalamis 95, 120 oratory, styles of 47, 53, 74, 114, 121–2, 123 Kallimachos 93, 95, 98 Kallistratos 94 paideia xxxv, 74 kallos xxxv, 93, 98 Palestrina, relieffrom 39 kalokagathia, kalos kai agathos xxxv, 75, 93 panel-painting, Roman Republican 38, 44 Kaschnitz-Weinberg, G. xx, xxv Panofsky, E. xvi, xxii–xxiv, 1 Parrhasios 119 labor xxxv, 44–5, 90 Parthenon frieze (pls. 31, 27, 29) 15, 49–51, Laokoon¨ group xxviii, 33 56, 77–8 Late Antique art xviii Pasiteles 109, 112 Late Classical Greek art 65–9, 77, 104 Pergamon Late fifth-century (‘Rich Style’) Greek Celtic monuments 19, 22, 24, 29 (see also art 58, 69, 94, 122 Attalos I, II) Lepcis Magna, Antinoos¨ portrait from Telephos Frieze (pl. 6) 16 (pl. 42) 69 ‘period styles’, concept ofxxiv, 10, 14, 115–16 leptotes xxxv, 93, 95 peripeteia xxxv, 36 Licinius Calvus, C., rhetorical style of 114 Perseus, statue of(Copenhagen) 61 Livy, style of 45 Pheidias 7, 52, 93, 95, 97–8, 109, 119–20 Lucian 45 Olympian Zeus of 93, 102 style of 122 Phylarchos 31 Lucius Verus, Monument of(Ephesos) (pls. 5, pietas xxxv, 74, 88, 90 22) 16, 20, 43 Pliny the Elder 101, 122 ‘Ludovisi Gaul’ (pl. 14) 32 Polybios 38, 47 Lysippos 59–61, 69, 76, 94–5, 97, 119, 122 Polykleitos 7, 10, 11, 52, 59, 69, 75, 93, 97, 115–16, 119–20, 122 maiestas xxxv, 52, 90, 93, 96–7, 99, 105, 120 Doryphoros of(pl. 24) 48, 61, 69, 75, 93 Mantua, battle frieze in (pl. 16) 15, 39 Pompeii, ‘riot’ painting from 44 Marchand, S. xxvii Pompey, triumphal paintings of 38 Marcus Aurelius pondus xxxv, 52, 63, 93, 96–7, 105, 120 Column of 44, 63 portrait group (Rome, Museo Nazionale reliefsof(Arch ofConstantine) 55, 88, Romano) (pl. 35) 63 116 portraiture, Roman 6, 105, 116–17 Marsyas 33 Praxiteles 61, 94, 97, 99, 119, 122 megaloprepeia, megaloprepes xxxv, 93, 123 Protogenes (painter) 120 megethos xxxv, 93, 98 pulchritudo xxxv, 93, 97, 98 Melos, Poseidon from 16 Metrodoros ofChios, grave-reliefof 56 Quintilian 48, 61, 63, 76, 93, 94, 95, 119, ‘modes’, artistic 22 121–2 Morelli, G. xxiii Myron 95, 120, 122 realism, persistence ofin Roman art 91 mythological reliefs 6, 11 rhetoric: see oratory, styles of ‘Rich Style’: see Late fifth-century Greek art Naples, Antinoos¨ portrait in (pl. 41) 69 Riegl, A. xx, xxiii, xxv ‘neo-Attic’ art 58, 82, 104, 109 Rodenwaldt, G. xx, 21 Nike 61 Roman Republic, art of 7, 38, 116 ofBrescia 63 Rome Niobe group 33 Banca Nazionale, Antinoos¨ portrait in nobilitas xxxv, 74 (pl. 40) 69 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521662001 - The Language of Images in Roman Art Tonio Holscher Index More information Index 151 Capitoline Museum, colossal head of ‘temporal styles’: see ‘period styles’ Fortuna (pl. 51) 109 ‘Thermae Ruler’ (pl. 50) 105 Conservatori Palace, Antinoos¨ portrait in Timarchides (sculptor) 105, 111 (pl. 43) 69 Titus, Arch of 55, 81 Museo Nazionale Romano: group of ‘tragic’ historiography 31–4, 38, 47 Bacchus and Satyr (pl. 37) 65; portrait Trajan group (pl. 35) 63; ‘Thermae Ruler’ Arch of(Beneventum) 55, 81, 111 (pl. 50) 105 Column of(pls. 19–21) 41–4, 63, 89–90 ‘Great Trajanic Frieze’ (Arch of sacrifice, significance of 79–81, 90 Constantine) (pls. 17–18) 41 Salamis, grave-relieffrom (pl. 7) 16, 22 typology, types 14, 20, 76, 113 Sallust, style of 45 sanctitas xxxv, 48, 52 Vatican, statue ofyouth in (Flavian) (pl. 2) sarcophagi, ‘biographical’ 88, 90 11 satyrs, portrayal of 65, 69, 76, 83, 96, 99 Venus, portrayal of 63, 69 Schalles, H.-J. 35, 37 de Milo 61–3 Schlosser, J. von xxv veritas xxxv, 94, 96, 97, 119 semantic system, semantics xvii–xviii, xxi, Vespasian, portraits of 10 xxiii–xxv, 2–3, 58, 86–100, 113–16, 118, Victoria, Victory 61–3 125–7 ‘Vienna School’ xx, xxv, xxvi, xxx Greek origins of 103–11 Villa Albani versatility of 92 reliefwith Polyphemos in (pl. 4) 11 semnotes, semnon xxxv, 93, 95, 98 statue ofBacchus (pl. 39) 65 Septimius Severus, Arch of 44 Villa dei Papiri (Herculaneum), display ‘Severe Style’ in Greek art (early at 74–6 Classical) 65–9, 74, 75, 95, 97, 122 virtus, virtutes xxxv, 88–9, 95 Simon, E.

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