
8 Special Feature (wine) Special Feature (wine) 9 1 Okushiri Winery 10 Maoi Winery Cultivation of Crimson Glory vine for wine producing purposes on the A winery cultivating grapes and producing wine on the Maoi Hillside in Hokkaido – Japan’s new wine mecca island of Okushiri began in 1999. Subsequently, the cultivation of other the town of Naganuma. Production with particular focus on the use of wine grapes also began and eventually in 2009 Okushiri Wine was born. A Crimson Glory and Mountain Sauvignon. by Masahisa Abe clear wine with a unique maritime aura. 11 Nakazawa Vineyard 2 Sapporo Shusei Tomioka Winery Located in the hills approximately 30 km east of Sapporo, the vineyard Wine production in Hokkaido began in the 1960s. Because of the snow and severe cold in Hokkaido, a species of A winery with a history dating back to 1976. Authentic wine production cultivates varieties such as Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Kerner and wild grape known as Crimson Glory (vitis coignetiae) was first used, but now thanks to the cultivation of European grape varieties such as Kerner and Müller Thurgau from Germany, Hokkaido has quickly developed into the No.1 techniques using Crimson Glory vine and European wine grapes produce Pinot Noir, but as yet only produced one variety of commissioned white wine-producing region in Japan. a refreshingly acidic taste. The Hardamme, a wine made from cultivated wine from a blend of the harvested grapes. For the first 10 years after the turn of the 21st century, thanks to the staging of the Japan Wine Competition (JWC), nonnative Crimson Glory has a mysterious hue, distinctive bouquet and the revisions in labeling and environmental changes surrounding wine production in Japan, added to the activities of rich acidic taste. 12 Housui Winery young producers and cultivators aiming for world-class wine production at each winery, the quality of and attention Handcrafted “snow country” wine from the snowy region, made with paid to Japanese wine has sky rocketed. 3 Hakodate Winery Ltd. limited edition production techniques that helped raise the status of The wine-producing region of Japan has shifted to Hokkaido, where conditions are suitable for the cultivation of Hakodate Winery produces a sharp white wine with a rich fruity bouquet Hokkaido’s wine. High-quality wine made only from grapes grown in the authentic European wine grapes, prompting more and more wineries to open up in the region. and a red wine with a glamorous red-fruit aroma, both of which take winery’s own vineyards. advantage of the characteristics of grapes that grow in cooler climates. ⑬13 Yamazaki Winery The most talked-about wine-producing 4 Tsukiura Wine A winery established from the dream of independence of four region Wine made exclusively from specially selected grapes cultivated in the generations of farmers. With an emphasis on creating a new form of company’s own vineyards around the town of Toyako, the venue for the farming culture for the region, the winery aims to produce high-quality As interest in food safety increases, the Japan Wine 2008 Hokkaido Toyako G8 Summit. A unique wine from a small winery wine in small quantities. Competition has brought Hokkaido wine to the Housui Winery that makes the most of the region’s features. forefront of the public’s awareness, and now the wine 14 Tsurunuma Winery Yamazaki Winery is not only coveted by Japanese wine enthusiasts but 5 Matsubara Wine Established in 1972 as a vineyard for the test cultivation of grapes Tsurunuma Winery also plays an important role in linking Hokkaido’s Matsubara wine, a reasonably priced table wine, is produced using imported from Germany, under the direct control of Hokkaido Wine Co., Nakazawa Vineyard Utashinai Taiyo Farm tourism and food industries. “Wine tourism” methods that take advantage of the region’s characteristics. Ltd., the vineyard now covers an area of 447 hectares and is the most Furano Wine involving tours of wineries and vineyards is Hokkaido Wine Co., Ltd. Labor-intensive small-scale cultivation means that only limited amounts expansive in Japan. Highly efficient cultivation methods produce 8 beginning to develop, and expectations are high for varieties of grapes from which the highest quality harvests are selected 15 16 Tokachi Wine are produced. With a focus on a personal relationship with customers, Nippon Seishu Yoichi Winery 14 the role of Hokkaido wine in the future. built on trust, the aim is to create a table wine to be enjoyed regularly in for the limited edition Tsurunuma wine that is commercially available two 13 Matsubara Wine 12 17 the home. years later. Compatibility of Hokkaido wine and cuisine 7 11 10 5 6 Fujino Winery 18 8 6 Nippon Seishu Yoichi Winery 15 Utashinai Taiyo Farm Surrounded on all sides by the ocean, Hokkaido is Tsukiura Wine 4 9 A newly opened winery that produces Yoichi Wine. The restaurant serves This area was once an opencast coalmining region, and the mineral-rich naturally a treasure-trove of seafood, but is also home Italian cuisine made with Hokkaido ingredients such as Yoichi vegetables, slopes with their excellent drainage and similar climate to the to an abundant variety of other foodstuffs such as Maoi Winery along with a selection of 13 wines. Champagne and Alsace regions of France, are ideal for grape vegetables, meat and cheese. It has recently become cultivation. known that cuisine made with ingredients produced in Sapporo Shusei 2 Bankei Toge Winery Tomioka Winery 7 Hokkaido Wine Co., Ltd. Hokkaido is best complimented by Hokkaido wine. Grace Wine Chitose Winery 3 Hokkaido Wine Co., Ltd., which was established in Otaru in 1974, bases 16 FuranoFurano WWineine The number of restaurants serving Hokkaido wine is its production on the concept that “wine making is agriculture.” With over A winerywinery runrun byby thethe locallocal governmentgovernment ofof Furano,Furano, wherewhere thethe inlandinland 1 Hakodate Winery Ltd. slowly increasing, so next time you dine out, why not 300 vineyards in 24 communities throughout Hokkaido, the company aims climateclimate producesproduces substantialsubstantial ddifferencesifferences betweenbetween ddaytimeaytime aandnd nighttimenighttime ask what brands they have? Okushiri Winery to produce high-quality wine at reasonable prices. Major brands include temperaturestemperatures andand longlong hourshours ofof sunlight,sunlight, resultingresulting inin richlyrichly colored,colored, the Otaru series, Hokkaido series and Tsurunuma series. The Otaru sweetsweet tastingtasting grapes.grapes. FuranoFurano WineWine isis anan acidicacidic full-bodiedfull-bodied winewine Δঔ۞ཬ੧ Where to buy Hatsushibori, made with grapes freshly harvested that year, is a popular availableavailable onlyonly inin Hokkaido.Hokkaido. дᓾտࢴݡщБăщ͕۞ࢲঈ͟႙Җ̝˭Ă።གྷཬ੧ෞᝥົ۞ “nouveau” wine with a flavor unique to that season. ᎐ቚֹݡኳດֽດр۞Δঔயཬ੧Ă่̙дཬ੧ຑр۰ 17 TokachiTokachi WineWine ࢦࢋ۞гҜĄ૱ܧมĂ˵дඕЪࢴᄃΔঔ៍Ѝ۞࿅̚Ăҫѣ 8 BBankeiankei TTogeoge WWineryinery FamousFamous forfor beingbeing Japan’sJapan’s firstfirst locallocal government-rungovernment-run winery,winery, thethe historyhistory Ąܓᝌצѩγྼᜓ੧ఄ̈́ཬϣ۞Ķཬ੧ఄ̝ॠķ˵எ A ssmall-scalemall-scale winerywinery closeclose toto urbanurban SapporoSapporo thatthat maximizesmaximizes thethe ofof TokachiTokachi WWineine beganbegan withwith tthehe CCrimsonrimson GGlorylory vvine.ine. TThehe ddryry ttableable wwineine bblessingslessings ofof nnatureature inin itsits additive-freeadditive-free wine.wine. WhyWhy notnot poppop inin toto thethe isis characteristiccharacteristic ofof thethe northnorth countrycountry TokachiTokachi Wine,Wine, withwith itsits authentic,authentic, ঘولҽ߽ wwinery,inery, wwhichhich ooverlooksverlooks iitsts oownwn vvineyards?ineyards? maturemature tastetaste withwith anan emphasisemphasis onon quality.quality. ቸঌൺؙޕ॥Lj߹ષوݽላڱѠഩĂѠဲഗԥوᇀቺญ෭౹ ঘLjԥ४Ӈঘќࠝሣຑ࿂ќLjۚೲلҽ߽وᅍቬو࢙৬Ⴕ 9 GGracerace WWineine CChitosehitose WWineryinery 18 FujinoFujino WineryWinery ༶Ljၾᅖঘױăܖዩ֑ԩوቺეޔქوᅖࣆ୨෭لཛྷҽ߽֑ Marui Imai Department Store Odori-kan B2F TThehe CChitosehitose WWineryinery wwasas eestablishedstablished iinn 11988988 aass tthehe GGracerace WWineine WineWine producedproduced inin thethe citycity ofof Sapporo.Sapporo. Trial-and-errorTrial-and-error experimentalexperimental ถᄵăوի܇Đঘߗߞᅖđნوঘկࣆ௶ Minami 1-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo CCompany’sompany’s (Yamanashi(Yamanashi prefecture)prefecture) secondsecond winery.winery. It’sIt’s firstfirst product,product, cultivationcultivation ooff speciesspecies ssuitableuitable fforor thethe soilsoil aandnd cclimatelimate ccontinuedontinued fforor ooverver Tel: +81-11-205-1151 http://www.marui-imai.jp/sapporo/s_top/index.html/ KKernererner 11996996 waswas followedfollowed byby thethe salesale ofof PinotPinot NoirNoir inin 2004.2004. tenten yearsyears sincesince thethe springspring ofof 2000,2000, resultingresulting inin thethe developmentdevelopment ofof vineyardsvineyards cultivatingcultivating a varietyvariety ofof grapes.grapes. Hokkaido Dosanko Plaza Sapporo Branch JR Sapporo Sta. 1F West Exit Tel: +81-11-213-5053 http://www.dousanhin.com/shop/sapporo_jr/ © HokkaidoHokkaido WineWine Co.,Co., Ltd.Ltd. 8 Special Feature (wine) Special Feature (wine) 9 1 Okushiri Winery 10 Maoi Winery Cultivation of Crimson Glory vine for wine producing purposes on the A winery cultivating grapes and producing wine on the Maoi Hillside in Hokkaido – Japan’s new wine mecca island of Okushiri began in 1999. Subsequently, the cultivation of other the town of Naganuma. Production with particular focus on the use of wine grapes also began and eventually
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